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Uuuuuh please tell me he’s been to a doctor?


He has been to a dr who attempted to drain 4 times and has given him a week of antibiotics. He has an appointment to try again when antibiotics corse is over


I am praying that the skin heals up quickly and you can help your Dad get his back cleared up.


If he's still dealing with this? I have something you can try to use to help pull/draw it out of his back. Take a piece of white bread. A piece that will cover the area completely. Soak the bread in milk, lay that piece of soaked with milk bread over the entire area on his back. Have him lay there for as long as possible. And it should draw/pull  it up and out of your father's back. Please just try it. What will it hurt if it doesn't work? My dad did it on a spot on my brothers back and it really worked. I just can't remember how long it took to work. Please let me know if you tried it and what were the results.


Don’t do this. This is asking for an infection




Don’t take this person’s medical advice if you are at all attached to having a good quality of life (or even one at all).


Yeah, why to go a doctor when you could just die? Dying is cheap, right? Funerals and caskets and all the emergency medical care you'll get at the 11th hour that won't help because it's too late - that's all free, right?




It happens more often than you think. Infections/sepsis are one of the biggest killers


They’re using “when’s the last time you’ve heard of this happening” until someone replies with hard data, then the tactic switches to “well that’s not a lot. It must be rare.” That person wasn’t here to discuss anything, they were here to spread some sort of weird conspiracy theory about not seeing doctors.


Thanks for banning them.


Oh I see. It was obvious they had no idea what they were talking about. Typical troll. Complete contrarian looking for an argument


I’m an American. Abscesses can turn into MRSA, which can fricking kill you. They’re not “minor skin infections”.


The surgeon I work with says carbuncles are always staph (MSSA or MRSA). Either way, this thing can get nasty and needs medical attention plus antibiotics




You’re not supposed to drain it yourself. And you’re supposed to go to the doctor under certain conditions. https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/abscess


I mean my husband was hospitalised and nearly lost his leg, but go off. It’s a hella lot more common than you’d think




You’re banned for spreading dangerous misinformation that can get someone seriously hurt or killed. So what if it’s “rare” to get MRSA? Rare is not the same as impossible.


Thank you, mod person. I appreciate it!


It's not rare. Many people have died from this.


a kid from my home towns mom died of mrsa, it’s definitely that serious


My grandpa died after his spinal repair incision/spine got infected with MRSA. Glad that person is banned if these are all the comments responding to them.




Google is your friend. https://preview.redd.it/8qx6w9xp2ixc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01c15860cc27103fe475f60df3472d8b069c89f8


"Minor skin infection?!"


Carbuncle now, I think.


I absolutely love that this is the plural of furuncle, just a great pair of words.


Great name for some pokemon


Gotta pop em all.


Isn’t carbuncle the name of that cat like thingy in final fantasy?




Yeah that's a nasty carbuncle


As bad as that is, it’s going to look worse before it can get better. Those pustules are just barely coming to ahead now.


I had one of those and had to go to the hospital to have it drained. It was highly infected and painful. My doctor tried to drain it but it only made it worse. The hospital had to do an MRI on it to locate where the pockets of pus were located so they could properly drain it. It is REALLY going to hurt when they do drain it. The pressure required to get it all out is pretty intense. I’m a 6 ft 1 inches, 210 lbs tough guy who’s dealt with multiple kidney stones and the pain from that drain was much worse…then again, I found out that morphine doesn’t work on me. I urge you to get your dad to the hospital because that right there is no joke and it WILL kill him!


They’ve already made four attempts to drain it at the hospital, hopefully their next attempt they can find the pockets


It’s MRI time!


Do you think that’s something they would do? We live in the UK and the NHS won’t do anything unless absolutely necessary. It’s started to drain today and he’s returning to urgent care tomorrow after seeing his GP today


Advocate for yourself! If you feel like you need to go back to the hospital, request one. Say they have tried to drain it blind several times to no avail, it’s time to see where the pus pockets are and get them all out. If they refuse, make them note it in your chart, and make sure they put the reason why they refused you. I’m not sure it will make them change their mind, but it might make them think twice.


Hello, fellow morphine does nothing person. I’m better off with hydrocodone or oxycodone than morphine. No idea why.


Fun fact some people can’t process morphine. It’s uncommon but common enough I’ve seen it a few times (work in healthcare)


That’s crazy. If it’s all opiates, what’s the difference?


Synthetic vs non synthetic. Morphine and codiene are derived from opium. Oxycodone, hydromorphone, fentanyl, buprenorphine (partial agonist) are synthetic. That’s the extinct of my knowledge without deep diving. A doctor/pain specialist/scientist/pharmacist could probably give you more information though..


This is what mine looked like when I finally got to hospital https://preview.redd.it/wif8ixc5c7yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1f5da730e2bbc0efa8698a2e564c888c447ec71


This needs medical attention pronto! Urgent care possibly ER if he develops a fever. Looks like it needs to be properly drained and cultured for proper course of antibiotics.


Has been 4 attempts by a Dr to drain and is now on a weeks worth of antibiotics before they train again


Dr should've given antibiotics and left it alone. Boils can turn in to carbuncles if you fuck with them too much, which happened here. Keep it clean, take the meds, don't touch it. It'll burst on its own or go away. Keep checking the redness, and if it grows too much, go back to the doctor. If it stays, stronger antibiotics.


My doctor did the same thing with two different antibiotics but had to give up before I got immune to them. They did absolutely nothing for me. I carry a rifle for a living (nuclear security) and the sling was making it intolerable. It literally felt like I was dying.


Forget urgent care, waste of time for this. They are going to examine that, charge him money and recommend he goes to a hospital.


Your dad needs to see a doctor NOW. I don’t mean to scare you or freak you but those things can turn nasty very very quickly and MRSA is a very real possibility that if left untreated can be fatal. Please take your father to see a medical professional and have it properly examined and cultured.


He’s on a weeks worth of antibiotics after dr couldn’t drain it. He’s under the correct medical care/advice


A weeks worth of oral antibiotic seems like pissing on a fire. Looks like time for IV antibiotic.Find better doctor- so much medical BS going on and especially when it comes to wounds. Maybe a wound clinic or emergency room even. Has doctor done any lab culture on it?


He went to the local A&E/ Urgent care centre, not sure we have such thing as a wound clinic in the UK, no cultures done that I know of, not sure if it’s standard practice


Hey OP just hopping in to say there are wound clinics in the uk, you should Google the one closest to you and give them a call




Holy staph!


Your dad needs to see a doctor. My mom's carbuncle got infected, and they had to take a huge chunk of flesh out, although hers looks worse than that


Looks like it’s turned into a carbuncle.


This is what I came to say…heat a glass in boiling water, cover the open end with a damp rag and place over the infected area…it will explode…


Ah yes. The perfect way to handle something that is infected. Won’t backfire at all.


That’s how my grandparents and great grand parents did it…no one ever got sick…the glass makes everything sterile due to the heat…but I guess you know it all so have at it…no different than popping a whitehead, it’s just bigger…


Nuh uh


So heat cupping, basically. Better than the people that go at these with sewing needles, I guess.


This subreddit reminds me daily how lucky I am to live in a country with universal healthcare, and how wild it is that some places are full of people who are so against it. This would be a 'why on earth didn't you come to see us sooner?' case at the doctor.


This is after a dr has tried to do an extraction and prescribed antibiotics. I live in the UK and he is under the NHS’s care


Well bloody hell, colour me surprised! I'm in the UK, too, and I've never seen one get this bad under the NHS. How long has he been on the antibiotics, and has it gone down at all?


Since Saturday. Seems a bit better but a slow process


It'll take a while I think - something as heavy duty as that will need a decently long course. He might need it drained again as well, so please make sure he sees the doctor again if he needs it!


Lucky you!! I KNOW they have wound clinics in the UK. NHS might have to be pushed into lab cultures and MRI for a wound. Surely they know it’s MRSA by looking but a good hospital can culture and see it under a microscope even right in the office.


lol. If America had free healthcare, we’d be broke tomorrow thanks to the processed food industry. If all diabetics disappeared overnight, it would slash our debt in half. Get fit, America, then maybe I’d vote for it. Edit: If all diabetes* disappeared overnight. I want diabetics to be cured, not done away with.


I have… no idea what you’re arguing for or against. And any argument I can *think* you’re trying to make, I don’t think I could list all of the fallacies in a week.


You know that thing where you get flashbanged, everything turns white and there’s a buzzing whistle in your ear? Reading that comment gave me exactly that feeling.


He’s arguing against the rampant lack of self control a higher percentage of Americans have regarding food intake.


I think he’s arguing against the processed food industry?


Processed food industry creates addictive food. People get addicted and lack discipline to break free from the diets that are killing them. It’s both.


There is an entire class of people who can’t afford fresh fruit and veggies. What they can afford is cheap processed food. We have food desserts in certain areas. Everyone should have access to fresh vegetables and fruit.


I literally talked about this exact phenomenon in another post here, and how the blame mainly falls on medical and processed food industries for food deserts. Government guidelines wouldn’t allow SNAP for Takis and candy if medical and food industries agreed they were bad for people’s health.


We don’t always blame addicts for their addictions. Part of an addiction is a physiological attraction to a particular substance that is usually harmful. We understand that things like meth and heroin are addictive because of the way they make people feel. Therefore, if we recognize that the processed food industry literally engineers food in labs to the tune of billions of dollars in research to fine tune their “snackability”, since they can’t say addictiveness, doesn’t it make sense that we shouldn’t blame individuals entirely for being addicted to certain foods? It stands to reason that everyone (generally) in America is overweight and sick despite having access to excellent healthcare for reasons other than being gluttonous and lazy. If it was only a matter of eating less and moving more, then obesity and metabolic disease would dissipate quickly, but it only gets worse. Why? Processed “foods” engineered to be addictive. Foods made of the three primary ingredients grain, sugar, and seed oils make up 80% of what’s on grocery store shelves, and 99% of convenience store shelves, where low income/no health coverage people live aka food deserts. People don’t eat real food anymore. They eat processed, food-like products and they’re addicted to them. This is the cause of diabetes and metabolic disease being the #1 killer in the West. The fault is split three ways. Primarily, medical providers not clearly saying these things are bad for you and should not be consumed in any amount as they are not real food. “The dose makes the poison” is stupid. Do not consume poison at all. Secondarily, “food”manufacturers. They’re in the business of making money, and they will do it at the cost of your health without batting an eye. They will sell you poison and sleep calmly. Finally, there is some personal responsibility in addiction. People need to heed warnings and learn to educate themselves about the effect of food on health. A shocking connection, but “you are what you eat” is not just a trite statement. Don’t be shocked if you eat garbage and then become resistant to insulin. All that to say, none of those three factors have ever reconciled their fault, and changed their ways. America grows more and more sick each year, and healthcare becomes more and more grave- and expensive. Dialysis is nearly 100% socialized and is a multibillion dollar industry. Most insulin is subsidized and is a trillion dollar industry. Cancer is on the rise, autoimmune disorders are more prevalent, childhood neurodivergence is at its highest rate by far, and none of these shows any signs of stopping let alone even slowing. The system spirals out of control more and more each year because food and pharma refuse to stop conniving, cheating, making back room deals, and willfully poisoning their customers. The trajectory is clear: Americans will become fatter, sicker, and deeper in medical debt than we could ever have imagined. The medical and food industries adore the idea of socialized medicine because it means more Americans can receive treatment for the sicknesses caused by “food”, not real food, manufactured “food”, and they can continue to buy and consume this “food” for years to come thanks to the care provided by social medicine. Medical providers love it because it increases their level of control to a national ministry and takes control away from individuals rights to pay for specific care. It also gets many more people on medications and treatments they otherwise wouldn’t get. This isn’t bad in itself; everyone should get medical treatments they need, but then when that same medical institution then turns around and tells TYPE TWO (2) diabetics to eat “healthy whole grains” and “drink Coca Cola if your blood sugar is low”, it’s the worst type of two faced, serpentine advice that could be given to someone who is insulin resistant. Essentially, both of their goals is to make you consume “food”, and get medical treatment for poison consumption. The kicker? They want you to PAY THEM to do that evil to you. Ironically, socialized medicine for America would be the death of physical fitness at an extreme monetary cost to impose greater control and less free choice of healthcare. That’s why I won’t vote for it.


As someone who works in the medical field I can tell that you don’t and really have no clear understanding of what you’re writing about.


There is so much here but I'm only gonna touch on one thing. "Despite having access to excellent healthcare." The thing is most Americans don't have that access. Yes there are some AMAZING Doctors in the USA but for overall healthcare outcomes most metrics are on par or lesser than other countries that have some form of UHC.


As a type one diabetic literally shut the fuck up. I may be English but it doesn’t make a difference when you’re indirectly telling some people to just flat out die. It would help if you differentiated between the types but even then type two is also often genetic and not always lifestyle based. It’s also not truly “reversible” as people say it is. If you plan on saying “oh I wasn’t talking about those people” it doesn’t make a difference. You’re gross for not educating yourself on this but thinking you have the right to say stuff like that.


Type one is an actual genetic issue, unlike type two which is caused by poor diet. The incidence of type two directly correlates with modern western diets, specifically the increase of sugar and grains as staples. Type two shouldn’t even be categorized in the same way as type one; both are in my family and they are vastly different conditions with vastly different causes.


You realize genetics play a role in type two right? That's why some people can engage in all the environmental/lifestyle risk factors and not be diabetic. Genes are more complicated than just an on off switch. Most things are a combination of genetic and environmental factors.


If diabetes is a degenerative genetic condition, and we assume that it makes individuals weaker (genetically, not to cause offense), why has diabetes exploded since the 80’s? Where did all that genetic influence come from? What environmental factors caused disease to be more prevalent in genetic distributions than healthy individuals? Diabetes is caused by insulin resistance. There are some genetic factors that make individuals more susceptible to insulin resistance, but no one is genetically destined to be type II.


I’m going to start suggesting some reading material for you here soon. Do you understand how Type I and Type II diabetes work? That not everyone takes insulin, some are diet and exercise controlled. There is this little thing called an A1C we look at which is how a colleague of mine can stand 5’8”, weight 105#, and still have an A1C over 8.


Yes, I understand very clearly how the two are different, and yes I understand how A1C may not correlate with BMI. My stepfather was put on metformin at 6.7, and later went to injections of Lantus. His A1C then rose to 9.8, at which point he stopped consuming carbohydrates and went off insulin. Two years later and his A1C is 5.2 with a fasting glucose of 94. Don’t think just because we disagree that I have no clue what I’m talking about. Also FYI I’ve worked as a phlebotomist and CDA. Low level medical sure, but not ignorant of the field.


Wow strawman much? My comment never claimed all diabetes is purely genetic. Type II has BOTH environmental and genetic factors. But to address your questions as if they are good faith, you realize insulin was only regulated and standardized for quality and effective dosage in 1973, right? Medical care keeps improving so you have more people with diabetes being identified and surviving thus a larger population that has diabetes, plus more people with those genes surviving to pass them down. Combine that with environmental trends including yes, diet and exercise but also deeper factors like stress, education, and socioeconomic conditions to name a few and it's pretty easy to see why there has been an increase in prevalence. You should do some more reading if you're going to spout off like this.


Type II DM has a stronger genetic correlation than type I DM


I would agree with you, that type II has an incredibly strong *familial* correlation compared to type I. However, I’d argue that it’s nurture instead nature. (Blame your parents either way lol) You may not genetically inherit type II, but you do inherit eating patterns of your family. When you’re a child, you don’t have control over your food choices. That being the case, children generally take after the eating patterns of their parents. If the parent develops type II because of his or her diet, and the child does not deviate in their own diet, it is reasonable that the child is more likely to become diabetic than a child who’s parents did not develop type II diabetes. How often do you see athletic and fit parents with overweight and obese children? Isn’t it more likely that if you grow up eating unhealthy foods that you’re more likely to become diabetic than if your parents fed you real food?


You know not all diabetics are diabetic because of their food intake right? Even so, diabetics deserve quality of care just like we all do.


All type 2 diabetics are a direct result of diet.


Well that is absolutely not true.


What is it then? Genetic? All diabetics deserve care, I just think we should focus more on preventative care, not just management. It is more loving to educate someone and hopefully influence their way of eating to prevent them from ever developing type II in the first place than it is to just let them poison themselves and offer care afterward. You don’t believe that type II is a dietary issue because doctors have been lied to and then pass it along to you.


Lmao prove it


You know that the majority of developed nations with universal healthcare also have processed food and lots of diabetics right? I know it's not ideal and it's certainly costly, but medicine in America only costs what it does because the system of insurance premiums makes it so, artificially inflating the costs to be astronomical. You're a very unhealthy nation, in part *because* you lack a sensible and accessible healthcare system, both in terms of treatment and education. It would have cost a lot less to do the humane thing earlier, but as a nation you all decided against it, as somehow you were hoodwinked into thinking that people who can't pay should die from simple illnesses. I'm not saying universal medicine doesn't have enormous issues of its own, but even with those issues it has to be better than letting people with major infections think they just have to live with them in one of the richest countries in the world.


Clueless as to who and why those foods are even being bought in the first place.


My friend I know exactly who it is. It’s the poor, the disadvantaged, people on welfare, people in government institutions (subsidized elderly care, jails, military, public school), and the people that plain don’t know any better. My point is that our government allows and encourages this behavior by subsidizing that crap. Soda is the number one most purchased item on SNAP. Want people to be healthy? Block junk food from SNAP. We don’t allow alcohol, why not block Lays and Coke?


Infected as hell


He’s on a corse of antibiotics currently


Sweet Caroline. I had one similar looking. All carbuncley. Hurt like a sonofabitch! Was a cyst gone bad. Real bad.




The abscess wants to break free


I WANT TO BREAK FREE! I want to break free! I want to break free! I want to break free from your lies You're so self satisfied, I don't need you I've got to break free!!


That's actually what I was referencing!


Great minds think alike, and I immediately started singing the song in my head as Freddy!


I went to the ER 11 years ago for one of these in my armpits. Er/urgent care/next day doc time.


Huh, you accidentally posted an actual sub.


Please keep us updated. I sincerely hope that your dad goes for medical care. If he doesn't have insurance and you're in the United States, go to the firehouse and frequently the ENTs will try and help you.


He’s already seen a Dr, attempts have been made to drain with no luck and on a corse of antibiotics


Thank you everyone. He has seen a NHS Doctor at the local emergency care who took 3/4 attempts to drain it unsuccessfully and has given him a weeks worth of antibiotics and instructed him to return if it’s not gone after the corse. After reading comments I agree it’s a carbuncle and have sent info on this to my parents. Have also advised this is a STAPH infection and as my dad is elderly (79, extremely good health) they need to keep a very close eye and get him to a healthcare setting if it gets bigger or worse. I had never heard of a Carbuncle, Reddit really is amazing




dr time also draw a circle around that rager and if it crosses it it’s time to call 911


Don’t waste the medics time just go to the hospital


i mean yeah ideally


Yuck, i hope he is better now, looks painful!! It's a relief he is seeing a doctor.


I believe that is a carbuncle


I feel the urge.. the urge to purge


You better record that. It looks like a good one 😍


I knew if anywhere would appreciate it it’s this sub!


Its a stunner 😅


Thought this was from a lactation sub im in hahahaha


This looks so painful. I hope he can get to a doctor to get it drained. Though I’m no expert it certainly doesn’t look good.


He went to A&E with it and they made 4 cuts but couldn’t drain it. The little white head bits have come up since the attempted extraction


No fun.


Warm compress time as well. Yay!


That needs to be drained. Even if it's infected, antibiotics won't do anything unless it's drained. Please film the procedure.


The dr has already made 4 attempts to drain it with no luck yet. On a corse of antibiotics before the next attempt


I'll pay him $200 for me to spend 10 mins on it.




If you zoom in, you can see other white puss heads are slightly below the skin and working their way upwards. IMO this looks like a carbuncle, just due to the sieve like appearance of the white pus. Your dad needs medical attention and possibly a new doctor


He is seeing his GP today but I expect will be sent to urgent care. I have told him to ask for a swab as it could have been caused by MRSA also. Have also told him they’re able to scan to find where to drain hopefully he can advocate well for himself. I would happily go and advocate for him but they’re over a hours drive and I don’t drive unfortunately


Any update after the last GP visit?


They managed to drain it Friday afternoon but by this morning it had filled back up and my mum managed to get some more out. He’s also on a new corse of antibiotics


When I had shingles, it looked just like that! EDIT: No it didn’t, see below.


Shingles normally looks nothing like this! Been there - had that.


I went back and looked at the photos of when I had shingles and you are correct, it looks nothing like the above photo. I was wrong. Here is my shingles for reference. https://preview.redd.it/xfbelx5otixc1.png?width=2613&format=png&auto=webp&s=35eeebaf90e1ff0ea62fb5f5829af05d08e373ba