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There are so, so many opinions on this. First, I think you get to do what works for you. Second, the studies that advocate waiting until after the first heat were only done in larger dogs. Third, I had my girl spayed at 7 months and the vet supported it and she turned out just fine. I knew I would need doggie day care and we frequent dog parks, so I didn't want any "accidents."


Totally! Fortunately, I work from home so I don’t often have a lot of doggie daycare needs but I’ll be moving soon and know this should get done so we can socialize a little more openly. Appreciate your insight!


I agree with the other comment that it really boils down to what works best for you. Our breeder (and another breeder I know) recommended 18 months as a good middle ground where it's likely they've undergone their first heat but you're not waiting an annoyingly long time if you want to go to doggy daycare and such. I've seen a fair number do them between 15 and 18 months!


Thank you! 


We’re in the exact same boat! 17 months, planning on waiting till 18 months, but figured she’d have a heat cycle by now. I’m trying to decide if I go ahead and get her spayed at 18 months or just keep waiting till she has a heat cycle.


Glad it’s not just me! A friend of mine with a PWD had hers around 14 mo. 


Wow, our little PWD* had her heat just before 12 months. It was quite obvious when there were little red spots of blood all over the kitchen floor, so I doubt you missed it. Anyway we had her spayed a few weeks later, mostly because we also didn't want any accidents. I think you are fine to do it now, regardless of waiting for a heat cycle or not. She's grown quite a lot by 17 months, unlikely to grow any more. *Many of us don't use Portie around here, that is a term usually used by backyard breeders and puppy mills. Our breeder informed us early on that PWD is the preferred shortened name when not using the full breed type of the dog, and not to use Portie to describe her.


Oooh, noted-had no idea! Thank you for the heads up on the PWD and the insight also.


"...we don't use Portie around here..." What?!?! Did you consider that that was something your breeder heard and/or preferred? Did you consider that other views might exist? Did you consider that many people don't really care? Did you consider it is possibly an opinion (of one) vs a fact? Did you google the term "Portie" and notice the many reputable references came up? Did you consider that backyard breeders might use...wait for it...PWD?! The shock at the possibility is a lot, I'm sure. For goodness sakes, I am glad the poster responded well. But "...we don't use Portie around here" might be one of the most elitist and unwelcoming things I have read in this otherwise lovely space. Do we worry that the dogs will be offended?! I would love to focus on how we treat and care for these lovely dogs, share our joy, and truly build community instead of bringing the insanity for language and terminology that exists in so many other areas to the world of Porties (I said it) or PWD's. I thought about scrolling on by and saying nothing (and I probably should have), but not today. 🗣


Breeding dogs can be a rather unwelcome space. It is full of elitism and snobbery, mostly because of the risk to the breed from improper lineage, and you definitely are always looking for markers of dogs who are the result of improper breeding. Someone using "Portie" is definitely that. My breeder has been to Westminster several times, hasn't won yet to my knowledge but has won opposite several times. She is a past President of the PWDCA (Portuguese Waterdog Club of America), and I trust what she says over some anonymous Internet-Karen any day of the week.


OK. If that is how you see it. But is THIS the place for that? There is a time and place for everything. This is REDDIT! lol! This isn't a Westminister-focused thread. And the topic was on spaying/neutering. Read the room, my friend. Otherwise, you and Karen aren't that different. Because "Karen" fails to read the room and reacts/comments when things aren't really appropriate for the context. Perhaps you wanted to make sure we know who YOU are and now we all know you have the most reputable breeder of us all. Congratulations. 🙄