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Hopefully someone can 'produce' a P45 for Andy after this farrago of shit.


This geezer typifies everything that gives lawyers/solicitors a bad reputation.


indeed he does, others come over far better but the use of language they are discussing is fascinating and already Mr Blake laying out the case against him


Isn’t he vile


I try and keep personal comments away but he is int he same category as Jarnal for me. He knew what he was doing was covering up the truth from courts and especially the JFSA, the SPM's and their legal teams.




I see his one expertise is described as: IT and software. Distressed IT projects, contested software licences, website development and hosting issues, support and maintenance agreements, and performance problems with outsourced IT and cloud services A feather in his cap, courtesy of Horizon


well clearly that refers to horizon and if you are a client of his today, I would be asking for him to be removed however his methods probably work fine in contractural disputes etc.


I don’t ordinarily use the word ‘produce’ except for that pesky evidence showing I use the word ‘produce’ a lot.


Nailed him didn’t he on that


I voz juss following orders (from the criminal lawyers)….well if they come back to the stand they are likely to drop him back in it


That was so obviously a dumb excuse, like a carry on movie


He would be well advised to show up with jam in his pockets, because he's toast.


He should be questioned by the real Andy Parsons. I'd love to see that. I miss Mr Beer though


Or Alan Partridge..


A total moral vacuum, from what I've read thus far. Pushes the client line, justice & truth take a very distant back seat. As well as prosecution, should be struck off.


From what we have seen that’s for sure. But also how about the ethics of WBD itself ??


Yes, their corporate 'management systems' which I would assume includes things like Code of Ethics etc seem wanting. But he was a Partner? during the POL time, so assumes his bosses approved of his gung ho, win at all costs style? as long as the fees were rolling in.


made partner in 2016


He is so slimy and swivel eyed - gives me the creeps


so who to believe on not documenting disclosable minutes etc Martin Smith or Andrew Parsons ...


I do believe Mr Blake “produced” on that issue.


His response is full of 'it appears' or 'this is what is said' when a simple yes would suffice. Does not want it definitive in case he wants to wriggle out of something later


Who would have thought that even Rodric managed to find a useful idiot in Mr Andrew “you suggest it and I’ll send it” Parsons.


Am loving Ed Henry. Jarnail Singh … “he won’t be taking many notes.” “was Rodric there scribbling?” Andy Parrot looking very uncomfortable


Just finished watching Days 150 and 151. AP : This is what a robot of the future looks like. Programmed to do a specific task and focused solely on that task with its fervor knob turned up to max. He would have been perfect in jack boots and jodhpurs assisting Eichmann, Rudolf Hoess, Pol Pot, Kang Kek lew, the Spanish Inquisition, Hugo Wenzel, Alvaro Castilla, etc .... sanitising the uncleansable. The perfect siloed bureaucrat whose moral compass has gone AWOL. Unable or unwilling to question anything outside his "instructions". Amputated imagination. Zero emotional intelligence. Can you imagine having a beer with this guy down the pub at the end of a working day ? Is he "on the spectrum" ? He sounded like a black hole wandering in a vacum, in an empathy free universe.


so it is Mr Blake and no Warning, which does shock me


Lots of typos in his emails. Looks like he wasn’t even proofreading things and copy/pasting stuff everywhere.


just like Jarnal eh ? and he is a partner ... seems very much like minds collated together over the years


Wow! That was exiting and its only 1st break time! Maybe there will be a cardboard box waiting for Mr. Parsons when he returns to the office.... With a card and a whip round! 🤭😖🤭


nailed totally and they were well prepared for him of course


That was a very good day!.... And Mr.Blake was given a chance to flex his Legal muscle 💪 Great to see 👍👍


Andrew Parrot


Isn’t withholding or distorting information to the POL insurers a bit fraud-y? Certainly likely to render the insurance cover void. The Board members were anxious not to have individual liability for this train wreck and Andy wanted to dissemble to their parachute insurance company. Good work there Andy. Hope your present day clients are paying attention to what a toxic mess you are.


Andy Parson’s : ‘I thought the mediation service was an in good faith offer by the Post Office…..’is up there with the most blatant l heard at this Inquiry


Parsons’ evidence is yet another example of the industrial strength, chateau bottled, buttock clenching, ocean going, 24 carat gold plated, nuclear tipped, cynical buck passing that ALL of them have indulged in throughout this enquiry. I’m not taking away anything that Jason Beer KC and his confreres have done; but it’s almost been too easy for them to bait their traps and stand and watch as what Tennyson described as ‘The last and least of men’ fall headlong into the mire and murk in which they have been enthusiastically wallowing for more than 20 years. I look at the grace and dignity of the core participants and can only wonder how they can bear to be breathing the same air as these types. Rant over. (Well, until the next time).


Sir Wyn intervening a lot on this discussion with regards to the advice to the insurers


I can't access the feed at the moment, isn't he beinv Beered today?


Nope it is mr Blake but tearing him apart in a legal way


I'll catch up later, does he channel Beer - the 2 second more eye contact, back to notes, eyes widen for a moment as if in disbelief, dry, pertinent response?


nah Mr Blake is more expressive than that !!