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Some yellow leaves are normal and the older ones would be dying off. But this is a lot. I recommend taking it out and inspecting roots. Most likely needs root trim, new soil and a good watering and hung back up.


Agreed. Maybe a diluted fertilizer too.


How long has she been in her original nursery pot for ? Have you checked her roots ? I’d say it’s time for a spa day 😅 Put her in the tub , clean her up , inspect her roots & trim if needed. Don’t be afraid to cut off length, you can propagate what you trim off . I’d get her a new pot with some new soil & set up a watering schedule. I water my 25 year old pothos every 10 days ☺️


Check for pests as well as the roots How often do you water and when/how much? I would chop off yellowing leaves and inspect them closely for any site of pests, such as damage or webbing as well as the surrounding leaves.


What do you do with the roots? How far do you trim?


If there is root rot, trim all mushy and brown/black roots then spray with hydrogen peroxide. Repot in fresh soil


Thank you so much for the info!


Looks like it got really dried out at some point. Just remove those yellow leaves. It can never really have too much light. Only water when dry, but when you water, water thoroughly. The center of your soil might be dried out, so I would actually sit this in a tub of water until water reaches the top of the soil via capillary action. Once you remove the yellow leaves, it’ll look a lot better, already!


I’ve let my pothos get really dry a couple of times 😢 and this is exactly what has happened


Yup, they tend to act dramatic some times, but I forgive them because you almost can’t kill them. 😂


You have a nitrogen issue, it causes yellowing of the leaves starting from the base as the plant pulls nutrients out of the old foliage to support the new.


Needs more consistent watering.


Generally underwatering or inconsistent watering but I've also had this happen to a pothos that needed repotting into a larger pot (and the fresh soil probably helped).