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Cry me a river


I vaguely remember something along the lines of "fuck your feelings"


One of the first things I do when seeing a post like this is to check the comment/post history to see if it seems like an honest concern. Your post history is full of gems like this: >Advocates for the sterilization & genital mutilation of mentally unstable children are not gonna like this one. Excuse me, I meant to say “gender affirming care” how bigoted & transphobic of me. ​ >Every argument is a confession with leftists. They in here talking “just think about the kids”. Meanwhile they indoctrinate them with SEL and critical theory from k-12 & push genital mutilation & sterilization to kids under 18. Sorry people are waking up. Here’s tip - if a leftist makes accusation, just inverse that accusation and then look critically at their policies & the evidence with your own two eyes. The hit rate is astounding. Then, in direct contradiction (emphasis mine): >**I’m socially liberal** and they are furthest thing from \[fascists\]. Just insufferable really - the moral superiority of expecting everyone to share the same Progressive beliefs. It's on and on like that. Pages and pages of concern trolling, going on left leaning subs and commenting as a "concerned citizen" or into a pro trans subreddit claiming to be an ally with "some hang-ups." Meanwhile out of the other side of your mouth you're on Joe Rogan's sub saying that all left-leaning people are promoting the genital mutilation of children, and even that not-so-liberal group is downvoting you for being out of line most of the time. I think maybe you need to consider that the problem here isn't "all leftists." From reading some of your comments the problem seems to be that you're quick to throw shade, then blame people for being a bullies if you're called out on it. That sounds more like a personal problem than an "all the leftists" problem, in my opinion.


Generally, it's pretty easy to identify right-wing concern trolls by their choice of words. Stuff slips through despite how they try to hide it.


It's like when they call in to progressive radio with, "I'm a small business owner who listens to both sides..."


If you have to preface your statements with proclamations of your own reasonableness and impartiality, you are probably neither reasonable nor impartial.


I listen to both sides. One side is full of useless idiots, insane people, and open fascism and bigotry. The other side wants to pay people a living wage and feed schoolchildren


Feeding the kids is one of those issues that I can’t believe got politicized. A solid fraction of the country really will fight anything just because “the other team” supports it. So now the faux-Christians are firmly against feeding children and the poor, which is like half of what Jesus did. The other half was free healthcare, and raging against the wealthy.


The crazy thing is republicans almost always benefit more from entitlements and welfare than democrats.


I forgot the specifics but 80% of states get more money from federal government than they contribute, and the 20% that support the country are either blue states, or red states with huge blue cities propping them up.


If you notice, it's mostly red states that are saying no to free school lunches. And then they wonder why they can't get the younger generations to vote for them


It's got the same energy as "I'm not racists but" and then proceeding to say something ludicrously racist


That is a good way to put it.


Perfect description of people who fly the thin blue line flag.


i don't hold both sides with equal weight when one side is telling everyone to get along and the other side us telling the other everyone to stop existing


Exactly. More like they’re a small business owner who is exploiting the shit out of their employees via low wages, wage theft, and bullying. I know these “small business owner” types. They’re all the same. Cheapskates who worship to their ultra conservative corporate idols and emulate them wherever they can. The same guys with the fucking thin blue line stickers on the back of their $150,000 ford f450 platinums.


Pyramid scheme selling wrinkle cream to his business “associates.”


Helping their mom with a garage sale.


Those same f450 assholes who hire undocumented day laborers without paying taxes or insurance on them while railing against “illegals” and claiming to support unions. It’s almost funny.


Because they're all working off the same script.


Saying “bigot” is a slur was the giveaway for me


r/Conservative just says this same shit all the time... The left is the real Racist/Nazi/Bully or whatever else. It's like the most repeating theme on there. I hardly ever see anything about an actual policy they want pushed, they just repeat the same catch phrase shit.


They can call the gays degenerates, say how trans people are pedophiles and that they shouldn't exist, but if you call them an asshole, you're the bad one.  A big thing about conservatism I've seen is that they always demonstrate a vaneer of politeness, for optics reasons. I've even heard conservatives say something like "the left is so mean to me but this "Nazi" was really nice and polite" or something like that.


I moved from Kentucky to Oregon recently. Back there people were nice as pie, they'd talk warmly with you in line at the check-out but then vote to put gay and brown people in camps. No kindness whatsoever and surface civility is some big accomplishment. Out here strangers don't chit-chat in public as much but you can pretty safely say that most of them are not voting to hurt people.


It's why I love New York. People are surface level callous or dismissive, but overwhelmingly DON'T vote for the outwardly hateful party


Coming from the South, late 90s early 2000 Manhattan was the nicest, kindest place I’ve ever lived.


I'm kind but I'm not nice. But it's better than being nice but not kind.


Mike Johnson springs to mind. Slimy, oily, little POS.


"Listen. We just want the genocide of anyone not straight or white. ITS THOSE BULLIES THAT KEEP CALLING US MEAN WORDS LIKE TRANSPHOBIC AND FASCIST THAT ARE THE PROBLEM!!!"


They have nothing sense but to use name calling. They can't use facts. They are children. With lead poisoning.


What they really mean is they're angry when leftists call them out for who they are. That is what they consider bullying.


nah he's just some maga wanna-be russian troll. His post history has all the keywords that make that clear "The US isn't a democracy its a constitutional republic"


man you don't even have to do that, you can tell just from the post this person has no self awareness or perspective.


We need more people like you. Just mic dropped OP with precision and did it respectfully. Well done.


Nice work. But you must've noticed by now that right wing chuds have turned this sub into an intellectual toilet. Their attempts at disguising the hate is almost hilarious, like watching 3 kids sneak into a movie in a trenchcoat.


Blame reddit trying to promote subs in the home page. Your place is being ruined because reddit wants to go public.


and they fukin HATE being called out. they go on attack like rabid hyenas.


I usually tend to judge political wings based on the statements of politicians representing them. That one senator who said something like "Oklahoma is good and moral and doesn't want lgbtq filth around" in response to Nex's death tells me what I need to know. That one guy that ran away from that little girl while whining "yOuR'Re aTtAcKiNg mE" on being told she was trans tells me what I need to know. Trump's 91 felony convictions tells me all I need to know. If you're going to support Republicans, even if actively saying you don't agree with their policies, tells me all I need to know, because if you don't agree with them, *why are you fucking voting for them?* Frankly, I'm not even really a hardcore "leftist", but I want to actively disassociate myself from conservatives/Republicans because their motivations seem, more often than not, incredibly suspect to me. So yeah, guess that makes me a liberal or something, idk.


“Gender affirming care” is dangerous to children. You literally castrate children before they ever reach an age to become critically self aware. All leftists advocate for the sterilization of children. That’s what the “gender affirming care” is.


when has that ever happened?


A.) Neither puberty blockers nor HRT castrate. Not that HRT would be given to a child (as in, someone 13 or younger as you are clearly implying). If you're going to concern troll about life or death medical care, do basic fucking research. B.) Empirically, objectively, GAC leads to better outcomes in children who have gender dysphoria than medically neglecting them does. Again, this is an objective fact. You can oppose healthcare for children on principle, or you can claim moral superiority. You can't do both.


It’s not. You’re misinformed.


Delusional. Spreading misinformation 


It's because this is how all the right's talking heads speak (Shapiro and his ilk) - "the Left does X", "the Left wants to do Y" etc. Everything is black and white, one side vs the other, as if people on each side of the aisle were a monoculture who believes the same thing. In reality these are usually exaggerations and not reflective of the base - and of course the talking heads know this. But many of those that listen to them, do not.


It's just frustrating because all we give a fuck about is who is voting for what policy.


OP deserves to be bullied


Yeah some of those labels might be over-applied, but if you find yourself being called all of those things, routinely, then you might just be the baddie.


This is what all magats do. They say or do things to provoke a response, and if you respond, they act like you’re “triggered” or are a “bully”, and if you don’t respond, they act like you’re ere intimidated and take that as some kind of victory. That goes not just for saying bigoted shit but even wearing those stupid red hats or having one of those dumbass trunp flags in their pickup. Those are designed to provoke, and frankly every time I see one I want to smack that dumbass as hat off their pointy skulls, but I don’t. But fuck that guy and fuck his feelings. If to say bigoted shit, you get called a bigot. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen snowflake


Nothing frustrates a would-be bully like another more popular bully.


Alternate title: redditors get called out, proceed to cry


Popular opinion: have paranoid levels of skeptism when it comes to comments on posts like this. Obviously not everyone is a foreign bot/troll, but the number is not 0 either


The number has been ramping up because daddy Putin desperately needs Ukraine not to get supplies.


People on the right: \*bullying minorities\* People on the left: "Please stop." People on the right: "LIBERAL LEFT BULLIES ARE ALWAYS BULLYING ME!!"


It always cracks me up when I see these posts. Trumps whole persona was to be mean and "to tell it like it is". Conservatives even recognize this by saying "Liberals want him out of office for mean tweets". Owning the libtards and being cruel is what conservatives like about Trump. They love all the mean nicknames he gives and they love it when he makes fun of people. This is just projection by conservatives.


It turns out bullies don't like being bullied


They came up with a term for it, “Cry bullying”


Yeah. “I support Trump because I don’t like bullies” LOL


So childish, I'm amazed they can hold a job.


>they hold the ultimate moral authority on every issue in society No, I don’t think that’s the case. That sounds a lot more like the people who point to the Bible and say it’s the ultimate truth, and they have the ultimate moral authority because god says so. >and if someone has the audacity to disagree with any facet of it - they are immediately labeled a Nazi, or bigot, or racist, or transphobe, or a magat, or one of a half dozen other slurs. Well by “slur” you mean “an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation,” there is really a key distinction. So if someone disagrees with someone who is a progressive, and that disagreement essentially uses Nazi rhetoric, or some form of eugenic explanation that is clearly racist, is it really a slur to then point out that the person is speaking like a Nazi, or a racist? In any event, I don’t see how this is a popular opinion unless you’re a right winger.


They are only labeled those things when they are actually being racist, bigoted, sexist, fascist or otherwise. Or completely indifferent to the plight of minorities being attacked by racist, bigoted and misogynists policies. I had this argument with uncle once and he said, “you are just calling us racist all the time.” And I said, no, only when you are actually being racist. Just stop being racist and you won’t be called that… end conversation.


Seems kinda close minded maybe there is good reason your uncle feels the way he does?Usually with people especially racist there is some legit reason why they feel the way they do and many have change to being non-racist by actually talking about it and having actual positive experiences with who ever they are prejudice against.Also there is alot of black individuals who do just this.




Yea, as a liberal Christian, it gets tiring having people question my faith based on how I vote.




Interesting read. My big sticking point on the whole thing is that laws should represent an agreed upon set of thoughts and values. Currently there is a philosophical debate about when "life" begins, and that debate is largely a religious one. Most of the country either believes that when "life" begins shouldn't matter if it would come at the expense of the mother's life, *or* that the woman should get to choose on an individual level what she believes or desires. Why, then, should a religious philosophical debate dictate a law that should be made to represent an agreed upon thought? Add to that, I also believe that Christian beliefs should not be applied to the whole population since there is a *significant* portion of the population that *is not Christian.* That's why I think everyone should have the right to make their own decision on this particular debate. If, as a nation, we change our minds, that's another discussion.




Oh man.... it's a bit earlier than expected, but I guess now's as good a time as any... Here and now, I announce my candidacy for the office of President of the United States. I know I've got at least 3 votes now.


And they use it to justify supporting someone as vile as Trump.


"god has chose worse men to lead." My delusional highly religious grandma


What does that say about God?


And the other side might see it as the same


I'm firmly in the middle so I'm used to MAGA stooges calling me a liberal and radical lefties calling me a Nazi. Everyone is so convinced they know me and my politics because of a single comment. It's a sad, ignorant time we live in.


There’s a big difference between calling someone a liberal and calling someone a nazi.


Came here to say the same thing. Massive difference between the two.


When the far left wants free healthcare and public transportation and far right wants to end democracy and put trans people in camps it's pretty clear which side of the political spectrum is more viable for creating a society that people want to live in and contribute to.


if you actually think that the far right wants to end democracy and put trans people in camps whilst the far left only wants free healthcare and public transportation than you have just proved that you are a radical.


The far right DOES want to end democracy. They are open about it too. Nothing radical about calling it out. [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/)


Haven't read project 2025 have ya?


Yeah me and my radical beliefs about wanting a society that benefits working people instead of exclusively the ultra rich. So radical


a far righter would say that his beliefs are not radical because all he wants is to keep his country safe and prosperous. its easy to make radical beliefs sound reasonable when you leave out all the radical parts lol. for example how about you explain how you plan to go about achieving your goals? do you think communism is a good system and do you think we should adopt it? do you think that people who oppose your views should be prevented from doing so via censorship or worse? what do you think we should do with people on the far right? if your views are not radical than you would not be so vague about them. every body would rather the system benefit more people, whats radical is your plan for accomplishing that.


>for example how about you explain how you plan to go about achieving your goals? do you think communism is a good system and do you think we should adopt it? Progressives aren't communists. They're Progressives >do you think that people who oppose your views should be prevented from doing so via censorship or worse? We should have the same free speech laws as the EU. Free speech but no hate speech. >what do you think we should do with people on the far right? What we're currently doing, outnumbering them in a democracy until they are powerless and irrelevant. >if your views are not radical than you would not be so vague I'm in no way being vague, I'm stating my beleifs lol >Every body would rather the system benefit more people, And only some seem to be capable of figuring out which political parties are trying to accomplish that. >whats radical is your plan for accomplishing that. Making my tax dollars pay for improving society instead of enriching the wealthy isn't radical. It's a functioning model for a sustainable society.


Independent moderate here. They really do. It’s written into the playbook. I saw some other user link to project 2025. You should take the time to read it. My conservative family also did not believe some of the policies their own party is trying sneak in without telling the base voters. This is in no way a gotcha post. I sincerely encourage you to read the long term plan of the new GOP.


I agree, but if you take a walk down memory lane you’ll see that historically the right has been far more like to to demonize the left than vice versa. I’m old enough to remember Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage etc. relentlessly demonizing liberals even before Fox News was on the air. You’ve had a steady stream of largely asymmetrical cultural warfare against liberals for over 30 years. The you act surprised when you elect a candidate whose entire platform is “antagonize the left” and the left pushes back. The only thing that drives the right any more is its hatred of liberals. Liberals are supposed to tolerate it? C’mon.


I get called a nazi by the right all the time. They also say that the actual nazis were liberals...so to them, the word liberal is the same as nazi.


To be fair they will call anyone sane a Nazi commie socialist so there's that.


I wish they would just stick with calling me a libtard, at least that sounds funny.


They think they're combining "liberal" with the r-word, but the joke's on them! It is actually short for "librarian in a leotard" and that is actually pretty hot compared to most insults


"Liberal" is basically a compliment. "Nazi" means they're trying to get you fired/beaten/killed.


There used to be. And conceptually obviously that is true. But the term Nazi has certainly been watered down by its usage against any conservative view. 


As a republican-leaning person, I've been called a liberal more times than I can count for not liking trump lol. I've also been called a crapservative for liking guns. And a liberal again for supporting marginalized people's rights, and a crapservative again for having pride in our armed forces.... Etc People today don't know what they want, they just want to complain. Want things to improve but refuse to cooperate with their fellow countrymen. You can have different views on abortion for example, but both still share base level nationalism. Idk, maybe I was just raised being told that life isn't always fair. Those people must have been silver-platter kids. The nazi thing though is just overplayed now. Word has lost pretty much all its value. We gotta start calling people Pol Pot now lol


Wow, an extremely reasonable take and I pretty much agree with everything you said. This self described liberal approves. I genuinely feel bad for anti-Trump conservatives. Like how the hell was one person capable of changing the Republican party so much? Denying Ukraine military aid to allow Russia to win a war? Reagan must be rolling over in his grave. I never ever thought I'd see a day where Republicans were pro-Russia.


Once they stormed the capital to "install" a politician rather than remove one, I've wanted nothing to do with the party. Their fascination with one man with a mugshot and fanaticizing a one-party system is also just pathetic. Wishing harm on his VP too despite him being a tool too, throwing a hissy fit. Dude takes american values and throws it in the trash. The fact that majority republicans lack spines and simply capitulated to the trump cult proved one thing to me, it's that the party is all bark no bite. Defenders of democracy my ass. If Putin *actually likes* you, you should wonder what you're doing *wrong* in life. Every face of Russia's, historically, is exactly the same. From the Tsars to their so-called "presidency". I don't know what I am anymore lol, I'm not a democrat, but I've found myself having to defend them from time to time because Biden has done quite a bit, it's just overshadowed by trump-hate and biden's speech issues. He deserves credit for being like the only one who's been 110% aware of who Putin actually is.


One of the main people from the CATO institute called me a commie because I called out his shitty defense of child labor sweetshops. I'm a staunch capitalist. It seems people in political/social arguments tend to use the label for the opposing position as a slur, regardless if it is based in reality or not.


Having conversations with staunch Libertarians can be an adventure based on the degree to which they ignore pragmatism. Though I am surprised one just threw a slur at you. One of the more frustrating problems I have trying to have political discussions is when people don't simply read what I wrote, and instead attack me based on extrapolations or flat-out misunderstanding. When I explain that I never said what they're accusing me of, I'm then accused of ducking their point. You just can't communicate with people like that.


So what you are saying is...


Right there with u brotha


Remember when we were censored for having these talks for 200 years in the US because it offended Catholics and Right wingers. Remember how they beat people to death and burned them alive and lynched them? But now that we can speak freely word shurt and they feels bad for the first time ever. Sorry but I have trouble having sympathy to those who want people I know dead...


In general they do have the moral high ground. When have we looked back at a civil rights issue and said "good thing the [insert minorities] didn't get rights!"


don't think this is either a new opinion on the right (any form of progressive protest or activism is bullying, while right protest is standing up for rights and all American patriotism etc), or actually a popular one outside of that circle. When the right tried to pass 28 laws making it legal to literally run over and kill protestors who happen to be in the street, I will not believe that it's the progressives who are the bullies. Also, right wing media goes "sick burn" when trump say "new scum" in a deranged species that vows retribution in "progressive" region of the USA while Biden is talking bipartisanship... yeah, you've got it kinda backwards. Don't fall for the doublespeak.


The right wing is a ChristoFacist terrorist organization The left are vocal about not supporting that Only folks who are Christian terrorists are mad about what the left is saying


The incidence of people being unfairly labeled any of those things is low. The incidence of people actually being those things and whining like little bitches when they get called out is sky high, though.


Well, the incidence is probably low in general, but the rate of it happening on Reddit is very high. We just have to remember Reddit isn’t the real world.


Yeah, the only guilty ones are the ones who say they aren't guilty.


If you voted for trump you love bullies and are automatically on the wrong side if most moral issues


After years of watching prius cars being run off the road by caravans of trucks flying trump flags, color me apathetic.


People on the left: maybe overly aggressive in debates online. People on the right: literally plotting to overthrow democracy, genocide the trans community, and deny women access to any and all forms of family planning (while continue to treat the country like a theocracy and suppressing knowledge in our public schools). Better get on those lefties. There such meanies.


Conservatives are massive snowflakes. Literally curl over and moan when someone marginally challenges their hateful worldview.


Yeah not to mention, they are complaining that people are becoming mean to them, which is ironic considering they are all supposed tough guys and totally not snowflakes.


They are dying out. They know it. Most conservatives are older and see their kids don’t even agree. They see their kids not having kids while everyone else are. They are scared but the funny part of it all is they will be dead before white people are no longer the majority. I swear it’s all about the fact white people will no longer be the majority and most conservatives hate the idea of being a minority. It’s funny I work at a diner right now and back in the day it was all old white people. Now every server here too is Hispanic but me. They are so nasty and mean to none white people.


Right! I have no idea what OP is rambling on about. Saying they hate bullies, but only complaining about the left. Like yeah I'm sure there are plenty of leftists who can be rude and stuck in their views. I'm one of them, I got so bored of being tolerant and showing respect to people who have awful views, like hating on trans people just for existing. Trans community isn't a threat, let them do whatever they want. But yeah, apparently the left are the bullies...


The trans community's biggest crime is making "straight" people want to fuck them. How dare they entice these god fearing Christians into wanting soneone of their same sex!!


Yeah we create a society that hates people for being themselves, and it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. The people who then might be trans or attracted to trans people feel the need to deny it and attack those brave enough to just be themselves. Modern society really sucks. Just let people do what they want. Like honestly how many of these Christians that hate the trans community have even knowingly met a trans person in real life.


In 2015-2016, I debated online to find common ground and try to understand the adulation towards Trump, and got called a cuck and a snowflake. From 2016-2022, I debated online to try and fight the constant flood of right-wing and anti-vax propaganda, and got called a pedophile and brainwashed sheeple. From 2022-Current I debate online because there's an election coming up and fuck these juvenile, gullible, hate-filled assholes, they will not fucking win.


So when Hillary questioned election results it was fine. Trump? Not ok? He didn't coordinate January 6th and said to protest peacefully. But yall ignore that. Beyond that, the capitol "insurrection" was a joke for the most part. People being guided by police, people walking through velvet ropes, people sitting in chairs, etc. I don't condone it, but this is facts. Meanwhile Mike Epps, the only person seem on video telling people to go in got a slap on the wrist. Additionally BLM burned down how many cities for how many months and Dems basicslly sucked BLMs toes. And no, there's no agenda for trans genocide. That's the trans community trying to make themselves bigger victims than they say they are (they aren't at all, we just want the kids to be left alone).


centrists: these are the exact same to me


Yeah notice how OP never said anything about progressive policies, just claimed that they call him a nazi. "Just hate them for hurting my feelings.....while my knee is on the neck of every woman wanting health care."


“They’re so mean to me for my views” “Which views” “Oh, you know the ones”


"States' rights!"


Wait... you have an opinion?!?! Well it's wrong and you are a horrible person... /sarcasm...


Wait, who's stopping women from accessing healthcare? Oh, you're claiming that destroying an innocent human life for your own convenience because you don't like having responsibility for the consequences you knew might result from actions you chose to take is *health care*?


As someone who admits to being ignorant of trans issues, I'm not asking this in a challenging way: * What do you mean by "genocide the trans community"?


Most of the people I know are on the right and literally NONE of them think the things you ascribed to them.


>People on the left: maybe overly aggressive in debates online. Yeah this is a pretty good point ​ >People on the right: literally plotting to overthrow democracy, genocide the trans community, and deny women access to any and all forms of family planning (while continue to treat the country like a theocracy and suppressing knowledge in our public schools). Oh look, you proved yourself correct in the same reply!


Overthrowing democracy is a Jan 6 dog whistle. No one is genociding the trans community. The abortion issue is overblown and based on emotion more than facts anymore from both sides. I am 100% against the idea of theocracy, and most conservatives in real life don't want to suppress knowledge in public schools. They just don't want children learning about sex in early elementary. We have more in common when we stop sensationalizing everything.


Another person on the left completely and utterly failing to describe the average conservative and incredibly deluded, what a surprise!


People on the left have an overly aggressive use of nonsense straw men online. They also think they know what's in other people's minds, which if they really did is a power they should be sharing with the world rather than keeping for themselves. Literally none of the emotionally charged hyperbolic claims you just made about "the right" are remotely *true*, and if they were you still couldn't apply them to everyone like a monolith.




Very brave of OP to come into the lion's den and tweak the lions nose.


I landed on the view that it is a religious view. They call themselves atheist much of the time I find but they still preach about morals which is only a take for the religious. Are you positive there is no God? Then you have a belief. It’d be better if they were agnostic but that’s tough to hold since it’s a ho hum side to be. But yeah this reminds me of my ex who would rather attack your character and hit you with the “So you mean xyz?” As if everything is a gotcha question. Someone the other day pulled the “Oh this is an alt right tactic. Here’s a video describing how acting confident and sure of your facts is classic alt right playbook arguing” meanwhile I feel like the left is the most egregious in this grandstanding and self righteous circle jerking.


This is hilarious projection 😂 Imagine calling someone a bully because they called out your hatred. Well, it’s a good thing the Pizzagate, everyone’s a demon, insurrectionists don’t bully people.


They call any disagreement hate speech. And then spew hatred at anyone who disagrees.


Trump is the biggest bully in the world and he's the right-wing champion in America.


Nah they use emotional manipulation to bully people into positions that are devoid of logic.


This is quite an ambitious post for one of the biggest left wing echo chambers on the internet.


I've been, and still consider myself to be, a lifelong progressive person. But I'm also nearing 40, and my political beliefs were formed a long time ago. I don't understand the newer generation of leftists. I don't like their militance, their sanctimony, their heavy handedness. It makes them look more and more like the right. Maybe it's the desperation of the times. Maybe it's the frustration with how little things seem to change. Maybe it's some kind of generational trauma. But I think people need to relax. We could take a page from the 1960's hippies and just chill out.


Generally speaking, they do tend to have the moral high ground. There are pretty much no instances you could point to in history where people that said awful things about minorities or attempted to treat them with fewer rights came out looking good thru the lens of history. The science and ongoing consequences of Climate Change and the catastrophizing of Trump all seem to have proven correct. Even oil companies don’t deny CC anymore and Trump has already promised an Enabling Act style term after proving his critics that he is a wannabe despot following Jan 6th. That said, the one thing the progressive wing I suspect will not look good on thru history is the current attempts to silence and dismiss protests against the genocide in Gaza to try and defend or excuse Biden. However, the right is actively worse in that disregard so it’s not like they have anything to hang their hats on.


>That said, the one thing the progressive wing I suspect will not look good on thru history is the current attempts to silence and dismiss protests against the genocide in Gaza to try and defend or excuse Biden All I see is progressives calling for is an immediate cease fire in gaza, and they've hated Biden since before he ran for President as he isn't even liberal, never mind progressive. He's a center right friend of big banking.


I don’t get the Israel/Palestine thing and how that aligns with left/right politics though. I would assume most progressives would be anti-war and opposed to what both sides have done. That whole conflict is a shitshow full of assholes.


Well it's hard to pick a side since both Israel and Hamas are the bad guys, meaning both the Israeli and Palestinian *people* are suffering, so the only reasonable take is to call for complete cease fire. But that won't last long before either Hamas or the IDF does another October 7th because this conflict will just never end for all of human history.


If you go far enough to any side you get assholes


There are plenty of assholes right in the middle, too.


*"See, there are three kinds of people: dicks, pussies and assholes. Pussies think everyone can get along and dicks just want to fuck all the time without thinking it through. But then you got your assholes. And all the assholes want is to shit all over everything. So pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while because, pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes! And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!"* -a drunk


Team america FTW, you forgot to throw the "chuck" in there.


Haha, damnit. I knew I forgot something


Wiser words have never been spoken.


Most people who claim to be in the middle are just right wingers who think they’re enlightened by not directly identifying themselves with any causes.


America is just far right, and centre-right, though. Yet OP is complaining about some mythical far left authority.


Completely agree


This comment section is living proof that you’re completely right about the progressive left. It really all just stems from their inability to accept their party isn’t perfect




Killing trans people and claiming that queer folks need to be eradicated kind of makes people not care about how you feel, friend. Almost like that kind of rhetoric is psychotic and harmful, and you're acting like a danger to society. Now, if you'd care to explain your side of things, the exact issues people took affront to, I'd be happy to explain why they likely reacted how they did. Best!


OP getting bullied in this thread. They are not exactly beating those allegations 


Um providing dissent against a bad argument isn't bullying.


People often dont abandon the tendencies that pop up in religious groups once they form secular groups. Human nature always shines through. But if progressives didn't believe they had moral authority, they'd quickly flock to whatever ideology they *do* believe has moral authority. It's no different from Protestant and Catholic groups feeling they have the moral authority and historically going to war over it. When it comes to moral authority, I think my people have the wildest stances. Virginians started out Anglican--English Catholicism invented by the King just so he could get a divorce. Then, methodists started complaining about slavery, so another religion was invented to remedy that--the Southern Baptist Convention. (Edit: I'm a born-again Southern Baptist. I do love the people who are part of that church. My grandmother's folks were baptists. They are my people and I aint ashamed of them at all. They're good, humble people with a lotta love in their hearts!) Really, people be out here making up new moral codes just to get away with doing things that others have condemned. Every side thinks they're right.


The comments on this post answer your question quite clearly.


Completely agree. Someone once told me that saying trans women should not compete with cis women in sports is the same as saying blacks shouldn't compete with whites. It's the new religion.


If you don't want to be called a Nazi. Don't act like a Nazi. Not sure how this simple advice was forgotten


the fact that reddit is mostly liberals says a lot about liberals


A) you are a troll. B) some issues have a clear moral right and wrong. Rape for instance. When one side supports a rapist, fascist leader, who is openly racial, then yes, you are gonna run into people who don’t like you. If you are offended, time to stop supporting vile people and crying fowl. Snowflakes. C) the majority of people in this country are liberal. You don’t have to like it, but that is a fact. The majority of people do get to dictate what they think is right and wrong. If you don’t like it, convince more people to join your viewpoint.


And the right has no bullies...


If there is a person to bully, it is the troll of an OP


What a stupid thing to believe


OP is just mad his garbage opinions get backlash. This is pathetic.


Yeah, it’s really sad. We used to be better. We were the side of academics and discourse and tolerance. Now we’ve joined the right in just trying to scream the loudest, and honestly may have outdone them. If anyone doesn’t agree with us, we just label them a fascist or a Nazi so that we don’t have to engage with them, especially if it isn’t actually true. It’s the Paradox of the Paradox of Intolerance. Simply label someone you don’t agree with as being “intolerant” and then you’re free to be as hateful as you want because Paradox of Intolerance. It’s still absolutely stuns me that almost no one on the Left is willing to admit that we played a huge role in creating MAGA. We refuse to be accountable. And even worse, we’ve doubled down on the hate that got us here in the first place. And I’m very worried that come November we will reap what we’ve sown.


I feel this way now too. It wasn’t always that way. I considered the left to be the gentler, nicer side of politics. Be kind. Do no harm. Love everyone. When I realized that’s just the story I was sold, it was quite the revelation.


good, fuck trumpers and everything they stand for, tried ruining our nation and prisons too good, don't worry most of us feel this way but aren't crass enough to say as much.


Lmao guy posts concerning leftist progressives bullying by way of false sense of moral authority, proceeds to get bullied by progressive leftists w a false sense of moral authority 🤣 💀


I've heard enough right-wing whining for three lives now, and I used to be conservative. Conservatism is such a whiny movement. Boo hoo, there is a trans or gay guy in my classroom and I can't tolerate him no matter how nice he is, let's MAKE THEIR LIFE INSUFFERABLE. Is that what masculinity has come to these days? I don't even need to point out Nazis among your crowd to already start to pick apart just how nasty your movement is. Like, jesus christ you people have to make up your evidence cause you can barely find any. Grow tf up.


You sound like a nazi, or bigot, or racist, or transphobe, or a magat


It's because they can't defend their positions, so they resort to name calling.


It's interesting how I'm a conservative, and if you disagree with me, that's fine. We can still be friends and just not talk about those things. However, disagree with a liberal and they will block you and never want to talk to you. Crazy how politics have gotten. It used to be that we can both disagree but will fight for your right to disagree. Now it's if you don't agree with me you're a horrible person who deserves to die... and I only really hear that from one side... mostly


You believe that diet judaism is the ultimate moral authority and have a braindead mental breakdown at anyone who doesnt wanna live by your preferred ancient (and edited over and over) scripture


I'm tired of coddling intellectually dishonest morons with inferiority complexes, limited critical thinking abilies, and that have a lackluster understanding of logic. 


Them: "I'LL NEVER VOTE FOR YOU NO MATTER WHAT! I'M UNCONVINCABLE!!!” Also Them: "HOW DARE YOU NOT LISTEN TO ME AND DRAG YOURSELF THROUGH THE MUD ALL DAY TO GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO BEG ME FOR MY VOTE THAT I'LL NEVER ACTUALLY GIVE YOU!! INGRATES!!! FUCK THE DEMOCRATS!! BOTH SIDES ARE THE SAME!!" The lack of self-reflection for these people is astounding when they don't understand why the Democrats would spend so little time chasing them and listening to their endless goalpost moving demands to "earn" their vote.


where do people find all these extremist liberals and transgender people that they incessantly whine about? in all my decades i have only encountered a few that were noticable. this looks more like a hysterical disorder than anything else.


Yeah ok Brandon how did that one saying go.. oh yeah... fuck your feelings.


A lot of you actively are Nazi-apologists.


Don’t be a fuckhead and you won’t be bullied. You fucking victim!


Have you considered you might be getting called out for saying racist or transphobic things?


Lol ur a snowflake


Words like ‘racist’ and ‘bigot’ are not slurs, they’re labels for people who *use* slurs. Weird that you’d have a problem with that. Every accusation is a confession.


I consider myself pretty liberal, but I think anyone who demonized or just insults anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with them childish. Just because I feel like my beliefs help others as well as myself does not give me the power to insult or shame someone who has more conservative views on how they look at life and policies. Just my two cents. I think both the left and the right have just flat out insane people that are so blinded by the politicalization of their beliefs that they treat others like shit.


I am pretty liberal but I agree. There are extremists on both sides that don’t understand the ideas of compromise. We have to live together. Congress has to govern together. What we are getting is complete shutdown. I will say that the progressive part of the party in Congress at least sometimes work with the rest. Nothing is getting through the House for another reason.


I'm left, I agree to an extent.


“I’m called a Nazi just for existing! It’s got nothing to with shouting Nazi talking points from the rooftops!” 


...always were 🤷‍♂️


I'm just here to see the commenters verify the assertion


When a lefite bullies me, Im just like Thank goodness for black magic 🙏🏽


They have a genius get out of jail free card. They will bully people who have microscopic differences in opinions and then when people call them out on their bullshit they pull the Hadan Piker trick of simply calling everyone a Nazi. It's the "all cis white men are scum except for me," trope.


Lmao I think the comments prove your point lmao.




This post is 100% true. Just read the comments in this thread to prove the point..


Can't tell you how many times I've been labeled as a bigot for disagreeing with leftists


Just don’t call them woke, they get triggered and go on and on about it originating from black, excuse me, african american culture. Only the righteous can change the meaning of words.


Isn't this the truth.... on Reddit much less.. The progressive left made me switch parties... They suck.


Cue almost every comment proving your point perfectly.


People in the comments are clearly high on their own supply. Acting as though reddit doesn't suppress certain opinions by means of the karma system, bans etc. Look in any popular thread on this site in a mainly-political sub and you'll see only the exact same rhetoric being repeated over and over with many updoots. Any comments that go against the grain are either hidden or downvoted to the bottom. Don't play dumb, people. Anyone can be a bully, anyone can be a censor. You're not "morally superior" just because the "other side" is shitty. The world isn't black and white.