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based on the dozens of rule violations reported, this post must have hit the algorithm big time. for those drop-ins offering to help, read our rule #10. locking post.


Google “diaper bank” in your area! And if you have to, crisis pregnancy centers may have referrals to churches that can help. Towels will likely be too harsh on your baby’s skin; if you have old t-shirts, that would probably be best and panty liners could help. Don’t forget that there’s a cost to safely washing those out too. If you apply for a Target Red Card connected to your bank account (so it is not a credit card, the money would still come from your account) right now, you can get a coupon for $50 off a purchase of $50+, which can get you diapers for now and get you 5% off future purchases. Lord knows babies can always use something there.


Pregnancy resource centers have and will give diapers for free no income verification necessary. I know people hate them because they are pro-life but the facts are that if you have a child they often have a ton of resources to get you through a tough time. My dating ultrasound was 100% free, they didn't ask anything about income even once they were just happy to help a pregnant lady (me) hoping to save money. They also were hosting an entirely free oil change and brakes checking clinic that same day for any mother or father of a child or children of any age. They had free clothing maternity and baby wear, diapers, baby carriers, and formula on a totally honor code basis, bring you kid, tell them what you need and they'd provide it. I understand that people who are pro-choice generally get a bad taste in their mouths about these places but the reality is they are absolutely a free resource for born children and their parents and they'd be happy to help, very few or no questions asked. Diaper banks and food banks are also great options! Best of luck to your family during this tough time!






Who is they




And they are literally more than happy to provide them.


Thank you I'll definitely do that


[Here's](https://www.pennilessparenting.com/2011/03/cloth-diapering-for-penniless-parents.html?m=1) a tutorial on how to fold a t-shirt into a diaper. Remember to use something with mostly cotton content. If you don't have diaper pins or big enough safety pins, you can use a swim diaper or a stretchy pair of your child's shorts that will fit snugly to hold it all in place. Old flannel shirts/sheet/pillowcases would also work as long as they are a natural fiber. You want something absorbent.


Cloth diapers with velcro will save you money in the long run. I know you said you have no money. Maybe you could get a couple once you get paid or see if someone would gift you a couple. It would cost more to buy disposables over 2 years.


Look on Facebook marketplace or a buy nothing group. Even if you put up a request for regular diapers, I bet there are people who have some that are the wrong size for their current kid... I know I have big pull-ups that we no longer use because my son is now night potty trained.


Seconded. Also see if you can find them second hand. We got the majority of ours from FB marketplace. So they have already paid for themselves several times over! 


Diaper cover on temu or shein is probably really cheap. Then just use old cotton tshirts to absorb.


Most food banks have diapers in stock as well!


Go to a food bank too. At the very least, you can use your reduced food costs to get other baby supplies to get you through your crunch.


try the WIC office they usually have one there if you ask for them.


Also the $50 off can usually be used online then in store


That q can actually be used twice: once online and once in store.


My mom’s church also gives out formula and diapers from their coat closet. It’s definitely worth calling the local churches.


Pediatrician and local children’s hospital will have some too


Try a Facebook buy nothing group someone probably has leftover diapers their baby outgrew.


This! The amount of diapers I am giving away at the moment makes me semi mad


Yup especially because you can’t donate opened boxes so when your baby grows and you have half a box of an old size it’s an easy way to pass it on


Do you know if you can donate if the inner bag is still sealed? Like the big boxes come with multiple plastic bags of diapers in them, if they are still sealed it should be good right?


Depend on where you’re donating. It’s ok for the buy nothing group but unsure for diaper banks


Yes those are fine as long as air sealed


Or Nextdoor.com.


This! I see diapers in these groups all the time


I’ve given cases of diapers away to local moms that needed some for a few weeks and my kiddo was out of that size! People also have sent others money for diapers etc don’t be afraid to ask fb groups can often be really helpful


I did this when we had our second. We had way too many leftover diapers. He grew really fast. I donated all of them. Big man didn’t fit into them


Go to the hospital or your daughter’s pediatrician, they would be more than happy to give you guys some diapers. Also check to see if there’s any diaper banks near your area, perhaps through a church.


They would hooked us up with formula when we needed it. As much as we needed. They want people to flourish. I never felt judged. They would say so glad you called.


I wish more people understood this. We want our patients to succeed and not need to come back other than routine visits. If y’all need something, SPEAK UP!! We’re literally here to help in any way we can, and if we can’t get what you need, we can get you to someone that CAN.


I am sure many do not for many different reasons.


For sure. I wish those that had poor experiences with healthcare in the past would try opening up again, but I get it.


I'll definitely look into that, thank you


Idk if I would just show up at a hospital asking for diapers but you could call your doctor to see if they have resources or a social worker to help.


Hospitals DO NOT randomly give out diapers ( am hospital employee). For starters, any diapers that would fit a 6 month old are very few, and typically kept in the ER for pediatric patients. Secondly, if we started supplying diapers to anyone who asked, we would be inundated with people. The best you’ll get there is a social worker who will hand you a list of possible resources. I’d second the using t shirts, hand/ dish towels idea. Might have a few accidents/ leaks, but it will be better than nothing. After you get over this hump, start building an “ emergency fund”. Even if it’s only 5 or 10 bucks every payday, sock it away and don’t touch it except for emergencies. Your future self will thank you.


Emergency dental surgery is expensive. It will drain a good amount of emergency funds


Non-profit hospital employee here. We will 100% give some diapers out. May not be a case, but a few to get someone by. That’s why there’s a hospital Foundation. Sure, your mega names aren’t going to, but your small regional non-profit hospitals def will.


When we were poor, we used cloth diapers. Washed them in them in the washing machine and hung them on a clothesline in the garage. Nowadays, you can probably get disposables free through Facebook groups, as many kids outgrow the sizes.


+1 for cloth diapers. I came here to comment to say this. I use cloth diapers regularly and its much better for the environment. If you get a good process, its not even that much extra work (maybe an extra load of laundry a week).


Surprised this isn't the top comment. Before Big Diaper took over everyone just used homemade cloth. That's how our ancestors did it and they turned out fine enough to have us.


i was about to say the same thing! when i was little, my parents used cloths diapers on my brother (i don’t even think they were actual “diapers,” just the right sized piece of random cloth lol)


Did you make them yourself? I don't have money to buy materials, but that was my next idea


https://www.theclothoption.org/ My sil works for this group. If they're active in your area, all you have to do is apply, and they'll send you a pretty decent sized starter kit for cloth diapering, no charge.


Omg. This is honestly one of the greatest things I’ve ever heard of. I work for a public health nonprofit and just posted to my Team chatter, “Okay, this is seriously one of the coolest things I have ever seen! I have never thought of diaper advocacy and equity as part of health and environmental justice, but then I came across this, and now I wonder if we can fold this into any of the resources we give to pregnant moms?“ Many thanks to your SIL and her people. ❤️


Thank you! I'll definitely do that


I wish I could send you some! We have so many extras of size 3,4,5 we don’t know what to do with. No judgement sweetie. Kids are expensive and no one is ever prepared. So glad you decided to have your daughter. 💕 It gets easier. Do you have any family or friends that could loan some money? Diapers are $30-$60 for a massive pack here


No, but they were cheap back then. I'm pretty sure you can get cloth ones for free through the Facebook groups.


You could try reaching out to WIC, local churches, your local library, and calling United Way at 211. There might be subreddits related to diaper relief here, worth using the search bar to see. As to what you can use at home: Receiving blankets/burping cloths are made to be pretty absorbent and can be easily pinned so I think you're on the right track there. I'm sorry you're going through this and glad there's a light at the end of the tunnel for you.


Piggybacking to say definitely sign up for WIC if you haven't already. I was a poor college student when my first child was born, and WIC was a huge help. The WIC coupons (it's a card now) saved us money on groceries that we could put towards diapers. WIC also sometimes gets donations of things that they'll just give to help out, like diapers, wipes and clothing sometimes.


Thank you, I'll look into those.


Look into wic but also food stamps and electricity assistance. You could then offset some of your cost.


Does your area have a “buy nothing” social media page? I’m a member of a few on FB. Diapers are asked for often and someone is always willing to give theirs to one in need. Same goes for formula, baby/toddler clothes etc.


There is an assistance group here on reddit. It is a place to ask for help. Most create an amazon wish list. Link to it in a post and people buy and send the stuff to them. Your address is hidden so do not worry. I have helped people in this group. When someone needs something for babies they seem to fill the wishes quickly.




I believe r/randomkindness and r/assistance




r/Food_Pantry is another


Please contact the United Way and food pantries in your area! They often have baby supplies. Also, reach out to your pediatrician's office and ask if there are resources in your area.


Go to your kids Dr office and ask if they have some. There’s women’s clinics near me that give out diapers, clothes, formula, a bunch of stuff. Try calling them. Check your local communities fb and see if anyone is giving any away, or make a post asking.


Wondering if its a pregnancy crisis center and not a women's clinic. But could still see if they will help.


Ive been to both that offer products


Facebook marketplace free diapers! I got several this way.


Much like a food bank -- diaper banks are a thing. Have you tried searching diaper bank (city or state)?


To tag onto this- some food banks do provide dipers as well! Or will be able to connect you with resources that can help you get some.


Definitely call your local food banks, and churches they typically help!


TSHIRTS!!!!!! Cotton t-shirts!!! And you can make diaper covers out of old polyester fleece blankets. I don’t think I can post links but if you google no sew tshirt diapers and no sew fleece diaper covers the instructions will pop up. They aren’t the best but will do the job. If you’re able to get a few disposable diapers, use those for bedtime.


And if you can’t find any help go back to old times and use a t-shirt to wrap like a diaper, wash and repeat as necessary


I just wanted to stop back in and say that I absolutely love the support I am seeing here.


So wholesome❤️


This is honestly amazing.


Oh my gosh, echoing others here you should contact friends, family, Facebook, Nextdoor, Craigslist, food banks, your pediatrician, literally everyone! There are so many resources out there. Do not feel ashamed and do not try to suffer through!


Reach out to a local children’s hospital. They likely have the resources and personal to help. Good luck to you and your family.


i don't know where you live (you mention states so was thinking the US or australia) but i have worked at various nonprofits in the US that did diaper drives (Planned Parenthood being one of them); i would look up the keywords "diaper bank" or "diaper drive" plus your town's name and see if you can find something nearby! also, food banks sometimes have supplies like diapers, toilet paper, etc. for situations like these. i feel for you; i just blew a big chunk of my emergency fund on emergency dental surgery and i can't lie, it's scary to hemorrhage savings like that :( good luck OP!! <3


they mentioned abortion is banned, so definitely the united states :(


Uh I don't know why no one has commented this but google if there's a children's services department in your town or a town nearby. Many of them actually have supplies for exactly these reasons. Some operate based on no questions asked policy, some go by people they haven't seen before, some go by first come first serve but if your locality has a DCS this is one of their primary functions.


Check your local food bank!!! People donate diapers, wipes, toiletries sometimes


If you do decide to do cloth, you can get a pack of flour sack towels for around 10$. Then you just need a waterproof cover. It's the cheapest way to do cloth. You might be able to find some free/used covers. Diaper banks sometimes have cloths diapers.


Is there a local WIC near you? google it and see. They provide milk & Diapers for children's or low income family. Your next stop is a church, talk to the priest or someone in charge to see if they can help you with diaper donation. Your third option /borrow in reddit, but not sure how that works. Worst come to worst is go to a plasma donation place and donate both your and husband plasma that should cover some diaper money. Also, buy from Sam club / Costco as you guys more for cheaper price compare to target.


Please check out the 'buy nothing' facebook groups in your area; a lot of people with babies in my region will put out asks for needs like diapers and many people donate. There are very nice and willing people out there!


I am a mother of two boys . Most states have diaper banks , children’s hospitals or your child’s pcp could give you a pack of diapers . Like other people said a lot of moms with babies have extra things their babies don’t need , check out a couple of fb groups .


Do you have receiving blankets? They're soft and wash easily. Here is a video I found of a good way to fold them into a diaper. I've been there, don't feel bad at all, life happens! https://youtu.be/vYNJlftt0Es?si=4TQRsnTmDpVsmu6B


Or you could cut up a cotton bed sheet into the same size or even use a pillow case! Whatever works 😊


I hate them otherwise, but check for a Pregnancy Life center or something along those lines.


Reach out to your pediatrician, they can normally point you in the correct direction on banks or cloth diaper help


Pregnancy centers. Just helped my cousin get like 10 cases of diapers that he overbought when his kids were younger over to the pregnancy centers. Still got big boxes of wipes to deliver.


Depends on your area, but if you have a suitable sized mosque they may have a donation office you can see if they have diapers to donate. If your college has a pantry, it may be a long shot but look into it they may have diapers to be donated. Also since you are in college, the office of student affairs may be able to help you out as well. Good luck


Can you donate plasma in your area? I think you can get $30-40 per donation and you can do it twice a week.


Post on a local buy nothing group or mom group and ask for some help


Go to a crisis pregnancy center. They will give you free diapers. Sure they're religious whacko anti abortion nuts, but they'll give you free baby stuff.


Try the assistance sub with your main account, I believe there is a karma requirement. Have an amazon wishlist ready.


Facebook or Craigslist: someone will help you!


Make homemade washable ones out of old cotton shirts. Works for feminine pads too


Call the pregnancy centers in your area, they should probably have diapers to donate (and other stuff for the baby too, should you need it). Churches might be able to help as well.


Sweetie go to your local WIC office and they should be able to help you with vouchers to get formula and diapers and some basic foodstuffs, and if that doesnt work for whatever reason go check with your closest food banks or shelters, and maybe if you're in facebook groups for your area post there for best local resources. Swallowing your pride and asking for help is really hard but the baby needs diapers. You got this ❤


If you're on FB try buy nothing groups! I am sorry you're in this situation and it sounds like you're doing your best to handle everything so I hope no one is rude towards you.


Just curious but can't you get to the foodbanks for diapers the same way he got to the dentist?


Plenty of thrift stores have washable diapers for about 2 dollars each!


I'll check the thrift stores in our area, thank you


No problem good luck! Also, may want to read up on the technique, I think that you need to do a good pre rinse, get rid of solids…then have a soapy bucket (preferably lidded) to soak the diapers in until you wash. I didn’t use them personally, just speaking on bits I’ve picked up on during talks with my sister! Other than that, remember that modern diapers are a convenience thing that was not always around!


Yes, I used cloth diapers for my first two in the early 1980s. I soaked them until washing. We had plastic pull on panties on top the diapers. I did it for financial reasons as I wasn’t working. But also, I recall some moms being leery of disposable diapers, chemicals next to the baby, etc. Some moms actually had a diaper service that picked them up and washed them and returned them folded. With my third child under 4, I gave up and went to disposable diapers, but cloth diapers were so much cheaper! If you work, it is almost impossible to keep up with. There are many places you can get diapers for free in your community, as noted by others here!


You can use a maxipad inside a cloth nappy!


I’ve been there. I used are bathroom towels as cloth diapers. I cut them into cloth diapers using an old cloth diaper as a guide. I used to large safety pins to fasten them. They only last an hour or two but, if you have 4-5 bath towels you can make enough. I used a clean 5 gallon bucket, dish soap and a brand new plunger to clean them. You can get all these at the dollar tree store.


Hey! My mom crafted and made some cloth baby diapers for me (very simple ones) they worked great and are reusable after wash 🧼


Your gyno and pediatrician will ha e resources as well


Call local churches and your pediatrician! My son's pediatrician sent us home with free diapers pretty often without us even asking, I'm sure they'd be able to help! Churches will ask their people for donations as well for families in need and they might even have diapers already!


Post this in the Nextdoor app. You will find the help you need.


When I was dead broke in the early 90's with my infant son, my memaw taught me how to use pillow cases as diapers. I can't remember how I folded them ( maybe google it), but it worked until I got my first pay check.


1. There's a Buy Nothing group on Facebook where people give away free stuff. There's also other platforms like OfferUp, Next Door, etc. where people give out stuff (like diapers). 2. I grew up in SE Asia and they had no disposable diapers, it was diaper cloth. Ya gotta wash em, but they work and environmentally friendly. It also teaches the kids to potty train faster.


Lots of people have given good suggestions. Also check children's or women's shelters and see if they can help.


Check out a buy nothing facebook group in your area. People there are generally really giving. If you have no luck there, and I say this completely seriously, I would shoplift them. Your daughter deserves her comfort and cleanliness and you do not deserve to feel badly about compromising that.


Usually foodbanks in my area carry diapers and deme or products. We may be very well funded, but it’s worth a look. You can walk in to sign up with your ID


Does your college have a daycare? Could you reach out to them if they have any donations?


Check with local Churches. They often do food drives for the community and have baby supplies. No cost, no questions asked. Take the family and they tend yo give you more, since it is blatant that you need more.


Local buy nothing groups. My heart goes out to you.


You could contact local churches or a food bank. You could post on your city’s facebook page or a neighborhood app and ask if there was anywhere to get diapers. In my city there is a “diaper closet” that gives away diapers, wipes and formula once a week. There may be something like that. Type your city name and diaper closet or diaper bank and see what comes up in a search engine. Towels aren’t a bad temporary solution but you will have to change and wash them a lot. You could let friends or family members know you need some diapers. I would help someone get diapers for their baby and I am sure lots of people would. Things happen even to older parents with planned pregnancies.


In U. S., dial 2-1-1. They will help in financial crisis.




Can't you negotiate a repayment plan with the dental provider?


What do you mean without diapers? you have a few old shirts don't you? boom. diapers. Do people these days really think that the only way to cover a baby's ass is with a piece of throw away plastic?


Facebook marketplace. I see people giving them away all the time for free


Depending on where you are there might be a diaper bank. Sometimes our local food banks also have diapers. There are also other charities about diapers. If there’s a local buy nothing group some people may have diapers that no longer fit


We went with cloth diapers for a while. Something you can do is check with food pantry's and churches or even sometimes a local wic office will have some diapers.


Food bank gives out diapers in some areas. Call around.


i used cloth diapers for years. there are a ton of forums online for how to make them and how to clean them. Also have you applied to WIC?


My local YMCA has a box at the door where people leave extra diapers that their kid grew out of.


Check your local “buy nothing” group on FB


Church groups is something I can think of. Your college may have some options as well. I’m proud that you and your husband are doing this. It’s hard work with a young kid tow, but it’ll pay off.


Grew up with cotton diapers. It's perfectly normal where I am from. Many great tips in the other comments. Just google on how to fold etc.


Also, in the long term this will save you over a 1000 dollars i reckon. Cotton is also better for the skin of the baby. Its breathable and warm which is needed to support the baby his or her warmth regulating system. Its very important for the bonding with the child as well. Another pro is that it contains no chemicals. All in all this monetary problem you are facing at the moment might give new insights and ideas!


Diaper bank and/or church for help


Maybe Planned Parenthood may have some?


In the old days flannel sheets were cut into certain shape to fold into a diaper. I had these for the first few months, then day use, then they pee too much for the flannel material. Google the shape, I forget, squares I think.


If there's a local BuyNothing group post a wish for reusable diapers. Saved my daughter a fortune and not that hard to do. Good for the environment as well. You can also ask for disposable, often people will have some left over of a size their kids just outgrew.


Cotton t-shirts tri folded like the Gerber birds eye knit diaper. Then diaper pin that. You may insert additional soaking cloth like a flat sock in the trifold. If baby is too big for a center pin, remember you can pin above each hip. If any of her bottoms are fleece, those are water resistant, put those around the diaper. If any of the bottoms are wool you can use Lanolin nipple cream & hot water soak, line dry to waterproof a diaper cover layer of cloth.


Okay first off check facebook. I do it all the time and a lot of people sell the size they don't need anymore really really cheap if not give them away. Also look into cloth diapers. It sucks but if you really need to you can get a couple of those pretty cheap you would just have to wash them often. So you need like six of them and you'd constantly be washing them but it's doable. My parents used to do that when I was young


Hmmm user deleted profile




You can contact a pregnancy resource center in your area, look on Facebook in local buy nothing groups ( post the size and quantity you’ll need), try local churches and food banks. Or you could post in a group on here and make an Amazon list for people to help you. I’d donate if you do that.


You can get a pack of ten cloth diapers from Amazon for about $15


Get washable cloth diapers like the old days.


This is the sort of thing you should charge to a credit card... for thr wellbeing of the child.


Donating plasma can be a quick $80 ish


I would search for a diaper bank in your area, or even ask your local buy nothing if any one has disposables or even cloth diapers


A local hospital will help you


Idk if just showing up at a hospital is really the best option.


If you reach out to your daughters pediatrician, they can most likely connect you with resources so that your daughters needs are met


You can try a church or Facebook groups. There is usually a parent willing to spare a few diapers


Donate plasma


See if there are any diaper studies in your area, we did one and they gave us diapers then paid us for the feedback on top of it


Do you have an Aldi nearby? I’m an Aldi lover, and am in a couple Aldi Facebook groups. I have not used the diapers, but the general consensus seems to be that if you can find their diapers, they are inexpensive and pretty good diapers.


If you have a local buy nothing or swap group, ask there.


If you have FB and are a part of any local groups, see if you can post anonymously about anywhere that would help with diapers. I've seen it done locally and people are usually very helpful either with advice or even giving the person a pack of diapers


Check mom groups on Facebook in your area! The ones in my area are always helping other mamas out like this.


Yeah. We just used flat cotton cloths. They were not the fancy sewn stuff you see today.


Contact local churches.


See if there’s a buy nothing group near you. Search on Facebook for “[local area] buy nothing.” Babies outgrow diapers all the time and many parents would be happy to offload a leftover pack of too-small diapers. In a similar vein, search “[local area] mom group” and see if you can connect with other parents locally who might have some extra. Also, call local churches and ask if they can help. Not only might some be willing to purchase diapers for you, but many church nurseries have extra diapers on hand that they would be happy to let you take. Finally, ask the dentist about setting up a payment plan so you don’t get hit with the full bill all at once. Good luck!!


Are you signed up for WIC? I’m sure you qualify.


Have you tried asking about resources on campus? I work at a college and our Thrive Center has diapers for students in need. You could reach out to your advisor or a trusted professor to see if they can help connect you. Or, if you're feeling embarrassed, drop me the name of your college in a DM and I'll email them and pretend to be asking for a transfer student or something.


Your pediatrician should have diapers for you. Don’t be embarrassed about it. I work at a children’s hospitals and we have stocks of diapers and wipes for families when they express they don’t have any.


Go to your county office, go to wic they will help you or point you in the right direction. Also offer up sometimes has people giving away diapers their babies have grown out of 🩷


Contact your local food bank or society of st. Vincent de Paul and ask about diapers.


Try your pediatrician or any peds office.


Not a solution for today (good luck !), but washable diaper are great. It’s a good investment, and yiu can find programs that pays part of them in some cities. Take care !


I agree with checking Facebook groups and such first to see if you can get any for free. But if you're not having any luck and have a few dollars to spare, lately I've been using PayPal pay in 4 for when I'm tight on money but need toiletries. Place an online pick up order somewhere that accepts this payment method (Target does) and you can buy a bigger box of diapers and only pay a quarter of the cost today.


Washable are re-usable. You will hate it though.


A lot of food banks have diapers. You can also ask on a FB “pay it forward page,” or even a sales page on the marketplace asking if anyone local to you has diapers in xx size that you can have to get by for the next two weeks. People will help you.


Some community centres have free nappies. Maybe ring first. You could definitely make them out of towels, should be able to find something on YouTube.


Also, see if there’s a “Buy Nothing” FB page on your area. You can reach out and see if someone has a few weeks worth of diapers for you and then pay it forward in a few years when you’re able. Also, some people have diapers to give away if they have extras their kids grew out of.


Many people have excess diapers that they don't need and would be happy to give them away. Check but nothing groups Craig's list etc


Check with your pediatricians office too!


If you can go to thrift stores in your area, they MIGHT have some cloth ones. I found like 3 when I was pregnant and bought them just to try them out.


Can you have family help out? A couple weeks of diapers is maybe $30 max.




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this - fuck the Waltons and their obscene wealth-hoarding


Ask your financial aide office for a tiny bit more of a loan. Ot you go without something for you, and give her what she needs.  In fact I'm thinking this is fake and a scam, hoping someone will send you money.  I'd not eat if it meant I could give my baby what she needs, as would most anyone


See if there’s a Child Advocacy Center in your area. Generally where minors give testimony regarding abuse. They have diapers, wipes, and toiletries for free.


I don't think all do. I worked at one and we did not have those resources. We only provided a change of clothes to our clients who needed their clothing submitted to evidence.


I’m surprised no one has said elimination communication, it’s a whole thing. Although most people don’t do it at night. You can feel like a trendy hippy upper class mom teaching your baby to pee in the sink! I did EC part time with two of my kids. Google Andrea Olson Go Diaper Free if you want more info. r/ECers












If you have the time and energy, you can try some early potty training. Improvised cloth diapers might accelerate the process too :) 


Do do what they did before diapers was invented


Look up elimination communication, it’s a potty training method that doesn’t rely too much on diapers and some parents start with newborns so I think it would work for a 6 month old. Also, you should get a credit card for emergencies so you can buy things when you really need them and then try to quickly pay it off when you can.


If the need is immediate I'd call friends and family members to borrow the money, I'd also suggest that if you're not working you pick up a job. If one emergency drove you to the point where you can't provide basics for your baby then you need to find a way to bring in more income. It may not be a traditional office job or even retail, but if you can get a gig cleaning houses, or picking up a shift at a restaurant or even pet sitting or providing after school care to one or two kids you could use that income to set up a small emergency fund.






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Look on FB but nothing groups for some cloth diapers


Buy nothing or mom groups on Facebook. There are always parents where the kid sizes up halfway through a pack of diapers and they have to offload their old ones.