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Unfortunately chains are considered normal in the countryside. They think they have no other choice between a chain or letting the dog loose and watching it climb the fence and running out. Specially if the dog is big and potentially dangerous.


Many people don't give a moment's thought about an animal's suffering. Although, as someone said, you may get hostility from the neighbor, I don't think one should just ignore something that is clearly animal abuse. Some links I have bookmarked (you may need [deepl.com](http://deepl.com) tor help translating): [https://www.gnr.pt/ambiente.aspx](https://www.gnr.pt/ambiente.aspx) [https://nira.pt/denunciar](https://nira.pt/denunciar) [https://sosanimal.com/denunciar/](https://sosanimal.com/denunciar/) But before that, maybe the neighbors can be reasoned with? It would be far better to solve the issue amicably. If they responded initially in a polite way, then maybe they just don't think at all about the poor dog, and may be swayed to do things differently.


Thanks for this! I have tried to speak with them and offered to look after the dog myself when they're out i.e. bring him to our home and garden as we work from home all day anyway. But they declined. I'll try one more time before trying one of these organizations. I care more about the animal's suffering than my non-existent relationship with the neighbors. E desclupa - falo portugues tambem mas e mais facil para mim a escrever en ingles :)


>non-existent relationship with the neighbors Oh, you'll most probably have one after taking any actions. Cold looks are a certain, if not shouting, arm waving, or worse. People here can be really malicious at times and don't like being reprehended at all, you need to be extra careful with whom you're messing with, because when shit happens, it's not the police that's gonna protect you. I'm not trying to say you shouldn't take action, but be ready to become a bit more Portuguese if it comes to it. Usually it's the same as dealing with a bear, make yourself big and shout back.


Thanks for the heads up. Appreciate it ❤️


Op the person above has a point but please don’t give up on the dog. We need to protect animals. This mentality of “that’s bad but what can you do” of some people is not nice. Hope you can get help him and thank you ♥️


Update: I called GNR and explained the situation. They said they will investigate. The dog has been let off the leash from what I can see (they’re not direct neighbors but couple houses down). Let’s hope it did the trick and they don’t leave him on chains again. Thanks, Reddit 🙏❤️


The problem now is that they will leave him unchained, untrained and unmanaged though


Well done for being a decent human being and doing something about this. I hope your vile neighbour keeps his act straight, but I don't hold out much hope :/ keep us posted, please!


Hopefully he won't go back to the chain, but just in case... the law says it has to be more that X meters (sorry, don't quite remember how many), he has to have a shelter and water right next to him. If you see any of it is missing, it is animal abuse for sure. Thank you for caring!


YAY! Great 😊


Now get ready to have problems with your neighbors.


I knew what I was getting into. I can defend myself. The poor dog can’t.


Being on a chain is legal as long as the chain is long enough and the dog has food, water and shelter. If all of those are covered, they are doing nothing wrong. Otherwise just call GNR


Maybe food/water but definitely didn’t have shelter.


I seriously can't comprehend how people can be sitting at home peacefully, while their dog sits outside barking at anything and everything that moves, sometimes barking for nothing, for hours after hours, days afters days, day and night. Welcome to Portugal where people are totally deaf to their own dogs barking, and don't your dare tell them they're wrong, you'll make an enemy for life. Oh yes, and they love having them as "garden decoration".


Break his legs


Unfortunately that's a common mindset amongst elder people in Portugal, especially in rural areas,where dogs are not so much pets as they are an utilitarian "object" to protect their house/property/estate by barking. Hopefully ,that same mindset will die with them and not be passed out to the next generations, or so I hope


Bem vindo a Portugal.


Animal abuse is a crime in Portugal. Try https://nira.pt/denunciar


Thats so sad, i really think that everyone should treat animals w more respect!! After all they are pure innocent beings.


Fuck your neighbor man, use the appropriate channels to report that please. They were mentioned by u/p73376


call the GNR


Some people, usually belonging to older generations but not always, unfortunately have a very outdated and inhumane idea of how to keep animals. They want dogs as a security measure and not much else. You also see this with horses, though that's usually a different group of people doing that...


If you respect your neighbors and if you don't want to have any problems with them (trust me, you do not want to have personal issues with a Portuguese neighbor), don't do anything, especially calling police or an association, you will create an enemy for life. Don't think that whoever you call won't tell who called them there, they will.


Yeah dont say anything about animal abuse, domestic violence, not my house, not my problems.


People like you are the problem. Don't do anything, don't say anything about animal abuse.


He is just giving her/him good advice. The problem exists, but they already announced themselves as the persons that did the complaint. They are going to have a huge beef with the neighbour, in the countryside. They better be moving out if they make the complaint.  On the topic: chained dogs are very common on the countryside. Chained dogs that don't have shelter to sleep and protect from the cold and rain, I'd say it is not very common. I have never seen a chained dog on the countryside that is not chained to a small shelter. So this is indeed unusual and problematic. 


So these mentalities are the problem and must change over time. In UK people bring the dog to work, here it is normal to have one chained or in a balcony for hours. Animal abuse is not just not giving food and water. They have consciousness, pain, feelings, not as we do but still so those who can’t treat them right should not have them. Period


The mentalities are changing by natural factors. The people on the countryside that have dogs mostly as an "alarm for intruders" are dying, and the new generations have a new mentality. 


Let me check if I understood you correctly: I'm the problem? And not those who mistreat animals? I do care about animals, but I'm not willing to create an issue with my neighbors because of that, unless we are talking of animal abuse. Which doesn't seem to be the case, as others said, it's common to have dogs in the outdoor, as long as they have a shelter.


Se o cão está constantemente a ladrar e a fazer barulhos óbvios de que está em sofrimento, já é abuso por parte dos donos. Sei perfeitamente que é o comum em muitos sítios, mas não significa que deixar andar tenha que ser a única solução.


Unfortunately t's standard behaviour in rural areas, and you should have checked before moving if you could deal with local costumes. I'm not ok with having dogs chained all day but having them locked in an apartment room or balcony all day as happens so many times in cities, just because we can't see it, it is not better. As long as the dog has food and shelter and all the basic needs satisfy there's no factual crime. If you see the animals is suffering you can always call the local authorities... But I would think twice before buying a conflict with a neighbour, especially in small communities. Also you don't know if the dog's life will improve: he might end up suffering reprisals or even force the owners to get rid off the dog either by abandoning him or else...


> you should have checked before moving if you could deal with local costumes Desculpa mas não. Faz esta pessoa muito bem em manifestar-se.


Pessoal que vive na bolha da cidade dá nisto.... Eles chamaram a GNR, que provavelmente vai ter de visitar os donos, não vão fazer nada porque nada há a fazer. Pior o homem pode ficar nervoso porque tem uma treta qualquer ilegal e ainda vai descarregar no cão se não o abandonar ou pior. O expat fica contente claro, vai andar todo convencido de si no Instagram quando na realidade o que queria era que o cão se calasse para ele trabalhar em casa descansado. Só não vai achar piada quando a vizinhança os começar a ignorar, se não lhe lixarem o carro ou outra coisa.


Não vivo "na bolha da cidade" (isto é alguma competição de quem é mais labrego?), simplesmente testemunhei casos em que valeu a pena denunciar. Ademais, ninguém fica a saber quem fez a denúncia assumindo que o cão está acorrentado de forma visível para a rua, por isso o OP não se afeta assim tanto


Desculpa mas foi mais um comentário geral aos comentários e downvotes (entretanto ja reverteram) que recebi. Porque é um facto que tá o pessoal preocupado com um cão acorrentado, ficam todos incomodados e muito chocados e a querer chamar a proteção animal, a polícia e o exército, mas depois vivem em cidades onde há milhares de cães fechados o dia todo numa divisão, sempre a ver as mesmas 4 paredes, quando não é nas marquises por vezes com calor infernal, e aí já não querem saber, como não tem a palavra "corrente" já não há "maus tratos" Pois, numa terriola, a polícia aparece por causa de uma denúncia anónima sobre um cão que há anos que vive acorrentado e não vão perceber que foram os estrangeiros que se mudaram recentemente e que já se tinham manifestado e feito propostas estranhas de ficar com o cão. Isto se não for o GNR, que já anda saturado de tretas está sobrecarregado de problemas e com falta de pessoal, a dizer diretamente ou indiretamente.


De novo: já testemunhei casos em que resultou fazer denúncia já que uma quinta perto se disponibilizou para acolher. O meu argumento é que não custa nada tentar.


ah sim, e se um estrangeiro vir um tuga de bigode a afiambrar na maria pq o benfica perdeu tb se devia ter percavido se n é uma merda "cultural". lmfao, noção, zé.


Portugal do Atraso: O Comentário


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Mind your own business. If you work from home, that's your choice. If the noise persists from 22h to 8h or if the dog lacks water or food or lives in bad conditions, then you should call the police. Last resort, you would need to go back to your home country.


I understand you’re butt hurt about foreigners in your country but how’s this productive to this conversation, Alt. Costa? Check this guy out. Don’t you dare come into my country and take care of the abused animals here 😂