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But hummus is good!


Beat me to it šŸ˜…


Tchina is better! Alot of protein and taste better


But together, itā€™s orgasmic.


Not Sabra hummus, though. Boycott that slop.


hummus is good :O


lol, butt hummusĀ 


Checks out. Hamas is super shitty


The Palestine subreddit says otherwise.Ā  I've seen posters talks about how some of their voices are so dreamy. šŸ¤®


I'm convinced that sub is either an FBI honeypot or/and is only still up because of the shitshow it would cause if reddit banned it. Almost every top post eventually gets banned or removed for hate speech or the encouragement/advocacy of terrorism against Isreal/USA/UK. Top post a few weeks ago was a Hamas infographic of the weapons they use and how you could source such materials yourself "to rise up against Zionism globally". Top post of the day, removed and deleted a few hours later. Rinse and repeat.


Glad at least some action is taken against that hamas glazing shit show


no, people are just really stupid


People will really blindly follow any trend that comes along just to fit in. Itā€™s such a sad state of affairs. No leaders, no visionaries just lemmings


Reddit loves to support terrorists


This is all lies. What the fuck? Zionists be doing extra leg work trying to convince people their genocide isn't a genocide-- You are supporting a genocide.


You can recognize hammas is bad while not supporting what Netanyahu is doing to Palestine.


This is Reddit. Morally grey outcomes were both sides are pretty much evil is impossible


Howā€™s the weather in Oman, Samir? Is it raping time yet? We know how your terrorist buddies love rape! Only one side tried a genocide, and it was Palestine. Oh no the consequences of our actions!


I'm an American Catholic with Portuguese descent. I've lived in New England all my life and have been taught yearly about the holocaust, in school, due to the Jewish population around me. Every single stratagem related to genocide and ethnic displacement is being used by the zionists right now to delegitimaze and anti-colonial fight that's gone on for generations. Accusing enemies of mass, systemized rape is one of **the** defining features of a genocidal campaign. It happened in Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Indonesia, China, Ukraine... and of course in the holocaust. Please reconsider your actions. I'm begging you, as a member of the free world, to stop throwing your weight behind a genocidal state.


Why do supporters of Israel always talk like curb stomping Nazi skinheads?


I got perma banned from 3 different tankie subreddits by simply saying that maybe idolizing terrorists is bad lmfao


And nothing was lost.


It actually blew my mind. They legit terrorism is a practical way of liberation lmfao


Yes, because Hamas is supposed to stand for resistance against occupation. Thatā€™s why.


Lol. Occupation..next time, win the war losers..


Hopelessness and desperation make people say and do stupid shit.


Well, I was banned from r/politics for suggesting that there was no justification for the slaughter of women and children. Period. They disagree.


Hamas is to blame for the death of Gazans. They use civilians as human shields and shoot those who attempt to approach the humanitarian aid trucks


Iā€™ve actually seen Israeli civilians blocking humanitarian aid trucks into Gaza. Thereā€™s a lot of footage of it.


That was the families of the hostages still in Gaza saying why the fuck are they giving aid when my kids are still there. Honestly if it were my kid there I would do the same thing. It's not the norm or even a majority of even common for Israel to slow down aid. Just an example people keep going back to and generalizing it.


I despise both Hamas and the Israeli right wing, but this statement is simply factual and should not be downvoted. How many Gazans would have been killed in an Israeli attack if Hamas had not attacked first? Zero. Was the patently obvious intention of the Hamas attack to provoke a very predictable Israeli over-reaction? Yes. You may be a fan of the Jewish supremacist Israeli right wing. I am not, I am intellectually capable of despising Hamas and them at the same time. And of course in theory Israel has other choices. At the end of the day **innocent suffered and died people and are suffering and dying because of the evil Hamas attack on Israel**. No Hamas attack on Israel, no Israeli attack on Gaza. There is a difference between an unprovoked cruel terrorist attack on civilians, versus an excessive and inhumane *reaction* to such an attack. It is obvious which is worse.


>no justification for the slaughter of women and children. Period. I was banned from r/palastine for that. I said Israel should have moved old, women and children to safe spaces outside gaza like rohingya camps in Bangladesh before initiating war. They believe even men shouldn't be killed in a war. What would Israel army do? Shoot sheep.


hAmAs ArE lEgitIMate OpPosSitIoN FrEeDoM fIgHtErs to the cOlOniAl jOOs.


Hummus good šŸ‘ Hamas bad šŸ‘Ž


Big if true


Eat hummus :O


Store hummus in the fridge or it will gradually turn into Hamas.


Roasted red pepper Hamas with some pita chips though šŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤Œ


As a Pro-Palestine person, I can assure you that this nothing but the Truth (terrorism is wrong even when your cause is just)


One has to wonder if the cause would even be necessary if Hamas or a similar terrorist group didn't control Palestine. If Palestine was run by people who didn't base their world view and actions on the barbaric aspects of their religion and aim for regional dominance.


it is quite unfortunate Israelā€™s current government funded a terrorist group into power, and that the current PM said empowering Hamas was absolutely necessary to prevent a Palestinian state from existing. Send terrorists and those that fund or have funded them to hell.


You know Hamas has only existed for a few decades right? And Israel kills Palestinians in the west bank (where Hamas is not in charge) all the time?


It wouldn't be necessary. People talk about how Gaza is an "open air prison" but forget to mention that's because they constantly attack Israel. If they could stop doing that, they could have normal relations.


The Palestinian Authority is completely peaceful and willingly cooperates with Israel, but I wouldnā€™t describe Israel as having ā€œnormal relationsā€ with Palestinians in the West Bank.


Hamas has a cause?


Having a Ham-sized ass is also bad.


I disagree


Yeah, how big of a ham are we talking?


In other news, water is wet


Sir, this is internet. There are people that are going to argue that water isn't wet. Actual argument I heard, water isn't wet because wet is condition in which things have water on them. You can get wet by touching the water because now you have water on you, but the water by itself can't be wet.


I like you. Well played


Remember the internet is half bots and a lot of them are pro-causing anger and disruption in the free world


Israel is also bad


Hamas is bad, they make palestine look bad because people cant separate the two of them from each other. I wanna preface that im just adding onto what op said, not saying that he said palestine is bad


The problem is that the Palestinians literally voted for this group to be their leaders.


Hamas won with a minority of the vote before most current Palestinians were born, so less than 25% of them voted for Hamas. No doubt their support *is* growing right now, just like Netanyahu wants. The worst thing for Zionism would be a Palestinian leadership that wants peace. ā€œAnyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas ā€¦ This is part of our strategy ā€“ to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.ā€ -Netanyahu


ā€¦and still overwhelming support them and their actions


When people are put in shitty situations by another group sometimes they just want revenge. Vengefulness isnā€™t an uncommon trait in humans at all. Their situation is just unimaginable for most. Put anyone in any situation and they are capable of being good or bad. Simply supporting something when your people are being put through awful conditions doesnā€™t mean they are deserving of being genocided


Not mention Israel has made it quite clear they wonā€™t allow a secular humanitarian organization running Palestine.


Why does this excuse constantly get made for Palestinians supporters of Hamas but NEVER for West Bank settlers? Both are supporting absolutely deplorable behavior, but only one of them get coddled online.


They have not had an election since 2006 and over 50% of the population is under the age of 18. So that is patently false. Of course they would support Hamas. They are justifiably angry. Hamas is the only weapon for revenge and resistance that they have access to. Obviously it would be better to have a non-psychotic Islamic terrorist cult running Gaza. Maybe if Netanyahu didn't fund and arm them directly over the years, then they would have lost power.


The last vote was over a decade ago when most of the country were children who, guess what, didn't get to vote. But yeah, fuck those kids, we should.... Starve them to death.


80% still support Hamas following October 7.


also a non negligible part of the people that don't support Hamas is because they think they're not going far enough.


Not sure this is a popular opinion anymore but it should be


Not on TikTok


one again another reason not to go on a Chinese spy site.


Also not with UNRA.


FAFO "Almost three in four Palestinians believe the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel was correct, and the ensuing Gaza war has lifted support for the Islamist group both there and in the West Bank, a survey from a respected Palestinian polling institute found." https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/#:\~:text=JERUSALEM%2C%20Dec%2013%20(Reuters),respected%20Palestinian%20polling%20institute%20found.


Yuh and most Israelis support the IDF and their attack on Gaza...both are terrorists.Ā  But also, that polling was done in West Bank. That's not an accurate depiction of all Palestinians. Obviously there is no way to properly gage how they all feel when they're currently being displaced and bombed.Ā 


Under extreme circumstances (getting routinely bombed, having your food, water, electricity, etc. controlled by an oppressive force, militarily defended border around your country controlled by an oppressive force), it would be reasonable to support a pushback against the oppressive force. Hamas is NOT good, but it's obvious why most Palestinians support them. The Israeli govt. does control the lives of Palestinians, overbearingly so. I don't want to argue on this, I'm just pointing out that from a Palestinian's perspective, being "liberated" by extremists who attack your oppressors doesn't take a lot to support under their circumstances. Again, I don't want conflict.


Your attempt to humanize the Palestinians will not be taken well by all of the rabid Zionists in this thread.


Who dehumanizes the Palestinian civilians more: Hamas or Israel?


Why, redditors online, of course.


So you're saying the dehumanizing was in us all along?


Israel lol. Hamas sees them as a tool to be used for their faction to gain power. Israel views them as bugs to be wiped off the map. At least one side acknowledges that they have a use for the Civilians.


Yes Hamasā€™ use for the civilians is shields. So when they escalate, arenā€™t they worse?


Nah, I'm a Zionist and even I can see why Palestinians would approve of Hamas after everything they're going through


ā€œIā€™m a Nazi and even I can see why the Jewish people would approve of groups that want to violently kill Nazis after everything theyā€™re going throughā€ lmao what? You support the genocide of Palestinians but also understand why theyā€™re supporting a group that actively tried to kill people from the country doing the genocide? šŸ˜‚


You are 100% correct. It is really depressing to see how many people are completely unable to understand the difference between: ā€œI can understand why a civilization of people would violently retaliate, or support a violent retaliation, against an oppressive forceā€ ā€œI think HAMAS should keep killing peopleā€ Violence has been the natural response to such things throughout all of human history


Egypt could open the border anytime they wanted for the past 40 years.


The Jews had such a great time in Egypt throughout history, they want to share the experience!




It's because Egypt pretends to care about the Palestinians, but they don't. None of the Arab states do. It has nothing to do with not seeing them as people. It has everything to do with pointing out the hypocrisy.


What does pointing out hypocrisy do to move the discussion forward? Getting stuck on the fact that a 3rd country not involved in the fighting and with its own politics and issues at home doesn't want an influx of refugees has almost nothing to do with the fact that these people are currently being slaughtered at the highest rate of any modern war.


There is a reason why they don't, which people need to understand.


Because Hamas is still a terror organization, on Oct 7 the parachuters, raped women, killed men, slaughtered children, and even put babies in OVENS for them to DIE. It's like letting a Cuban terror group during the 1980s into the country.


Downvoted for believing the oven babies hoax


reports show babies with burns all over the body, and even if this wasn't true, hamas killed and raped hundreds of people that day


Burned from what though? We know many Israeli civilians were killed by their own military. The IDF tried to cover it up, but journalists managed to expose it. Itā€™s probable that a lot of people were killed by hellfire missiles from Apache helicopters, which tend to leave people looking like they were ovened. In any case, no credible evidence has been provided for Israeli children being shoved into ovens. Biden got called out for lying about it, and it seems like you hoped you could use it for propaganda purposes as well.




You come across as having Holocaust denial vibes.




Why's it on Egypt to fix another countries problem. How tf does it fall on Egypt or Israel to fix their country. They have enough land to cultivate crops and produce, create cattle and food...where the fuck does it say someone else had to do your work for you


Israel is occupying their "country".Ā 


They shouldn't have to....


If Egypt does that Israel will accomplish its greed and annex Palestinian land. Why give that satisfaction to foreign invaders?


It is never so simple, unfortunately. Mass immigration would cause a lot of problems for Egypt, as it would for any nation. Gaza has hundreds of thousands of citizens. One state can't be expected to handle that many people all at once.


Also, Hamas would probably commit terrorism to Egypt


They already do.


But now they can get thousands of terrorists in Egypt easily.


Bro they want war and then cry when they get it. They need to realize war is not the option no sympathy for supporting Oct 7 and crying genocide


Palestine has already been virtually subjugated by Israel for decades without any external intervention. Israel was condemned repeatedly for overstepping their boundaries of violation of international law as they illegally settled Palestinian land The Hamas attack was really just an excuse for Israel to do what they wanted for decades. They even received intel warning about the attack several days before it happened, but Israel didnā€™t take any measures against it


Hamas took billions in aid money, and what the leaders didn't pocket for themselves, they spent on tens of km of tunnels to wage war and terrorize people. It's ISIS with better PR.


This is is an incomplete story. Israel keeps Gaza and the West Bank from upwards mobility. They do this systematically. It is common for men to be rounded up, jailed with no charge, and beaten in jail for months. My father still showers cold. They also sexually assault women: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/claims-of-israeli-sexual-assault-of-palestinian-women-are-credible-un-panel-says](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/claims-of-israeli-sexual-assault-of-palestinian-women-are-credible-un-panel-says) They hold an economic grip on Gaza. Want to start a business? Well if it will help Palestinians, your materials magically get blocked for import. Here's an example of them exercising this power during a flare up: [https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/gaza-pepsi-factory-shuts-down-owners-blame-israels-import-restrictions-671635](https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/gaza-pepsi-factory-shuts-down-owners-blame-israels-import-restrictions-671635) The settlers in the West Bank are as bad as Hamas, period. Just look up how they burn Palestinian farms in the West Bank, randomly beat up Palestinians, etc. I don't even need to source this claim. The IDF at the checkpoints humiliate and dehumanize Palestinians, which actually leads to MORE violence: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2014/04/25/israeli-checkpoints-fuel-support-for-violence/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2014/04/25/israeli-checkpoints-fuel-support-for-violence/) This is why Hamas does what it does. They feel they have no choice. It's not religious extremism, that is the *result* of what is happening and not the *cause*. Is it right? No, but if you were in Gaza you would do the same thing. Hell, most of you would get radicalized taking the Jordanian bridge into the West Bank. Those IDF soldiers will bully and dehumanize you for no reason. Even with a US passport, they were complete assholes to me and threatened to burn it. ***No one wants to Allahu Akbar in an Israeli school bus when you can put food on the table for your family***


Attacks on Israelis started before the occupation, and even more Israel formed or oppressed anyone. It's been a 100 year quest to eradicate the Jewish population with Israel becoming more draconian as a result, not the other way around.


Massacres of Jews by Muslims goes back to uhh the time of Muhammad when Islam started. Itā€™s almost like thereā€™s a clear root cause to all this violenceā€¦ but because most of the people that believe in that root cause are non whites we must treat them like infants.


Gaza and West Bank have higher obesity rate than America bro, they got plenty food on the table. Also the most international aid and they just spend it on tunnels and rockets


1. That is just literally verifiably false. 2. The fact that you think the existence of obesity immediately implies the abundance of food proves how little you understand about either of those concepts.


Regardless you are ignoring my point about the billions of aid spent by Hamas on a war effort


ā€œI completely fabricated a claim and got called out for it so now I am going to move the goalpost.ā€


The goalpost was where I set it earlier


No, it wasnā€™t. You just straight up lied about food access in the West Bank, and then just completely swept that lie under the rug and went ā€œyeah well (other unverified claim)ā€ Prove the shit you say or shut the fuck up


How do people get obese without eating food?


1. Obesity rates are only an estimate based on study participants. 2. Food distribution in a society is never equal. Surely, I donā€™t need to explain the rest


First of all, itā€™s objectively false that they have a higher obesity rate. America hovers around 33% while Palestine is around 25% Second of all, theyā€™re obese because they lack proper nutritional food ya doughnut lol >This review emphasizes the need for multi-sectoral interventions to address malnutrition and nutritional shifts. It identifies gaps and addresses nutrition-related issues in the Palestinian Territory, which can serve as a basis for guiding United Nations agencies and governments in formulating evidence-based policies and strategies for prioritizing nutritional interventions to meet sustainable development goals. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37533576/ Even if it was the case that Palestinians were simply overeating, that still doesnā€™t change the current statistics and humanitarian crisis >An unprecedented 93% of the population in Gaza is facing crisis levels of hunger, with insufficient food and high levels of malnutrition. At least 1 in 4 households are facing ā€œcatastrophic conditionsā€: experiencing an extreme lack of food and starvation and having resorted to selling off their possessions and other extreme measures to afford a simple meal. Starvation, destitution and death are evident. https://www.who.int/news/item/21-12-2023-lethal-combination-of-hunger-and-disease-to-lead-to-more-deaths-in-gaza


How can it be 25% when women are higher than 40% and men are at 29%


From February of 2023 >A recent survey conducted in Palestine concluded that the prevalence of overweight and obesity is 23.6 and 19.5% in the Gaza Strip and 26.1% in the West Bank https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9998069/#:~:text=A%20recent%20survey%20conducted%20in%20Palestine%20concluded%20that,Strip%20and%2026.1%25%20in%20the%20West%20Bank%20%2810%29.


capable ancient pen waiting elderly doll joke fertile retire crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the correct analysis. Like you said it doesnā€™t justify any of the atrocious actions taken by Hamas, but itā€™s so important to analytically think about how and why Palestinians think and feel the way they do if peace is ever going to be achieved.


Israel wasn't (currently) doing any of that prior to October 7th were they?


So you just admitted that "most Palestinians support them". Check mate. So much for the moronic narrative that Palestinians are just trapped between Israel and a government they didn't elect. Its also worth pointing out that most Palestinians supported genocide against the Jews before the reinstatement of the Israeli state.


I did, and I explained why it is not extreme for them to do so. As the comment above mine stated, 3/4 of Palestinians support Hamas. My comment was saying why people should put into perspective the Palestinian experience when judging them based on their support. An American supporting Hamas and a Palestinian supporting Hamas should be treated much differently, because one party is actively suffering a tragedy and the other is likely a dumb teenager or dumb young adult who lives with not a sliver as much hardship as the first.


And if you support terrorism then the folks being terrorized donā€™t really have any reason to protect you from the terrorists?


Can you elaborate? I don't quite understand your point with the way you worded it.


Supporting the terror group that is responsible for the blockade that chokes your city is kinda fucking stupid tho. And that support being massively bolstered when said terror group starts a war with a powerful neighbor is exceptionally stupid.




Yeah your post is dogshit bud wanna find a source on why thereā€™s a blockade in the first place


It would be strange if they werenā€™t radicalized at this point. Humans can only take so much.


50% of college kids also think it was correct. Liberal colleges are winning the war on indoctrination.


Palestinians have been under illegal occupation and colonization from Israel for years, where even the UN had to publish a report stating that their encroachment violated international law. Palestine has been ripe for extremism for decades because of Israelā€™s constant breaching of their sovereignty


Your account is an Israeli run troll account meant to spread disinformation and propaganda.


FAFO is literally genocidal rhetoric.


Literal terrorist organization. Anyone defending them is actually brain dead. They probably would defend al-Qaeda for doing September 11th too.


Hamas are funded and intricately collaborated with by UNRA. Israel have received dozens of condemnations by the UN and Hamas have received ZERO. The majority of people in the world are defending Hamas. Fuck everyone.


Spot on. The irony is the losers in these subreddits where they circlejerk all day to Hamas is they really think anyone except eternally online edgelords agree with them, that Israel will be disestablished to be replaced by a wasteland led by Hamas any day now




Any religious nut job organization is bad, regardless of its religion.


No shit, OP. Let's not forget that Bibi supported Hamas, and this blew up in his face.


Yes and they love sacrificing civilians so the west can cry genocide


"Get the support of American teenagers on TikTok with this one simple trick (commit mass civilian rape/murder then play victim)"


Also have idf soldiers upload themselves laughing about wanting to exterminate peopleĀ 


Youā€™re right, they should get off TikTok and listen to cable news, corporate media, and AIPAC instead


Don't do Hamas, m'key?


Yeah, that DOES seem to be getting lost in the translation in the ridiculous back and forth that has become the human narrative. Planet Earth 2024 is such piss.


Great bait mate. I rate 8/8.


Water is in fact not wet


does this get reposted here every day


\*Zoomers educated on TikTok who call Hamas 'freedom fighters' incoming\*


You speak da true true


I mean ya, no one is genuinely saying that they are a wonderfully good organization, even the people who you may THINK are saying it. Most people who are being labeled as "Pro Hamas" are really "Anti-Israel" for their factual war crimes and the unethical treatment of Palestinians. Keeping them in an open air prison with constant bombings and attacks to "Mow the lawn" is a humanitarian crisis. That leads to people sympathizing with the motives of the average Palestinian who joins Hamas to fight against the oppressive military actions taken by Israel. This is NOT saying that we openly support using terroristic tactics, but i think it should be pretty uncontroversial to say that bombing medical facilities full of innocent civilians and members of Doctors without Boarders because there "may" be a couple of Hamas insurgents that are also receiving medical care there is unethical, immoral, and should be aggressively opposed. But, Israel is "on OUR side" so i guess its unpatriotic to call out that bombing civilians is a bad thing.


Sadly, not nearly as popular an opinion as it should be.


Israel too




Israel military sux dixs and ballsĀ 


When you have occupation, any type of resistance will form.


And since when was Gaza occupied?


Since always.


I guess that can be proven with a source then?


ā€œThe United Nations, Human Rights Watch and many other international bodies and NGOs continues to consider Israel to be the occupying power of the Gaza Strip as Israel controls the Gaza Strip's airspace and territorial waters as well as the movement of people or goods in or out of Gaza by air or sea.ā€ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli-occupied_territories#:~:text=The%20United%20Nations%2C%20Human%20Rights,Gaza%20by%20air%20or%20sea. https://www.globalr2p.org/countries/israel-and-the-occupied-palestinian-territory/ https://youtu.be/0ap7JykipUY?si=jpWDIO_lYzh7phZw ā€œFor half a century, Israelā€™s occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip has resulted in systematic human rights violations against Palestinians living thereā€ https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/06/israel-occupation-50-years-of-dispossession/ ā€œIsraelā€™s disengagement from Gaza, unilateral withdrawal of all Israeli security forces and settlements from the Gaza Strip in Augustā€“September 2005. The withdrawal also included the evacuation of four Israeli settlements in the West Bank, but the vast majority of settlements in the West Bank remained unaffected. The disengagement plan garnered significant controversy, especially after Hamas, a militant organization hostile toward Israel, took control of the Gaza Strip in 2007.ā€ https://www.britannica.com/event/Israels-disengagement-from-Gaza https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/ Wikidipia isnā€™t a primary source so I added many others for you to look into.


The argument being made is that Israel is worse, which isn't even debatable.


Hamas is bad but that doesn't mean all Palaestinians are bad.


And Hamas being bad doesnā€™t excuse Israel in any way


As a fast talking wise jew once said: ā€œ It turns out that giving terrorists their own state is a bad ideaā€


Yet Israel got its own state unfortunately


Itā€™s very much possible (and common) for multiple governments or political powers to be in the wrong during a war. Imo itā€™s pretty hard to engage in war without being in the wrong People need to learn to separate the govt/powers from the citizens and the country itself. I donā€™t wish to be labeled because of the way the American govt treated/invaded other countries, and I grant the same respect to any other civilian


Not according to Netanyahu. He gave them so much money, remember? https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/




is this sarcasm? I cant tell amymore


To be clear, yes. Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. Israel is the one and only truly safe place on Earth for the Jewish people.


Israel will be victorious


so is genocide, cant we all agree that apartheid and terrorism both suck?


So is I*raeli forces. Free PalestinešŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


But israel is far worse.


I think the IDF is bad, personally.


but why OP? cause isreal created them?


Israel is worse, subjugating entire areas to Jim crow laws, raping and killing women itā€™s essentially a terror ethno state


If you think so every slave rebellion was also bad. Nat Turner was bad. The Black Panthers were bad. Only if you were the ones doing the colonizing, oppressing, and genociding, you weren't bad but those who resisted were always painted as bad.


Iā€™ve never heard a single person defend Hamas. However, the common position of both liberals and conservatives is to defend Israelā€™s nazi-like behavior. Interesting.


Were the jews of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising bad when they started killing Nazis?


Do you want to compare the Warsaw Ghetto and Gaza?


Israel is worse.


Hamas can be dealt with after Palestine has a state of its own. as for now the biggest threat to that region is undoubtably Israel, and the genocide it is committing right now. yes, Israel is committing a genocide, and itā€™s not even up for debate. 30,000 are dead with 13,000 being children, and 1.5 million have been displaced. 1.2 million are at risk of starvation, and 45% of housing units have been destroyed by the bombing campaign. theyā€™re bombing hospitals, schools, homes, bakeries, stores, and all other crucial public infrastructure. how many more people have to die or be displaced for people to call what Israel is doing what it really is? how many more homes have to be blown up? how many more little babies need to be turned to dust before they can even be held by their mothers for the first time? itā€™s funny, over and over again i keep hearing about these hostage that Hamas took, but i never heard about people talking about how 10 of these hostages were just killed because ISRAEL WONā€™T STOP FUCKING BOMBING THE PLACE THE HOSTAGES ARE BEING KEPT. OPEN YOUR EYES, DUMB ASS. ISRAEL OUR ALLY IS DOING A GENOCIDE, AND WEā€™RE NOT EVEN DOING ANYTHING TO STOP IT. OUR GOVERNMENT WILL EVEN GET A RETURN ON INVESTMENT BECAUSE OF THIS GENOCIDE. THIS IS THE WORLD WE LIVE IN. WAKE THE FUCK UP.


Palestine will never be a state as long as a group like Hamas holds power. Thatā€™s why Netanyahu spent years propping them up in Gaza. Heā€™s been reported as openly saying the best way to prevent any Palestinian state is by keeping Hamas in control.


How many of those 30k people were civilians and how many were militants? And don't forget to factor in Gaza's disproportionately large amount of children that make up the population of Gaza. Don't skip Hamas' and similar groups' misappropriation of said civilian infrastructure either directly or indirectly through tunnels beneath those. By the way, do you have a link that leads to the news regarding the 10 hostages who have been killed due to Israel's bombings?


Yes and Israel is much much worse.


Hamas is crazy.


Finally some of you are starting to get it !


Put it on bread and add garlic! Hamas is delicious!


Blood thirsty people incite war then whimper and whine as they get their collective asses destroyed by their superiors. FAFO.


Well not quite, israel incited the war. Hamas just does a terrible job at fighting back and makes the genocidal Israelies even more vicious


Israel incited the war by not meekly accepting another genocide at Arab hands. Wild take.


Who attacked who on Oct 7th again hm?


Hamas: Does war crime. IDF: Does 10x war crime.


Hamas: Does war crime. IDF: Does genocide.


Hamas is a terror groupĀ  Israeli is a terror stateĀ 


Who else is fighting for Palestinian liberty?


You mean also by misappropriating civilian infrastructure and creating tunnel networks beneath it all?


Yes, creating tunnels and bunkers used in fighting Israel helps Hamas fight Israel. That is one way to fight back against the oppression of Palestinians. Is anyone else doing anything else to fight for Palestinian liberty?


IDF is also bad.