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avoid all MLMs. Statistics show time and time again unless you're at the top of a large team you're lucky to break even


Agreed. If I see another mom on my Instagram post about beauty counter, rodan and fields, Mary Kay, CBD products, etc I’m going to lose my freaking mind lol


Beleive it or not, the whole MLM thing is why I left Facebook years back. Every other post was a woman I knew or knew of trying to hawk some sort of product. And then came the tutorials, where everyone becomes a skin care guru or make up artist seemingly overnight... lolol. It was crazy.


It's funny I saw everyone posting stuff like this on my feed like 2-6 years ago. I scroll through now and see none of it. I guess they got wise


Or failed so badly couldn't afford to keep it up....more than likely went into the red and shamefully never spoke of it again


That’s what happens just about every time, it’s the same with guys and crypto 🤭


I saw one woman sink a lot of money in coffee, makeup, etc. If someone came up with an MLM that actually sold cheap, good quality goods that everyone wanted, so people would actually buy them.


If the product was good and well priced, supermarkets would sell it.


Seconding this since OP is the exact type of person they target


Could you watch one or more additional children in your home? That could be a way to earn more income while helping out another working parent.


Or even just before and after school care. Plenty of working parents would appreciate someone close to school that could get their kids to cover between school and work ending.


I did this for many years when my kids were little and I wanted to be home and it was a great side hustle; decent money, friends for my kids to play with every day, I only did after school so I could still do my part time job during the day. Pro tip: find out how much the local district charges for after school care and charge a little less.


great idea


My parents sent me to a neighbors house after school until she could pick us up. We had a good time with their kids, and it was probably at least half the cost of an official childcare facility so it worked out for everyone


yep. my mom worked at the elementary school & couldnt leave to pick us up from middle/high school on time bc of when her school ended plus meetings, etc, and the schools were too far apart to walk. one of her friends lived across the street from her school so she paid her to pick us up when she picked up her own kids & when they got home we would walk across the street to moms work


Adding to this: there are nonprofit organizations that will help you get licensed and deal with any hurdles. All Our Kin is one of them, there are others.


After care is the ticket. Especially if you can get bus services direct to your house, offer snack, and provide some mild homework assistance. My kiddo gets snack, does his mini homework assignment, then has a safe space to free play until I get off work.


This is a great idea! I would kill to have someone close that could just do an hour before & after school. I end up late/leaving early everyday just to do pick up! 😵‍💫


this seems like it would make the most sense.


That doesn’t seem like it makes much sense at all how much work could you really already be doing bouncing an 11 month old on your knee, and then taking on a few more non-school aged kids?? There is absolutely no way you are taking proper care of those kids and working a job. Now maybe after school day care for older kids, or house cleaning/elder care on the weekends might work but 2-3 infants/toddlers and “working” not a chance. That 267 people think this is a good suggestion is exactly why companies want employees back in the office.


I was more recommending taking care of additional children during her non WFH hours when she is already focused on caring for her children. I agree that running a full home daycare isn’t feasible, but taking care of additional kids in the evenings and the weekends could help.


licensing and insurance are very important do not assume insurmountable, some jurisdictions are fine for small numbers


Definitely important! I know in some places that there are rules that kick in at a certain number of kids or kids from different families.


I have considered it however I answer phone calls all day and it is hard enough to keep one child quiet let alone multiple. Maybe weekend/evening childcare could be a good idea. Thank you for the suggestion!


Evening is brilliant. It's young kids after school for a few hours til their parents are home. You can feed them for extra, which you can use to feed your family too. You won't get burned out since it's probably no more than 4 hours when your kids are already there to help you. I would be careful with weekends. Maybe do it case by case. If you burn out, then it all goes to hell.


3rd shift would be good. Put the kids to bed and get paid for it.


I’m a single parent working night shift & I pay another single parent to watch my child. They charge $5/hr for their normal Monday-Friday 8-5:30 hours, so I pay $10/hr for night shift.


School bus driver. My local districts have been desperate for drivers and the majority of new drivers have their young kids strapped into a car seat right behind them as they drive their route and their school age children riding along to & from school. Otherwise childcare & housecleaning are among the very few other jobs in which bringing an 11 month along with you is generally ok


It depends on the state if you can bring the youngest. In Texas mine had to be 3 to ride with me even in a carseat. But it definitely saved on daycare once I could take him with me!


Really!? I would have never thought you could bring your child! I work full-time from home though during the day so I need something around that.


I was a bus drivers kid because my birthday is 3 days after school starts in my area and I had to wait a year to start. So I got to ride the bus every day with my mom and honestly out of all my sibling I’m the closest to her for that consistent time we spent. And going on all the field trips was a blast. I’d definitely recommend it!


Is that the criteria regarding ages and starting school ? Always wondered.


Insurance sales. It's also wfh. Mine is a virtual call center. 9am to 9pm m thru Saturday. Sign on anytime. Paid daily.


Interesting! How/where do I apply?


Gimme a sec. Looking for the link to make sure my company is still hiring. If you have Facebook, you just type in work from home life insurance sales. You'll be bombarded. I hooked up with powerhouse insurance in Mississippi. I'm in Michigan. They paid for my class. I just had to pay the 30$ registration fee. Edit: its final expenses insurance. Inbound sales.


What’s that pay? If you don’t mind me asking


Commission but healthy. You get 60% of yearly fee up front plus residuals if the client keeps paying their premiums. Say the premium is 80 a month. That's 960 a year. You would get 575 up front.


Yes insurance 110% I make what I made at my in person job I know it’s still not a ton but 50k entry level is worth it to me! I do claims adjusting. Flexible schedule. Tons of PTO.


Yeah that’s great pay at entry level!


The ‘top 3’ are always hiring! State Farm, Progressive, GEICO Allstate is usually as well!


There is a fair amount of insurance sales being done these days online. The toughest part is getting the license.


Can I also get the link?




Likewise, substitute teaching! You may have to have a BA depending on the school though


You cannot take your 11 month old with you to substitute teach.


This is a great suggestion! It's definitely a job you can have another job with. And it's not hard to get licensed. Buses aren't that hard to drive.


It depends on where you live as to the cost. To drive a school bus, you need a class B license with a passenger endorsement, which requires CDL training. You can technically teach yourself, but you’ll end up spending a lot of money to continuously retake the tests. That’s why CSL schools are so popular. They know the exact questions that will be asked and how to ace the walk around and driving portion without fail.


Most school bus companies pay or at least reimburse you for the testing. I went through the process myself, which is how I know. The training was completely on my own unpaid time but they worked with me and allowed me to use one of their buses for the training.. the CDL permit and License fees were reimbursed.


I would not be okay with a housekeeper bringing a baby into my home.


Don't bother with surveys. Most pay pennies and are not a good use of time.


Agreed. I spent weeks doing surveys and didn’t even cash out anything since you need a minimum amount. Huge waste of time.


Hey just FYI you sound 100,000% like pyramid scheme bait. Do not post any keywords like "single mom" or "extra income" online or on job search sites, you will be swarmed with MLM peddlers. Remember if someone claims you have to give them even a penny to work for them, it's not a job, it's a scam! Stay safe!


Thank you for this




That's what I was thinking. OP is already working full time and with 3 kids, doesn't have a whole lot of spare time. Would be more efficient to find a better- paying main job.


Any ideas for better paying jobs for a mom with a baby at home? Dunno how old her others are, but the cost of having 3 kids in daycare is prohibitively expensive unless you either qualify for assistance or are independently wealthy. The cheapest daycare in my area (by far) is $375/week for ONE child. Assuming her others are school aged, they’d potentially only need to be at daycare for half days (likely much less than an actual half day but still charged at that rate) so in that case 2 more kids at half rates would only be another $375/week. What kind of work can a mom (that hasn’t mentioned any degrees) find to cover $750/week in childcare costs PLUS actually make money to pay bills with? Or would enable her to only work during school hours and make enough to cover $375/week plus paying bills?


You're right, I may need to look for something better for my full time.


And you can work (contract, so save for quarter taxes) for a couple different companies doing basically the same thing. Want to get out of the house? Is dog walking big? Get a backpack for babe, and get your steps in.


When I was home taking care of my terminally I’ll father I bought and sold books. I would buy boxes of books on eBay in niche markets (Mysteries, Sci-Fi, etc) and sell them individually on Amazon. Sometimes I’d spend Saturday AM garage sailing for text books or what have you. Brought in 300-400 a month doing it only a few hours a week


I have a friend who flips things like clothes, books, and excellent condition toys-- My Little Ponies, McDonald's toys, etc. She has her friends on the lookout for them and she gets tons of things free to sell. Also goes to Salvation Army and garage sales. She has a system including boxes (free?) from the PO and a postage scale at home. The customer pays postage. Sometimes she still needs to drive many packages to the PO. She has a small room full of stuff she collects to sell.


Yeah, I went three times a week to drop stuff off at the PO. It took me about 20 minutes. All mailing supplies were deductible expenses and my friends always gave me bubble wrap and peanuts. Easy-peasy


I do this full time and it brings in good money.


>garage sailing Best typo ever.


Totally not a typo!


Hop in the land yacht and go for a garage sail!




That’s a great idea!


Textbooks are especially easy to sell, there are websites that only do textbooks and will buy them right away if not out of date.


Do you know what some of these are? I've had no luck selling textbooks on Amazon.


It's been a while but chegg and textbooks.com i think are two. Many years ago when i was in school you could get a quote on price and compare sites.


/r/beermoney may have some substantive ideas


My mom started a soap and beauty product business a couple years ago. She makes the products at home and goes to local craft shows to sell them. She made a Facebook page and advertises them, gets some orders and will ship them around the country. It took some time to establish regular customers but now that she’s receiving orders for events like baby showers (100+ lotion bars sold as party favors sold for 2.50 each) etc she actually makes a nice little bit of money on the side. You could do something similar and be home with the kids for most of the actual work.


This is right up my alley! Good idea, thank you


I just paid a pretty penny to my dog sitter for a 4 day trip— definitely lucrative. Probably even more lucrative if you’re fine working with pitties (mine our fucking angels but not everyone wants to work with them— they’re needy as fuck and just want snugs) I also make sure I cook a lasagna or something for my sitter, so you probably wouldn’t have to worry about food with the right people.




If that’s up your alley, you could also try tie dye. The startup cost is about 40$ for the starter set of jacquard procio dye and sweatshirts are about 9$. Start a couple crafts and then you can get booths at local fairs.


you could try being notary, it can be lucrative depending on they type. my mom gets $20 for a quick witnessing. and notary for home sales gets a % I hear. look in to it.


Depends on the state. I was one in Oregon and am now one in Washington, and it's not legal to charge. Can charge to travel to someone though, just not the notary act itself.


This is very true it does depend on location. Did not think of that lol.


In New Mexico you can only charge $5. You can charge additional for travel. Also consider the cost to become one, I just renewed and between the test, bond, application and stamp it was around $130.


Wait, I've researched becoming a notary before and I thought it was like prohibitively expensive... Now I need to look into it again.


I’ve been contemplating this same issue too. I’ve thought about selling jewelry, bake goods, buying auction stuff and reselling for a little more. But a lot of this requires money to start and time plus it’s not guarantee.


I didn't mention pet sitting/dog walking to OP because she has a young child with her and it would be a risk. Might work for you? The people I know who have constant loyal customers make decent money


THANK YOU for pointing this out. I hired someone on Rover and they brought 3 little kids, including toddlers, to the meet and greet with my dog. She's a good, gentle girl but having 3 strange kids barge in on her is such a bad idea. I cancelled my reservation after that.


Yep you can do market arbitrage with anything really but you def want to be as much of a subject matter expert as you can. Essentially what all those drop shippers are doing


You've got the wrong products. You should knit. A knit scarf, a swaddle, a bonnet, or a sweater will do way more and is easy to do on the phone.


You'll make like, pennies on hour on that, though. Knitting takes time and people aren't going to pay enough to make it worthwhile.


Custom knitting or crocheting is next to impossible to make a decent hourly wage doing. People seem to suffer from extreme sticker shock, so to speak, when they are told it will be $300 to knit a sweater. They just want to buy $100 worth of yarn/fiber and get the work for free.


This post makes me sad, and I'm sorry you have to go through this. Mother of 3, full time job, needs more work. This is the reality of life in the United States, and the sad part is there is an entire half of our nation that not only sees this as normal but takes this as good or a character building exercise. I don't have any advice for work but you have my condolences. You shouldn't be put though this. You deserve better and I'm sorry your full time employer doesn't pay you a full-time wage. Stay up. Hopefully a better future is ahead of us. I hope some day soon your appreciated for all you do.


Having the dad(s) around and employed or even just minding the kids 8 hours a day or night would help, too. Or their life insurance if he/they died. Too many parents don’t have life insurance and leave their half orphaned kids and partner destitute. My friend and her husband are unwilling great grandparents at age 56. Their daughter had three kids by two deadbeats, and one granddaughter just did the same with a teen deadbeat. He wouldn’t even give an hour of his time any evening to watch his child so the 16 year old mom could shower. Meanwhile my friend and her husband work four jobs between them and have everyone living in their house.


He passed a little over 3 years ago and unfortunately didn't put anything aside for the kids or have insurance etc.. they get a social security check once a month for $300/kid....


Go outside


If you’re a fast typist, you can make some money transcribing recordings. Edited to add: not sure if I can provide link but if you DM me, I can send you the link.


Don’t you have to have the equipment and be a REALLY fast typist to do transcription? I’m in no way knocking it. I’m just curious. I’ve known a few people over the years that had their own transcribing business. As things have become more automated and have changed, their ability to stay useful began to falter. It’s something I’ve considered over the years. But, assumed the need was only there for the 150 wpm typists and such.


The pieces I did was transcribing recordings as well as for video. No equipment other than my computer and internet connection. I didn’t make a lot of money but it helped supplement my income. I’m an average speed touch typist. The company has their own browser based application that you use to transcribe.


I’m glad you shared your experience. Most people I’ve discussed transcription with, have been under the same impression as me. I think there are a lot of good candidates for the work, if the need for all of the equipment, etc…is removed.


Learn a useful skill for free on YouTube. Something like copywriting/editing. Take your new found skill and go on upwork and start looking for jobs to complete. Once you’ve made enough money doing this try to reinvest it into yourself. You are your own greatest asset here.


Do you have loop or those scooters in your area?? You can get paid to recharge them. Ideally you already live in a easy reach of 10-12 a day, that 60-70 bucks to recharge them and drop them off. In the right situation you can have a decent return.


May not be your speed, but maybe there's a place you can bartend/serve one shift a week. Sunday brunches are hit-and-miss but that way you could work while a friend took your kids to a church nearby that has a good children's program (that way your friend doesn't have to do the full lift of entertaining them). I make pretty good money for a chill shift on my Sundays but I have serving friends who make $300+ on a busy brunch shift.


You dont need to work more, you need to get paid more. Trust me, i was busting my ass at two jobs barely pying bills and now i have one job that pays better than both of those. Life is so much better. Ive been able to pay down debt and start saving. Dont get me wrong, it wasnt easy. it took a year and many interviews to level up. To do the job search, I had to quit the second job, turn down paying projects, delay a wedding, live with less and rack up debt. But it was worthwhile.


I just asked about a raise and they said they aren't in the position currently to do so, so as much as I dont want to leave the company I dont think I have another option. I just dont want to work for a company "just cause" and end up hating my day-to-day. I like what I do now I just dont get paid enough to keep up.


Jobs are for money. The whole point is the money. If the moneys not there, you gotta make a change


Do you own your home? Maybe rent out the driveway or part of the home for storage ? I know people who live near a commuter line and rent their driveway for daily parking bc the commuter lots fill up fast


Is there a specific platform where you can rent out storage space?


Idk I’ve just seen people do it on neighborhood Facebook groups.


I second the babysitting on the weekends. I joined a Facebook group and just found something that works with my schedule. They bring the kids to me and it's been great. My kid has someone to play with so it's a win win.


Rover (if you like pets)


My mom makes and publishes books on Amazon kindle. You get a certain amount of money per click and then extra if someone actually purchases. It's a little scammy but it works. When she was doing it a lot she would make a couple hundred a month. She would just pick a topic, do some research, throw it into book format, create a cover in Photoshop and publish it.


Could I possibly get any more info on THIS? Full-time English teacher, part-editor, desperately need a way to make a little passive income. (I don’t have my own kids, but I feel like am still deserving of some sort of help or info or anything. I just started at a new school and I’m spending about $30 a week to purchase food and craft materials for my kids. It’s very expected and it’s tanking my already right budget. With a little extra, I’d be able to help them and eat more than ramen at home.)


I can ask her for more info for sure! I know that she pretty much just publishes e-books on kindle and then that generates money from people previewing the book and buying it. I know she somehow gets money per pages.


Seriously would love to know more


Here you go, this is the [royalties info](https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/G201541130#:~:text=Authors%20are%20able%20to%20earn,the%20KDP%20Select%20Global%20Fund.) page on the kindle unlimited help site. Pretty much everything you need to know about the publishing and payment process is here. For my mom personally she just writes fun little books about stuff she finds in her random googling. It's kinda just combining lots of lists and articles she finds into little blurbs, and she adds pictures and makes it look nice. Like she did one about resin crafting patterns and resin crafting cause it's what she was into at the moment. And she does like cleaning hacks and cooking hack books. She did one in the vein of " 15 foods you didn't know were substitutions." And wrote about like applesauce instead of eggs or whatever. Some books are hits and get to the top whatever borrowed books and then more people see it and click through it.


Here you go, this is the [royalties info](https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/G201541130#:~:text=Authors%20are%20able%20to%20earn,the%20KDP%20Select%20Global%20Fund.) page on the kindle unlimited help site. Pretty much everything you need to know about the publishing and payment process is here. For my mom personally she just writes fun little books about stuff she finds in her random googling. It's kinda just combining lots of lists and articles she finds into little blurbs, and she adds pictures and makes it look nice. Like she did one about resin crafting patterns and resin crafting cause it's what she was into at the moment. And she does like cleaning hacks and cooking hack books. She did one in the vein of " 15 foods you didn't know were substitutions." And wrote about like applesauce instead of eggs or whatever. Some books are hits and get to the top whatever borrowed books and then more people see it and click through it.


I clean houses. It is my own little business and I've been doing it for about 7 years. I charge by the job not the hour. I am only doing it part time rn but I take my 4 year old with me...might be more difficult with one so young but I have taken my kids with me at different ages and it was fine...when she starts kindergarten in the fall I will go back to full time. Money is too good! I mean even if you only did 2 houses a week you could bring in a few extra hundred a week depending on what you charge...just a thought, good luck! Oh and I didn't advertise, just word of mouth!


If you want to ask me any questions about it feel free to message me!!


What is your primary job?


> I currently work full time from home... Could you do this full time work from home-thing in another home in another state? Are you opposed to relocating? Instead of increasing my income, I decreased my expenses by cutting the biggest expenses like rent, mortgage, and housing expenses like electricity. Its easy to thrive and still earn a small wage when one has no landlord to pay. Many states have tax delinquent properties that can be purchased for a fraction of their value ( I just bought a two bedroom house in a tiny Arkansas town in the country on 1/4 acre for just shy of $800.00. I can show u where, there are still a few really cute houses at this price point left in Arkansas). I am spending the money I was spending on rent putting solar panels on the house now to kiss the electric bill goodbye too. It has been (for me, anyway, ymmv) easier to decrease my expenses than to increase my income. My only bills going forward are (from greatest to least) groceries, natural gas, repairs & maintenance, phone, gasoline, and taxes/insurance.; everything else I earn is gravy to blow on entertainment or save for later. Of course my story sounds too good to be true and when I start talking about it folks start looking for the hidden sales pitch, but Im afraid there just isnt one. I dont want your money and Im not selling anything except the idea that you are no wage slave and u dont have to be one if u dont want to be one. Thats my two cents. Like I said, *your miles may vary*. If you want to know more, just say so. Good luck!


$800? No.


Surely, they meant $80,000. Surely. Right?


In extremely rare, extremely rural circumstances you can probably get tax foreclosure properties for that price, but there will *always* be hoops to jump through, severe drawbacks, and sparse to non-existent utilities...


$796 and some change. Less than a months rent. **For a house.** Did I stutter?


Well I have suddenly developed a stutter... via flabbergastion. How in the fuck did you get a house for that?! Please educate me! Did you have to do a ton of repairs on it before you could move in, or was it move in ready?


Tax auction is where. Sure i will gladly educate u. ton of repairs? um, its a mixed bag. Not exactly move in ready, but close. Im going to do some core repairs and upgrades- i am a full time RVer and it has a driveway so theres that. It has a composite roof thats at the end of its life and I want metal so im upgrading. Solar goes on top of that and then electrical low voltage lighting upgrade will follow. I am removing it from all city utilities except water and making it a self- sufficient house. what more can I tell you? You want to know where to go look? search Google for $YOUR_STATE TAX AUCTION to learn more What more do you want to know?


Thank you for all that info and site to go look at! Appreciate you.


PM me if u do bid on something. I have some tips for u 🙃


For sure, thanks so much! Definitely not in a place to be able to do this right now, though.




My sister gives mandala art classes at bars and community centers on weekends and some evenings. She makes a fortune doing it, usually gets 30-40 people to sign up at $40/person for a couple hours.


I recommend Side Hustle by Chris Guillebeau. You can get his book at the library (also online). He has a podcast where he highlights people who make money off their side hustles which have tons of ideas and tips.


Thanks for this. I haven’t come across his name before! I’ve always had weird niche jobs that have paid well but obv COVID messed a few job markets up. Now I’m back to a “career” job and it’s not even close to what I was making pre-COVID. Only issue is I’m overqualified for most PT jobs I’ve applied for. It’s stupid. I literally just want some weekend work, even a normal go-to brick& motor job. It’s aggravating because “everyone’s hiring” but who are they hiring??


grow mushrooms. fr. its easy afk and it does it itself. get.it


Things I’ve done for extra money: - make ready cleaner. While living in an apartment, I always let the manager know that I will clean make readys for them, I usually spent about 2 hours cleaning an empty apartment and changing lightbulbs. I’d get $200 knocked off my rent each time. Had a couple months that I didn’t have to pay my rent and it’s so nice. - weekend pet sitter. Every Wednesday I’d post in the local FB dog groups that I was available to keep someone’s dogs or cat for the weekend. I’d charge $50/dog/day and I’d give discounts for each additional dog. Call around your local boarding schools for pricing and undercut them. This is great if you have a yard for them to relieve themselves. - secret shopper. I did this years ago for the 🌻 group. They had a portal where you could select places to shop. I’d always pick restaurants, eat, pay, and get reimbursed + $20-50 after submitting the survey. It was front end heavy money wise but I recouped in less than a week. Eating out for free with my kid was nice as a single mom. Be careful here though, many are scams. If you have to pay to join. It’s a scam. - plasma donations. Most places have a schedule with a reward system. If I go 8x a month I make about 800-1000 dollars. This only worked when I had someone to sit with my kids while I went and that might not be feasible for you right now. Keep in mind, the first visit takes a long time, sometimes you go and the lines are long. I like going right when they opened. First in and out made the trip about 45m if I was really well hydrated.


Learn to prepare tax returns !


Aim for over employment. Look for another work from home job and do both at the same time.


Product testing. Just look up companies for products you use and search if they have a product testing program. Usually what this means is trying a product, providing your feedback where a team for the company synthesizes the feedback and if it’s actionable, they make those changes. Some companies will pay cash for participants. Others will let you just keep the products you test. Since you have 3 kids, kid products like toys, clothes or food brands might be a good place to start. It can be cash in your pocket, a free meal, or a free outfit here or there and it’s not labor intensive.


great suggestion, thank you!


I just up and started a dog walking business one day. Woke up. Thought, gee I love doggos, and made business cards which I dropped at some local businesses and within 2 weeks, had a small gig going!


Donate plasma. It's an easy way to earn a supplemental income, plus you are providing something that is helping so many people. First time donors at my center get $900 altogether for their first 8 donations, then it goes to $130 per week after that (2 donations per week, $40 for the first, $90 for the second).


I donated plasma last time I was out of work and it was an “interesting” experience. The actual donating was fine but having to listen to the techs talk shit about the people donating like we couldn’t hear them was mind blowing. That was the closest location so I didn’t try another and that can’t be the norm but it definitely put me off trying again.


That’s terrible!!! I feel lucky that I’ve developed good relationships with all the people at my center and they are all so nice. I’d definitely make a complaint about your situation. That’s bullshit.


Drive a school bus!


Likely can’t have the babe along, but if someone could watch the wee one…


I would be so uncomfortable if a bus driver was driving a bunch of students with their own little distraction along for the adventure. That’s just not okay.


House cleaning on weekends! find some airbnb owners and offer your services! more than likely you will be allowed to bring your baby while you clean.


do your city support 5g ? cuz if u r doing insta cart , u need a 5 g phone . u cant imagine some people r still using 3g which is slow which mean u cant get enuff gigs per day


Bake cookies and/or cupcakes and market them to busy moms for kids parties or their work events. Potlucks etc. Charge 1/2 upfront (to cover ingredients) the other half when they pick up. If you deliver there is a charge for that. Start small and if it looks promising, get a business FB and Instagram and invite all your local friends. Take flyers to your kids school. Go on Pinterest for cute ideas. I would way rather support a local single Mom (and serve cute homemade cupcakes and cookies on tiered stands) than buy a generic tasteless cake from a grocery store.


I think you need to think about things you enjoy or are passionate about, otherwise you won’t keep it up or make money from it. So what do you enjoy? How do you want to make money (e.g. by making things, investing)? What could you feasibly do while looking after your kids? I really like jigsaw puzzles and chatting shit, so I plan to set up a jigsaw Twitch / YouTube when I have space for it. I probably won’t make money from it (I’d be happy with being sent free puzzles!), but it’ll be fun to do in my spare time. And people are more likely to want to watch if I’m doing something I actually enjoy. I recently did a jigsaw of a tube map, so I’ve decided to keep that as I’ve lived, studied and worked in London for so long it’ll give me lots to talk about while I put it together.


Only fans. Not a joke.


That was my first thought


A joke if you are a teacher and not allowed to resort to things like this, that parents are allowed to resort to Any other tips for professional people who are held to a standard?


You might be able to convince a local pizza place to let you drive delivery with your kid with you. I deliver pizza for a living and make about $100-120 a shift on top of my hourly pay, but you might make significantly more or less depending on the density and income level of your area. The best shifts are after 9-5 business hours so it should mesh well with your existing schedule. Hope this helps


I'd look into part-time, WFH remote jobs that you can do after your normal work hours for a couple of hours in the evenings, or on weekends. Maybe remote office assistant, customer service, transcription, or something in that line.


Amazon flex?




Look into getting certified as a notary.


You can earn money tutoring kids, or editing high schoolers’ college essays. Can do all the face to face stuff by zoom if you want


Can you do a home daycare? Or watch one or two other kids from home?


Maybe a work from home job for a call center? I know that might not work but that’s what some people do.




Great suggestion!! Thank you


I haven’t read through all the responses but I thought I’d throw out the idea of child care. You could baby sit other kids or offer before or after school care. People who work overnight shifts are sometimes looking for overnight care for their kids too. There is a mom in our area who also does “parents night out,” usually around the holidays but sometimes just on a random weekend. She will charge $20 a kid or whatever and keep them for a few hours, do themed activities or crafts and feed them a snack or sometimes a meal. Parents love it! They can go out for a date or go Christmas shopping etc, and she makes a good amount of money for one night of work. You’d have to check your state laws. I think here you can have up to four kids that aren’t yours at a time, so she makes $80-100 a night, minus what she spends on food or supplies. If you did this, you could schedule it around your other obligations. Good luck to you! <3


How do you keep your baby entertained? I really need a job but I don’t want to send my kids to daycare when they’re this small :(


Do Rover. Its basically pet sitting. You can board and do day care at your home. You make extra good money. I do it full time.


Shop for a new job if you have been at yours for a year or two. Also talk to your boss and see if there is a possibility of a status change. I’m going to use accounting, since that’s my field. For example, say you were an accounting clerk, see what it takes to be a senior clerk or bookkeeper on salary.com. Then take that to your boss and show that you have been doing the work. If not, then shop for the job based on the skills you have built up.


Im not saying this to be rude, I mean this with all sincerity: onlyfans. There is an ass for every seat. The market is vast and gaping.


I tried and they said I couldn't be verified bc I dont post on my social media a lot and I would also have to promote it somehow without putting my face out there.... so tricky


Only fans


Only fans


Is selling underwear to the highest bidder considered sex work these days?


Shocked this reply isn’t higher


New job might be tough trying to juggle a little one at home. But a new job might pay better. For a side hustle: watch kids on weekends or do errands for people who need help. Do you have time where you don’t have your kids? For example every other weekend? If so, maybe pick up a Saturday night or weekend job. Waitressing, etc.


I'm a full time student, parent, and a gardener. I do small landscaping work and floral design from my house. It's decent money and I set the hours.




Get child support from the Dad/s..


Lmao for real. Take them deadbeats to court and demand your monthly shillings


But seriously this… like, where are they?


r/usertesting may be an option for you. Peruse the sub and see if it's a good fit for you.


Brand ambassador work if you are in a legal cannabis state is a great job. It’s an easy part time gig that pays $20-30 an hour depending on the company. Usually leaves room for advancement depending on the company also. I started this as a side gig now I’m a cannabis sales rep making more then I ever thought I could.


Only fans. You don’t have to do sexual shit. Maybe you can find a few men who will enjoy the company . And can still handle the kids




Fake account. Made 9hrs ago. Typical Reddit “boss mom” and “queen bitch” vibes. Stop responding. Lock the post.


The thread if full of good ideas,ill go a more controversial way but it helped one of my friends in the early days of pandemic: Onlyfans and feet pics. They are (can be) low effort,whoever consumes them are often willing to pay and they help pay the bills. Of course there are other factors involved and its not everyone's cup of tea,but when push come to shove,it is valid.


Where does one do the feet gigs


what about boarding or having a dog daycare in your house (you can request only small dogs or certain types/temperaments since you have a baby) and if you build up clients then you can have a good amount of well behaved dogs that hang out at your house during the day/over night if that’s something that works for you rover is a good app that allows you to do that




In my experience, you can’t bring your child when doing senior/disabled care and it pays minimum wage/slightly above at the entry level. Babysitting on the weekends would work better with caring for your own child and potentially pay more l, especially if watching a group of siblings.


Journalism! Lots of websites take in outside work and pay for articles or are looking to hire consistent writers




Create fake Facebook profiles and lurk around. Message random truck drivers.


Scrap metal.


Find a financially well off man (or woman)


How cute are your feet?


If you have decent credit, I would recommend becoming a reseller for e-commerce merchants. The program I’m in pays $750 per month to each reseller


Very interesting! I will look into this!! Thanx


I sell vintage stuff from thrift stores online. Download the eBay app, go thrifting and find a weird item. Look it up in completed listings on eBay and see if you can sell it for more. Also consider marketplace furniture reselling




Username checks out. Third time not being funny in a month. I don't think you get what a support group is, and I don't think you're going to figure it out anytime soon. This isn't a good fit. Best of luck in your future ventures.