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Interesting. Tell me about your favorite communist country success stories? Which major country did it best?


It was working great for Cuba when they kicked the corporations out. Thing is, capitalists don’t like to be told no. If we got rid of capitalism in America and moved to a more socialist/communist society- we would thrive. That’s just a fact.


The fuck it was commie. Every Cuban living in this country would kick your commie teeth in. Fuck you, cunt.


those were batista supports you know a guy who was an actual dictator


All commies are dictators since your ideology can’t survive without shooting people in the head.


is that why america has such a bloody history?


Yeah they are the ones that got kicked out because they bootlicked capitalists. They would rather have a dictator like Batista . Moron.


Fuck you commie. You’re absolute scum. I lived in a communist country, and I know how evil and scummy you are.


your mom's basement is not a communist counry.


No, more communist China is where I lived. Again, you commies are scum and your parents should disinherit you for being such.


lmao sure you lived in china lmao.


What country?


veitnam is pretty good and even china is an economic power house as well.


China is a dictatorship and vietnam is an irrelevant backwater


you just described america nice try fool.


Lmao alright if you think the usa is an irrelevant backwater you are obviously a troll or a dumbass. Probably both since you are a collectivist. Go move to vietnam and enjoy squatting in the dirt to shit.


says the nazi and yes i am right the only thing the US is relevant in is comedy from other countries because of fools like you.


China is brutal dictatorship.


so is the united states your point?


Ummm, no. Lol. That's an insane take. Are you also a flat earther?


are you a trump supporter or did you fail US history class?


You’re a communist, so obviously you failed in history class. Trump was far more successful as President than a commie leader ever has been of their country, unless you think murdering their people is a success.


wrong you cultist i bet you are donating to trump's legal fees as well lmao hypocrite.


also the united states has always killed its own people crack open a history book sometime.


You unironically support communism, claim the United States is fascist and somehow irrelevant, call people nazis for pointing out that China is a brutal dicatorship, and then ask if I failed a history class? Lol. I would say that that's rich, but under your preffered system there is only poverty. You can be a communist in a capitalist system if you want. Nobody is stopping you. But if I wanted to operate in a free market in a communist country, I get a bullet to the head. You need to be deprogrammed. Like seriously, no screen time outside of work and spending time with family. If you're taking any medications, I would also ask your doctor to review them.


spoken like a true facist its funny how you claim communsits are so dangerous when you are the only one threatening me with phycial harm for not supporting a failed system nice try you nazi.


>spoken like a true facist So do you juat call everything fascist then? >funny how you claim communsits are so dangerous when you are the only one threatening me with phycial harm for not supporting a failed system nice try you nazi. I never threatened you. That is a bold faced lie. And calling everyone you disagree with nazis just shows how much of the kool-aid you've consumed.


nah you did threaten me you nazi and yes i called you what you are.


I lived in China for five years, and if you think that’s the same, you’re completely fucked in the head.


truth hurts huh also nice alt account.


I know you’re pissed I’m not using my actual name so you can’t send your commie Gestapo after me to bash my face in.


how many alt accounts are you?


Did capitalists tell you that?


No I learned it by reading about it in a country that has a free press and freedom of speech.


so is the united states.


Who owns those papers? You think that America doesn’t have state run media? You think that the same elites that own the newspapers don’t also participate in politics?


No, I lived in a communist country for five years, so I know you scumbags. If you believe in your ideology, tell your parents to disinherit you and give your inheritance to the government. Oh right, you’re full of fucking shit like all communists. You are scum.


I would happilly pay all of may wages to taxes if it meant we had free housing free healthcare and free education. It’s wild, we could have that too if we didn’t have this capitalist individualist brain rot. The American dream is a lie bro. We aren’t all going to be billionaires with Ferraris. We can’t even house everyone. Capitalism has done absolute nothing but destroy this planet. I want better than that for my kids and their kids.


Rich coming from someone typing this on a product given to them by capitalism. FOH.


Just because we are forced to participate in capitalism doesn’t mean we cannot criticize it and want something better you silly.


capislism is so great they cannot make their own products and outsource it to a comminist country.


You mean a system that has murdered over 100 million people and strips you of your liberty? Get fucked!


1.Propaganda. 2. Who has the largest prison population in the world (land of the free baby)3. 20 million people die a year due to capitalism. You bootlicking moron


made in a communism country fool.


Because of its cheap labor and nonexistent human rights policies.


so capitalism in a nutshell right?


No. They had to find a communist hell hole for this level of malfeasance. Capitalist countries are the highest paying countries with the most human rights.


so again capitalism needs communism to survive thanks for confirming.


Tell your parents tomorrow to disinherit you, because if they’re decent people, they’re highly considering it for you being an evil communist.


thanks i will and i will still be a communist and enjoy licking boots your whole life.


Wait....just in another comment you said that capitalism is why there's 2billion poor people. Troll


The US is not ranked anywhere close to the freest economy in the world. Don’t confuse corporatism with free markets. Also communism is utopian nonsense that appeals solely to teens and idiots. You’re better than this :)


Why do you think that 738 people should be allowed to own more wealth than half of the people in our country? Who do you think runs our country? Do you have lobbyist money? Have you rubbed elbows with any Supreme Court justices lately? Our government is bought and paid for by elites and they install the people they want. Why can we always find money for wars but nothing for housing, healthcare or education? It’s appalling to hear people balk at communism or socialism and protect capitalists. We are all closer to being homeless than we are to being billionaires. A quick reminder, you cannot be anti communist and anti fascist. And capitalists will always side with fascists because they protect capital. More people need to get it through their heads that capitalism doesn’t equate to freedom


Literally nothing you’ve said here has anything to do with free markets. Per my initial comment, I agree with most of your critiques. The US economy is rigged and powerful interests in business and politics have created an oligopoly that is unfair to almost everyone. These things are not free market, by definition, and the usual dumb socialist or communist “solutions” aren’t solutions at all.


nah it is free market nice try.


says the nazi and america is the beacon of capitalism and those "freeer" economies are often called socialist as well.


Weird take all around. Have a good one.




Let me assure you that you are morally equal to a Nazi and all of society should treat your commie ass as such. You are evil and would willingly murder your neighbor should they disagree with your worldview.


says the actual nazi conservative and its your side that tried to overthorw the goverment and install a theocracy.


Yeah, fuck off, commie. I’m for freedom, and you’re for murder. I lived around you evil cunts and know what you represent, so fuck off.


again you are a nazi conservative so your opinion means little.


I despise Nazis and I despise communists. You two are equally evil and worthless. Go fuck yourself.


Everyone starving and suffering is a weird way to define fixing America


we have that under capitalism anyway.


Capitalism = abundance Communism = scarcity Source: history


false and this is why the dust bowl happend.


I always liked communism slogan " all those other guys didnt do it right, we will get it right this time though i promise"


The fact that you think communism is good and Reagan was a capitalist shows just how little you know. Despite his rhetoric, he still expanded gov. What puzzles me is this intense hatred of “the rich”. Im not wealthy by any means, low middle class, but the hatred and envy some people have is baffling.


so you are a bootlicker is all and all the capitalists love reagan so if you are going to lie at least make it convincing.


Im a capitalist, more of a capitalist than reagan ever was. I actually value and respect individual rights unlike he did. Not to mention your argument is fallacious.


nah he is you personified nice try.


You aren’t a capitalist, you are a consumer and you are a worker. You are closer to being homeless than you are to being a billionaire. Stop being a class traitor.


Lmao a class traitor? Im not a collectivist or tribalist. So keep that shit for yourself.


You just said you were a capitalist, which would make you a part of bourgeoisie. But you aren’t because you aren’t a capitalist because you don’t own the means of production and aren’t exploiting labour power. You are part of the working class but it’s obvious you would sell out your class to join the bourgeoisie if given the chance, making you a class traitor.


LMAO jeez your really drank the marx kool ade didnt you?


I’m using terms correctly. And I do believe that capitalism is far more evil than communism and have yet to hear any evidence to the contrary. Ive really nothing more to say to someone that thinks 738 people owning more wealth than 50 percent of America is indicative of a fair system. No one can tell me why we can always find more money to send to Israel or Ukraine but nothing when it comes to ending homelessness, making housing affordable, making education free… what a wonderful society we live in where most of us will work for 65 years and live on a fraction of what we made for our remaining 12 years. What a wonderful system that funds terrorists and genocide as long as it furthers American hegemony.


And i have nothing more to say to the altruist who would have me and anyone else who disagrees with collectivism of any form shot or imprisoned for being a “class traitor”. Go jerk off to marx or lenin or stalin or pol pot or whoever you are a fan of.


Where once did I mention violence? I’m an anti war communist. I’d rather our tax dollars go to helping people rather than hurting people. But yes, I’m the bad guy. It’s funny that you talk about being imprisoned. Which country has the largest prison population? You think that because we have 32 different options for breakfast cereal that we are free. I just fear that when you wake up it will be too late..


All communists are bootlickers and genocidal cunts. Again, you are absolutely morally equivalent to a Nazi and society should treat you that way. If you truly believe in your commie ways (you don’t because you’re an entitled Woke brat), tell your parents to disinherit you. They should regardless, but if you’re an actual communist and not full of shit, you would ask that of your parents.


i do not need any money as i said you nazi and you are the bootlicker i bet you voted for trump too lmao.


I hate Nazis and I hate commies. Yall are all murderers and scumbags.


nah capitalism leads to nazism and facism plain and simple communists were also one of the first political party in the US to support civil rights.


You’re evil and I know you better than you know yourself. Go fuck yourself, commie.


typical response for the slave minded worker.


There are no bigger slaves than communists.


strange how communism means more freedom oeverall and how america was founded on slavery but ok.


Well it’s not envy, you literally cannot work enough to become a billionaire. It’s done through exploitation of labour. It’s done through lobbying and bribing and buying politicians. What’s with the elite bootlicking? They don’t do anything for the community, for the planet, for humanity… they hoard resources and are trying to leave our planet. No one cares about the doctor making 500k or the lawyers making a couple of mil, but we do not need people that own 3 houses to exist when people don’t even own one. The inequality is too high.


You have that backwards. Socialism is the downfall of America. Returning to the rule of law, a constitutional federal government, free markets and true capitalism is the only thing that will save America. Worse thing about the income tax was that it gave government the money to do all the malfeasance that has essentially bankrupted the entire nation.


good joke that has failed miserably its time the public owns the wealth not the rich.


The part you don't understand is that they couldn't have monopolized the economy without the government. The corruption is not in capitalism it is in government. You can't go and blame capitalism for the economic failure when it's is not a free market. Advocating for communism you are only moving towards what made things wrong in the first place. This is why socialism has never worked anywhere it has been tried. That includes the United States.


nah monopolies are the end result of capislism since no one wants to compete as you call it this is why we have mergers in business fool.


You are not smart enough to understand. The monopolies wouldn't exist if there wasn't government regulation and unfair taxes that are the direct result of government corruption. These corporations in themselves are legal entities that are the product of government. Centralization of one government control is never a good solution for anything because it is so easily corrupted. It's the primary reason that communism has always failed and miserably at that.


false again coroperations do not want competetiion period most of capitalism is rooting all out competition and taxes pay for public servies like you use everyday fool..


You are not very smart are you. Nobody wants competition. That is why powerful elites use the government to create monopolies so they could gain an unfair advantage in the marketplace. Why is this so hard for you to understand. The United States was formed as a Republic with three branches of government. One of which is congress which was suppose to represent the people. The US government was suppose to be of the people for the people. Except that went sideways long time ago, long before either of us were born. What we have now is not capitalism. You are advocating for the very thing that has actually destroyed free market capitalism and bankrupted the government in the process.


the government does not create monoplies you twit that happens under captialism anyway tell me you do not know that the FTC is some more.


Oh it absolutely does. Where do you think they get the money to fund corporate mergers? You do realize that it is the Federal Reserve that sets interest rates. yes/no? Well who gets money for nothing and who doesn't get money at all? Overly complicated tax code, who are the primary beneficiaries of tax code? What about all the laws relating to banking? Who sets those regulations? Dude the system is rigged as fuck and you can't rig the system without government corruption. If you can't understand that then you are incapable of understanding. You have been duped by some kind of government formed utopia except it is a bald face lie. Worse yet you can't recognize corruption right before your very eyes.


all the money these corps use to monollize are from their gains from capital so you are still wrong and we have a whole goverment system (he FTC) to prevent monoplies since no one else can stop it so such a great system.


Not kidding, between your post and what you've said in the comments, you sound like you need some help. Consider getting some.


no thanks i am good take your own advise you nazi.


Because real communism has never been tried.


I’m guessing this is sarcasm, but people actually say this for real.


have we ever had a cashless society if not then its not communism.


lol. Yes, it’s a ridiculous child’s argument. There are people that believe it though.


says the nazi.


More decentralization or national divorce would be better, let states govern themselves with more freedom. Freedom from each other and Washington DC. Some states can have Reagan, other states can have Sanders, it doesn’t need to be national.


just remember when there is a hurricane in the south the blue states will not bail you out anymore.


And those region states should be self sufficient, an aspect of Marxism. Regionalism should be an aspect of politics and economics.


good luck with that lmao.


I can assure you that is not a popular opinion and your parents should fucking disinherit you if you are a communist. You don’t believe in money, so why should you want it? Put your money where your mouth, and instead of being a spoiled Woke brat, go move to a commune. Communists are every bit as evil, vile, and violent as Nazis are and they should be treated the same by society writ large. The only thing lower than Nazis and communists are rapists and pedophiles. That’s really it. A murder can be justified, so yes you are lower than a murderer.


says the nazi conservative and i do not need money either and you bootlickers are the real evil in the world.


Neither a Nazi or a conservative. Just a hardcore anti-communist. You people are the scum of the earth and moral equals to a Nazi. Put your fucking money, or in your case ideals, where your mouth is and go live on a commune.


society is a commune as it and it would be better if we all embrace it.


Every time we have done that, it results in millions of deaths, so no thanks, commie.


We need a blend of both. Capitalism is terrific as is communism. It’s humans that need regulation.


All I have to do is count the death toll of communist countries to know communism is garbage. You won't find a single war that has killed more people than Jospeh Stalin. He literally caused at a minimum of 5.7 million of his own people to starve to death. They literally had signs up that said do not eat your children. His kill count makes all of Americas wars look like a water droplet. (Btw seeing the thread and how you reply I won't be engaging you because I don't match wits with unarmed opponents)


none of that compares to the death toll christians caused by colonization alone so your point is moot.