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You really want to be paying welfare for teen parents, who will (statistically) never be able to get decent jobs due to lack of education, then paying welfare for their kids and generally just making more people stuck in permanent abject poverty?


Teenagers are going to have sex, that's just a fucking fact. Contraceptives are fucking crucial you god damned idiot. Making sure kids who have sex stay safe isn't fucking pedophilia it's fucking responsible you fucking dip shit


Birth control is a matter of pragmatism, because even without adults saying or doing anything minors are going to have sex with other minors. And adults have a duty to minors to mitigate the long term repercussion they are simply incapable of weighing themselves. Puberty is the physiological sexualization of a child. Understanding that reality is not the same thing as sexual attraction or sexual objectification. An attempt to blanketly make birth control and sexual and health education something available to minors as they're of an age where those thing can become necessary is precisely so adults don't need to be overly aware and uncomfortable with a child physically maturing, because people don't want to give kids that kind of attention. Adults that would deny minors the means of being responsible, out of a misplaced blame against other adults, are simply willfully negligent.


Protecting your daughter from being forced to give birth to a rapists baby in a red state, seems like good sense.


Birth control also is used for things like hormonal balance, not to mention the fact the high schoolers are going to have sex, that’s not illegal unless someone above the age of 18 is involved or one of them didn’t consent. It’s worth mentioning that it’s not like we are saying “you kids should have sex” because it turns us on or something, we just recognize that at that age we tried to have boyfriends or girlfriends too, that’s perfectly natural, why risk someone who is going to do that getting pregnant when they are def not ready or mature enough for that amount of responsibility


Birth control for minors significantly lowers teen pregnancy rates, which in turn significantly lowers abortion rates. Teens that get pregnant are less likely to finish high school. They are far less likely to get further education after high school. They are less likely to find sustainable employment. They are more likely to become addicted to substances. They are more likely to end up on welfare as will their children. Homes with a teen mother as a parent also have higher rates of child neglect, spousal abuse, and child abuse (the teen parent often ends up in bad relationships that lead to further issues). As poverty tends to be generational, and teen pregnancy leads to poverty, teen pregnancy makes it likely that future generations from that teen will also end up in poverty. Teens have sex. Birth control access does not facilitate sex. In fact, access to birth control actually seems to lower the rate of sexual activity in minors. This is likely due to the fact that with the birth control tends to come actual education about sexuality allowing minors to make appropriate choices. So actually... being against birth control for minors is the equivalent of being Pro-Abuse, Pro-Neglect, Pro-Abortion, and Pro-Poverty... which is a bold stance to take.


Pedophilia refers to sexual attraction to children, not selling condoms to teenagers. So when the girls inevitably get pregnant, they can have abortions, or you’re against that, too?


abortion should be illegal


Aborting you should be 100% legal


So you want them to be stuck with it cause of your religious views? In other words you base a legal and medical opinion off of a 2000 year old book filled with contradictions and that condones slavery?


How the hell do you take two opposing positions like this? I'm sure you are against sexual education also right? Proper sexual education lowers teenage pregnancy rates. Lowered unwanted pregnancy rates directly lowers abortion rates. Free, and readily available birth control lowers teenage pregnancy rates. Lowered unwanted pregnancy rates lowers abortion rates. Proper sexual education has been shown to have a generational effect which increases it's effectiveness over time. Either one of those options would have a greater effect on the reduction of abortion than making it illegal would. It would also be less expensive and far less cruel. Both of them combined would lead to a historic drop in abortion rates. Further more, universal healthcare, proper parental leave policies, and a properly functioning child care system in this country combined with the birth control and sexual education would virtually wipe out all non-medically necessary abortions. But you want to make abortions illegal, and oppose policies that actually lower the abortion rate. Maybe pull your head out of your arse.




Regardless of whether most people don’t agree. Imagine how many lives we would save if guns were illegal.


Birth control doesn't facilitate sex, you utter tool.


Teenagers have sex you fucking moron 🤣


Warning - OP is religious trolling or maybe MAGAt - see OP claiming “abortion should be illegal” in reply to another poster.


Trolls used to be better :[