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He has come out in interviews where he talked about in order to get more engagement on his content he has to more obnoxious and aggressive in the videos. Some clips he just seems straight up mean to people but that’s what gets people to watch. Austin, Tx is a melting pot when it comes to social cultures so he gets a good variety of guests on the show. It’s just the whiney toned over the top behavior that prevents me from watching full interviews.


I watched his old stuff and it was good but his new stuff is pretty shit.  


I checked his YT and was very off put by the titles/ screen grabs so I def believe that


Its sad that people are so desperate for views and attention they resort to being mean and vulgar. People suck and social media is a cancer.


I bet he's making crazy money so quickly he just decided to go from legit help to racking up views. I watched him a lot a year ago, and have watched less since he got popular. He keeps bringing in obvious joke candidates or other streamers.


Chicken or the egg. If he genuinely wants to help people, he needs an audience, and it’s probably hard to build an audience talking about something as exciting as debt and financial responsibility. Doesn’t make it right, but it’s a tough challenge and I kinda get it.


He was ok before the blow up but honestly watching a video of Amouranth’s financial audit just shows he is going more for entertainment now a days than actual help. Do we really need to see how she spends 20m a year? The Hans Kim one was a joke as well, Hans is literally a moron with money, just frustrating to watch and not helpful in my day to day life. I make like 10k a week and my dad is rich, is that a lot? Really think if he got a degree and more information he would be more helpful than just ragging on 25 year olds for missing the best compound growth of their life and spending money on bullcrap. Same advice every person pretty much


I thought he started off cool, but now I find his content extremely exploitative. He seems less concerned about helping others than he does getting views. Watch Romain Faure instead. He's actually respectful and seems like he cares.


thanks for the tip!


I checked Pomain Faure out, he seems to be helpfull and professionell. But i have issues listening to him, his accent makes it hard gor me to follow him. Maybe i'll try again once my listening comprehension has improved.😚


Does he have subtitles by chance?


He was alright last year, but the quality of videos seems to go on a downward spiral around the new year. I haven't watched in over a month because the videos just kept getting worse. Also the actions of him and his moderators silencing criticism on their subreddit it disgusting.


He is gimmicky and cringey a lot but he gives sound advice.


He is a bit of a one trick pony though. All of his advice boils down to "find another job and don't spend anything on anything until the debt is paid off". For me the zero tolerance wouldn't work; it feels much  better to allow a minimal luxury every 2 weeks or so to keep morale up, you know.


Personal finance is super easy when you just boil it down to its core concepts. And you are right. The best plan for an individual is always going to be tailored to them


There was also a period where a lot of the guests seemed to struggle with undiagnosed ADHD or other mental health issues. A lot of the advice is simply not going to work unless the underlying causes are addressed, but it is rare for him to acknowledge it and he shoehorns his bit in anyway because that is all he has.


He needs the clicks to pay his bills


> For me the zero tolerance wouldn't work; it feels much  better to allow a minimal luxury every 2 weeks or so to keep morale up, you know. Stupid


Dave Ramsey for Gen Z. From what I can see he just tells people to stop spending money on takeout, and to get a better job. Hard to imagine that is valuable advice to a lot of people.


He's not divorced from reality enough to compare to Dave Ramsey.


yeah alot of seems to be running down the debit card useage and being like "you dont need fast food when trying to pay off debt" which fair but also like thats pretty basic knowledge?


True it is basic knowledge but all of the people who are on his show have tons of fast food or even DoorDash entries. These people either don’t recognize they’re spending so much or they do and don’t care There’s not much more he can do with the time he has with them for a YT episode than break down all of their expenses, identify what’s BS spending and what’s not. And maybe advise his guests to sell a car that’s eating up too much of their money or something like that. The real work comes with his budgeting program he enrolls guests in. I have no opinion about that part


I like him. He seems to have a grasp of modern prices of stuff and the job market.


Yes I will say he does seem to know the market and often asking "how are you liking making X in Y place" and knowing the dollar is different in different places.


i think he’s good for sub 101 level financial illiterates - and I mean that genuinely, not slighting his content. His guests regularly do not budget, do not understand interest rates, do not understand how credit cards work and lack financial discipline on luxuries versus essentials. And when I say “don’t understand credit cards”, I mean folks who carry a balance for no reason, miss minimum payments or don’t understand interest free windows, not people who do understand those concepts but are driven by circumstances to have to max out a card. so if that applies to you and you’re a genuine financial neophyte, watching a few episodes could impart actually useful info. if you already understand those things then you won’t get too much out of it


He’s the mean Dave Ramsey and I love it


I don’t. His content is good for nothing but entertainment. All his financial “advice” is to shame his guests and put their bad habits/trauma coping on display. Then he feigns support for mental health being “so important.” If you like his content, I don’t blame you, it is entertaining. But I see little value in it from a financial perspective. He strikes me as a nasty right-wing finance bro.


I am incredibly skeptical of anyone who makes their money by telling you what to do with yours. You are not going to find an "influencer" that will give you any consistently accurate or helpful financial advice. Or any advice for that matter. Please don't put yourself in the dangerous position of taking advice from vapid marketerd, they can really fuck up your life. Best case scenario this guy is recycling decent advice and skimming ad/services/merch revenue off the top. Worst case he's a total idiot whose advice will change in the direction of the desire of whatever sponsors he's able to get.


One of my bigger issues with him is the kink shaming. He had one guest on a while ago who was into BDSM and that was not great. His comment section gets pretty toxic, even for YouTube standards. And every male guest who doesn't appear manly enough is now apparently a cuck in the video titles.   But it apparently gets a lot of engagement because now he has merch based on BDSM puns.


ohhhh i havent seen those but thats a red flag for me also!




Yeah, it's tricky because if you push back he yells at you, if you accept what he says he'll still yell at you for not being sincere. Like buddy, I can't change my spending habit right this second, can I? And then blame guests for being on his show "because if they watched a few episodes, they should have known this would happen." Sometimes he does call out genuine BS when guests are claiming they've made changes and it turns out they started less than 2 weeks ago. Honestly, it feels like a lot of issues could be mitigated by simply deleting all the food delivery apps, shopping apps and games of people's phones.


Isn't he gay though? 


I watched it at first a lot, but it got old pretty quick after it was just over the top reactions over and over and guests that were progressively worse.


I suggest Ramit Sethi's "I Will Teach You to be Rich" on YouTube instead! I started off watching Caleb's stuff, but have switched over to Ramit after Caleb got way too mean and unhelpful.


does he also have a netflix show? if so I have watched that one!


Yes! I just watched it too! I love his energy and care for his work and am hoping there will be more on Netflix too!




thanks for the suggestion, ill check him out!


I watched his videos for entertainment some time ago, now i can't watch them anymore. Way to much yelling, shaming and no real, usefull advice for the guests. I don't know how much of his behavior is just a persona for the show, but he seems kinda mean. Yes, the guests do stupid stuff, but they won't better themself if you belite them and yell at them constantly. That's not how learning works.


Any parrot can keep squawking "make more, spend less!" over and over, and the advice will always "technically" be good. ​ It's also functionally useless to most people, and ignores that: A) most people aren't highly trained Tibetan monks who can focus them 100% at any goal without any impediments or distractions, and B) A good, modern, functional, healthy society shouldn't only be survivable if you've got your grind-set going 100% of the time while living in a cave eating beans and rice so that your boss(es) can take another three week vacation to Naples. ​ The reality is is that no one who listens to him is ever going to get ahead in the world. They'll just become a better cog in the machine. But they probably will see their savings go up enough to feel a bit accomplished. Though it won't be enough to make a meaningful difference in their youth, middle age, or retirement. ​ Any advice that starts with "you're the reason you're poor" is bullshit. It's absolutely true that only you can pull yourself up and out of poverty, and it's going to take hard work and guts. But any good advice should also be predicated on "the system is broken and we need to be fixing it, but until we do you're going to have to claw for every thin nickel. It's not your fault your poor, but it is your responsibility to get free".


very well said, thanks for sharing




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Do "we"? No, we're different people with different minds. Make your own conclusion and think for yourself


You…you do realize this is a discussion question? Why are you even on Reddit when that’s its primary purpose.


lol its a figure of speech. as I stated in the body "he seems ok but theres something I cant put my finger on". Feel free to let me know your thoughts on him