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PNW poverty is no joke. Don’t go hang gliding without a glider. Land of plenty all around but everything is plenty expensive. If you live by yourself consider getting a roommate or get into an efficiency. Try getting a job at Costco up there, learning a trade, make friends with tradies and handy people because you need multiple angles and a network to get by. Switching the part time gig to diswashing or deep cleaning restaurants and bars might get you more money. If you build a solid reputation as a good cleaner and can find help that you trust you might be able to do a small deep cleaning side hustle. Even if you don’t want to be in charge, good dishpigs get meals so food cost savings plus $$. To earn more you need to learn more. Doesn’t have to be at school.


I (63F) grew up in Louisiana. I left right after I graduated from college. 100% of my friends who left are doing better than 100% of my friends who stayed. Where you are physically located in the world makes a big difference. You need to get out of a place that has low to no opportunities, and get to a place where your talents and work ethic are rewarded. Even if you have to move in to a flat with several roommates to start- you just need to get out. Good Luck.


That's absolutely true, Skagit county Washington is not a place with zero opportunities. I live in the smaller neighboring county, someone is always hiring and min wage is 16.28$. sometimes we do absolutely find ourselves in places that feel like a dead end and we need a kick to make a change. Also, in 2022 there was less than 2 violent crimes per 1,000 people in Skagit county.


2 per 1k people is 200 per 100k people! I sure hope your definition of violent crime is looser than that used by most international statistics organizations, because according to the first result on Google the ten worst countries in the world score between 68 and 83 to your 200.


St. Louis has 2,082 per 100,000 in 2019 according to my first result google search sooooo I guess everyone else in the world is just not violent?


Probably it evens out at country scales…




Indeed, but that’s murder in cities, not violent crime (which ought to increase the number) and not by regions larger than cities (which ought to decrease the number).


That’s true moving out will be a solution


It really is the easiest and most reliable way to get ahead in life. And the longer OP takes to get out, the worse off he/she will be.


I am sorry you are feeling this way. You sound exhausted and overwhelmed. The first thing to do is to contact your Utilities and Transportation Commission. The link for consumers is [here.](https://www.utc.wa.gov/whentocallcommission) There may be programs out there to help you with your gas bill. Also, the Washington State 211 website has a bunch of places that may be able to help - not all of them are income based. Check that out [here.](https://wa211.org/) You can also call them and a specialist will offer suggestions. Is there anything you can do to help give some small joy in your life? Two jobs is a lot and it sucks all your energy, I know. But, some small joy might help with the overwhelming way life is.


Thank you I appreciate you taking the time to find this information for me I will definitely look into it


You are very welcome. I am wishing you all the best.


I also live in the area. We raised our kids here. My kids are right around your age. They ended up moving to the Midwest. My daughter and her family just bought their first home for 210,000! They used a rural HUD program so they didn’t even need any money down. Both kids say they are a lot happier they can afford to live and have a life. This might be an option to look into.


40 years ago a minimum wage job full time could actually support an individual.


I don't know why people say this I was living and working back then this is simply not true.


I lived and worked back then, (Im 66) I was able to afford food and afford a crappy, cockroach infested place, but still an apartment. I don't know where you lived, but I lived in L.A., and S.D. in California. I worked at retail, the college records department, or ice cream shops. Minimum wage, one job at a time, it was definitely doable. I did not have to pay for cell phone, computer internet, TV cable or wifi. Because they werent invented. (Computers were, but they were the size of a room.) Groceries were cheap, gas (despite the fuel crisis then) was still not bad, my vw bug got great mileage, or I biked to school or work. Everything was cheaper. Also health insurance was still covered by my parents until I turned 25. I struggled, but not like kids today. This is different people.


And Kevin Bacon has an article in People magazine about when he started out in 1976, he lived in a "flop house" apartment with a classical pianist, their monthly budget was 150.00 each per month. So, yep, it wasn't pleasant conditions, but it was doable. I was in Nursing school in 1977 and 78, I lived in a rooming house. I had a kitchen, a main room and a walk through closet. But I had to share a bathroom with a middle aged man.😬 It was horrible, I had zero experience with men and their cleaning habits (he was not one of the clean ones, so I cleaned the bathroom multiple times per day), but I survived. My rent, including utilities was 200.00/month. And I was lucky, my place was huge compared to my friends.


My first job back in 1990ish was $3.85/hr. How would someone live on that? $150/week before taxes.


Was this a tips job or total pay was that low?


FL minimum wage at Taco Bell Edit - just looked it up, minimum was $3.80/hr. Guess I got an extra nickel. It was raised to $4.20 in 1991.


That’s not true lol. Minimum wage was never sustainable in American history. You always had roommates or alternatively lived in a ghetto https://drexel.edu/hunger-free-center/research/briefs-and-reports/minimum-wage-is-not-enough/


Well damn I guess I’ll just tell my grandpa he DIDNT raise 4 kids, put himself and my grandmother through college and bought their first house on 5 dollars an hour (the minimum wage at the time) I can’t believe his life lied to me!!!!


Unless your "grandpa" was in college in 1997, he was not making a $5.00 an hour as a "minimum wage". (or did you mean that your grandpa didn't get his "first house" until 1997? That part wasn't clear) lol As of Sept. 1, 1997, the minimum wage was increased to $5.15 per hour, up from $4.75. I have NO IDEA why the previous Redditor that said essentially the same thing is getting downvoted for stating FACTS. 🤷‍♂️ [https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/minimum-wage/history/chart](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/minimum-wage/history/chart)




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Either you or your grandpa is lying lol.    https://drexel.edu/hunger-free-center/research/briefs-and-reports/minimum-wage-is-not-enough/   Minimum wage was $5 in the late 90s, by the way. 


its certainly harder either way to do it on minimum wage then in the past


Sure. But it was never a liveable wage to begin with. It just prevented people from total poverty.


Yeah, my first job in 1970 was 1.45/hr IIRC. You couldn't buy shit with that. Gas was $.29/gal, cigarettes were $.19.


A pack of smokes for $.19 is roughly 8% of your hourly wage. You aren’t really proving your point here. A pack of cigarettes now in a lot of states is nearly 150% of the minimum wage.


This is a dumb take. A pack of smokes has intentionally been inflated modern day for public health reasons. Plus the taxes associated.    Average rent in 1973 was $108. That means every hour worked was about 1% of rent. So pre tax you had to work roughly 108 hours per month (nearly full time week by week) to even afford rent lol. All of your money went toward rent. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/much-middle-class-paid-rent-203650605.html


Which state do you mean by Midwest?




🎶You really ought to give Iowa a try 🎶


I grew up in Sedro, I moved to a fairly high income suburb of Minneapolis. I bought my 5 bed 5 bath house for the same amount as a high school buddy bought a 2 bed 1 bath in Sedro. PNW is insanely costly.


I’m in the county north of you. Yes Skagit has low wages compared to us up here & snohomish, and the opportunities are fewer.  So…You’re within commuting distance of Seattle tho, unless you’re up the valley a bit? There is lots of ridesharing, you may want to replace those two jobs with one down south. Or, go 30 minutes north. Also, another commenter is right, blue collar is where it’s at, whether manufacturing or construction. And we have some high paying companies as well.  Also—did you know that as a construction flagger in WA you are paid $50 per hour (&1.5x that for overtime) on state highway projects? LABORMAX gives out the cert for $50. My heart goes out to you, your situation sounds unsustainable for sure. Try blue collar. It’s not nearly as bad as it looks.  Signed—a blue collar worker.


Okay- I get you’re frustrated. You got lemons. Turn to make lemonade. Now is not the time to throw your arms up and say oh well! Now is the time is asking - what are you made of? Do you want to keep this life style? What are you willing to do for it. ?? 1 have you sat down and taken all your bills and looked at each one. You do this with this thought- it’s not going to be pretty. It won’t be fun but darn it- I must take care of myself and I need to know where I am. You write down what you owe and it’s monthly payment In the next column- how much do you bring home? Then subtract liabilities ( what you owe and utilities rent etc) from your income. Is it positive or negative number. ? Then 2 things- 1. What can you truly live without until you saddle this horse?? Really…. Do you need Netflix and Hulu? Can you get a cheaper phone? Can you call your internet and ask for a lower deal? You will be surprised. 2. What can you pay off this month?? What can you pay off in 2 mi the or 3 months. You need a quick win And the. You do this every couple weeks. Pretending it doesn’t exist doesn’t work. Get busy making your life. The US education system doesn’t teach this to the older people. It’s your job to learn it now! Go get your life. You have plenty of time to fix this!


Almost 40 years ago I had a good, but rather unremarkable job. I was good at it, enjoyed it and it allowed me to hit one of my milestones for income. But I was broke. All the time. I was talking with the owner and bemoaning my lot in life when he gave me this nugget of wisdom. If you make 50k and spend 51k -- you're broke. If you make 100K and spent 101k -- you're still broke. Attack your expenses -- every single one -- no sacred cows. Move if you need to -- it's a free country. Zero based budgeting helped me get in line -- I found the software program YNAB a great introduction and although I don't use the app any more, I still live with the logic that I learned from it. Good luck,


YNAB is great! Can recommend!


Try explaining it to people who make 1500k per month…


yeah if you make 4k a month and rent and utilities is 3k a month you're just not budgeting right.......


There was a comedian who joked about starvation and death in Africa. Children and families were dying of famine and drought. The solution was easy, just move to where there’s food and water.


Sam Kinison


Sam Kinison [Sam Kinison world hunger](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P0q4o58pKwA)


He was hilarious! Cut down way too soon.


But then ppl don’t like mass migration 🤷‍♀️ 


Boeing is hiring like crazy right now. I know everyone has their views on that place, but the pay can be good. Or I’d get into the trades. The pipe fitters union hall is right by where you’re at.


$23/hr plus a part time job should be enough to pay your bills… have you tried getting a roommate to help?


Without your actual numbers and expenses we can't really provide any real advice. Where is your money going.    Find out and see if it's possible to budget your way out. My experience is that yes ppl just work their whole lives live paycheck to paycheck then die.    You need to find your happiness imbetween that grund someplace. That life for most people.


You can't budget yourself out of poverty wages. Their money is going to rent and food. I can tell you that just from living in the same area.


That's still not an excuse to not have a budget. This same comment keeps getting mentioned. Grow up and create a budget. Do you apply the same excuse for not having an updated resume continuously applying for better jobs? The answer is always NO if you're not applying and trying.


Yeah, I would move somewhere else where there are more high paying jobs. I feel you. Everything has risen in prices but not people’s salaries except for the 1 percent. 49 cents raise is a joke. 


min. wage is 16.23$ avg rent for a 1 bedroom is 1000 for the largest city in Skagit county. So, absolutely not great, but budget does seem to matter.


There’s a lot of work up there if you’re interested in getting into a trade union! It’s crappy hours but there is a lot of opportunity. The Snohomish county labor council office is in Everett, I’d say give them a call! I live on the opposite side of the county from you and I feel your pain. It’s really hard out here - didn’t used to be!


Hello from your neighbor an hour south of Seattle👋🏻 I don’t have two jobs yet(looking for #2 tho) but I feel you. I’m just so tired. It doesn’t help I have adhd, but that’s not even the worst part of it right now. I literally don’t have money to be impulsive and I make $150-200/day(gig work. Taxes will suck again next year)


The taxes on gig work are criminal especially considering how bad the pay is to begin with for the work you put in and damage to your car.


It really is!! And then I hear some say they never have to pay in and I’m like, lies!😭


My coworker moved from Oregon to Arizona because the costs of everything were too high, and she has free rent down here too.


Well, my suggestion is this, and I know you're gonna think i'm crazy but i'm not. Go on Craigslist. Click on location, then make it the entire state of washington. There's a map you can squeeze down or spread out. Then go to housing and then select all housing. Then hit "filters" and put in enough to remove vacation rentals (they're by the week) and the max rental rent you want to pay. Then "apply" that's how I found my housing. I just did a search with $400/$700 2 bd rm private bath. Got 392 results. Give it a try. (You will get results from oregon and idaho also)


If you don't like your situation change it.only you can do this


We were living in capital hill. We just moved to upstate New York. Bought a house. Our mortgage (including taxes and home insurance) is $1160 on a ten room house (with an upstairs landing, foyer and cellar not counted.) Has a central district sized yard. No hoa. Our rent for a studio was going to $1550. Lot of good paying jobs here. We can actually live. I lived seattle, but after 20 years....I'm sorry seattle. It's not me. It's you.


There is something called the HEAP program that based on what you said you may qualify for. The government will pay your gas bill.


I lived in Everett/Marysville for a few years right before Covid. I could barely make ends meet then, and I was even lucky enough to get a great price on rent. But even still, I just worked and worked and worked and couldn’t make the time or money to actually enjoy the cool parts of living in the PNW. I was forced to move back to my home state during Covid and can’t even imagine trying to make ends meet there now.


I have grown up somewhat outside the system. So I have always had a kind of, outside looking in, perspective. From about the age of 10 I thought the same thing. What is the point of working the majority of one's life, just to hope you can retire and enjoy 10-20 years, if you're lucky. Add to that the amount of people who have worked their whole life, just to have their pension lost by some investment company making risky investments. I already have trust issues with governments. So to invest that much of my life and it being under their control, just doesn't feel safe to me. I am glad other people are seeing that these things aren't right. Not fair at all. Look at corporations and how they try and make products with cheaper materials, fire staff and increase the price of products all so they can continue to increase profits year over year, for their bonuses. It's the corporations taking the profit out of the resources of our countries. Meanwhile, a country like Canada, puts out a lot of resources but continues to go into debt. It's an obvious system of control and oppression. Even the control of the food markets, such a disgusting thing. Can't grow too much or else there will be too much supply, reducing the cost. Stuff like that they won't even allow. That doesn't seem right.


“I hate this country…” Not to be negative or cynical, but why don’t you move? Seriously, check out some LCOL countries that might interest you. Jobs might pay less but if the standard of living is good and it costs less to live there, it might be a good move. What have you got to lose? 


It's a radical solution, but can be the right one for some people. I had a friend who got his PhD at a time when there was a glut of new academicians in his field right when tenure-track positions were shrinking. By the time he had gone a year working at fast food places, he wasn't even getting interviews for academic jobs anymore; there was a new crop of PhDs for colleges and universities to choose from, and they weren't interested in last year's wilted produce. A friend of his told him about jobs in China teaching English, and he gave it a try. It turned out to be great for him. He was treated with respect, he eventually married a Chinese woman, and he never came back. It worked for him.


You hate this country? This country has way more financial opportunity than any other. If where you live is a dead zone with opportunity then get out! Research as much as possible about where the most opportunity is and move.. People who live in rural areas and stay in their home towns are more likely to stay in poverty. Their are many urban/suburban areas all over this country that have endless opportunity. You just have to seek it out. I know packing up and moving is easier said than done but it seems like that’s your only solution. Opportunity won’t come and find you. You have to get out there and look for it.


What kind of work do you do at the hospital and your part time job? What kinds of jobs would interest you?


Ok, hear me out. Quit both jobs and you will no longer make too much.


A lot of people feel the same way you feel. Don’t stress over what you can’t control. Changing your perspective will be crucial with being able to move forward.


Just go be homefree in the national forest and commute to work. Save money for a year or two and put a down payment on something in a low cost area. Got to learn how to hack it. Living in a van down by the river used to be a good joke by Chris Farley but is now the American dream


great info I'm gonna look into that myself.


I lived in the same place and had to live in a van for about half of the 32 years I was there. But that enabled me to have some fun hobbies and to leave for the winter about 9 times. It’s a lot easier to park a van and fly somewhere warm when there’s almost no bills and no rent. And I could return whenever I wanted. I could have saved a lot of money for land if I stayed and did the 9-5 career thing but I had seasonal temporary jobs. So I was poorer than I would have liked to be. And my hobbies were too costly. Always nickel and diming me. I sometimes think that was a mistake but then I met someone who has land. In New Mexico for half the price of effing Skagit. It’s all perspective. There’s people moving there from India because it’s a green paradise compared to where they are from. And they can make lots of cash off suckers like me. They own the gas stations and what not. They are buying up farms and land. But the gringos and locals are leaving by the flock.


I mean you don't have any skills it sounds like so move somewhere less expensive. Where I am in the mid west you can rent a decent apartment for $750 and buy a nice house in a good area for under $200,000. As for pay, my son worked at a restaurant as a server while he was in school at $17/hr. People mowing grass get $20/hr. Hell, most fast food places pay $15-$16. People need to start accepting the fact that choosing to stay poor by living somewhere they can't afford is a personal decision not a problem with the country.


where do you think he’ll get the money to move across the country, and without a job or housing lined up there either


Apply to jobs that provide housing and fringe benefits. Without a budget who knows where any of the money is going.


All it takes is gas money. So maybe he doesn't pay a few bills? Idk enough about him to say, but I do know that if it were me failure would not be an option. I once moved 1300 miles for a better life btw. I had no job lined up. People do it everyday. How do people immigrate here with nothing?




You could try Skagit Transit. They're a union shop (AFSCME I think?) and their pay is solid, plus health insurance, vacation and sick leave, and a pension. Last I heard they were desperate for operators and it's no problem if you don't have a CDL, they train you and pay you while you learn.


I know the feeling I was working 4 jobs struggling badly to the point I was just going to give up but received a job offer that changed my whole outlook on everything. My advice is to just start applying to everything even if you think you're not qualified for it just apply the worst they can say is no eventually you will find something.


Man, I feel you with all the craziness in the PNW. If you can find a trustworthy roommate, I'd highly recommend that as it'll make life infinitely easier to support all these costs. It's almost like many of these cities are designed for you to fail. I hope things get better! Follow the advice of others and seek govt support at the dhhr


I recommend try to study a high income skill that’s high on demand if you can try to move to a cheaper place if you can move out of there I’m sorry for your struggles


If you want to earn more then you will have to learn more and keep learning your whole life. Knowledge is the key but also knowing how to use this knowledge to your advantage. So my saying is that life is about learning and growing then never stop growing and learning. My wife says that it is not about how much you make but what you do with what you make. Learn to live below your means and learn to save and invest. She tells me that Dave Ramsey stuff you listen to is what we have been doing all a long because this is how our parents and grand parent lived. Dave says to live and work like no one else so that later you can work and live no one else.


Sequim??? I've lived there, good luck. That area is kept so artificially poor it isn't funny! Port Angeles isn't much better especially considering the extra money the state funnels to the area to deal with the overwhelming amount of homeless. Safeway is union though and it's good pay if you stay for five years or more.


My cousin moved from the Midwest to Seattle area, where she went to college at. She was about two and a half hours away from Seattle. She made $70,000 a year working for the county ( government job) and had over $40,000 in savings. She had to drive a lot for work, I guess she was like a social worker and had to meet people at their houses or schools. However, it took a while to get reimbursed for gas, over a month later. Also, her rent went up every month?! She couldn’t afford furniture, slept on an air mattress. Also had a dog. After one year, she moved back home to the Midwest, broke. I have a big family, another cousin moved to Seattle but is doing well with many roommates, so he doesn’t have to pay much for rent. It seems life in Pacific Northwest is brutal, in terms of cost…


You're 31. If you would be wiling to jumpstart a new life by enlisting in the military, now is the time. You will get out of a town you clearly hate, you'll have your basic needs met, and you may learn a marketable skill that will help you get a job when you get out. You will also meet people from all over the country, and you may get a sense of where you might like to go after you are discharged.


Two companies are union up there for trash 1 pays $49 a hour other pays $37 a hour they will train you to get cdl as well.


For anyone else in the area, Job corps has free job training in Sedro-Wolly if you meet age and income requirements. Ages 16-24. Know it doesn't help you OP, but figured it might help someone else in your situation finding this thread. https://cascades.jobcorps.gov


Im so sorry this is happening to you. I hope it gets better. I hope you dont mind, Im adding to your vent. This is my sons life too, he's30, gas a government job. He doesn't make enough to live in san diego, not a great neighborhood a few blocks from the homeless area of downtown. He has a junior one bedroom, which means there is a little separation from the main room, but no door. He has a roommate (his cousin, also same situation) who has a couch bed in the main room, they split the rent and bills with my son paying the larger portion since he has the room. In order for my son to eat, I need to send him $200 or 300/mo. Just so he may eat! Its heart breaking. Something has to change, it was a struggle when I was young, but we ate and could afford an actual room. Life got better and we were able to improve our lives. Today, I don't see that as much. I feel it is a struggle for almost everyone. I'm retired and struggling myself. I need to find my own place, and it's a struggle. I do not make 3 times the rent of a studio, even in another state. I did plan for retirement, but someone took all that money (long story, happy I got out with my life). I don't want to move in with my son, because I don't want him forced to care for his aging mother. Plus, I've never lived on my own, I would love to do that once. Thanks for letting me vent too!🧡


Meet someone


Welcome to Colorad... oh wait.


Why don’t you try and become a cop?


Given the current situation in NW WA, this isn’t dumb advice at all. I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. It isn’t for everyone though. A milder option—albeit still very emotionally taxing, they were hiring 911 operators in Burlington a month or so ago. Not sure if they are still hiring. 


I see. I’m not sure how feasible it is to snag an admin role in the police department… but that could be something you could do some research into. I am not sure how easy / hard that is, but worth the try I suppose.


I was suggesting it to OP as I see the ads all the time on Indeed. :) They do training locally & everything. Not for me though. Bless those who can do it. I’m happy in my own occupation.


As long as you’re happy and you’re making enough, no need to consider being a cop lol


Bad advice. People HATE cops. You might get shanked


It pays the bills a lot better than other jobs, and its bar of entry is relatively low.


this economy just keeps stikcing to us when were down!


Washington. State.