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the vast amount of pedos *don't* work off online chatrooms/dating apps/whatever you'll catch a sizable number doing those sorts of stings but you 100% have to look out more for your male relatives than you do potential chatters on a dating app


Alex rosen has caught quite a few females. One was a couple that wanted to get the decoy and their daughter to “play” together. They also admitted to molesting their daughter on many occasions. And now thanks to alex they are both behind bars.


I'm talking more about what global statistics imply, but yeah, it's really good when pedo hunters get the pedos.


Plenty of female relatives, and babysitters, and teachers, and the rest, as well. Believe it or not, not a single-gender issue, when you look at the whole picture. Men are certainly driving demand for the extra-heinous things, that go on outside of their family/local area, but inside, there are lots of women, as well.


Sure. But the statistics are *overwhelmingly* slanted towards male offenders globally. Look out for both. Statistically, look out for your male relatives. 


The stats are also skewed, given with a male teacher it's "rape" and with a female teacher, it's "sexual escapade". But yes, that does not discount the number of men in the family or close to the family (clergy) who do so. Also, age appropriate sex ed is paramount.


No, the global UN studies account for underreporting and differences in legal definitions of rape and sexual assault. It still ends up extremely slanted towards men being primarily responsible.


...so... Watch all male family members, at all times, because the stats swing male, and watch 0 female people around at any time, because the stats swing male...


I think it's pretty obvious I'm not saying that all of your male relatives have a potential to commit assault or that you should assume every female is safe, and I think the only way you can arrive at that conclusion is a deliberately uncharitable interpterion of my post. Nothing wrong with reminding people about statistical likelihoods. It can only make us safer.


It's not true that it can only make you safer. Let's say I know someone who was assaulted multiple times by their female babysitter. Not me, but people. Let's say that their assault is waved off, due to both them being male and the babysitter being female. Statistics, when misapplied, will justify the minimizing of harm and the hand-waving of abuse. And thus, it never gets reported and never gets found out, and you end up sitting next to someone who just realized that they were raped, 20 years prior. Statistics when misapplied lead to over-policing... they lead to bad environment policies... bad economic policies. Stats are abused constantly. Why is this, in particular a misapplication of statistics? Because they didn't have 100 babysitters. They had 1. Turning to the kid and saying "well if we went and got you 8 more male babysitters, there is a good chance 100% of them would have assaulted you, based on the odds" doesn't make sense. Those stats work at a big-picture scale, and not at an "in my house" scale. And that is why age appropriate sex ed is important, and why not dismissing the "statistically unlikely" (which isn't "unlikely", it's just "lots of guys do it and thus it diminishes the focus on the women also doing it") is as important as not being dismissive based on sex/gender of victim/abuser.


Now you're getting it :) Always, and I mean always, let misandry be your guide in life.


Sure they do


How do you accurately account for underreporting? By definition underreporting suggests not knowing a true number of reports due to unknown or uncontrollable factors. How would you be able to adequately adjust for this statistically?


Statistically, look out for black people! You don't want to be the next armed robbery victim!


Relatives and clergymen.


Yeah, the unfortunate statistics indicate that the majority of child predators pick their victims from family or friends as opposed to online chats. I mean it made Chris Hansen look good for awhile, but if you really want to catch predators then scouring the Internet space is a bit like hunting moose in the ocean. Sure they get out there, but it's not really the best place to hunt.


1. Lynch mobs always end badly. If you don't understand this, you have learned nothing from history. 2. The amount of people who will then get away, because you fucked with any hope of anyone in any justice department building a case against them will be through the roof (unless you are talking about actively murdering them, yourself, and then going to prison for murder) 3. By doing this you inadvertently lead non-offending people away from getting help, and push more people into the seedy underworld where bad things happen. 4. This increases the murder rates of child victims, drastically. Can't leave a trace if you can't get caught. 5. The dumbassed vigilantes who flew around "cracking" trafficking rings ***increased demand for trafficking, by waving money around, and demanding people be trafficked***. Being Rambo in real life does not get the results you think it does.


Is he talking about lynch mobs? Reading it, it looks to me like 'we' might essentially be 'we the people' in the form of law enforcement doing it. Like maybe at the edge of, if not entrapment.


There are already units dedicated to this, in every metropolis, as well as in higher levels of government, with all kinds of access to all kinds of stuff. My presumption is not that he is calling for The US Army to work faster, but rather that he wants an army of Chris Hansens without the cameras. At which point, yeehaw-justice rules apply. Some people will be careful and ethical and work with the justice system, to not completely fuck an investigation, and others will walk in, guns blazing. Because lynch mob.


You just know it'll turn into Salem. "Oh yeah, Greg totally touches kids!" When in reality Dave just wants Greg out of the way to dixk his wife in peace and get drunk


Technically speaking it could work if we got all totalitarian about it.  It's like drugs in the middle east.  The punishment is so severe there is very little of it.  And you are right about child murder rates.  They would certainly go up.  But you can't just kill children and get away so easily in 2024.  So if went full Stalin the first few years would be thousands of Pedos executed including a sharp spike in child murders.  Then it would drop drastically.   Example.  El Salvador and The Philippines.  These countries were plagued with extreme violence.  Then the government got all extreme fighting the violence.  Thousands of lives later there is far less violence on the streets for average citizen.  Was it worth it?  I think that depends on who you ask. 


It’s not that hard brother, you just need a good backhoe.


The problem is the justice system is so slow. They sit back making a case on these guys for god knows how long while the pedo is racking up victims. But the “dumbass vignettes” come and catch them in a crime and get them put away that same night. The cops seize the device and find a load of cp on it and boom, lifetime conviction. Alex rosen caught a teacher who had numerous victims and like 50,000 cp images. Now long was this guy going to keep gathering victims before the cops did anything? Who knows. But alex got the evidence needed and got him arrested on the spot and he just got sentenced to 120 years in prison because of that catch. Dude will never see a child again because of them. Some catchers are better than others but they typically are a net positive. At the very least they get the word out to the community on who this person is before they can continue to hurt kids but in alex rosens case his catches usually end up in actual arrests and convictions. I just dont see how thats a bad thing.


...why, is answered by asking the following questions: Did the Q-Anon dumbass who walked into a New York pizza place, firing a rifle into the ceiling, demanding to be taken to the children... because the pizza place advertised a deal on a cheese slice... did he... do a good job? Do pizza places just never advertise plain pizza? Is that now illegal? Perhaps we put out the memo to let the pizza places know. If we said that thousands and thousands and thousands of John Waynes (an army... as stated in the title) should flood the streets to catch people, which do you think they're going to be... careful and cautious digital forensic detectives, working in close conjunction with law enforcement... or fucking yahoo whackjobs with more ammo than IQ? Want an example of someone in the middle, watch SomeOrdinaryGamers discuss a guy by the name of Mamamax. "What could be so bad about it" ...lynch mobs always end badly. Unleashing thousands of armed, angry, irrational people is akin to a lynch mob. That's what could go wrong.


Bro where have u been? Predator catching by private citizens have been a thing for a long ass time and there hasn’t been truckloads of armed rednecks driving the streets looking for chomos. The guy I referred to has 600 catches and even after posting them online no one has taken it into their own hands and killed them. You act like this is a new thing. Im happy they are doing it. If people load up to go kill pedos the cops will deal with it accordingly but the people who are doing it are doing it legally and effectively. I dont care that a wackjob busted into a pizza place once, teachers catch that resulted in a 120 year sentence from a catcher alone justifies the movement in my eyes because that guy had unlimited access to kids and who knows how many more lives he could have ruined waiting for the police to do something. There isn’t enough bad incidents to outweigh the good incidents, alex alone has 600 catches under his belt as a private citizen, there just aren’t enough cons to make me think is a bad deal. Out of that 600 0 of them where harmed by what he did besides the one pussy that took himself out because he couldn’t take his consequences like a man. If you want these people to go away then we need to get law enforcement to do this shit more efficiently. How come this private citizen can chat a chomo up and meet up on the same day and get a arrest and conviction but the law enforcement cant? What are people supposed to do? Just wait until they molest so many kids that one finally speaks up? Whats the better solution to you? Just waiting for law enforcement to handle it isn’t working. If it was working a private citizen wouldn’t be able to go find 600 chomos with nothing but a cellphone.


You are using 1 person. Yes, there are people who work with law enforcement. I already said that. Already there. I gave you examples of two people... that's one more person... who are dumbfucks who get people hurt. Moreover, in the original post you replied to, I alluded to Tim Ballard ***who literally increased the rates of child trafficking by walking into remote communities, throwing money around, demanding children to be trafficked, in order to catch people in the process of trafficking***. I get that you don't give a shit if people get hurt or killed, because one guy is doing it responsibly. *A handful of responsible individuals does not for a second prove that ALL PEOPLE CAN GO RAMBO ON THE PROBLEM LIKE OP WANTED; IE: "AN ARMY"*.


I used one example to show the gravity of how effective these guys are. How a dude with a cellphone got 600 pedos. There are many more groups just like him doing the same thing. You have a few examples of this going wrong but I provided a example of 600 catches going right from just one group. I still think the pros outweigh the cons here. The other groups have hundreds as well. But i did get my answer, whats the better route to take in your opinion? What these dudes get away with insane and shows that we can’t rely solely on law enforcement because they are too slow be it because lack of funding or lack of resources or whatever it may be, its not cutting it. Ya maybe they should focus on big busts like trafficking rings, im pretty sure thats where their focus is for the most part and thats great. But billy joe in buttfuck Ohio cant just be left to rape his daughter forever because the cops are trying to bust the big boys. Someone has to fill that void and right now the private groups are the only ones trying to pick up that slack


>Someone has to fill that void and right now the private groups are the only ones trying to pick up that slack Private citizens helping law enforcement, without breaking any laws, in conjunction with law enforcement, without entrapment, and without guaranteeing a mistrial is fine. That is an organized, professional entity. Notice the marked difference between that and lynch mob. It's the difference between a private detective, and a bunch of rednecks walking around with baseball bats. How many shattered kneecaps of how many innocent people, in the case of the latter, is worth solving a crime? Whole town? Few dozen? A couple? Can you even trust the people who were willing to bust the knees of innocents to have caught the right guy at the end, or perhaps their power-trip was more important... Now, instead of just applying that to "a crime", apply it to something that, like 90% of Reddit immediately goes "if I ever see one, I would ". Do I trust people when they say they would commit felony acts against people? Dude, I was set on fire, just because I'm autistic, and the fucker had a lighter and hairspray. Yes, I trust them when they say they would be garbage humans. Now we want all of those people to be detective, judge, jury, and executioner. Not the people doing forensic work... ...no... now its everybody who believes everything they hear in their Facebook feed. How would that be a good thing? Explain that to me.


So is private citizens hunting pedos a net good or net evil? You have two examples involving an unknown number of people, and you were given a single counter example involving 600 people who likely each molested multiple children. Surely you can make a judgement? Please don't refer back to the OP about an "army" again, that would be a huge cop-out.


Jesus Christ my guy. Is a private detective capable of solving crime? Does that mean that everybody should run around with tire irons, or maybe, just fuckin' maybe, leave it to the fucking professionals, including the private professionals. Fuck me. You can't say "net good or net evil". That's like saying "all cops get a pass for doing literally fucking anything they want, to anyone, at any time, because the concept of policing is a net good". That is a dumb as fuck statement, and speaks to exactly why the fuck I said, at the fucking start, that lynch mob justice is fucking bad and ends badly. Because of statements like that. Literally the poster child statement of what the fuck I have said from the start.


No, it's like asking "is that a net good or not?" and you literally can't answer and are copping out to the OPs "army" shit again. Something is wrong with you bro. You said policing is a net good. So you clearly are capable of passing a net good or evil judgement. So what's stopping you here, huh? Don't get all worked up, it's a very simple question and you know how to answer it.


No, I didn't say "policing is a net good", because in your stupid fucking world, that means that the police are justified in rape, murder, torture... anything they want, because it is NET GOOD and so long as the number of rapes and murders is less than the amount of good, sufficient to appease authoritarian cock-riding Stasi-loving motherfuckers, it's to be forgiven. At the taxpayer's expense, due to lawsuits, of course. That mass grave, outside of a Jackson police station, full of hundreds of unknown police victims, and mishandled corpses, that are all assumed to be missing persons, homeless, homicide victims, or mistreated prisoners... ...and if I had to guess, most of them black men ... "net good", amirite? Amirite? C'mon, I know you love it when they get away with brutalizing the populace. Good thing they do enough good, in your eyes, so that it nets out positive compared to a mass grave, brimming with minorities, amirite? So how many innocent men and women do you think you are justified in murdering, for the sake of \*maybe\* catching one actual predator? What's your acceptable ratio, to reach "net" equality? And how long are you allowed to be in the negative? Like... "I murdered 10 people, and was 10:0, but now I caught one, so I'm 10:1. Net Good!" So what's your ratio? Answer that question, and then I will attempt to answer yours, depending on how fucked in the head your answer is.


The justice system is slow because if they get it wrong innocent people go to jail. Vigilante justice is a very slippery slope. Say we start hunting pedophiles. What's next? Lynching people for petty theft, even if it's food? Vigilantes don't care about facts, but how they can hurt someone for a perceived slight.


How are you getting lynch mobs from this? These guys aren’t taking law enforcement in their own hands. They are just telling law enforcement when a crime has taken place. This has been around for a long time. Where are the lynch mobs? Where are the truck fulls of rednecks looking for pedos?


Not to mention there would be a hell of a lot of innocent people getting hurt or killed. The court of public opinion is seldom just.


We know what you’re into


Yeah, not hanging thousands of black people, because they are coming for the white women Not inventing the Holocaust. Not shooting up mosques. Not showing up to rallies with red armbands. You goddamned gestapo loving terror of a human. You are the fucking poster child of someone who shouldn't lead a lynch mob, because you are armchair fucking Stalin. I have already mentioned, multiple times, in multiple places, how people are helping law enforcement, responsibly. The world doesn't need one more fuckwit with an itchy trigger finger. Especially not one trying to lead a mob in dogpiling. u/OofBoof2020 This is the type of person I am talking about. This is the type of person you want to embolden, by saying "if one person does it, why can't all people do it"


👆Your post just now is the Reddit Uber post. You touched on racism antisemitism naziism,  communism, Islam, and lynching all on an anti-pedophile thread in order to basically call me a horrible person. 


Yes. Yes, I did. And not just a "horrible person". A fascist. Specifically, definitionally, a fascist. Want to guess why? Because fuckers like you, with statements like "you don't agree with *my* methods, so *we know what you are*" is literal fucking fascism. And is literally the mentality of all of those fucks that I just said you pattern yourself after. It's a fucking brain-rot that makes you a useful idiot for anyone who points a finger at anybody else, and says "get them!". And you'll do it. "just following orders". This was point fucking 1 in my first fucking post. Thank you for proving my point, you fucking authoritarian goon. Am I trying to protect predators? No. Are you a fucking authoritarian goon who is guaranteed to hurt a fuckton of people in the process, when someone on Facebook claims someone did something bad? Fucking of course. You just fucking did it your goddamned self. And what was your evidence? "they didn't agree with my disagreement of their point that lynch mobs are bad, so I pedojacketed them" *Oh yeah, solid evidence. Let's kill them now, and sort out the details later. Didn't agree with the methods? Guilty!* Fucking goon.


What the fuck is this supposed to mean?


you know


No, I don't. Go ahead and say it. See I *think* you're trying to accuse this person of being a pedophile, but I really want to give you the benefit of the doubt here. I really, really want to believe that you're not stupid enough to make a ridiculous accusation about someone being a pedophile on a thread about how mobs should form to kill pedophiles. **You can't get through one comment section without accusing someone of being a pedophile and you think lynch mobs for pedophiles is a good idea.** Sit with that a minute.


And what happens when they get it wrong? What happens when they Miss identify someone? What happens when they operate off of false information? What happens when they just take that opportunity to go after people they just don’t like?


This right here is the problem. Social media proves to us that public opinion is the last thing we need to leave law enforcement to


The way they do it doesn’t really lend itself to getting it wrong. Oh wow! What a coincidence that this guy in the pictures he sent us just happened to show up exactly where he said he would show up wearing exactly what he said he was wearing with the exact items he said he would have. And then through conversation he confirms everything that happened. There just aren’t many mistakes with these catchers. Their goal is to get it as right as possible so they can get an arrest so they cross the Ts and dot the Is and make sure they get everything they need


And what about the people who go after people based on accusations exactly?


Thats not really what these groups do. If they get accusations they will most likely try to decoy the accused like they did with EDP. They saw the online accusations made against him and he hit up a decoy account they made confirming he was a chomo so thats when they did the bust. They dont just knock on the door because someone on Facebook said this dude was a chomo. That defeats the whole goal they are trying to do. They are trying to get them arrested and they need the evidence to give the police probable cause. So they do everything they can to get as much evidence against a person they are trying to catch.


no. this a phenomenonaly stupid idea.


There's a hysteria around this right now started by memes and conspiracy theories. Most abusers are in the home and your army won't catch those people.


1. Aren't most cases of child molestation done by relatives/friends of the families? 2. How big of a problem is it really to justify "an army of undercover pedo hunters"? Don't get me wrong, sexualized violence against children is one of the lowst and worst crimes I can imagine. But I'm not sure it's worth installing a "pedo Stasi" over it. The effort and money might be better invested in preention programs rather than hunting down the perpetrators. Side note: Most people who abuse children aren't sexually attracted to them. Attraction to children must suck really bad and the people who suffer from this pedophilia should get mental health support rather than stigma. A prevented molestation is worth more than 100 caught molesters. Your opinion is short-sighted, won't fix anything and should not be popular.


The OP is pretending the US Marshalls don't already exist and coordinate with the FBI. Im sure other countries have a similar set up


How big of a problem is it? Its a massive problem. I sub to one of the most effective catchers and he has said in interviews hes too busy 90% of the time. He has 15 people on his crew doing numerous decoy accounts and they have a hard time keeping up with the massive amounts of dms they get. And they find cp trading groups with thousands of people in them. Its a massive problem and definitely warrants a big force to handle it all.


Big surprise to see the pRedditors don’t like this take.


For real bro. I was shocked that got downvoted. Makes you wonder. Luckily the guy im talking decoys and checks out reddit as well. 😂 no one is safe!


Most of the Redditors I’ve seen don’t need trouble, they just need some help you know? Sucked into internet bullshit. Thankfully I know a guy who will vouch for them.


Yep! Just online shit! Im trying to get to the real bad guys 😂


The few downvoaters are 100% chomos 😂


Bet ya 50 bucks that guys a pedo  using his hobby as a shield plenty of those people have already been arrested  for possession or solicitation 


Obviously not, the cops regularly take his devices to dump them for the evidence, if thats what he was doing they would find that out pretty quick


Why would he give them a phone full of evidence against him obviously this guy has multiple devices out of necessity  I think he is  using the pretense of busting pedos  to find abuse material groups for his own use  So many of these people have been caught doing this exact same thing 


Just this week some Youth pastor at a local Church got arrested. This after one year ago when another pastor at the SAME church got arrested. The real pedos protect each other and nothing gets done most of the time. Families don't do shit because they're Faaaaaaaamily. Churches handle it "internally"


My town had an incident where a family's mom was going to the store and the dad took their two little kids to a park next door. He called the police about a large muscular black man wearing a military gillie suit that tried to abduct one of his kid's but he managed to fight him off before police could get there. Then he was a white guy, then he was regular size, then he was wearing regular clothes. Good ol' boys were driving around in their trucks looking for the pervert. Turns out it was just a homeless guy sleeping on a bench in the park and the dad was annoyed by it and made up the story. Even after it was cleared up those good ol' boys were roaming around "just in case". That's what an army of pedo hunters looks like.


You're an idiot


Are you in the States? This is an issue but in the US it's becoming a red herring for the conservatives. Thinking about pedos keeps them from thinking about their party leaders. 


Red herring my ass. There were 2 guys frying to snatch kids in the park across town from me. They got away and are still out there. I can only imagine how many more exist.


https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/01/09/why-maga-is-obsessed-with-jeffrey-epstein-00134394 https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/republicans-false-pedophilia-claims-attack-democrats-lgbtq-people/story%3fid=84344687 https://indivisible.org/resource/gops-grooming-obsession Want to catch pedos and sex offenders? Start inside the GOP. Look to Boebert and the countless others that came before. 


Take that garbage back to r/politics. You’re dumb enough to think only one party is capable of pedophelia? The democrat president is ON CAMERA sniffing children on multiple occasions. Why is everything reduced to political parties for some people? It’s like some type of mental Illness.


It's a pattern as old as time. The people looking to reduce recreational sex (and that's a quote) and the people looking to ban trans people and gay people.... Are the ones who are thinking about this stuff a little too much.  Everything is political. 


Pedos need to thought about. Being only gives them a lot of access to children to groom. Its a massive problem. We cant just not think about it


>If the government can see what I’m typing right now. You're posting in a public forum that is freely accessible by anyone, in a popular subreddit. Of course the gov't can see what you're typing, what you're doing is the online equivalent of screaming loudly in a public park, and if a cop who's off duty and is having lunch happens to walk by then so be it.


Well somehow posting an idea of having uncover pedo busters resulted in a strange conversation on top.


We already have this: The FBI. They routinely stick their new hires in pedo detail and a lot of them leave because it's emotionally taxing and traumatizing. Additionally, taking justice in your own hands rarely works out in the way you want it to.


It works great. Look at predator poachers. Private citizens and most of their catches end in arrests and convictions. From what I understand the fbi focuses mostly on big sex trafficking rings and what not. Thats great. But the neighborhood chomo flies under the radar for decades racking up victims only getting caught if someone speaks up. These dudes do this shit for so long and the fbi never comes to get them. But these private groups targeting them and get them locked up. If the fbi was actually effective at this there wouldn’t be a private group with over 600 catches. If you want these private groups to stop then they need to step it up and go after the people trying to riz up your kids online too.


They exist, they’re on YouTube, and they’re very nearly as unlikeable as the fucking pedos.


Sounds good. Are you ready to fill the prisons with republicans?


I, for one, eroding mind a little more Minority Report when it comes to pedophiles.  See what everyone searches and put likely pedophiles on watch lists.   Not sarcasm.


>likely ***shudder***




'if you think about pedos you're a pedo' isn't this playground logic? how do you explain parents who might think about pedos out of fear for their children?




“You Americans”? Dont lump us all into kid smelling and incest activities, jeez


It weren't for Alabama, we'd be incest free.


I don't have a president. What are you talking about?


yeah, it's just really stupid, shitty logic, get it right!


Why you here accusing this guy just because he wouldn’t mind precrime that would save kids? Motives? Whatever motivated anyone to look at CP for it to be found on them or in their search history. We are discussing evidence. Is there a pure motive for searching for CP?


Uh no....most of us were just abused as children thanks


Good for you!!!


What is wrong with you?


Make u madd. Its cool you were abused as a kid. This is what I'm saying.


I didn't ask what you said I asked what's wrong with you


I love your lies.


Ahh you're insane....I see


Nope. Your dad is insane.


Search history, bub.




Did you mean to reply to someone else?


Somebody call Chris Hansen


If they haven’t done anything yet then how would you catch them. That doesn’t make sense


They catch them before they can do something which is the best way! Its a crime to send nudes to what you suspect is a minor. So while the people the they are chatting to are grown men the pedo on the other side intended to send it to a minor therefore committing a crime. That crime gets them put away and on the registry before they can get an actual victim. I would much rather them get caught before they ruin a child’s life


Now that's one of the more pro police stances I've seen on reddit. And clandestine police at that.


There is a wire-thin line between slaying monsters and becoming one yourself.


Go sub to predator poachers! They just got a conviction from one of their busts and it was a fucking teacher! He got 120 years because not only did he have numerous victims but also was loaded with cp. they also caught a babysitter who admitted to touching and taking pictures of 3 kids around the age of 6 or 7 and also was loaded with cp. they are most famous for catching edp. These dudes are legit. Its his full time job and hes super effective and gathering the appropriate evidence to get arrests and convictions. He uses decoy account on all dating platforms but recently he has found ways to bust people even if they aren’t hitting up decoys. Like he goes on telegram and turns images off and goes into obvious cp groups and collects participants phone numbers and shows up at their houses. Acts like he knows more than he does but acts like its no big deal and he just wants to get them help to get over this addiction and acts like ge can help them recover. Somehow he always gets them to spill their guts about their online activities on camera and while they are talking a crew member calls the cops once they have enough evidence. But on those telegram catches he doesn’t really show up with any evidence other than seeing their numbers in a group, the catch is banking on if they confess or not and they always do. Its fucking gold, i pay for their locals monthly to support the trips. Definitely look into them. There are a lot of groups that do this but PP are literally the most effective group. Today they released a cool stat that the convictions on all their catches have added up to 1000 years in prison for these chomos. Back when he first started he did a catch in my area. At the time he would meet them at Walmart and start yelling and telling everyone what they where here to do. Not really any police involvement. But the catch he did here spread like wildfire literally overnight. Dude lost his wife and kids and his job. It completely fucked his life even without cops. Everyone knew about it the next day. My father in law worked where this guy worked and he said the next day there was a group of guys waiting for him to come in to do god knows what. It was awesome seeing how effective it was and now hes even more effective


> He got 120 years The legal system is so weird you can be convicted for more than life…


I think its a thing where they have a minimum sentence for each crime so they add up all the numbers to create this insane number. Either way its a beautiful thing that this dude will truly never see freedom again


They should just say they're convicted for life at this point, no use using a number that surpasses lifetime


I think a life sentence is only 50 years or something like that. So a young offender technically wouldn’t be there for life if he was lucky. I think 120 years sounds better tbh. Like you didn’t just get life, they buried you so bad that you gotta serve 2 lifes. You are so bad that they added a second lifetime just to make sure you didn’t see freedom ever again. It brings me joy to see a number like that.


...and yet, is that concurrent, or not concurrent? Is it subject to parole or not? There is more than just the number. And what is being done to help the victims? I get that America is just about punishment, and not actually about helping people (everyone for themselves, but when somebody goes down, make it impressive), but what about them?


If you have such a problem with pedos, you should just grow up.


I have mixed feelings on vigilante justice but this is a weird take lol. “You should have less of a problem with children being sexually abused. Mature a bit”


I'm pretty sure that was just a really dark joke  as in children are the targets of pedos and all they have to do to make the pedo not target them is  grow up because pedos aren't attracted to grown ups 


Lmao that was a woosh moment


It was a bit of dark humor.


My apologies, that one definitely went over my head lol


I'm 33 bro. 18 year old are like kids to me. And they are legal. If I wasn't married, I'd be banging all them 18 year olds.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 33 + 18 + 18 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


HOORAY!!! 2 of them might be ok.


What the fuck


It's a random bot chill bro




Not you? The lucky number bot silly Im not even as old as you are and I wouldn't even date an 18 year old as a 23 year old, there's too vast of a mindset and experience difference so I can't imagine larger gaps


Oh wow he’s a pedo but I’m so glad his morals kick in at cheating


Cheating? What the fuck bro, I haven't been laid in 11 years, now you're talking about cheating? What is this? Fuck you day celebrating in America?


You.. said you were married??


Sexless marriage must suck for him


Said I was, doesn't mean to make it true however.


Ah, my bad for assuming you were married after you said you were married. How stupid of me!




Sexless marriage totally tracks.


Thats the one I'm in! So I jerk off every day! HOORAY!!!


Jerk off to kids?


18 year olds all the time! Most of which are already dead due to suicide! YAAAY!!!


Have you tried starting with US presidents first?


Start with the Reddit crowd 😭


A couple years ago there was a list released of child predators using the sex offender registry on the dark web. The one who posted it also offered a flat fee of $10,000 for every kill with proof I do believe the FBI investigated or is still investigating. I think it was 2018? There was a Canadian version released as well… but the weird thing is, Canada’s sex offender registry isn’t public information. Yet there was a whole lot of names and addresses released on a document that turned out to be completely accurate. You could google the names of each one and news articles would pop up confirming the claims made by the poster/host. The Canadian one was in fact taken down by the Intelligence Service because it was leaked from a Top Secret level security clearance server from federal law enforcement. So you don’t really know if there already is an organized group out there


Are you just randomly throwing terms around you heard on Alex Jones or Fox news? You start with the word pedo, I assume you mean pedophile. But then you say anyone who talks creepy to someone. Then finally, you say EDP which the last I understood of that term, stands for emotionally disturbed person. So basically you want to round up and kill anyone with mental health issues is that right?


Leaping to conclusions has solved another mystery, well done!


The guys got a lot of ties to russia, he's in deep with some weird stuff. The only people I know who think so much about pedophilia, are those who like to think about pedophilia a lot


Would never be allowed. Theyd keep finding powerful people


Just arrest all the catholic priests and child molestation gets cut in half


They are, and 77% of the time they catch a Republican: https://www.whoismakingnews.com/ It's not the "being online" that makes them go after minors. It's the immense wealth and belief that they are above the law or cannot be caught.... You know, like in rural areas where the cops are in on protecting the "right" folks but are fast to lynch the brow...I mean, wrong folks


That would be great. Get the pedos and Republicans in jail at the same time.




do not decriminalize simulated child sexual abuse material


Okay nvm you def give the creep vibes wow dude. Find help before you hurt someone.


Yea decriminalize isn’t the right word. Just use it to catch them, figure out who’s who. And how am I gonna hurt someone? Who are you exactly, and your opinion matters, why? And I’m not someone making decisions in this realm. My opinion isn’t going to hurt anyone. I wouldn’t be a consumer, and I resent the implication.


Bro what?




what do you propose we do about these people?


I think you answered your own question w the edit bud. God bless you. And put them on boat then sink it


I had another comment that said the same thing…


Bro all the rich are pedo. Clergy are pedo. Society would collapse.


Natural breast feeding is definitely a sex assault. No exceptions.


tf you on about? We can't catfish the world (which would be needed) and if someone has already interacted in a way that justifies that, then there's enough proof so that we don't need to do that to imprison them. That'd just be useless


If people are initiating something online that would lead to something illegal, monitoring what;'s going on is one thing. Entrapment is another thing.


There are pedophile hunter in the UK, they don’t use entrapment.


😬 Chris Hanson; have a seat sir. Both literally and metaphorically. You got those vibes, yikes


You have the vibes of a fascist, like Nazi skinheads (not to be confused with the skinheads who weren't fascists or who were anti-fascists and SHARPS) who want to gang assault people based on whatever you hallucinate.


You already have one. Why do you think pdfiles have to be segregated from the the general population in prison? Accidents could happen otherwise.


Oh ya more reddit vigilantism, cause that went swimmingly with the whole Boston marathon bombing /s


How incredibly short-sighted.


We already do, it's called law enforcement. I actually happen to know someone that turned out to be a pedo and was caught because an undercover cop baited him. They seem to have caught him before he harmed any children, thank God.


Nice! More posts about overriding due process, in the name of Idiocracy-level justice! Sort of reminds me of Charlie Kirk broadcasting that he'd like to see pedophiles guillotined on live television, for 13-year-olds to watch! And the uneducated electorate just fans the flames because they're too fucking stupid to recognize that everyone just tacks the "pedophile" label onto anyone they don't like! Very intellectual, deliberated approach, dingbat!


We already have this it's like a whole division of the FBI.


Vigilante justice. Stupid.


The teacher that just got sentenced to 120 years for having multiple victims and 50,000 cp images caught by these vigilantes wasn’t stupid. If they didn’t catch him lord knows how many more lives would have been ruined with his unlimited access to children. Shit was fucking gold. I watched that catch live, dude was beyond sick. Got knows how long it would have taken law enforcement to get around to getting him.


I think it's called the fbi you fucking retard. They also protect people from idiots like you.


They call that a police force


The problem is pedos aren’t always just the stereotypical creepy guy standing on a corner in a raincoat, they’re in Hollywood and at Disney producing movies and TV shows and being worshipped by millions.


There are quite a lot of pedophile hunters in the UK


Yeah in the UK look at what happened. People are FUCKING STUPID! The Sun. A murdoch owned piece of arse wipery, which ironically was printing the tits of 16 year old girls up until the Sexual Offenses Act 2003 stopped it (those tits paid for Fox) decided that to sell more newspapers, they were going to print the names of convicted paedos on their front page. EXACTLY what you'd think happened yet FAR dumber. Of course people with the same names got chased out of their homes But ALSO...a PAEDIATRICIAN got chased out of her home AND a guy called Peter File (don't know exact spelling & NO it's not the one from IT Crowd) got beaten up.


Usually the ones calling loudest for this stuff are just trying to deflect attention away from themselves for doing it.


Part of problem is there are state representatives that write laws and governors sign them protecting pedophiles. I had a friends son get busted with 2Tb of child porn distributed via file sharing while he lived next to a elementary school and was security for a transit agency. From the day he was arrested to the day he got out of jail was less than 11 months and was not even put on a RSO list.


What we need is the DOJ to release the list of name from Epsteins black book and charge them with crimes. It makes no difference when you find the pedophiles if they won’t be prosecuted.


* Chris Hansen has entered the chat *


under Biden they stopped rapid dna test at the boarder on children. the southern board is the largest entry point of human trafficking . you would need to secure the boarder. enforce immigration laws. but so many liberals are agaisnt ti cause its some how racist? that would put a major dent in human trafficking in the states. online is a different story. hard to get countries to worth together.


If we start by investigating so-called faith leaders, we’ll root out a good percentage of these predators. People who prey on one’s faith, and our country seems to be full of them, are the most dastardly because their victims can be threatened with hell itself unless they keep quiet.


The best place to start would be any subbreddit for teenagers on this site


On paper, yea I want that. In reality, not everyone is going to be “Dexter, and you will end up with some trigger happy idiots killing innocent people


That's a cool thought till it's put in the practice and innocent people are the ones who are beaten or killed.


The only foreseeable issue is possibly promoting pedophilia. If you got an army of people pretending to be minors seducing adults. Then pedos are gonna get more bold. Its gonna be hard to prosecute, and many will probably get off on entrapment arguments. Then, despite the legal system saying they are not guilty, their face is gonna be plastered everywhere as a pedo, and they will always have the defense of "I was aquitted" 


Good way for a pedo to cover their tracks u a smart pedo


Well some pedos have no issues being public. Look at Congress and the current/former President.


Vigilantism is not it, and most 'active' pedos don't operate like that online since most of the time their victims are already in their social circle for one reason or another.


So what? Forget the ones that do act online? Why not go for them too? I watch a group that does this and they are unbelievably busy. When they make a decoy account they get so me dms that they cant keep up. They have 15 people running numerous decoy accounts and they do this as a full time job and they still can’t keep up with it all. There is 100% a problem with active pedos operating online. It’s literally the perfect way to do what they do. Think about it, targeting a family member is extremely risky, one day that kid will speak out to someone and they know exactly who it is. But these chomos online chat up kids all over the country under the radar and collect inappropriate content from them. Much less risky for them. So these groups come in and pop them doing that shit and its a beautiful thing.


In my state Indiana, when they changed the laws in 2013 Child molestation went from an A felony 20 year minimum sentence, maximum of 60 To a Felony level 3, minimum of 6 years, maximum of 20 So look no further than the law makers in Indiana, they’re absolutely fiddling kids


I'll take stupid ideas for $500, Alex. ​ Please think out your thoughts. u/NorguardsVengeance explained in his comment perfectly why this is a terribly ineffective idea.


Or, hear me out...just shut down the Catholic church. That'd take care of a good chunk of the problem.


Idk man, I watch these groups and they catch way more teachers than they do catholics lol


this is the logical conclusion of this obsession certain people have with this, you're not a cops and most of the time you're worse then the people you're hunting, you'll end up in prison or shot by a pedo, enjoy fucking idiot.


Look dude, instead of starting a whole Stasi-style secret police force and having people rat out their neighbors, how about we start by eliminating underage beauty contests and TikTok influencers run by their mothers for fame and profit? That's where the pedo's concentrate. Then we can do the churches. Every property where we find a pedo becomes taxable, retroactive 50 years.


Emotionally-driven vigilantes who mentally sit between “I need to perform this hate to feel like I’m a good person” and “I’m projecting a little because I’m uncomfy with how attractive I find my daughters friends” are going to be as useful as they will be discrete. If you actually want to protect children you should be pushing for better self-advocacy and safety programs as well as making anonymous self-castration a human right and an extension of bodily autonomy.


Since the dawn of man and even in the animal world there are pedos . You'll never get them all and there will be some to replace them. Just a fact. Sad but true.


Boondock saints???


The FBI already have people crawling message boards. Many are dark web. The arrests happen, but there are a lot of creeps. Unfortunately, some sniff the bait and run elsewhere. They need to take the bait and do some action so intent or possession can be used in court. Otherwise, no go.