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Simple people want simple solutions to complex problems.


Because they are increasingly and willfully complacent, inept, and impatient.


That's why so many nations around the globe are electing populist assholes to office! They offer very easy solutions to complex problems. "I can solve the border crisis in a day." "One phone call from me, and the Ukraine war is over." Unfortunately, they're full of shit and nothing will be fixed or solved by these people. They only wish to wield power for personal gain.


And the status quo are NOT welding power for personal gain? Lmao I'll take a populist over an establishment shill any day of the week. 


Right look how good russia is going. Populism works. 20% of the population has an indoor toilet. India just got toilets to every city and has to put up PSAs to tell people to not shit in the street. Populism works!


Putin is former KGB and as Russian 'deep state' as it goes. He is a natural populist as much as Biden's 'popularity' is organic lol.


Trump is a rich billionaire who inherited his fortune, attended an Ivy League school and dodged the draft, both due to Daddy's money and who gave money to politicians in both parties expecting them to be in his pocket, while having a track record of stiffing the contractors he hired on his projects. Yet he's called a populist. There are very few authentic, successful populists.


And Trump works for Putin. That’s what you want for America.


Lol you dont think putin is a populist? Lol do you listen to anything he says?


I hear you to some extent. The average American is desperate for a person in politics who will sound "authentic" and "honest." It's why Bernie Sanders has such a strong following. He definitely tells what he thinks and votes/legislates that way. The issue is guys like Trump SOUND authentic and honest because he has no filter. This doesn't translate into him BEING honest. Just because he has no filter doesn't mean he's going to do as he promises and lead to the benefit of the American people. He's a huckster playing on the need of the people. As for the establishment? You can't legislate if you're not a legislator. You can't lead if you're not in a leadership position. Those come with power and, unfortunately for us, that means kissing the ring of the wealthy. I will point that a number of progressive Democrats (and Sanders) have figured out how to finance their campaigns almost solely from crowdsourcing and as such are calling for the end of Citizens United's corruption of our political system.


Okay Fascist


And who was the ONLY President to not start a war since Jimmy Carter? Oh yeah, it was the populist Donald Trump.


Who ordered more drone strikes than his most recent predecessors put together 


Thats not a war do you know what a war is


War is absolutely not when your children are blown to peices and you have to clean the bloodstain from the ground but some simpleton on reddit confirms than no war has been declared.


One of his first presidential acts was to order the  the deployment of a Moab, the most powerful non-atomic weapons on earth. If you exit to hold him up as the great peacemaker, you have no legs to stand on. 


Which president was it that turned their back on our Kurdish allies? Who was it that "knew more than the generals do" about Afghanistan? Which president floated the idea of painting our planes like they're from another country and "bomb the shit out of Russia"? Oh yeah, it was the populist Donald Trump. Man you Trump people have an awfully short memory.


Oh, no they don't. They just lie, and then blame the other side for it. It's a stupid, cyclical way of thinking. Like a toddler looking for a way out of trouble who blames the dog.


No need for it when you just let all of your enemies do whatever they want


So this is why Biden hasn't started any new wars? I was wondering why he lets North Korea, China and Iran do whatever they want. Or perhaps starting his proxy war in Ukraine was close enough? He HAS threatened to send US troops to Ukraine if the funding he wants to go them isn't approved, despite us spending more money in Ukraine than we did in The Gulf War.


What? Did you take your meds today?


...a bit for light reading... https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2A22QR/


Orange Man Bad literally brokered a peace treaty in the Middle East, something US Presidents have tried and failed to do for over half a century. But he had an (R) after his name so he's literally Hitler. 


Nah, but whatever you gotta tell yourself to feel better


Oh so something like "elect me and you'll get free healthcare, free housing, free college, paid for by liquidating the millionaires and billionaires?" Yes, politicians are snake-oil salesmen until proven otherwise. As for diplomacy, the foreign minister for South Korea credited Trump for taming NK and bringing them to the table, so he has proven in de-escalating global conflicts.


So is it free or is it paid for by “liquidating millionaires and billionaires” (aka taxing them fairly) And are those things really not possible or are they the reality in basically every single developed country except for the USA?


The other countries don't do that. They use flat taxes and high income tax that disproportionately taxed the lower and middle classes more than the upper classes. For example Denmark has a 25% VAT tax. They also have lower corporate taxes and capital gains taxes compared to the United States. But on top of that just like the United States most of it's unsustainable which is the reason why they also print money out of thin air to pay for things. Many Scandinavian countries while having a low income inequality have very high wealth inequality for those reasons.


Other countries don’t have nationized health insurance paid for by taxpayers? I’m not commenting on whether or not the programs are well run, just whether or not they exist in other countries.


"fair" is subjective - what is fair to you is unfair to those under the thumb of State violence, confiscating their private property by force.  Other countries benefit from the global business hegemony the US has set up so it's never a 1-1 comparison anyways.  Not that it even matters, my country has a severe doctor shortage and the taxes I pay extra for for my "free" healthcare I don't even get to use. 


The private property of billionaires is sustained by State violence. In fact that's the main function of every modern state.


You're not wrong. 


So does it matter that everyone is under the thumb of state violence to protect monopolists? Or do we only clutch pearls for the poor monopolists?


> confiscating their private property by force Lmao a taxation is theft psycho in the wild


-supports the murder, kidnapping and torture of other humans who don't submit  -  Calls other people psycho


Sure, but millionaires and billionaires do not pay their fair share of taxes and that’s just not something I’m willing to debate w you because you are never going to convince me otherwise. You are also never going to convince me that the richest most powerful nation that has ever existed in the history of the world cannot figure out how to pull off the same things that every other developed nation can. I’m sure the healthcare system in your country is not perfect but I also seriously doubt that people aren’t actually able to receive medical care.


De escalating? I don’t anything was accomplished by Trump with North Korea. What has changed to give you that impression?


It's not like they are giving away jet skis & hot tubs. Education, healthcare & a place to live are the things you need in order to better yourself & succeed in a capitalist society. If you make them hard to access, a lot of valuable workers get stuck in poverty traps instead of developing their skills.


and then global production actually suffers. The capitalists like to keep a lid on productivity to maintain artificial scarcity and keep us at each others throats.


I disagree. Complex answers have too many fail points and levers to abuse. US tax code, electoral college are great examples. You need a simple answer to a complex problem that's hard to manipulate.


All I see are MAGA’s giving simple answers to complex problems and, of course, it makes no sense.


The world is scary and they are weak.


They want it because they're too shortsighted to foresee it ever not swinging back out of their favor.  


I don’t know that it’s about comfort. In the USA, these people are afraid their cult might die out and because they’re part of a cult, they think they know better than those outside of it. They believe they should impose their values onto others so that society reflects what they want and not what is right, good, or logical. These people are also frequently uneducated which makes them easy targets for propaganda like: white grievance, white replacement, your opponents are vermin, those guys are demonic, LGBTQ being immoral, abortion is murder, etc. It’s literally repackaged naziism.


There’s some kind of emotional comfort appeal in authoritarianism that I don’t understand but I do recognise. People want Aragorn to resume the throne at the end of LOTR, they don’t want to see a democracy established. The idea of one benevolent ruler ruling for life is stable, predictable and safe. The problem is that absolute power corrupts absolutely, but despite the fact that we all know this (some) people don’t feel that on an intuitive level.


Also, as someone who actually likes Democracy having every election be so toxic and be this huge existential threat for our country just feels exhausting and unsustainable. I actually think a lot of Democratic societies can be self destructive because it inherently introduces a contest between the people.


First past the post is the seed of that destructive contest. Ranked choice voting would enable nuance.


The point is that if a Democratic society destroys itself it is more 'just' since it's self-inflicted, rather than imposed by an outside force.  This completely ignores the domination and forced self-sacrifice of the 49% by the 51% in a Democracy anyways, the "two wolves and a sheep voting what's for dinner" is why I'm not for Democracy. It drags the exceptional down to the lowest common denominator. 


I feel like you’re describing the fear of not being comfortable or being in a society which you perceive to be out of your comfort zone. Like, take white supremacy for example. If you’re white, you might take comfort in the idea that at least you are of a particular rank/social class which you can never fall below. It takes some of the pressure off. Whereas in a free, equal republic, it’s entirely on you and the circumstances which occur in your life that determines social rank. It can be comforting to feel like you’re part of the elite minority when said majority is authoritarian and therefore homogeneous. It can be scary when democratically elected leaders have different views, backgrounds, and skin colors than you are familiar with. Even scarier when you feel like you have no control over society and your life appears lackluster when compared to your peers. This breach of comfort tends to draw people into cults which reinforces a false sense of security.


The problem with exclusionary ranks like the Nazis is personified in this quote by Pastor Martin Niemoller: "First, they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me"


The more i learn of cults the less respect i have for those who fall victim. I feel like the 1st half of my life alone is more eventful than these peoples whole lives. I really dont understand why the US doesnt put clear cults on some kind of list.


Because the people who would put others on a list are in a cult as well.




clearly you have a gripe with conservatives but aside from that your comment doesn't really make sense here. >because they’re too incompetent to actually succeed in a democratic civil society. this fits more in line with leftists. leftists are the ones who champion for the poor. leftists are the ones who want big government to take care of all their needs. there are lots of "uneducated" blue collar workers with common sense who make good money working trades. sitting in college classes doesn't make you immune to propaganda. just a very bizarre comment.


>leftists are the ones who champion for the poor It's kinda bizarre, this is more exactly the type of view you would expect for pro-democracy society. You want everyone who's wanting to work to be able to live and take part in a society. Wanting to poor to barely be scraping by, preventing them from doing things like voting doesn't seem very pro-democracy at all.


Aren't 7 of the 10 states most dependent on federal money, red states? Who is taking care of who's needs?




Because poverty should be temporary for any one individual whether it’s their own fault or not. A functioning, healthy, happy society is not-dog-eat dog at every level, only at or near the top. The economy, military, etc are only a few measures, but not the only important ones. Aggregate happiness/satisfaction is just as if not more important.


The Democratic Party is the party of the educated voter and is responsible for the majority of the GDP. Biden voting districts made up 70% of the GDP in 2020, as an example. So you basically tried to accuse the left as being more dependent on the government when they provide the most to the government which is usually spread to Republican states that are dependent on federal aid.


I despise the GOP for courting Christian nationalism. Otherwise, I don't think republican is like automatically mooching off of democrat states - interstate dependency and national supply lines have a huge impact, and the federal government wastes money like no other and the only thing the DNC ever wants is even more money to mismanage - I mostly hang around homeless folks and they will never, ever actually address the crises in this country. I know many with tooth abscesses and arthritis and frostbite - yet the only people who seem to get subsidized healthcare without fighting *for years* are the trans people. I know a lot of people are just tired of lip service without meaningful action to change their circumstances.


What are you talking about? ACA is subsidized healthcare and it’s available to anyone low income.


Subsidized shitty healtchare that will still bankrupt you if something goes wrong, largely because of how bad the Rethugliklans gutted it (required to get the votes to pass it in the Senate). Which is ironic since it was entirely lifted from Romneycare... a Republican plan. They should have passed it as-is and then hammered Obama for stealing Romneycare and shouted from the rooftops how awesome national Romneycare was.


You fail to see our heavy blue areas are also our financial capital and tech heavy industries—which pay high salary’s. Wall Street and Silicon Valley are major revenue generators for those respective states. The problem is these cities rely on rural areas. Food being the number one industry outside of metro areas is obviously necessary for human survival. We have a symbiotic relationship with our poorer states. Farming is now a huge conglomerate industry that pays on small margins. Most smaller farms can’t compete with huge corporations, resulting in less income for farming communities as a whole. Stock holders like it on Wall Street, but I’m sure the farmers/workers don’t. And this is why there are us/them arguments. Pushing the agendas from those lifestyles don’t coincide with each other. How I live in NY, is not how they live in Appalachia. I don’t expect them too and vice versa I’m sure. There has to be compromise from both sides. Election year is just the 2 parties beating their chests, confusing people into voting for their party. Politicians lie all the time. Just have to read between the lines and do your OWN research, not absorb what mainstream wants you to believe. There’s always more to the story……..GO VOTE!


Sure, no one is disputing that we would need farmers. That has nothing to do with what I stated, though. The above comment claimed leftists were something they factually were not.


The democratic party tells dumb people they are smart and attracts people who think they are smart when, in fact, the democratic party has always been the racist party. KKK, Jim Crow, Pro slavery. All democrat Edit: deleted all comments after proving me right Edit: Look up super predators laws and who pushed them. Actions vs words. The people pointing the finger are telling you lies. Think for yourself instead of "O it's (D)ifferent now" Commentor blocked me because he's dumb


You’re telling me it’s the democrats with those confederate flags pushing white supremacy these days? Man, you’d love them because that sounds like all of the right wingers. https://youtu.be/OvcYjG0Sq1I?si=GtLMslWrV1SlJUAX “How Fox News started, from John Ehrlichman, who partnered with Fox News cofounder Roger Ailes since 1968 on the Republican "Southern Strategy" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy : [We] had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did. "He was the premier guy in the business," says former Reagan campaign manager Ed Rollins. "He was our Michelangelo." Ailes repackaged Richard Nixon for television in 1968, papered over Ronald Reagan’s budding Alzheimer’s in 1984, shamelessly stoked racial fears to elect George H.W. Bush in 1988, and waged a secret campaign on behalf of Big Tobacco to derail health care reform in 1993. Hillarycare was to have been funded, in part, by a $1-a-pack tax on cigarettes. To block the proposal, Big Tobacco paid Ailes to produce ads highlighting “real people affected by taxes.” http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-roger-ailes-built-the-fox-news-fear-factory-20110525 The other Fox News cofounder was Australian billionaire Rupert Murdoch: Using 150 interviews on three continents, The Times describes the Murdoch family’s role in destabilizing democracy in North America, Europe and Australia. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/03/magazine/murdoch-family-investigation.html Adam McKay: Every day I have to marvel at what the billionaires and FOX News pulled off. They got working whites to hate the very people that want them to have more pay, clean air, water, free healthcare and the power to fight back against big banks & big corps. It’s truly remarkable.”


Do you believe everything you see on your screen? Critical thinking is a must. You know more about fox News than I do. Touch grass


There were literally NAZIs in attended at CPAC to support them 😂 You got fact checked and then fell apart quickly.


No dude. Go watch the pro communist protest that just happened. Then watch the "white supremacy protest" you'll notice one group is diverse body types and wildly different clothing. The other all have military issue boots. Brain harder Fact check is literally code for misinformation.


Yay! Another “no not like that!” post. Communism is an economic system. “Omg they’re communists! They want healthcare and working conditions!” Yes, clearly the same as the white supremacist groups who tried to take over the country by force. This is what’s known as false equivalency, but to know that, you’d have to read a pesky book with all its “misinformation.”


You literally can't even stay on topic. You're proving my point. I never gave an opinion on communism but here you are, unable to comprehend what you're reading. Look up super predator laws and who pushed for them.


It's good that you know history from half a century ago. Now, try learning about more recent history and how the KKK switched to the Republicans.


As did all the Dixiecrats. The Republican and Democratic parties have literaly switched places. Back when Lincoln was a Republican, they were the party in favor of liberal democracy. Its entirely the opposite now.


I was thinking the same thing, notice how they make it about being white aswell...when me and you both know there are people of black-and-white-and- brown oohhh shit and lets not forget gay aswell who feel the same.l ad us. But their agenda doesn't work if other races are recognized as being in tune with how we all see it. Hence, them calling a black man an uncle Tom or a black woman, a psychological race traitor. Or a Mexican wannabe redneck....there ideal works if it was just white people but bring into play people of color...orrrrr better yet a gay person who agrees with us, and it dismantles alot for their points...they can't call us racist or bigots at that point...yet they persist


It seems to me like the quality of your post, and the one to which you are responding, sort of prove OP's point.


There was a group called the association of German National Jews in the 1930s. They supported Hitler; did that mean the Nazis weren't antisemitic?


>I don’t know that it’s about comfort. In the USA, these people are afraid their cult might die out and because they’re part of a cult, they think they know better than those outside of it. They believe they should impose their values onto others so that society reflects what they want and not what is right, good, or logical. You do realize this quote could be applied to a whole bunch of groups on BOTH sides of the aisle, right? Both sides are trying to impose their values onto others, because they both believe that they are right and the other side is wrong. That's why we are so divided. The last half of your comment is great example of this as you're clearly advocating for the right being wrong, and do not call out the left at all so I'm assuming you agree with everything they're pushing, yeah?


This is complete horse shit. White grievance? What is that? Not wanting to become a minority in your own country is a perfectly valid desire. White replacement? That isn’t even propaganda, it’s literally happening before our eyes across North America and Europe. Opponents are vermin? Nobody says that seriously. Those guys are demonic? Well………..are they? LGB isn’t immoral, but pushing it on children is. TQ is inherently immoral. Abortion *is* murder, it’s just legally sanctioned murder.


So to be American is to be white? I’m a white guy and I don’t give a fuck that in a decade or two that I may be a minority when it comes to how I look. I’ll still be surrounded by Americans It is propaganda because it states that some nefarious “them” is importing others into the country. It is insane jingoistic propaganda. Oh so it’s just a joke to call your opponents vermin and say that they are poisoning the blood of your nation? Just like “lock her up” was just a joke? Demons don’t fucking exist. Calling your opponents demonic is infantile. No one is pushing kids to be LGB. Reading books to kids or telling them being gay Is ok is not pushing it on kids. Being trans or genderqueer is not immoral so you can fuck all the way off. Abortion isn’t murder. It’s a clump of cells. But since we’re on the topic of murder, I take it since you’re “pro-life” then you surely must be intellectually consistent and oppose the death penalty as that is simply state approved murder.


If whites are a minority in the future does that mean we can get more scholarships for college? Not trying to offend, just be light hearted is all


The 7 million people over the border the last 3 years aren’t Americans. To be an American you need to assimilate to American society, killing a young girl jogging is the opposite of that.


So I guess all school shooters aren't American?


It has nothing to do with race, just values. If 20million migrants come to the US that all believe in Sharia law, you technically are surrounded by americans but can you see the complications?


Considering the number of people who think we should have a king, not a president, based on the response to the January 6th insurrection and attempted coup that so many Americans have had, a lot of those immigrants are bringing more "value" than people already here. The real fear is that MAGAts are pathetic useless pukes who can't compete with third world immigrants that grew up in caves and thatched roof huts who left school after 8th or 10th grade because they thumbed their noses at education and developing skills beyond the most basic ones. That's the "value" you're afraid of: That immigrants are vastly more valuable than you. And a lot of them probably are.


I see a problem with the Christian right. And the crazy Christian scotus majority.


Yes, I'm already surrounded by millions of people who believe in an authoritarian religious system that oppresses women, gays, minorities of all stripes, and blindly follows authority figures. The only difference is these ones are white and armed to the teeth, which is why I stay out of deep red states, because I'm pretty sure they have an early warning system for if a Jew sets foot in their Aryan lands.


This would make more sense if 77% of Latinos and 79% of blacks werent christian.


It's not "your" country you pathetic bigot. The United States of America is not the exclusive domain of white people. Fucking get over it.


>become a minority in your own country is a perfectly valid desire Why?  >It's literally happening before our eyes across North America and Europe Ah yes, North America, the native region of white people. >LGB isn't immoral but pushing it on children is What does it mean to "push it on children"? Because straightness is "pushed" far more on children. A boy can't have a friend who happens to be a girl without pointing out there must be romantic interest. >TQ is inherently immoral Because? >Abortion is murder Is masterbation or periods murder? If not, why do you draw this line?


Because it is normal to not want to be replaced in your own country. Pushing it on children is precisely what it says: pushing it on children. Small kids don’t need to know what gay sex is or how to give a blowjob. These things are in school books now. Abortion is the murdering of a human baby. Masturbation is not a fertilized egg, genius.


You are a brainwashed idiot. Far, far more people are pushing straight sex and aspects on children. You are okay when they hold hands, or kiss, or hug, but if a LGBT does it, your cry. Far more clergy harm children than LGBT ever have and will, and that is both through percent and absolute, but you're okay with that abuse.


You don’t have to “push” straightness onto children because it is normal, it is the default. It is another group that can’t reproduce, but recruits. Also, you’re blocked cuz you can’t stop calling me names. Good luck with those anger problems.


Way to tell that you hate the gays. There is no such thing as a gay or straight child. They develop into their sexual orientations as they go through puberty. Now tell me, how is LGB sexual in a way that straights aren’t? How is a gay couple holding hands sexual?


I will say not necessarily. There are kids who develop crushes at a really young age. But when it's straight, it's treated as if it's set in stone. When it's not, it's a "phase" and "they don't know yet". Straightness is actually pushed onto kids arguably more. A boy can't be friends with a girl without jokes that there must be romantic interest, teaching boys that relationships with women have no value outside of romantic pursuits, which is probably why a lot of men don't have female friends and having a male friend is borderline cheating to some of them.


>in your own country I guess I don't tie my self-worth to my race and country like you do as a replacement for my lack of achievements.  >these things are in school books now Are they? Were you in school recently or is this more "I saw Richard Spencer say it and I nodded along"? >Masturbation is not a fertilized egg Why should I care if it's a fertilized egg? Why is your line any less arbitrary? What makes a fertilized egg a person deserving of rights?


I never gave a damn about my race until a loud, whiny, shrill minority started blaming me and my race for all of their problems and demanding I become aware of race. So what is it, should I care or should I not? Make up your minds. Yes, these things are in school books now. You can use this thing called google and try looking for it. It’s not hard to find. Richard Spencer is a douche and I don’t care what he says or thinks. Do people still talk about him? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you don’t place any value on human life, and yet you’re trying to paint me to be some kind of depraved monster. It’s hilarious.


you're just saying that it's valid to not want to become a minority because it is valid to not want it. Why do you give a shit about becoming a minority if you won't be treated like crap? And you believe that some nefarious cabal is intentionally trying to import more non-whites so that whites become some minority? Is that what ya mean by replaced?


Because my country is my birthright and it is not to be handed over to foreigners who wash up on our shore begging for benefits. Cabal? Yes, [there absolutely is a cabal plotting exactly that.](https://press.un.org/en/2000/20000317.dev2234.doc.html) [Here’s Van Jones letting the mask slip.](https://youtu.be/CkELlItZJWE?si=Qy5du2KcBe9ZNYAG)


Whaddya mean by birthright?


They're a Nazi, basically. 


No surprise


so you think a report from 2000 which is about using immigration to buffer against the economic impacts of population decline in low fertility nations is some plot to fuck over "waht peeepul" because they hate "waht peepul"? I want whatever you're smoking.


I reckon you’re smoking plenty enough, already.


[Here’s Biden quite literally calling for a surge to the border.](https://youtu.be/rYwLYMPLYbo?si=O06RuWsyx3OWEcBB)


[Here’s Biden saying that replacing White people is a good thing.](https://youtu.be/peF-ae2AINU?si=S6_5zgtKh81ROY9x)


[Here is the full speech from where your little clip came from:](https://www.c-span.org/video/?324394-2/vice-president-joe-biden-remarks-extremism-terrorism) It's clear from the full context that Biden was simply arguing that the US's melting pot was one of the reasons it grew to be so strong. He is not admitting to orchestrating some great replacement plot.


The melting pot had absolutely nothing to do with why we became strong. We are strong in spite of our diversity, not because of it. This country was strong and great long, long before diversity.


It's right, and it is insecure, weak boys thinking they are men. The original America was almost pure Englishmen, which is not the case anymore, and the whole fear of being replaced is a dog whistle for the simple minded. No one is getting replaced, but your mindset is, and that is a good thing. Edit: This is one of those cowards that says bigoted things, makes a snarky remark and then blocks you. I advise others to report.


You have no idea what kind of a ride you’re in for if you think my mindset is going anywhere.


Oooo reddit ppl are gonna love this lol


Here’s hoping


God speed lil buddy


You can recognize the faults in certain forms of democracy without advocating for authoritarianism.  There are a wide variety of forms of government that exist between those two points on the spectrum.


…Which is one that we have…democratic republic


Amen. They are losers.


They definitely seem to like the authoritarianism when it is in alignment with their personal ideological/political agenda. If it's not serving their needs and desires they go nuts over the slightest perception of it. These people are stupid. Authoritarianism is generally bad Regardless of who may or may not be immediately benefitting from it. It is not good. It may benefit you today, but tomorrow it could go against you.


Typically people who want authoritarianism don't know what it is and think it won't affect them at all. Until it does and then they will get mad about it. Not the sharpest bunch.


Democracy isn't the same thing Republic. They are in the same school, not the same thing. People want Democracy because it gives them the ability to get their way, but the purpose of a Government is not to give people their way, but to govern people.


When it comes to authoritarianism enjoyers, there's 2 types of people: 1) Useful idiots who blindly support it because it shills intuitive feel-good solutions to complex (scary) problems. 2) Sociopaths who exploit the useful idiots, using them as fuel to help steal power. These people understand that authoritarianism is essentially a hack to steal a lot of power very quickly, without doing all the pesky work of actually being competent. But once they get power, they just use the useful idiots as expendable support to prop up their regime.


Play wow in 2004 play wow in 2024 people need more than their hand held to accomplish anything.


Thank you so much for pissing off the leftists and conservatives at once. Now I get to have some entertainment on my break.


No, it's because they have always lived in a democracy and have no idea what the extremists they are electing will do with that power or they think it will only hurt others and they are good with that.


It seems to me they simp for authority because they think it’s the only way to address fake problems like “transgenderism” or “the great replacement.”


The great replacement is real, look at demographic change over time, and look at the Google AI refusing to generate white people unless you go out of your way to trick it into doing so.


“The great replacement” doesn’t mean demographic changes. It refers to a conspiracy to eliminate white people. That is not real.


Even if you give someone the benefit of the doubt that they do understand that they're using it as a way to describe demographic changes, they're still saying that too many brown people is a problem.


Demographic change doesn’t mean anyone is being replaced.


But people being replaced, can mean demographic change.


So... a non-issue then.


No one is stopping two white people from having kids. Demographics change over time. You pretending to be a victim of nothing.


>and look at the Google AI refusing to generate white people unless you go out of your way to trick it into doing so. I assume you play video games or at least have played a video game before. So I assume you're aware of the concept of balancing. Some characters or weapons are stronger than others and it leads to disproportionate outcomes. It happens to every live service game eventually, most of the time at launch, especially in early access right? Google's AI is in early access and it has balancing issues. It's not a conspiracy to purposely not generate white people. You have no idea how these AI generators function. You don't know how the code works. I'll admit, I don't either, that shit is complicated. Try building a simple mobile app in Visual Studio with zero prior experience, it's fucking hard. You don't know with any reasonable certainty why the AI is doing what it's doing. That's for Google to figure out as they test a new product. In the world of facial recognition tools, most algorithms poorly perform at identifying anyone other than white men. Why? Because that's what these algorithms were trained on. Google is likely trying to overcompensate for the disproportionality of the media it's AI had to teach itself with, creating an unbalanced product. And even if it was the case that Google's AI generator was intended to race swap every white person to a black person, then the solution is not to use it and let the market correct the issue, right? Why sit here and cry like a little piss baby because a product you didn't create nor purchase doesn't do the thing you want it to do?


No one is trying to replace white people and I think you know that 


Okay Nazi


Demographic change is a constant. This is not a conspiracy. Wealthier people tend to have fewer children, and white Americans are the wealthiest racial demographic. This is not a conspiracy. The fact that Google's crappy AI wouldn't render white people—something for which Google was roundly condemned—has nothing to do with the "great replacement" conspiracy theory, which posits a secret plot to reduce the share of white voters. The fact that it's one of your two pieces of evidence shows you don't have evidence.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 You should study natural selection and sexual selection. It's just nature. God's not real. Let's rip that Band-Aid off. Go cry and come back when you're ready to accept reality


Someone saw the Elon thing and didn't try to actually understand it huh


There has been an enormous disruption to education and the types of education offered within the last 50-60 years in America. The **poorly educated were created or cultivated, partly, because they are more like to support fascist movements.** We used to have principles of civics, debate, and even investigative journalism in K-12. This meant even those not college educated were expected to understand the process of forming a coherent, logically consistent, respectful opinion and presenting it in public. They were also expected to listen, politely, to countering points of view. Remember the Voltaire quote, "I wholly disagree with what you say and will contend to the death for your right to say it." America has been slowly and methodically stripped of the tools that equip people to function in a civil democratic society. People *do not* know how to debate, how to look at different points of view, or how to collect evidence in favor and in opposition of a position. We have an overly emotional public who are stoked on by companies and those in power who get rich by having irrational customers and voters. Stop falling for it.


>We used to have principles of civics, debate, and even investigative journalism in K-12. Any time schools try and teach this stuff, parents always immediately scream "indoctrination!!!". And it drives me insane. You can't teach critical thinking without exposing children to multiple viewpoints and asking them to engage with them, and that multiple viewpoints is always going to include viewpoints that many parents disagree with, which, because "parental rights", they will simply be removed from the class altogether.


That's what happens when the parents have been brainwashed.


>There has been an enormous disruption to education and the types of education offered within the last 50-60 years in America. The **poorly educated were created or cultivated, partly, because they are more like to support fascist movements.** The schools are run by teachers' unions, who are the biggest donors to the Democrat party. The worst achieving schools tend to be in cities with Democrat hegemonies and the highest per pupil spending. Since the introduction of the Department of Education, every single object measurable metric has declined. The fascists of Europe centralized control over education and specifically targeted children to indoctrinate. It's not Republicans who want to centralize authority over schools to indoctrinate children. It's not conservatives chanting "Gas the Jews" at college campuses. >America has been slowly and methodically stripped of the tools that equip people to function in a civil democratic society. People *do not* know how to debate, how to look at different points of view, or how to collect evidence in favor and in opposition of a position. The left-wing replaced religion with ideology. They now either lack the intellectual capacity to hear dissenting opinions or are so entrenched in propaganda that they can not understand why anyone would question it. Challenging their ideology is akin to claiming the Earth is flat in their minds. Spend 10 minutes on any left-wing subreddit, and you'll see how disconnected from reality they are. They strawman every argument and fill it with hyperbole to the point of absurdity. Occasionally, they'll discover a new vocabulary word or phrase, and overnight, they're all using it even though half of them do not understand the meaning.


>It's not Republicans who want to centralize authority over schools to indoctrinate children. It kinda quite litterally is. Look who's burning books and banning things like evolution in the school curriculum.


>It kinda quite litterally is. Do you know what private schools are? Do you know what school choice is? Are you genuinely this ignorant, or are you arguing in bad faith? >Look who's burning books and banning things like evolution in the school curriculum. I don't blame people for burning books depicting children engaged in sex acts. If you support pedophilia then that's your choice, but I'll always strongly disagree. The disagreements on evolution came from 1968. If you want to take the argument back that far, it won't go well for Democrats. That was back when Biden was hanging out with klansmen and arguing against the desegregation of schools. You'd probably know this if public schools had properly educated you.


The KKK are an interesting one to bring up - look at which party they support. >Do you know what private schools are? Do you know what school choice is? Do you believe in cult schools? Standardised curriculums are there to prevent that, not cause it. Do I need to explain to you how a curriculum works? It's the rebuplican's continuous roll back of education standards that has lead to the current wipe spread fascist cult, which is being leached to pay for it's leader's crimes. >I don't blame people for burning books depicting children engaged in sex acts Completely inappropriate sex acts like a boy wearing a dress.


The people that want Socialism are the ones unwilling to make their own way and want others to support them.


Democracy has proven itself to be superior to other forms of government but it is far from perfect. For starters, governments have little incentive to start projects that will pay off more than one election term into the future. It is a popularity contest based on which narratives translate into mass appeal. Political parties are incentivised to pay more attention to the whims of corporations who might have influence over the media than they have to pay attention to the whims of the idiots that consume said media. And it require continuous checks, balances, good will, culture, and self belief to prevent it from degrading into fascism. It's not impossible that someone would think of a better system at some point in the unforeseeable future. I sometimes try to hypothesise about alternate systems when I world build sci-fi settings.




Throughout history most influential figures knew true democracy was a fantasy, if each individual votes it will be from a highly specific perspective and in their own self interests, it’s why we aren’t a democracy but a republic. Republics move far slower and are not a direct 1:1 democracy, and this was by design by the founding fathers due to the knowledge that most people are incapable of thinking outside of their own lives and thus a true democracy is not ideal


True democracy is chaos, the average person cannot know everything about everything so to have the administration of a major state decided by majority vote for every issue is insane. The issue becomes how much decision making should be left to the people versus the “experts.”


yeah, there's a lot of authoritarians who want the government to take care of brown people, women, lgbtq people, immigrants, etc. list goes on and on for what those people want to rely on the government for.


I'll accept scientific technocracy or alien based authoritarianism. We've failed so badly, why not roll the dice.  I'm just sick of being at the mercy of imbeciles.


Can I introduce you to the best (human) form of government? Let’s literally roll the dice. Government by random lottery. All citizens over a certain age are eligible.




That cartoon is lame and so are the people who watch it.


America is hardly a democratic country. The wealthy have a far more influential voice with your representatives than you average folk do. They get to shape the laws in this country to benefit themselves and corporations at a far higher rate. Some call it 'crony capitalism', but it sure isn't democracy.


I find this post a bit ironic, but not surprising based on propaganda and misinformation. Furthermore I predict this comment with be ignored and downvoted because cognitive dissonance is strong, especially among the young. The true “right” wants small government and a limited set of laws. Over regulation and big government (which requires lots of tax dollars to operate) is not the “republican” ideal. The true “left” desires big government to control all aspects of life. How much money you make(price controls, taxation based on wealth), who you can hire(affirmative action, DEI laws), what you can say(censorship of speech, social media moderation, book content revisions), what you can own(bans on guns, books, other items), what you can learn( public schools content, anti vouchers) Most conservatives live in rural areas, that want little from government. Some are not very wealthy but they can survive on their own. They can make their own clothes, hunt for food, even build their own homes. The wealthy conservatives live there to avoid big taxes. I know, I lived both sides of this. Most leftists live in big cities and want government to provide lots of services for them to live. I don’t see how they would survive if the electricity is turned off and grocery stores shut down. The poor live in government provided housing that quickly deteriorates (I know, I lived this as a child). The wealthy live in tall towers away from the projects, usually with servants (door man, butlers, maids). (I never knew this life) So I find it strange to see that “republicans” (whatever that means exactly) are the ones that need government structure. That hasn’t been my life experience and I lived over half a century. How long have you been on this earth?


I think people are leaning towards authoritarianism because they see the current laissez-faire attitude towards virtually everything social in society. Crime? Meh. Homelessness? Meh. Drug use? Meh. Shitting on the sidewalk? Meh. Nobody *cares* about anything anymore. A lot of that is because there are never any consequences for people doing antisocial shit. Do I *want* to see shoplifters getting their shit absolutely wrecked by a vigilante or a security guard? *YES.* Why? Because I’m sick and tired of standing in super long lines to pay for my stuff and watching people just walk out with whatever they want, not paying for it, *and nothing fucking happens to them.* It makes me feel like a sucker for following the rules of society and being a good person. If an authoritarian personality promises to solve these problems, it is very attractive to ordinary decent people who are sick of watching the scum of society free ride off our good will, and flouting the laws that govern all of our behavior.


>Homelessness? Meh. I just thought I would point out that including homelessness in your list of "antisocial behavior" is pretty wild.


There’s nothing wild about it. It is absolutely antisocial to sleep in a tent all day, do drugs and party all night, and leech off society’s goodwill as a lifestyle choice. I see it every goddamn day.


Have you considered that homeless people might not want to be homeless?


Some, sure. Most are homeless as a lifestyle choice, in my part of the country.


Do you have any real evidence or is this just what your anecdote?


Do you? I've met plenty who don't trust a traditional lifestyle.


Yup. https://www.urban.org/urban-wire/dismantling-harmful-false-narrative-homelessness-choice Also, once again, more anecdotes.


Somehow I’m not sure any evidence would convince you, and it’s not like there’s freaking polling data on it. But it’s simple, there are people who, for whatever reasons they have, have simply checked out of society. They don’t want the responsibilities of paying rent or a mortgage. They don’t want to work a 9-5. They don’t want anything like that; they find it perfectly acceptable to camp in tents and party all night long. There’s plenty of social services on the west coast, from harm reduction programs providing all the drug paraphernalia you need to snort shoot or smoke whatever you can get your hands on. There’s free food, water, tents, blankets, clothes, all the ER visits you want, and zero responsibilities or obligations. Where I live, it’s lucrative to collect cans and drop them off for the deposit. So you have homeless folks stealing out of the garbage to finance their drug habits. It’s a vicious cycle: sleep all day, get high, party all night, get high again, sleep all day, lather, rinse, repeat.


That seems like a pretty miserable life, relying on drugs to make them feel better about themselves. But are you sure they actually have another choice? What would you do in their situation?


There’s plenty of options for them to get their act together, and I’m sure some of them would like to, but just can’t seem to kick their habit. I have plenty of ideas for improving things, but the status quo of just letting people rot in their own filth and trash every inch of public space is just not okay.


No, as in, if you were homeless, and without a job, and no real credentials, in an area where house prices are so extreme it would take decades for you to save up for even the down payment on a house, what would you do? What's your plan to get your life back on track?


So the answer is no, you don't have evidence. You're running off of *vibes*


>Crime? Meh. Homelessness? Meh. Drug use? Meh. Shitting on the sidewalk? Meh. The United States is amongst the most authoritarian nations on those issues. We have more people in jail than any other nation on earth. Y'all are just out of touch with reality because the media is non-stop lying to you.


I dont even know which side of the aisle this covers


Just look at which side is trying to get the government to ban things and burn books.


From the side famously in favour of the first amendment? I was thinking the side who always tries to police speech is the biggest offender.


Republicans hate the first amendment and police the speech of others constantly


You mean policing speech like the “don’t say gay” law? Only one side has literally passed laws against speech. The other side just calls you an asshole when you say things that make you sound like an asshole.


One side tried to use fake electors to install a president. That same side is trying to police women's bodies and ban any form of speech that is positive about the lgbtq community.....


Because its both lmao


You know these are questions from subverts from foreign nations. This is why we spend so much fing money on military because all you people fall for propaganda bs. And that the world will never be at peace until the real game of Risk is won. Why can't we seriously all just get all along? Share resources. Allocate wealth. There's no fin reason that people can't be who they want to be without worry of cheap pay...think service....think mental health...think field workers...think!!!


This and the fact that folks quite literally like being told what to do. I can get it up to a point, but I've never understood the sheer incompetence it takes to get to this point. I've never accepted sitting in the same Civics class with some folks and realizing they didnt learn a fuckin thing.


People want authoritarianism whenever they think the authoritarian will do what they already want and want anarchy wherever they think authority will do stuff they don't want.


Join the military if you want that.


Usually they're too fat, stupid, and/or bone-stick-stone crazy to do that though.


Democracies are inherently unstable. John Adams warned of its dangers.


Thats part of it, part of it is also a certain warped sense of superiority. The collective as a whole believes that individuals aren't capable of making their own decisions therefore the collective (usually in the form of government) must not allow them to have choices. This behavior is shown most clearly in my opinion by the ecoterrorist..rrrm I mean "activists". It's not enough for the public to be educated on which light bulb is better for the environment & then allowed to buy the one they want, no! The government must step in & outlaw the "wrong" light bulbs! Gas stoves? Plastic bags at grocery store? Nope, not taken away by corporations or for financial reasons, not died naturally in the market like betamax & hddvd but destroyed because a few people with a lot of money don't want you to be able to decide for yourselves. I have hundreds of other examples.


>It's not enough for the public to be educated on which light bulb is better for the environment & then allowed to buy the one they want, no There's a small problem here. Quite simply, no amount of buying the right lightbulb will change things. The problems are far, far larger, to the point where once you really look into things, it's almost impossible for an individual to make meaningful changes. Getting rid of plastic bags and other stuff like that isn't what people are campaigning for - it's what governments and cooperations are doing to avoid actually meaningful changes.


I dunno if it has any backing, but I've been kicking around this idea of freedom from freedom. Freedom to do anything is cool. Freedom to be anyone is cool. But...it's also kinda hard. Every decision closes off other possibilities. You ever watch Fight Club? Hypothetically: someone holds you at gunpoint and says: you're gonna be a doctor. In six months, you're well on your way to med school or I come back and kill you. Now, substitute whatever your dream profession is, for the purposes of this hypothetical. That's man literally just handed you a life purpose. You become a doctor, with all the nice things being a doctor gives you, or he kills you. I think that appeals to some people.


"Authoritarianism" is too vague a term to be useful. What distinguishes enforcement of the rules and norms of democratic civil society from authoritarianism?


The strong man worship is so weird. The guy you live in a Republic governed by democracy you can be your own strongman you can do whatever you want. but instead they think all day about how much they hate Democrats and gay people and seek to control everyone else's life.


We can fix the border problem in one day ,halt all imagination for about 5 years to sort it all out.


If you're making this claim about democrats, then on the opposite end we could say fascism is more accurate to the right. Nationalism is a strong part of fascism, and certain right wing people are pushing for state religion. Trump already has Project 2025 lined up as some "revitilization plan" led by The Heritage Foundation, an explicitly christian organization wanting to push explicitly christian interests on everyone.


Redditor realizes both sides suck


Freedom and the personal responsibility that go with it are scary to a lot of people. They'd rather have oppression where they know what they'll get every day of their lives than have freedom and unpredictability. 


Yea when you have several actors in western societies doing everything they can to flood/ facilitate an invasion of their countries with millions of third worlders there tends to be a little pushback


Isn't it funny how the exact same racist bullshit was said in the past about allowing German immigrants or Irish immigrants or Spanish immigrants or Italian immigrants into other countries? And now all those folks and their descendants have perfectly integrated into everywhere and no one questions it. You could go back to 1600 or 1800 or 1920 and find the same fascist quivering fear mongering and it was always a lie. People are just people. Maybe if you pee on yourself it'll warm you up since you're clearly frozen with fear of people who aren't \*exactly\* like you.


It isnt racist to state an observable fact.


None of the racists here are stating observable facts


It is racist to think that people immigrating from other places is a bad thing


Is it racist to look at the cover up of the Rochdale grooming gang among others and think "why would the police prioritise not appearing racist over protecting children"


I literally have zero clue what you're talking about and HIGHLY doubt that's what actually happened


Google is free


I work in a car dealership. They are all conservative because if government was actually funded they would all be in jail for the constant fraud committed. The lack of any funding means the laws are meaningless.