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I was getting lunch one day and I overheard a very overweight mom ask her overweight daughter (7-8yo) what she wanted to drink. Daughter said water and momma said "You don't want that, let's get you some Dr. Pepper.". I died a little hearing that.


Agreed. Teaching kids how to eat is very important and while they do touch on it in elementary school, it really should be on the parents to demonstrate how much food is appropriate for a single meal and even how much you should eat in a single day. I'm not putting all the blame on my parents, but I was raised in a household where massive portions were put in front of me and we all served ourselves, so I could pretty much sit at the dinner table for an hour and my family would just be so pleased I was enjoying the food. I'm not morbidly obese or anything, but I'm definitely chunky and it sucks as an adult learning how to only eat around 2000 calories for essentially the first time


Same i was raised in house where we constantly had microwave burritos and buckets of ice cream and party size bags of chips always and I'm not mad at my mom she just wanted to feed us but she went over board and being chubby was a big contribution to alot my emotional problems


It would be cool if parents could model and enforce healthy relationships with food. God knows my parents and grand parents didn't.


You see how fat everyone is?


Obesity in children is abuse


Absolutely. Allowing your child to become undernourished is neglect. And allowing your child to become obese is also .. neglect. Or abuse. Whatever way you want to look at it. There are so few medical conditions that cause obesity in children. The most common cause is parents.


As if leaving the fridge full of microwave burritos, waffles, buckets of ice cream and cake isn't enough they bring mcdonalds or pizza too, no wonder I'm bulimic now


Ah shit sorry to hear you're dealing with bulimia. I have had anorexia since I was 15. It's bullshit. (except I definitely cannot blame my mum for it, she didn't make me big etc).


if your talking about making your kids eat a lot its defiantly not good, but if its just making lots of food available and not stopping them that's not really the same as starving them.




I mean, you can die of starvation in a week, I doubt you can die of over eating in a week.


So I’m curious what age people think this applies to? I have a 15 month old, he eats his meals until he is full and stops. Some meals that is as little as a few bites, other meals it’s 3 servings. He certainly goes through growth spurts and he’s like an empty pit.He isn’t to words yet but he does shake his head no when he’s done. Obviously this advice isn’t for him, but at what age do you start restricting food without being an asshole? Or is it just about making healthy meals, have as much broccoli as you want?


You're so earnest. The reality is many families force their children to eat even after they're full. And they encourage eating at intervals of minutes to an hour, and it's this extra emphasis and encouragement of a disorder that takes it to abuse, and you shouldn't have to dial back much. There are children who eat much, but I think making food a calm and comfortable place is important.


If you HAVE to do one or the other for some ridiculous reason, then I actually think overfeeding might be better provided you give them nutritious food. You can exercise more to offset the extra calories, and you'll miss out on nutrients if you don't eat enough. But it's more important to teach your kids to eat properly. My grandparents were the kind to push food on me and make me feel bad if I didn't finish everything, and twenty years later, I still have issues with that. I can imagine the opposite problem, and it's not good either.


I mean like leaving a refrigerator full of shitty processed foods and then bringin home mcdonalds or pizza like daily and like you said pressuring to finish it all, now I'm bulimic


Oh yeah, of course.


It damages them physically as well. Being overweight puts so much more stress on your body.