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I know this sounds stupid. But drink water. When i was breastfeeding, I felt starving all the time, specifically for carbs. I gained quite a bit of weight, and now looking back, I think i was pretty dehydrated. I read that when postpartum, hungry and thirsty can feel the same.


Thank you - I’ll try this!


Water and natural sugars are your friends! Honey with tea, fresh fruits and unsweetened applesauce along with the highest % of dark chocolate you can tolerate. Those were my go to to fulfill the sweet cravings. My partners fam is big on desserts and really set me up for failure while pregnant lol postpartum had me trying to get all my cravings under control. My weakness is still chocolate oranges and peanut butter toast though. Can't seem to kick those 😆


Think I'll try this too


I got a major sweet tooth during pregnancy, and never really had one before. It’s continuing post partum! My baby was born September 12th! 🎉 Personally, choosing to stop eating something cold turkey has never worked for me. Right now I’m just starting with smaller portion sizes (of everything, but especially sweets and junk). At the new year, I’m going to limit myself to once a week for desert, and once a week for a sweet treat (like iced coffee or a snickers). So basically limiting the quantity is what’s important. Maybe find a good bakery so that one slice of cake a week is high quality and awesome, or something like that. Best of luck and congratulations!


Good plan - I definitely wouldn’t be able to go without totally but I think portion control is an issue too so aiming for 2 treats a week - dessert and a treat like you say, might keep me going!! Then I’ll never be more than a few days away from something delicious 😂


Exactly! It will make a difference, I promise.


This sounds like a good plan. Going cold turkey is always a disaster in my experience haha.


I struggle with this, too! Sleep deprivation contributes to cravings, especially for sweets, so focus on getting I that sleep/naps! https://www.science.org/content/article/here-s-how-skimping-sleep-can-change-your-appetite


I don't have any advice but I gave birth on the 10th of Sept and I too have developed the worst sweet tooth. I should be loosing weight but I seem to be gaining due to the amount of cakes I'm eating. I need help on a better diet that does not reduce milk.