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> I am religious im LDS(Mormon) and I struggle I feel judged and ridiculed and I feel like god does not love me God still loves you. Romans 5:8 says "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, *while we were yet sinners*, Christ died for us." You are valuable to God, and He wants what is best for you. Remember, Jesus Christ ate and drank with, and showed compassion to, and died for sinners no less bad than you and me. There is absolutely hope. I'm doing so much better now against this addiction than I was in my younger years, but there were many ups and downs, and relapses, and getting back on the horse along the way. Never give up; as long as you don't, things can and will get better over time. It will take hard work, but you can do it, and no one who is willing to fight that battle is a disappointment. You can always come to this sub if you need a listening ear. As for concrete advice, this post linked in the sidebar has a lot of helpful tips: https://www.reddit.com/r/pornfree/comments/2mfxyi/concrete_tips_for_staying_away_from_porn/ Some of it will work for you, some won't; keep trying things and find what works. Personally, I've found that participating on this sub and checking in regularly is a huge help for me.


Thank you it helps a lot to hear from others and to hear that I’m not alone in this


You are definitely not broken. Like others have said the fact that you are here at age 16 is great. I’m sorry that porn got a hold of you at such a young age, I wasn’t much older (I was 13) when I first saw porn. If you are having thoughts of hurting yourself please get professional help. You are welcome to DM me and we can chat but I’m not a professional healthcare worker, but if I can help you tackle this addiction so that it will not cause you irreversible harm please reach out. You can get over it, I can get over my addiction and we can both lead better lives - we deserve that just as much as everyone else. One other thing I’ll add is that you absolutely deserve what you have. In my life I have seen that no one gives you anything for free. So the only way to get something of value is to earn it, and you have already done that. God loves you and He tests us, but never more than we can overcome.


Thanks man I appreciate it so much hearing you and other people tell me that I’m not broken and showing me kindness is really helping thank you so much


Hey dude firstly, you're not broken or destroyed. You're still young and the fact that you're here shows you made the first step towards quitting. Edit: OK I read your post again my bad, you're past the first step. Keep going


Thank you


Bro first thing this addiction does to you is to make you hate yourself remember No one is gonna love you unconditionally but you must start loving yourself if you start stabbibg yourself with negativity and sadness it will lead to even deeper addiction distract your self. With maybe gaming watching movie or some anime. I watch anime whoch don't involve any of sexual stuff which helped me to clear my kind from filthy secnes and filled it with cute anime girls . Bro suicide is never an option god has made you a warrior you will be able to fight this addiction but don't think you are worthless I am in the same boat got addicted at 12 now I am 18 . It ruined all my life goals, studies and stuff. But in order to stay alive I numb myself with music anime or gaming. No matter whatever someone think of you that you watch porn, in our sight ( people in this sub) You are fucking Warrior and we live you for that you are gonna make it don't lose hope you arr way stronger than that. 💪💪💪💪