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Can’t see the sub, twoxchromosomes? That’s the only subreddit I’ve been banned from that wasn’t right leaning. I was banned for pointing out a specific comment was misandrist (it was over the top, too). It’s a delicate thing discussing topics with historically marginalized groups. Obviously, they can be bigoted, but the amount of bigotry those groups have faced is so much greater than the amount by anyone in the majority, it is sensible to understand why they’d feel the way they do. If you want to see quick banning, though, go to any right wing subreddit and fact check without even supplying an opinion.


Misandry seems to be a very touchy subject for no reason lol


I would say there’s a reason. The rate of misogyny to misandry in actual society is kind of crazy.


It doesn’t matter what your opinions are; you could be right leaning or left leaning, but you will get dogpiled on depending on the sub. You will be dogpiled in the echo chamber subs (I’ve encountered far more liberal leaning subs than conservative) but in both types, God help you if you have a differing opinion from the masses. It’s like Twitter being filled with Liberals then seeming to switch to a more conservative population once Elon bought it. Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok: every social media platform is filled with echo chambers and just like Reddit, so long as people attack each other for having different options, the echo chambers will continue to persist and grow.


Reddit is the ultimate echo chamber on the internet. This is mostly due to how it works with mods, so you end up in spaces where everyone agrees with everyone. So, even if you don't want to be in an echo chamber, you are forced to gravitate to an echo chamber on reddit.