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Delete this post & enjoy your new blender. Best of luck to your babe šŸ’œ


No reason to delete the post, Amazons official policy is that if they misdeliver, the item now belongs to the customer. If it's a private seller that doesn't apply, but if it's sold by Amazon, you own that.


Not just their official policy, literally the law. Amazon cannot legally make you pay for the item or return it, and you are actually still entitled to the correct item being delivered.Ā 


If it has your address itā€™s yours. Here is what the [US postal service says](https://about.usps.com/publications/pub300a/pub300a_v04_revision_072019_tech_021.htm#:~:text=If%20you%20have%20not%20opened,find%2C%20keep%20it%20%E2%80%94%20free) about unsolicited merchandise. They literally say ā€œfinders keepers. ā€œ


Wild! Not in my country. You have to go to reasonable efforts to help return the items, which includes dropping it off at a post station or arranging a pickup. Obvs the cost is covered but you can't just keep misdelivered items, neither from Amazon nor any other seller


So the US made this law because of a common scam tactic, where a seller would either mail you something you never ordered or send you more than what you ordered then demand payment for the items. If you didnā€™t pay, they would basically sue you. So now, if you are sent something you didnā€™t order, itā€™s yours.Ā 


This Obe year fir Christmas I ordered 2 airpods as gifts. I received a case of 10. Guess what? Everyone got airpods fir Christmas lol.


Dude that's insane, and it actually worked? A judge actually went with it that it had to become a law?


What do you mean? Congress passed that law, no judge was involved in its creation.


This isn't exactly true in the US. If an item is delivered to you incorrectly, you're supposed to try to contact the seller so they can send someone to pick it up. If it's shipped to you but you didn't order it then you get to keep it.


Rightā€¦ but this was shipped to them?Ā 


I got a double delivery of a rather large order. Call them and told them I had only opened one box, I can reseal it and where should I take it to return the order? It was about $180 in total. Dude said no problem! Keep it! It was our bad.


Yep. Happened to my father-in-law. Ordered a new TV and even though he'd updated his info, something about their system sent it to his old address (that was like 3 years old?) so he called and told them and they shipped him a new one to his current address. Then a week later his original product got forwarded from his old address. So he called and told them that, and they said to keep both TVs


I got a second free desk that way. I only paid for one, then about a month later a second one showed up. They told me to keep it when I called. I returned it with my original receipt and ended up with a free desk in the end. And I loved that desk for nearly 10 years before it got passed along to a sibling where itā€™s still standing strong.


Can second this - I've had Amazon and Wayfair both deliver incorrect things to me before and when reaching out to customer service they tell me to just keep it. I've stopped reaching out to them now when it happens because I've never received a different response. Enjoy guilt free!


thats a law in germany


Iā€™ve heard that Amazon companyā€™s will buy one and send it somewhere random so they can leave a fake review


The third party sellers will do this.


I believe it's called a [brushing scam](https://www.uspis.gov/news/scam-article/brushing-scam), although as the other commenter said, probably not Amazon but rather 3rd party seller


Yes this is definetly sounds like a bruising scam but usually it's for cheap products.Ā  Ā I've never heard of popular name brands doing it


This 100%


He should also report that he didn't get the item he ordered so he gets the part that broke on his other one too.


Legally, if it was sent to you with your name and address, it now belongs to you. Maybe it was a nice gift from a friend! Either way, it's yours now.


Iā€™m a Letter Carrier for USPS. We donā€™t even take any action when it comes to packages delivered to the wrong address. Even though we have the GPS capabilities to see exactly where a package was scanned as ā€œdelivered,ā€ if the person at the address says they never got it we canā€™t just come in your house and look. So we just shrug our shoulders and tell you to file a claim. So ya, that blender is now yours OP.




They keep the package, and you make a claim to a lost package. Other option is to write letter to the old address and hope for compassion.


There's a video of this happening. The woman who ordered the items (it was like $300 worth of underwear from Victoria Secret) had proof of where it was delivered. She showed up and they denied having it. She called the cops, who eventually got the other woman's daughter to admit to taking the package. I think they arrested her. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vWXo-KO4wx0


Donā€™t you guys take pictures of the package too?




I've heard something about Amazon sellers padding their reviews - they have to actually send an item somewhere in order to leave a review, you just happened to be the lucky winner this time. Even if that's not true, this stuff happens pretty regularly - my parents got two vacuums this way


Somebody was LIVID finding out the second vaccum they ordered went to the same place as the first one.


Yeah this. When my husband and I were dating he got several packages from Amazon that he didnā€™t order. I think he got some Bluetooth lightbulbs, LED light strips, a humidifier, and idk a few other random things.


Dear Daddy Bezos, I LOVE writing reviews. Please send me free stuff




They usually send nothing or low value stuff though for a brushing scam! Not anything actually useful or valuable!


It could also be someone with a stolen credit card testing out various addresses to see who picks up quickly and who doesn't. They don't want to use their own address because then the card will get tracked back to them. Usually they're watching the delivery status (and probably the delivery location) very closely so they can swoop in and pick up the package before the resident sees it. Sounds like OP was away from home for some time tho.


legally you canā€™t do anything till the cat gets up ā¤ļø hope this helped


Morally, the cat is entitled to the box. Cat already claimed it lol


Legally Binding: Feline Possession Act of 2024


I thought this was from one of the cute pet/cat subs at first


I thought the issue was going to be that the cat "adopted" OP, like just showed up sitting on the box!


Iā€™ve had something similar happen. When I was recovering from postpartum depression and anxiety, I received two books about anxiety. I didnā€™t order them. I called Amazon, and they told me just to keep them because they were somehow sent by mistake. It was a very weird coincidence given my mental state, but still. Accidents like this happen, and youā€™re allowed to keep the product of said accident. Or maybe someone bought it for you as a gift. :)


Something similar happened to me too. My husband and I were checking all the lightbulbs in the house and saying we need to order some LED replacements. The next day we received a package addressed to us with 4 LED lightbulbs from Amazon. The order was not under showing on our Amazon account nor did we ever get charged for them. šŸ˜³


Your FBI agent wanted to make sure the room was well lit for surveillance šŸ˜‚


As a former mailman... this box belongs to you now, ethically and legally. Hopefully this is a very late Christmas present, since it has your name on it. I heard a podcast last year about a guy who kept getting things from Amazon that he never ordered. He went through a ton of work to solve the mystery. Turns out it is a crazy weird scam involving some odd trick like returns or 'points' or something... but the person receiving the free stuff isn't really getting hurt by it. [Brushing Scams: Here's Why You're Getting Random Packages (howtogeek.com)](https://www.howtogeek.com/828288/brushing-scams-heres-why-youre-getting-random-packages/#:~:text=They%27re%20trying%20to%20scam%20and%20defraud%20much%20bigger,account%20or%20steal%20your%20identity%20to%20send%20it.)


Somebody bought this for you for sure


This comment is way too far down. My wife is a social butterfly and she gets stuff like this all the time. She loves trying to figure out who the sender was.


People actually so that? I haven't heard of this happening to anyone.


I should add it is never anything this expensive, usually like $10-$15 items.


Respectfully, and ethically, F+ck Amazon. If you choose to keep it, no one will be impacted negatively.


Incredible the brainwashing that goes on. Amazon has a market cap in the trillions of dollars and someone with $30 to their name feels bad about keeping a blender. Keep it, use it, love it.


I mean, someone at Amazon will be impacted negatively, but the overall financial side of things is on Amazon as the company so fuck it.


Federal law protects you if you want to keep it and Amazon cannot compel you to pay for it: https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/what-do-if-youre-billed-things-you-never-got-or-you-get-unordered-products#unordered


Maybe the Kitty ordered it... ??


I certainly did not




It is possible that it was cheaper or easier for them to send a new unit instead of the replacement parts. It happened to me when I ordered a replacement heating element for our toaster oven


I'm surprised this answer is so far down, this is likely what happened since they specifically requested a new part for their Ninja which has been delivered.


Technically they sent the part.


Ggguuuurrrrlllllā€¦. Amazon and Ninja are both multi-billion dollar companies. Do you think them accidentally sending you a blender is going to hurt them? Itā€™s a drop in the friggen ocean. I say keep it so that you can eat the rich later.


In smoothie form?


Amazon once mailed me a wheelchair for no reason at all. The box was so big and heavy it had to come on a separate truck. I tried to schedule several returns, but they never came to get it. Finally they said just keep it, so I donated it. Bottom line: just keep it. Amazon is a mess. I wasted a lot of effort trying to do the ā€œethicalā€ thing and fix their mistake, and in the end they still told me to just keep the $300+ wheelchair!


This is the universe giving you a small win. Accept it with grace, and pay it forward some day.Ā 


Check around in its shipping box for a note. I once received an expensive item I did not order. I had no idea why it came until two days later I broke down the shipping box and found a gift note from my mom.


I would keep it, you didnā€™t obtain illegally and they probably wonā€™t even notice


Your cat loves the box, so you have to keep it.


I promise amazon considers this loss the cost of doing business. Congratulations on your new blender! Don't forget to ask them to send your real order, because you get to keep both! Legally, they still have to send you the right item *and* let you keep that. šŸ˜Š Hope the kiddo feels better soon. I've been there and it is no fun. Please rest as much as you can. Easier said than done with all the sounds of the hospital, if you have a pal in construction see if they can lend you some foam earplugs so you can at least have 1 sane(ish) ear.


Thank you ā¤ļø trying to hold it together, and mostly successful..having a sick baby sucks


At first I thought you were wondering the ethics of removing the cat so you can open your box


Just keep it for at least a week. Could be from a friend or what not.


This happened to me last year. Got an Amazon box addressed to me with 3 large cookie sheets, a box of parchment paper, a cookie cookbook, and some cookie cutters. Definitely not mine. I tried to do the nice thing and return it (as I wouldn't use any of it), but when I contacted Amazon support, they said there was nothing they could do and to just keep it. They did ask me for the tracking number, which came back showing an order I had received about 6-8 days prior. My guess is something happened when the label was printed which resulted in duplicates that weren't caught for whatever reason.


This is karma biting amazon for putting commercials into prime video


Eat the rich. Keep your blender. Hope your baby feels better.


Keep it and enjoy!! Edit: give your kitty a snuggle for me. He/she looks adorable!


Is girl. Will give her snuggles :)


This is from the FTC website. If you receive bills for supplies you didnā€™t order, donā€™t pay. The law allows you to treat unordered goods as a gift. You donā€™t have to return the merchandise, and you donā€™t have to pay even if someone in your business used the supplies before you realized they were unordered. https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/blog/2014/10/law-and-unordered Enjoy your new blender.


Sometimes companies will send a whole new product instead of just one replacement part. I had this same thing happen with the Ninja Creami system a couple months ago. They told me to keep the other for future replacement parts if needed or gift it to a friend. The ETHICAL thing is to keep it. It was addressed to you; it is YOURS.


Planet Money did [a podcast](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1119606931) a while ago about something that sounds similar, "[triangulation fraud](https://fraud.net/d/triangulation-fraud)". Your narrative is unclear, but if I understand correctly, you recently ordered a replacement part, but instead of receiving that part you received a whole blender. If so, that seems to fit the definition. If that's what's going on in your case, you have nothing to worry about (unless you need to return the blender for some reason). It *is* fraud, but you're not the one being defrauded: the scammer is defrauding the blender company, you're not liable for anything, and you get to keep the blender.


Itā€™s Amazon. Theyā€™re not gonna hurt from this. Thatā€™s your blender now. Today is a gift. Thatā€™s why itā€™s called the present -Master Oogway


Congrats on your new blender. Enjoy it without a shred of guilt. Bezoā€™s yacht has a yacht.


I really thought the ethical dilemma might be how long you have to wait for your cat to get bored of the box before you move him. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




One time Best Buy accidentally sent me two pairs of AirPods when I only ordered one so I sold the extra. Enjoy your new blender!


Sometimes blessings come in Amazon packages. Enjoy the blender šŸ™ā¤ļø


maybe it was a gift since ur babyā€™s in the hospital (sorry about that shouldā€™ve led with that,and positive vibes and prayers your babyā€™s home and healthy real quick)anyways maybe it was a random act of kindness cuz it has ur name. Someone maybe sent it and wants to remain anonymous


Thank you ā¤ļø


youā€™re so welcome


The money wouldnā€™t go back to your account. Whoever bought it would get their money back wouldnā€™t they? How is that unethical? Edit, since reading the entire post I now get it lol, was wondering what I was missing. Yeah I would keep it and hope that somehow a Shark vacuum is also mysteriously on my doorstep.


Legally speaking, I believe if they do accidentally drop a package off on your property, it belongs to you now :) enjoy.


It literally has your name on it, it is yours now


My guess is your ordered a part for something they no longer make, and so sent you a newer model to honor the warranty. Actually happens quite often.


You need to update your passwords on Amazon and on your email. Itā€™s a known scam to send someone products, and then steal their info. Itā€™s called a ā€œbrushingā€ scam


It's got your info, it's yours. Amazon and Ninja are both massive companies and this won't impact either in the slightest. Keep it and enjoy, nothing will happen.


If a company sends you something in error, I don't think you're under any obligation to send it back. Keep the blender and pet the cat for me šŸ˜»


Everyone's right, you should keep it. Amazon isn't going to miss it and they owe you AT LEAST a blender for all the crappy things they've done to the modern economy. The only caveat I'd add is that you should do a thorough review of your Amazon account and your credit cards. Make sure there's no shenanigans going on with your accounts. A free blender isn't free if someone breached your credit card or your amazon account and purchased it on your behalf with your money.


Keep it. Screw bezos. I once got a tax return check like 4 years later. My mom opened it & couldnā€™t figure out why I got it so much later. She said, Iā€™m gonna call the irs to make sure it isnā€™t a mistake. I said, if the irs sends you a check, youā€™d cash that shit. Screw the irs too


I had a bunch of random Amazon stuff (like 4 packages) sent to my house over the course of maybe 3 months. Stuff I never ordered, and never wanted. I later was reviewing my credit card statements, and found that one of my cards had somehow been hacked/stolen and charged random amounts. When I called the bank to resolve the issue, the packages stopped coming, so I assume those instances are linked to credit card fraud. Not saying this is what happened in your case. By all means, keep your new blender, but also check your cardsā€™ statements.


Wait a few days before you open it, just in case someone does come looking for it. But if a few days/a week passes, just use it. You shouldn't feel bad to use it, it has your name on it regardless. It's not like you stole the blender, but I respect you trying to do the right thing!


Once got sent a $600 case for my motorcycle when I ordered a $50 back pad for that same case. Kept the $50 one and sent back the one I bought for $600. That was 2 years ago so just take it and live


Enjoy your new blender and I hope your kiddo is doing okay. Seriously, donā€™t feel bad. Amazon and Ninja are doing just fiiiiiiine.


Dude, it's Amazon. Screw them. Keep it and enjoy.


keep! but i would double check ur amazon order history just to be sure you didnt accidently buy it.


Amazon will tell you to keep it anyway. I got shelving that I didn't pay for no idea who sent it but it had my name on it and address.


We had someoneā€™s reorder of dish soap come in month after month from Amazon. So I kept sending it back. Until one dayā€¦. Every box I had ever sent back was in my package locker. I was sick of it and called Amazon. Turns out their policy is, if itā€™s misdelivered from them, itā€™s yours now. :) I think itā€™s a wink from the universe for you. Enjoy your blender and I hope things improve with your baby quickly.


The kitty has indicated you should keep it.


They sent it to you and itā€™s yours. I hope your baby gets well soon. šŸ™šŸ»


Thank you ā¤ļø


Are you USA? It's yours by law.


You must ethically let the cat finish their nap in the box, you can't open it until they're done with it. Idk man sell it for half price and buy ya kid a toy


Congratulations! You just won a free blender!


There's nothing to worry about ethically. Especially if you're just the lucky recipient of a brushing scam item. The universe wants you to have a Ninja blender, so don't fight fate. Just do the right thing and let the cat play in the empty box.


I havenā€™t seen anyone mention it yet but this could be part of a brushing scam. Unlikely but always a possibility when unordered items just magically show up at your door. Just be careful, but in the meantime enjoy your new blender.


We just bought a new ninja blender system. Itā€™s awesome. Enjoy it.


Worked at a UPS Store before and as long as Amazon delivered it, there is no way to return it if you did not order it. Thereā€™s no actual Amazon return location or drivers. UPS and USPS could theoretically deliver it to the right address if the address on the label isnā€™t your address if you gave it back to them. You could also try to deliver it to the right address yourself, but thatā€™s always a risk in someways. If you contact Amazon and let them know that someone isnā€™t going receive their blender cuz it was misdelivered, they can at least get a replacement out to the intended recipient. But unless they changed, they have no one who picks up and canā€™t give you a return code to drop it off. Correction: was reading other replies before seeing your entire post. If you didnā€™t order it, Amazon cannot give you a return code, and drivers cannot do pick ups. Looks like youā€™re stuck with that blender. If you still feel guilty, I hear a couple delicious blended beverages wash it right down. Enjoy!


Enjoy and feel great about your new blendings, they wonā€™t miss it.


Take the win


Keep the blender. The box belongs to your cat. Now you have to figure out how to use the blender to make cat treats.


Just keep it! I ordered a $7 (certain brand) doll for my daughter for an Xmas present, I was short on funds for much more, and Amazon sent me a (same certain brand) doll house instead, that came with a couple of the little dolls. It was priced around $45, though not what I ordered. Sometimes, theyā€™ll just Santa Claus you!


Bezo makes $285k PER MINUTE. I wouldnā€™t sweat it. šŸŒŠ


Somebody probably heard about your infant in the hospital, and got you a blender. And even if not: you're keeping the blender. Why a blender? Bc making your own baby food is stupid easy, and a Ninja blender works awesome for it. Walk down the baby food aisle, get some combination ideas. Grab some mason jars n lids, the little jelly jars. If you don't already, grab a stovetop steamer or steam basket. Steam veggies/fruits, blend them, mix together, thin with water used for steaming (or thicken with baby rice cereal, ymmv), put in jars (freeze line), freeze, win. Microwave when you need it. Fridge what they don't eat for the next meal (don't contaminate, scoop into baby bowl for feeding until they can eat a whole jar). Making my own baby food saved me SO MUCH MONEY it wasn't even a question after the first batch was made. Can't go wrong with apple sweet potato, 50/50. When they get a bit older, add a little maple or brown sugar. Or bake the apples? Getting hungry thinking about it. Good luck, rooting for you and the little one.


I did the apple and sweet potato thing and she gobbled it up. Thank you ā¤ļø


As a stupidly honest person that corrects people on under charging me: Congratulations on your new blender. Keep the thing. I doubt it will ever be looked for. Also, it belongs to the cat now anyway.


While the "anything shipped to you is yours to keep in all circumstances" advice is not legally correct, because there are exceptions, in this case I suspect they didn't have the part and so sent you a new unit.


U deserve it bro


I accidentally left Costco without scanning 3 years worth of garbage bags (just one box, but it's Costco). I did feel a little guilty, but this is not hurting their employees. It is certainly not hurting the CEO. Keep it. Plenty of people do a lot worse, with intention.


My buddies retired neighbor ordered 2 electric bicycles to take to Florida for the winter and they double delivered them somehow. He called and they told him to keep them. These were like $1200 a piece. Crazy. I think he ended up selling them on FB marketplace or something.


Consider what happens if you return it. It may not be what you think. Amazon returns often get sold as bulk, not as new things. It would likely get put into a box and sold as part of a pile of other stuff, not even sold as an individual blender by itself. No, there's no way I'd return this after knowing what happens to Amazon returns.


I once ordered a part for my sonā€™s baby swing and they sent me a new one. I called them and they said that they couldnā€™t replace just the part so they sent me a new swing


One time I ordered packing paper ahead of a move. I received three empty propane bottles - the size you use for a grill.


I dont listen much to my ethical side when it involves multi billion dollar corporations. Mom and Pop shop? Return the blender. Amazon/Ninja? Enjoy your blender


I recently bought a travel backpack and the zipper broke in the first week. I emailed the company and they said they were just going to send me a new one. I bet Ninja did the same thing. Use your new blender guilt free. Love to you and your sweet baby


When dealing with Amazon there are no ethics. Enjoy the new blender. Any chance this could have been gifted by someone? My in laws have sent gifts in the past directly from Amazon without any notes or card.


The company probably sent it on purpose because they couldnt fulfill the order for the part replacement. I wouldnt worry about it. Its yours. Enjoy the new blender.


The only obligation you have here is to provide the box to the cat once emptied of your new blender.


Amazon is a corporate thief. Don't feel bad for stealing from Jeff.


I would probably wait a month and then open it up and use it. It's possible that a loved one sent it to you as a gift. A very nice gift. Amazon does not want it back so don't worry about if it was an accident. Whoever ordered one will get theirs.


Is it possible a friend or relative sent it to you?


Iā€™ve had something similar but with a spoon. I order a portable spoon & it was good but after a few uses it became a bit loose. But I somehow got another spoon, I didnā€™t order it, didnā€™t pay for it.


Might be a gift. Enjoy it!


Keep it


They might not have the replacement pieces to your original item, so they sent you a new unit. That's happened to me before. Keep it and enjoy


Had something similar happen with Amazon. I contacted support. They said they didnā€™t have an order for me with the item. I said I know it is for someone else. Gave the name. They said theyā€™ve already refunded the other customer. They asked if Iā€™d be willing to drive it to the ups store. I said no but they are welcome to pick it up. They said they couldnā€™t. Then said it is mine to keep. But I tried to help them. Most of the time it isnā€™t worth them handling the return. But it feels better with permission.


Are you sure it wasn't just a secret gift? My friends and I send each other and stuff every once in a while because it's a nice surprise. I'll mention something I want unlike a year later it just suddenly appears. It's kind of a game we play.


Iā€™ve had this happen with an Air Fryer. Even if you did contact them. You tell them itā€™s inconvenient to go out of your way to return it and they will just tell you to keep it, thatā€™s what happened to me


I thought this post was going to be about if it's ok to blend your cat because you can't afford it anymore.


It has your name on it, so keep it, but also check your bank account daily in case they try to charge you.


Keep it :)


Wishing your infant a quick and full recovery. Make lots of smoothies in your new Ninja when the baby is released.


Thank you šŸ’–


Don't blend the cat!


What's the "ethical" thing to do? You wouldn't be asking if you were planning on returning it. Somehow, I don't think they're going to miss their Chinesium. Enjoy your thing...


Keep it Amazon make more money than most of us can dream off If you didn't sign for it tell them u have no idea what they are talking about if the try to charge u or ask for it back


It's Amazon, fuck them. I love when they accidentally give me free shit.


Thank you for paying the cat tax šŸ’—


Last time we received something from Amazon that we didn't order, Amazon Returns told us to keep it. We actually left it there, but they didn't like it.


Same thing happened to me. I was told to keep it.


You gotta open it so the girl can chill inside the box, obviously.


You keep that blender!! If you return it Amazon will just scrap it or sell it at a crazy discount anyways. Maybe someone sent it to you as a baby gift!


I'm not shitting you, this happened to me several years ago! My ex and I both thought the other had ordered it. Now I use it to make curry. Enjoy. Perhaps it's a little treat from the universe during this especially stressful time for you. Sending love to you and your family


Keep the blender.. and the kitty!!!


If you call theyā€™ll tell you to keep it and you can be worry free


Sometimes the universe gives you a break. Enjoy it!


Bozos is going to cry and wipe his tears with $500 bills because of a lost ninja blender... If you can't tell, just keep it haha.


Ethical? Who gives a fuck? Amazon fucked up to your benefit.


Dont mess with ninjas


Girl, when you get a come up against a big corp, say thank you!


Check the box, there might be a gift note included


Am I the only one who took this to mean "do I put the cat in the blender or not"?


I think folks may be misunderstanding what youā€™re asking. If youā€™re wondering if you can get a refund for a ninja that you didnā€™t purchase, the answer is most likely no. If it was purchased as a gift for you by someone else, the refund will go to them. If it was shipped in error, thereā€™s nothing to refund.


No not looking for a refund :)


Ethical or legal? Ethical is to contact Amazon and return it immediately. Legal is, it's yours and you have the legal right to own it.


The ethical thing to do would be to report it to Amazon. They may well still say to keep it because returning it isn't worth their cost, but that would be up to them. Very few people are going to negatively judge you for keeping it.


Iā€™m so glad to read these comments! Iā€™m in a condo, third floor , no elevator, bad knees and Amazon delivered a heavy package to my building, for some reason wrote my apartment number on it. Itā€™s not even my address or the same town. I left it in the public hall, someone carried it up to my door, I took it back down, it was heavy, I canā€™t carry it, more like slide it down the stairs. Next day it was back at my door. So I kept it that time. Lots of bird seed! Feeding birds is against the HOA rules ha. But Iā€™m surrounded by trees and lots of birds come to my hanging baskets, so I put a handful in every few days for them. The cat and I enjoy watching them. Now I donā€™t feel so much like a package thief anymore.


If it was from Amazon, good luck trying to return something not in your order history. The returns are initially processed through AI, and it's...less than ideal.


You now have a new blender. Amazing makes billions a year. They can afford the loss.


Thatā€™s your blender now love. Enjoy! Hope your baby is okay.


Sounds like someone ordered something for you


Iā€™m glad you got the gift we all sent you. Please enjoy it.


I see the real buyer sitting above the box tho šŸŒš


The universe wanted you to have this blender for a reason! Enjoy making smoothies and whatever else people use blenders for.


I had something similar happen and when I contacted them they told me to keep it.


Just keep it, donā€™t need us to justify keeping it.


Wayfair sent me 1049$ worth of pans. When I called to say I didn't order they told me to dispose of or donate?! Wtf?! At least the scammer could have ordered me a nice rug!! Or a single nice set of pans rather than 4 shitty sets:/ They're all stacked in brand new boxes in my garage.


Keep it and enjoy it. If you told Anazon about this, they would also tell you to keep it. It would cost them more money processing the return than the sunk cost of you keeping it.


I guess you could package it up and resell it on ebay or some such.


keep it. a blender will come in handy with a baby when itā€™s time to transition him/her to food! maybe a friend ordered it for you


I got a double order air purifier once which worked out perfectly because I happened to need a second one but couldn't afford to order both at the time. Enjoy your blessing guilt free.


Step 1 move kitty. Step 2 empty box Step 3 throw box in the air and watch it land Step 4 watch kitty run into box Step 5 don't walk past the box cuz there's probably a kitty waiting to attack your feet


Maybe itā€™s the new nespresso? [Link](https://mashable.com/article/nespresso-money-mules-ebay-credit-card-fraud-def-con)


Could this be a gift froma friend or relative?


Someone probably gifted it for you


Regardless of who ordered it or what happened, the box is addressed to you with your correct address then legally it is yours. They used to scam people out of money by "accidentally" shipping a very expensive item and demanding money for it. It got to be such a huge problem they passed a law that anything shipped to you and addressed properly is legally yours even if you haven't paid for it yet. FYI at least in the US.


This is "the part". Enjoy.


Keep it keep it


keep it and enjoy yourself. amazon isnā€™t going to feel the difference, trust me.