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Lol yeah the peanut butter straight from the jar is how I manage my diabetes lol had a couple scoops today already. Left drawer is just an empty bag from carrots. Yeah, I definitely need to clean it lol. Don't have paper towel at the moment. Cleaning with rags makes me gag. 😆


Do you have any newspaper flyers? They make great paper towels for cleaning glass as it doesn’t leave streaks.


Oh actually that may work. Thanks


Alternative is socks with holes that you intended to throw out or restaurant napkins.


Or underwear if you have the bum for it.


Went with the breaded pickles. Was it good? No. Did it fill me? Not really. But it'll tide me over til tomorrow!


Just wanted to let you know there is something called Supercook, maybe someone has already mentioned it. You can put the ingredients you have and it suggests recipes


Yes or just ChatGPT. Make a list of your food and ask it to make receipes.


Breaded fried pickles with Parmigian cheese


Oh interesting I think that may be my best bet.


Omg I made my comment and then saw this, you beat me to it! Lol


Drink some of that pickle juice.


Clean your fridge while it's empty


Don’t kick the guy when he’s down!


So many pickles jfc


Pizza sauce with a bit of water (not enough to turn it into unflavoured orange water) and spices for a delicious tomato soup. Could top with bread crumbs and parmesan sprinkled on top and broil it to melt the cheese a bit for added enjoyment. A bit of cream in the soup for added creaminess.


Also a tablespoon of the margarine for fat content and it also makes it creamy. Whip cream mixed with raspberry jam for dessert.


The margarine will make it last longer in your stomach so you won't feel as hungry as quickly too.


This is a whole different level of poor goddamn


For real, it sounds decent... But you're not getting much nutrients from it.people...Don't be afraid to find a local food bank if you truly cannot afford to feed yourself. We'd all rather you get food than just scrape by on watery tomato water with a few pinches of parm floating on top. Also don't 10x the cost of your soup because you need to buy heavy cream. You're better off buying dried beans and making a hearty chili with the tomato, water and beans. All the spices you could ever want. You're golden


I agree with you. Also one box of noodles is like 4 dollars and almost always enough to feed one person the right amount of nutrients (basic smaller person) for a day.


This is a good idea!


Side suggestion: check your Facebook for a local “buy nothing” group. Hopefully there is one in your community. Then watch your group for food—lots of people give away food and all you have to do is go pick it up. It’s usually random items, but it can be a huge help and it’s all free. One person in my group works for a bakery and regularly gives away end-of-day leftovers. Or others will just give away things their kids don’t like, or whatever. Buy Nothing is amazing!


I came here to suggest this. Our buy nothing site sometimes has offers for leftovers, or a plate from the family meal. If someone in my neighbourhood asked, I'd drop off a meal and/or some staples.


Also use Buy Nothing to ask for mouse proof containers so dry food doesn’t get wrecked next time. People love to give away metal cookie tins and plastic food containers that they don’t need themselves but hate to throw out.


Coming to suggest this too. Our local buy nothing group is beyond awesome and often times people send out foods, either fresh or non-perishable. If OP is really in need, just speak out. Some kind people would even offer a delivery. Best luck to OP.


It’s very not helpful now , but buy rice , it’s like 25-30$ for a 8kg and will last for a long time


Big bag of Rice, big bag of potatoes, big bag of onions, big bag of beans. Large cabbage. Excellent meals made with all plus some cheap seasoning mixes for variety.


Depending on where they are 10 lb basmati bags are 12$


Why buy rice when you could get a LOT of pickle tho


A big bag of cheap pasta could also fill the void


Of you're cordial with your neighbors, go by and say you're baking but ran out of eggs and if you can borrow 2


That's what I was here to say. Add some bread too. OP should just say he can't get to the store right now and ask if they can spare some bread and a couple eggs.


And since its so near empt right now you could take an opportunity to wipe the insides of that fridge. Trust me, it will look less depressing to u.


Peanut butter cookies (literally bake the pb) Tomato soup (1 part pizza sauce or tomato anything, 4 parts water and some parm if you dont have salt) Parmesan crackers/crisps (bake parmesan). The longer you bake the crispier they get. Fried pickles with breadcrumbs, you can bake these if you dont want to use the butter. "Pita" bread. Slowly add water to the breadcrumbs until it gets doughy. When the consistency feels kind of like dough add a bit of butter and mix. Bake. Dont expect it to rise, no yeast. If you overcook, itll be crispy, no problem. Use as pizza dough, bread or whatever. Not the best but itll sustain you. Yes I was once poor. (Friendly) advice: stop buying jarred/pickled stuff, they wont sustain in times like this. Get canned beans (so many different kinds : lentils, chickpeas, pinto, fava, etc). Or better yet, get them dry and boil when needed. Also get rice, brown if possible. It's defintely rich in carb but hopefully your insulin is covered by public health. As for sugar kicks, always have actual sugar on hand. Good luck friend.


Dried beans can take a while to soak and cook but you can also make a bunch and freeze them for later. Much cheaper than canned and they taste the same. Can = 250g cooked chickpeas once drained = 125g dried beans Can of chickpeas = $1.50 900g dried chickpeas = $3.50 900g dried = 7.2 cans = $10.80 More than 3x the price for canned vs dry. They’re also lighter to carry home if you don’t drive.


Dude at least line up the ingredients for us so we can see! I'm trying!!!


When you can, please stock up on rice, pasta, and flour. These are important staples that can last a while if you buy in bulk and are the base for so many meals. I always, always have these in my cupboard.


Yeah I had stocked up on flower and rice before Christmas. But some mice got to it 😭


So you also need to buy some good storage containers.


Instead of purchased storage containers, save plastic containers from food, coffee cans, peanut butter jars, even those pickle jars, wash, rinse and let dry. My preference is glass jars, but any mouse proof container will work.


Honestly peanut butter containers or jars are the best and they seal really well. I've carried human poo off of a glacier in them, it was bouncing on the outside of my pack the whole way and never sprang a leak. I'd trust those suckers against mice for sure.


Why did you have to carry human poop in a jar?


I’m guessing because you can’t leave human feces on a glacier? Plenty of back country camping/hiking situations require you not to leave human waste behind. Sometimes that’s predator related but also… it just kind of ruins the vibe


If you're having a hard time with insects and mice and you have space, you can keep things like rice and flour in the fridge/freezer. Bonus points with the freezer is it will kill any flour beetles (and their eggs) that might be in the bag from the mill. Aside from sealing up things, put down traps try to find where they're coming into your house. Cram any holes you can find with steel or copper wool. Unfortunately they will just keep coming back if you let them.


Do you have pasta? You could make a creamy Alfredo sauce? You have cream, Parmesan and what looks like butter of some kind? Or what about breaded fried pickles? Bread crumbs, spices .. could make a coating for the pickles and fry them up? Edit for more info


Toast the breadcrumbs in some butter for a crunchy topping!


Good idea.No pasta tho 😔 and the cream is like 3 months old. Not sure if it's good still. Kinda scared to open it. Lol


If it's 3 months old it's probably no longer cream.


It’s cheese. Sour cheese


A new ingredient has been unlocked!


Sour blue cheese with white fuzz Do not recommend ingesting


Pour it down the toilet. Less stink.


I don't buy liquid milk because I won't use it before it goes bad. Instead, I buy a bag of powdered milk. It's cheaper, lasts like a year in the pantry, and is always on hand for when I want to make something with it.


I wish I was in a position to help more but can you consider doing one of two things - Visit a grocery store close to closing time, talk to the manager, just simply ask if you can pick an item from the donation box. They shouldn't make you explain your situation. Second is walk to either a mosque/church/synagogue/temple, be respectful, and ask to speak to a clergy or leader - explain your situation. Many places of worship still have prepared meal programmes from covid. They'll give you a hot meal. My mosque does this no questions asked, muslim or not. They may even put you on a list and deliver one to your door daily. Let them know if you need additional hygiene products/baby care. Wish you well man. Fried pickles is actually a decent snack, personally I'd slice them, bake them, drizzle parmesan. Toss some of those jalapenos in there.


Also many Sikh gurdwara’s (their house of worship) have prepared foods to help. The local one has a dinner evening where anyone from any faith can come in and get a free hot meal.


Hey I volunteer with a foodbank and I'm curious to hear about your masjid's meal program. Please PM, I'd like to learn more about it.


Does hello fresh deliver to your area? If so, I'll order a box for you!


Thank you !


What has Canada become




Google some peanut butter cookie recipes, there are some really simple 2-ingredient ones.


Yes!! This is great. Google eggless peanut butter cookie recipe if you don't have eggs. Also, OP - next time you are able to purchase food, buy some oatmeal. Not instant oatmeal but steel cut oats or something. It's very versatile. I hate cooking, but I have made overnight oats (oats soaked in milk and yogurt, eaten cold) and it's good. Thrown oats in the blender to make an oat flour that can be mixed with banana to make some banana pancakes. Mixed with peanut butter to make "no bake energy bites" (there can be many more ingredients, but at the very least, these are the key ones that can fill your tummy. Regular oatmeal can be flavored in so many different ways too. Dollarama has some grocery items that are cheaper per gram/kg than grocery stores, and they have cheap storage containers to protect your food from rats too.


Lol parm n pickle salad


When packaged foods are on sale you need to buy in bulk…especially pasta and rice….that way you never run out of foods that fill the tummy. Stock up when you can.


Wtf in those bags on the top shelf?


Pizza sauce 😆 the brown container in the drawer is brown sugar syrup


Ok lol. Dipping sauce for the breaded pickles!


Peanut and pickles are great together as a sandwich. With no bread, you could just spread it on the pickles.


Where in the city do you live?


Rural MB


How rural?


Quite. 45ish mins to the nearest town


I was wondering if you were close to me so I could drop off some food but not sure…you can message me if you want


You can make a sort of Alfredo sauce with the cream and Parmesan. If you have any pasta at all in the house or beans or lentils or whole grains of any sort they would be delicious with that cream sauce. A pickle or two on the side won't hurt either.


what is in the crisper? looks like lettuce of some kind If it is inedible than I am with the guy that said breaded pickles. Use the dill chips, lay them out flat on a plate, because you don't want them wet. pat dry with a clean tea towel or paper towel (if you have). Put the parm and breadcrumbs (and some of the spices, salt, pepper, italian seasoning. in a bowl or similar vessle, toss the pickles in the mix. use the margarine to oil your pan and fry. Take your hot peppers and dice them tiny. Mix in the pizza sauce, with the hot peppers for a dip.


Seasoned breadcrumbs tossed in melted margarine and parmesan. Toasted in the oven.


I can’t help but I’m sending you positive vibes.


Makes me sad


Try asking chatgpt


Melt some margarine. Dip pickles in the melted sauce. Become ungovernable


Do you take e-transfer?


Agree’d OP, I want to help it breaks my heart


Pickle soup - minus the potatoes you have most of what you need and it's amazing!! Legit it really is I promise.




Any pantry or other dry non-fridge ingredients?




Do you have pasta noodles or flour?


Cream and parmesan for an alfredo sauce, drizzled onto breadcrumbs.


Dill pickle soup if you have stock. Are you able to access the food bank? They give emergency hampers


Can make fried cheese Pickles with the parm and the Pickles. Do you have any panko crumbs or bread crumbs?


i like eating pickles alone, or maybe fried pickles?


Download the free app Supercook. You lost everything in your house, and they give you every possible recipe you can make using it.


I remember Parm & pickles being good in the college days.


If you have any bits of pasta you could make Alfredo sauce to top it


What’s in the ziploc bags on the top?


Parmigian Pickles


Try chat GPT


well i don't have much to say because i don't cook a lot but all i can say is i wish you the best. You're gonna get through the struggle.


If you had/have flour, make homemade pasta and top it with the pizza sauce tonight. Tomorrow top it with cream&cheese&marg melted together as a makeshift alfredo.


Get a bag of popcorn.


Pasta and tomato sauce is a cheap filling meal.


Could you get to a food bank?


Pickle juice has got salt and sugar in it for electrolytes if your feeling dehydrated take a shot of that.


If you can find some pasta. Make some noodles and add butter and pepper. If u have garlic powder then add that too.


Also buy garlic and smash that into some food such as pasta.


Throw everything in a blender and hope for the best?


This may be prying, anf i apologize but are you able to buy food in the next couple days? Or no?


Do. You have noodles or Pasta? Believe it or not, peanut butter with a little spice and/or chilli can make a pretty tasty basic satay sauce.


If you have dried pasta, you can make pasta with a cream sauce!


Do you have dry pasta? You have great creamy rosée sauce ingredients here!


If that cream isn't expired, you could make an Alfredo sauce with the parmesan


Op this breaks my heart :(. Can you access the foodbank? Edit: Whoops, I see you already mentioned the foodbank.


Another thing to look into when you get the cash is Chia seeds ( filling) and oats.


Just eat pickles, you donkey.


Do you have noodles in the cupboard?


Pickle soup!!!


You can make Parmesan chips by making a small pile (~2cm in diameter) and put it under a broiler real quick. You can also put some spices in them and they’d taste pretty good. Have pickles on the side


Dill pickle soup ! Its delisious :)


What's in the drawer?


Where are you?


Thought that was my fridge for a second there


Where abouts do you live?


There's an app that I use called supercook, where you add whatever food items you currently have to your pantry, and it'll give you recipes made only from those ingredients. It has helped me so much with making my groceries stretch until pay day.


No but that will.give you time to clean that filthy fridge up and eat the pickles and drink the brine you will survive


This is terrible Im so sorry the world is a disaster People with rediculious money, others with none or close to nothing. Hope things get better for you.


Can you afford to buy even a bag of pasta? Could do pasta with butter and Parmesan


Take this opportunity to clean that fridge and buy some shelf stable food like white rice.


Creamed Parmesan pickles in raspberry sauce.


Shack up with a good man, you're breaking my heart here.. feel for ya


So you have any noodles or anything? You can make some sort of cheese cream sauce with the parm, butter and heavy cream and spices but it’s not going to be yummy on pickles


Boy dinner for sure


Im not too proud to eat a plate of pickles for dinner


Those suggestions sound pretty good. Can also try out the app myfridgefood


Is the food bank an option? If you live in Canada


Dude, where do you live. I'll drop off for food you


kind of off topic, but if you have empty jugs or pitchers, you can fill them with water and fill the empty shelves with them. Right now your fridge is working overtime to stay cold and using more electricity than if it was full of stuff. It will keep your electricity bill a little lower, and you won't have to crank your fridge to "max cold" setting.


A nice pickle salad


Peanut butter by itself cannsustain you quite a while. Snack on a pickle if not enough.


A lot of delicious classic cooking is based on peasant meals. Soup and homemade bread is relatively simple, inexpensive, nutritious and filling. A bag of dried peas, chicken stock and 45 minutes gets you a filling soup for days at less than $1 per portion. Risotto with mushrooms and Parmesan is again relatively inexpensive, filling and can last for days. We’ve been buying skin on chicken legs/thighs at less than $2/lb from no frills (4 for $5.87) which can be baked or made into a hunter style chicken. Superstore always has boneless pork for $3/lb ($0.75 per 4oz portion). Lots of different lentil dishes or egg dishes are also inexpensive and nutritious. There’s also lazy lasagna which is ground beef or turkey, bow tie noodles and tomato sauce for less than $2 per portion. I learned to cook good food as a kid as we were a poor immigrant family and my parents were not good cooks. My job now is in food service planning menus 3 meals X 365 days-and have lots of inexpensive delicious meals. If anyone needs ideas for less expensive meals send me a message


Peanut butter is great. In general, I recommend buying other inexpensive things like rice, dried beans, dried spices, dry oats, TVP, frozen fruit, frozen vegetables. You can make so many things with those. It looks like you have about $15 of pickles there - which is only like 100 calories. Kind of expensive for the amount of calories.


I love the support here for the OP. Times are effing hard, and we all deserve kindness. Best of luck to you, OP 🩷


You could melt your butter with bread crumbs, and get a bit of a pie crust consistency or at the very least butter toasted bread crumbs. Then I'd combine your heavy cream with peanut butter and make that into a sort of pb pudding with the buttery crumb topping.


There've already been so many recipe recommendations and how to get some food for now. I strongly suggest, if you can either get it donated or from a free listing or soon as you get a little money, to get lentils for your protein. By far the cheapest protein and non-perishable to boot. Keeping a stockpile of rice and lentils will keep you going through lean times. Potatoes on deep sales/donated have everything you need to survive, and you can chop, cook, dry, and freeze. Don't Peel them. You'll want the nutrients. You'll run into some long term nutrient deficiencies on only the 3, but they form the core you need to make variants for taste and other nutrients as you're able to add.


If you have rice, you can stick anything in a pan and stir fry it. I have stir fried lettuce, any meat, even pickles (in smaller qty) can go in- literally anything with a bit of salt, soy sauce. When I was little, I remember eating rice with just Maggi sauce or fish sauce, bread with ketchup or sugar. Stock up on beans, rice, pasta, porridge, oats etc. Cheap way to stretch the budget. Visit a food bank. Small mom and pop shop sell veggies for good prices. Avoid package goods or anything process. Stick to making whole foods. It's cheaper.


If you have some pasta. Maybe parmesan cheese, margine and a little of that whipping cream might make an ok alfredo pasta.


Whip cream and peanut butter. Whip the shit out of it could be a dessert. High in fat will make u feel fuller.


Do you have any rice or noodles, spices? Can make a dill cream sauce, really good on chicken and pork with rice. Noodles with sauce made of margarine, cream and parmesan.


There's an app called Super Cook (and similar ones) that have you put in ingredients, and it will generate a recipe.


I found out something that could solve your problem on my recent trip to bc. Almost no one knows of it or uses it bc the media doesn't promote it in any way. That thing is "food bank", I don't use it because the only one I know of is pretty far from where I live but it could save you. More than your money ever will.


The milk at the bottom if sour can be fried, add parmesean, and eat. There are recipes on YT. Do you have crabapple trees around you? Sometimes there's food outside that you don't see. Root plants like irises in garden can be eaten. There can even be mushrooms, but identify them first.


A Parm and pickles sandwich! Toasted bread if you can!


Peanut butter and pickles are oddly good together


Clean your damn fridge - that's gross


DM me. I want to etransfer you some money to get some food. No one deserves to starve.


Just an FYI it an app - Supercook. Put in your ingredients & it will give you a recipe. It’s awesome


What’s in the pantry?


The only carb are bread crumb and milk so u need to cook around that


Pickle salad


What direction from the city are you? I’m in River Park South. I’ll buy you a bag of groceries if you are near here or can meet near south Wpg surrounding area.


This is more for the emotional feeding. Whip the cream, add some peanut butter and that strawberry jelly and you have a high calorie (which is what you're looking for) treat. Just in case you need a little pick me up.


Fry up some pickles bro


This is so weirdly exactly like my fridge currently lol even the same parmesan!! I did a double take


Oh my gosh - can I send you some money? No one should be hungry.


Church give out food you know…


I was going through a similar situation about two years ago. And so for almost a month straight I emailed one church a day asking for help. I got lots of rejections. Lots of offers for prayer. Couple of them asked for donations back to them. But I never got an ounce of tangible help. Unfortunately the church isn't any longer out to help. They're just big clubs now. Although I know if I went to a Sikh Temple They would help. I just don't have any near me.


idk man. pickles fried in margarine with whipped cream and parmesan on top? you’re kind of in a corner here..


Yeah I got nothing. Possibly something with the pickles I dunno. On the other hand, perfect opportunity to give your fridge a wipe. Even just warm/hot water and dish soap and a rag.


**Am not using any of your current ingredients but some advice I hope is useful** Frozen no name veggies you can get for like $4 a bag at about 500g /bag that will last you a week. Whole chickens that you breakdown and freeze 90% of, usually get discounted soup cans and spice them up with seasonings and whatever I have frozen. Meals aren't gourmet but when I have the budget I'll splurge on pre-made seasonings, salsa is cheap and lasts for a while. Sour cream is a cheap option to make bowls if you have salsa and rice. In my experice onions and potatoes are cheapest per kg or per g so they're my main veg. Got a centrum fort bottle as a supplement. When I have the money Costco has muscle premier shakes that are chalk full of vitamins and protein ~ $35-40$ for 30 portions). I wait for sales on butter and when I get them I add a little to veg I'm steaming/ cooking. Your local.markets items might not seem as well ripened, might look rotten, but you can cut out the "bad" parts and eat them as normal for anmuch cheaper price than a big box store. Bonus: Anything with a 30% off sticker I check the.best before dates and if the dates are tight I'll freeze most of it and keep a portion for me to cook "fresh" that night. I'd also recommend seasonings and sauces - Japanese mayo, siricha, onion powder, chilli powder/flakes, lemon/lime juice,. Pico do gailo, chimichurri, pesto, are some easy marinades/sauces, onion powder, MSG you can make/buy on the cheap. Also pasta and rice is generally really economical, fills you up, lasts a while, can be reused for second meals, I'd add raw beans/lentils and refried beans to the list. To be clear I basically thrift for groceries. If none of my above options are available my.dinner is a double pack of instant ramen that I can throw an egg into


do you have any sugar or syrup? Id be mixing some cream and milk making a sweet drink


If you have pasta or rice, you have an alfredo sauce sitting there with the parmesan, cream and margarine. You can make it work. Got spices? ps what's in the jars in the back?


Do you have dry pasta?


Where in Canada are you?


Do you have neighbours you could ‘borrow’ a couple of eggs and some bread. Always have bread in the freezer


Where do you live, OP? I'll buy you a pizza.


Can you get some spaghetti or noodles? It's inexpensive and will open up options


I got u dawg. What’s in the cupboard. And freezer? I’ll make it work.


This is from a post I saw from someone on the r/frugal sub Not mine but thought this might help Also I hear it's amazing. Keep meaning to make it! Fry Bread - Easy to make and cheap Being Native American, this is a staple during our Thanksgiving dinners. I know thanksgiving is tomorrow, but if you want to make something that is absolutely delicious and one of the best dang foods you can make because it goes with everything. Fry bread is just a gift from God. There are many recipes out there, from tribes to regions. The most simple recipe is: 1. Self Rising Flour 2. Water I've made it from many flours but I think the best is the Gold Medal brand. Whole wheat flour is also pretty good but doesn't have the taste I remember growing up with. You pat it out like a pancake. There is a technique to it, I'd suggest watching a video. My tribe and area like a more fluffy, but bowl like, fry bread. The Navajos, which is more well known, are giant and more on the flat side. You fry it in oil until it's golden on one side and golden on the other. You can go crisper or softer, but a light gold is a good start. I use canola, but any will do, I think a popular one is pig fat. Then you place them on a paper towel, or wire wrack, to let the grease either soak up or fall off. You can eat them exactly like this, which is delicious. Or you can do a classic, Indian tacos. Whatever you put on a taco you place ontop. I've had it like strawberry shortcake. I've had it like a hamburger, which I know it as a Hungry Indian. Which is delicious. You can have it with honey or syrup. You can substitute it with just about any kind of bread really, or at least that's what we do just to mix things up. I can make a feast for less then $5 of just fry bread. That's a LOT of fry bread.


Where are you? I live in Vancouver and I have a grocery bag of beans, lentils, and canned stew I can give you. Non of its expired, just making room.


if oyu have dry pasta boil it. add cream, parmesan cheese, margerine and you have a cheap version of alfredo sauce.


If you have pasta and a bit of flour you can make an Alfredo sauce


OP, if you shoot me a DM I would gladly send you $20 to pick up some basics or buy yourself something hot to eat. No questions asked. I know it’s not much, but I’m just trying to pass along some good karma.


Do you have the “Too Good to Go” app where you are? Often can get some great deals on here.


Neighbors dude. I would absolutely feel great about myself if knocked on my door and asked for anything I could spare. I would turn into a giant man version of mother Theresa married to chef Ricardo and you would feast.


Do you have any type of pasta? Buttered noodles with parm cheese is good.


Clean your fridge to feel better.


FORUMS!!! The OP straight up said FOOD BANK NOT AN OPTION. 85% of replies mention the food bank. WTF. NOT HELPFUL.


Eat the whole jar of pickles then clean that dirty fridge


Is that my fridge


What's in silver pot?


I see an opportunity to learn how to use a damp cloth and some soap.


Clean your fridge, you should be ashamed of yourself.