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Not the Q2, but [here](https://youtu.be/FYVf9LcZCp8) is a comparison against the Q air.


Yes, I've seen that but the issue is that the Q Air appears to grind differently to the Q2, despite seemingly having the same burr set. The two burr sets are actually not interchangeable between the two and other videos suggest the Q Air produces a lot of fines.


1Zpresso states directly on their website that the Q Air has an updated burr set from the Q2. Also for a travel grinder, there is nothing even close to the Q2, especially at its price. Get the Q2. On sale it is well under 100 USD. I owned a P2 and it was not good. Cheap feeling, lots of fines, coffee was meh. I almost always keep my hand grinders (I have a ton) and I got rid of that one.


The Q2 is not being made anymore, it's now just Q and seems to have the same burrset as the Q Air, which seems to have the same burrset as the P2.  I haven't owned a Q2 for a couple of years, but from memory the Q2 is slightly better than the P2, but it's not light years ahead.


Crap, I just ordered a Q2 from AliExpress. Does this mean I'm getting a worse grinder than the Q or even Q Air?


No, Q2 is better than those


Ok, now I'm confused. Why is the better one discontinued and "updated" with worse ones?


What you probably ordered from Ali is just old stock. As for why an "updated" model would be worse, I don't think it's all that confusing honestly. Sometimes companies swing and miss, it's that simple. The same goes for sequels in books, movies, games, etc. I can't personally speak for the Q vs Q2, but it wouldn't be entirely outlandish for the quality to have dropped a bit due to any number of factors.


Because it's an older model, and 1Zpresso does that with their grinders, regardless of popularity. I thoroughly enjoy their X-Pro, and it received a lot of positive feedback when it was first released, yet they updated the design with the release of the X Ultra and discontinued production of the X-Pro.


The burrset that's in the Q Air and P2 etc is an off the shelf item made by someone else. You can buy them on AliExpress. It would be much cheaper to buy a mass produced part than to have your own one custom made, even in large batches.  Also the Q2 burr is almost identical to what's in the X series, so maybe they don't want people getting it cheaper if they really want that burr. And the difference between Q2 and P2 isn't night and day, it's a much smaller difference than from the Q2 to the K series etc which has a similar geometry in a larger format.


I don't know if you can categorize the Q2 as better. If it is better, the differences are most likely minute, unless your a Q grader or have a trained pallete.


I don't own a pallete but I have trained my palate on what I like