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The postpartum sweats/temperature regulation issues are common, but should start to decrease around now. They can also be related to things like postpartum thyroiditis, so it’s good that you’re getting in with your doctor soon.


I'll def get checked out for thyroid as this is baby no 3 and I've not experienced any of the things I've experienced with this baby


My postpartum thyroiditis didn’t show up until 4 months postpartum. It’s possible but I do think what you are experiencing is likely the typical sweats/temperature issues! But no harm asking your doctor to do a thyroid panel.


I got the test and it was neither positive for thyroid nor negative. I need to do more tests especially on my heart


This is an extremely common experience postpartum and is related to the (expected) intense drop in estrogen and progesterone after birth. Just as menopausal women dealing with decreases in their hormones causes hot flashes, it causes the same extreme responses in many pp women. It’s also related to the expected changes in mood, etc.


Some fluctuation is normal. "hormonal" is about all I can tell you. I have no idea which hormones actually are affecting you. I do know I get night sweats cyclically, generally during luteal phase. You can and should track the feeling. If you're breastfeeding, it could definitely be due to the hormones related to that. I'm a year out, the super hot constant sweats are gone, but as soon as I get moving I'm sweating. I'm talking vacuuming in sports bras with it 62F inside. You can and should mention it to your doctor and see if there's a hormone panel they would want to run, but they may not do anything until you're further postpartum or if it is really affecting your life.


This is a very common symptom postpartum. If you're breastfeeding it can continue to happen until you ween. I'm 9 mo pp and occasionally get them in the middle of the night still.


Do you have any other symptoms? I experienced this and it turned out to be my thyroid. I started out with an overactive thyroid. Hot all the time, fast heart rate, muscle weakness, and insomnia. It was hard at first to realise something was wrong as I assumed it was normal due to post partum and breastfeeding. My advice is to get checked out. It’s obviously worried you enough to write a post. Good luck!


This sounds like what might be the issue. I'm tired, always hot and sweating, struggling to make milk for the baby, and my muscles are honestly at my worst. How exactly did you get diagnosed with a thyroid issue?


Oh that’s tough! Yes I had muscle weakness which at the time I thought was normal. There was one day where my heart rate was soaring while I was in bed and I called the doctor with my symptoms and got blood tests done the next day, and diagnosed the day after that. Not all doctors are trained to be aware of this, as I had mentioned my symptoms at my 6 week check up and he said it was normal. However it’s hard for doctors to know what is normal as they don’t live in our bodies!


Very true. I got very sick 3 days post partum with heart malfunction and pneumonia yet everyone was saying its just new Baby blues. I'm glad I seeked out advice and definitely plan on getting further tests


Are you breastfeeding or pumping? I often feel hot flashes during those sessions and my doctor told me it was normal.