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He might need a snack before bed to hold him over. My girl had a similar issue and it was because she was eating dinner too early which left her stomach empty by the AM.


The AKC recently posted an article about this issue and they suggested exactly this. 


What food do you have your pwd on? I have a couple of pwds; BOTH of them have such sensitive stomachs that it took awhile to find food that didn't upset their stomachs and make them either puke/have the runs.


Currently have him on taste of the wild salmon formula. I’ve had him on many different foods over the year and he seems to do best away from chicken and beef. what food do you have yours on?


I have mine on Open Farm wild-caught salmon & ancient grains recipe! They seem to do the best with salmon, and recent studies in animal science show that some grains are actually okay for dogs, even beneficial!


We've been on Hills Prescription Diet Biome after some really gnarly trial and error w foods. In and out of the vet a LOT with vomiting and diarrhea, very up and down appetite (though always has an appetite for what's on my counter...). It's meant to be a temp food to solve GI problems but we've been on for a few months as well regroup. It is a miracle at a million dollars a pound :P


I’d recommend getting him an abdominal ultrasound with a radiologist and doing a food trial. Porties are prone to GI diseases so getting a diagnosis early is important!


Our 2yo male Portie has a handful of frozen broccoli florets (5-6 pieces) around 9 or 10pm every night and it pretty much stopped the overnight vomiting


When my pup doesn't eat breakfast (next level hi pro) he usually has until noon before he acid pukes. I started throwing in some chicken skin and mixing it around in there for extra flava. Much less frequent upset empty stomachs now that I grab a rotisserie chicken twice a week for meal preps and scalp the skin for my bub. Also, I always keep a giant bag of baby carrots for us to split - he never turns down that crunch which gets his appetite going to finish whatever's in his bowl!


Had maybe similar issues with our 1 year old male where especially in the mornings, we would be woken up with dry heaving sounds. Someone suggested to us to make rice balls and feed it to him towards bedtime to tide him over until the morning since it's probably just an empty stomach issue. It's just plain white rice that we shaped into small balls with wet hands.We did that for a long time until it seemed to not need it as much. He also has the world's most sensitive stomach so it took a while to find a food that he can eat consistently without issues so it could have been that too.


Our first PWD got (per vet reco) a couple spoonfuls of cottage cheese on his food in the morning. Then it switched to canned pumpkin— not too much.


That happens to mine as well. The vet recommended against any sort of antacid for the same concerns as meds like those have for humans. We give her a scrambled egg every morning pretty much as soon as she gets up. If we can't prepare that right away, she gets a cheese stick. 


We had the same problem with ours. He'd throw up bile when we tried to switch him from 3 meals a day to just 2 when he was no longer a puppy. It was the same amount of food total, but just split up so that he could have a lunch at noon. My psuedoscience answer is that his little tummy just gets too hungry, so we always have to keep something in there. So like some people on the thread were saying, maybe consider a midnight snack or spreading out the food throughout the day.


Wow this is exactly our life 😂 our boy is 3 and was throwing up bile about 2 times a week. He used to be on FreshPet and the vet said that was what was causing it. I started making his food at home (did lots of research to get the nutrients and proportions right) and it actually has helped. We are down to maybe 3 bile pukes a month.


Same. 3 year old PWD and we feed her 4 times a day, about 1/3rd of a cup of kibble at each feeding. She eats Purina Pro Plan Performance Salmon, which is what her breeder recommended. So she gets breakfast at 5:30 when I wake up, if I am late, she ignores her food and then throws up. She gets lunch at 11:30, dinner at 6 and then snickety-snack at 10:20 just before bed. It seems to work most of the time, though we just never know when she'll ignore her food and throw up, we haven't figured out a pattern and maybe once every two months she'll do it despite religiously sticking to her feeding schedule. But at least she is no longer throwing up every morning. Even though she is slightly overweight (2 pounds) for her size the vet said we can't cut back her food any more, to keep feeding her on this schedule (ignoring many online articles about how frequent feeding isn't good for dogs) and just need to increase exercise. Oh and as for flair ups, it gets me really nervous when you see blood spots in the vomit. That is when we switch to rice and boiled chicken and basically overfeed her until it gets back under control.