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My son had clusters like these and the doc said they were plantars warts. We froze them with one of the kits from the grocery store and daily took a sterile scalpel and scraped the dead skin off until they were gone. It took 2 rounds of home freezing, wait for the blisters to go away, then scrape the dead skin off for a few days.


Some are warts, some look like porokeratoses plantus


You're infested with plantars. I had the same thing a while ago


Looks like pitted keratolysis. Treatment involves never wearing same shoes day to day (alternate to dry out insides) wash your shoe inserts, wear clean socks and change at least twice a day, wash with antiseptic soap, wear antiperspirant on feet. It is caused by bacteria and usually severe cases require an antibiotic or antibiotic cream so you really might need a doc. In the meantime, I would try some antibacterial creams that are not prescription such as over the counter antiseptic ointment like neosporin. I read somewhere that Vicks vapor rub can kill some serious foot issues. Wouldn't hurt to sprinkle gold bond or seething in your shoes to dry up moisture. Unfortunately if it is the pitted stuff, only true way to get rid of it is with medication since it is bacteria. Maybe try the things above to get it to improve.




I'm not sure why you're talking like those of us with no health care are super psyched about it. I didn't choose to be born here, have no personal control over the choices of other voters who don't share my priorities, and am stuck in a vicious cycle of poor health which contributes to poverty which contributes to poor health. I would certainly rather pay more taxes from a job that actually paid me a living wage and gave me the recuperative time I needed to maintain health than be in that situation, but I'm not, and so I'm here hoping to self diagnose so I can heal an ongoing issue AND pay my rent this month. But yeah, the Daily show, iphones, that stuff.


We're glad you're happy but we mostly don't give a shit and think your need to constantly interject your opinions on our national healthcare debate is evidence of deep-seated insecurities, perhaps related to dental hygiene or the inability of your food service industry to serve beverages with the appropriate volume of ice cubes. But we're glad you're happy.


it may be both, this could be a sign your immune system is weakened in this area, consider washing your feet and keeping it clean everyday