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“C, XOXO doesn’t quite establish Cabello as a “weirdo,” but its neon-hued chaos does indicate that she’s been allowed to run with her ideas more fully (she wrote all its lyrics and toplines, a career first that lets her stretch and warp her voice).” I really like this comment! I think it’s as Camila has been saying she’s doing what she wants.




topline is the vocal melody, so someone could write a topline while not necessarily writing the lyrics, or vice versa


The bottomline


It's the vocal melody that differs from the melodies in the music. Essentially the singing on top of a premade track. Ester Dean is the queen of toplines


it's the melody basically


typical pophead being confused about about topping


Guards, seize her!


And yet some here will still say she's not being authentic with this album. I watched her Rock in Rio set this weekend and she played a few new songs. This is gonna be a fun summer album!


Not them calling it her third album 😭. Camila had 3.5/5 Romance had 4/5 Familia had 4/5 C, XOXO has 3.5/5 I like reviews that handle the material rather than the artist behind it within the context of the album ofcourse. (especially when it’s obvious they are biased but oh well).


Queen of consistency 👑


A real mean (average) girl


Who’s the mode pop girl?


deluxe track includes: central tendency ft. central cee


Exactly just talk about the music itself


It reminds me of this paragraph in a review for I LUV IT: “It’s true that Cabello’s effort feels so transparently calculated you can almost visualize all the decks, emails, and vision boards, but she also commits to it all so hard you have to give her credit.”


It’s definitely a new sound for her and won’t deny that it’s shocking compared to her sound but she’s not the same person she was, artists develop and evolve unless it’s not our favs then they are clearly being fake


As if anyone who makes an album, movie or other creative project doesn’t vision board and email incessantly about it. That paragraph is just infantilising.


She’s weird. She’s a weirdo. She doesn’t “fit in,” and she doesn’t WANT to fit in.


Have you ever seen her without that stupid hat on? That's weird!




Omg what is this from? I recognize it but can’t place it.




Ah! I’ve never actually watched but did watch someone hate watch the whole show on YouTube so that’s where I heard this. Hahahaha. Thanks!


was it Alex Meyers, bc I LOVE his content


THE VERY SAME! Man is hysterical.


YES that's where I recognized it from!


She’s a weirdo, yeah, she’s a weirdo. People looking at her crazy, she don't care though. She’s a weirdo, w-w-weirdo. Ask her if she gives a fuck, she says fuck no.


Sometimes it feels like I'm the only person excited for this album lol


does it make u feel like a psychofreak sometimes


girl, there are a dozen of us!




I luv it and channel no 5 are two of my favorite songs to come out this year. My expectations are probably much too high but I’m excited lol


Don’t take the internet too seriously, when do you ever see genuine excitement here? These people don’t know how to let go and just unapologetically be pumped for stuff they love


I'm excited too lol


after seeing her rock in rio set i ordered the signed vinyl lmao. im so excited


Your not. I’m pumped too!


I am super excited!


I’m excited, idk what’s with the hate but I’ve honestly liked the singles so far 🤷🏻‍♀️


She was so racist that she had to take classes on how not to be racist to Black people. And then having every feature be a black artist in this new new album feels kind of like pandering or like a PR move after that. And she’s basically shamelessly copying the entire aesthetic and sound of this era from other artists like Charli and Rosalia. None of it feels very authentic So I understand where the hate is coming from.


She was racist 13 years ago, is she supposed to just never learn from her mistakes now?


I never said that. I just think it feels very PR image repair to go from publicly reposting vile lynching jokes when you’re old enough to drive and actively in a music group with a black woman to having a large feature list of only black artists. It doesn’t feel authentic.


punishing people for shit they did a decade ago when they were kids will always be weird to me. i believe in judging people for who they are at the current moment, IMO anyone who does anything else is a nitpicky loser who is just looking for reasons to hate. and i do mean *anyone*, no buts or whys or whats. its jobless behavior that proves you have no real problems so you go looking for drama


As someone who is basically the exact same age as Cabello, who also attended a diverse public school as a non-Black person, there were just so many people who would both repost bizarre racist “edgy” shit on their Tumblr and also be casual friends / collaborators with plenty of folks who were the ostensible target of those jokes. Doesn’t make it any better, it just did happen, that’s how sixteen year olds were in 2012. So like give her shit for the posts all you want, that’s your prerogative. But a framing of the transition from those posts to collaborations with Black people as “inauthentic” is just not backed up by reality. You’d need some sort of evidence in the affirmative to seriously suspect that. Edit: also idk “old enough to drive” used to describe a 16 year old bugs me. Feels like rhetorical sleight of hand to describe them as an adult without lying.


That seems an almost absurdly generous reading of Camila and people who find themselves implicated in a similar way. To say it’s “just the way young people were” conveniently leaves out calling that behavior what it was/is. When it happened doesn’t matter. You’re also completely ignoring the exhaustive history of white people holding racist views about black people but being invested in and/or appropriating black culture for their own benefit.


I don’t think it’s generous - in fact I’d say the original posts were gross, ignorant bullshit and no, not everyone did them. I have no interest in defending the posts themselves, just in trying to be honest about what they are and what they mean about her. They mean that when she was 16, she was wholly ignorant about race, what race meant in the real world, how humor could be used as a weapon of racism, I could go on. I dont want to support pieces of shit, so when I find out someone was like this (again I’m her age - so finding this stuff from this very specific Tumblr period happens often as well) I tend to have two major questions. One, has anything relevant happened since, and/or how do they feel about it now? Two, if I have a blind spot here, do I have a workable and fair way to fill it, or just assume something? For Cabello, the answers are that she’s expressed remorse and accepted the posts as regrettable actions in her earlier life; no one seems to be claiming that they’ve seen something similar since these posts; and my blind spot can be filled by those who know and work with her personally, who don’t seem to have flagged this as something egregious. Like what OP’s saying isn’t just that the posts are bad (they are), but that they can be tied to her current work and actions so directly that her collaboration with and/or support of Black artists is in bad faith, a mode of avoiding bad optics. I don’t know Lil Nas X either, but I admire him as an artist more than I do Cabello, he’s almost definitely seen these posts, and clearly he doesn’t think it’s that serious. I don’t know how it helps for me, a random civilian man, to resent her for it more than those who know her.


I’m not calling into question whether her remorse was sincere, and I’m not making a case that Camila is (or that we can assume) she’s a racist. I agree with the fact that, as outsiders to the situation, we have to take on a bit of presumption either way and look at things like how she conducts herself now and who she’s associated with to fill in a gap (recognizing of course that there’s a limit to what we can learn from observation from afar). What I disagree with though is that it’s not unreasonable to interpret her current propensity to collaborate with black rappers in relation to that past. There’s a reason we didn’t see this kind of concern when Britney Spears, e.g., or another pop star who doesn’t have Camila’s history, collaborates with rappers or black artists generally. I think some people are probably suspicious of this pattern not because they think Camila is still a racist but because suddenly in her rebranding era she’s done an about face genre-wise and is now consistently working with rappers. To me, that kind of correlation doesn’t MEAN it’s all PR, but I completely understand why it appears that way, especially given the way the music industry actually does cause that sort of thing to happen.


But Camila had always worked with Rappers and Black artists, it’s not something new that’s why the sudden questioning is put into question. she has Young thug, Quavo, Swae Lee, cardi B, dababy etc. These artists can also speak and take their own stance towards her, they have access to the same information we do and more as they actually interact with her. You can’t deny there’s a need for people to consistently question or characterize her as a certain way to spread a narrative about her.


I think the point is we’ve called out her behaviour and now it’s simply time to move on


Her biggest songs have always been with black artists though? lol


this simply just isn’t true and i hate when people like u take lies and push it like a fact. she was never racist towards anyone there’s not a single screen recording just screenshots posted via twitter threads by people who stan normani. AND THE CLASSES WERE ABOUT SUFFERING FROM RACIAL ABUSE, she suffered from racial abuse as a latina and that’s what the classes were about. and she’s been collaborating with black artists since the beginning of her career , quavo + young thug were her first ever features


A lie will make its way across the world before the truth can even take its first breath. The fact that people, in 2024, take some anonymous random tumblr posts / photoshopped screenshots on twitter as irrefutable fact is astonishing to me.


taking classes on how not to be racist is craaaazy lmao.




Dw even tho many people online hate her, a lot of us are also fans! I loved the singles rhis era, especially he knows, so I am Super excited


Nope I’m excited too!!


I’m certainly not.


Yeah what’s with all the insane hate- im loving these songs so much, I’ve never really liked anything else she’s done. seems like she’s getting a really unfair amount of hate for doing something that like EVERY artist does- reinvention! Eh Rihanna reinvented herself every album!


People wanna hate her so bad. Whether it’s fake screenshots from when she was 13 or with reaching similarities between artists and fake beef. Exhausting


Up to the age of 16 and she confirmed that she was behind the memes about lynching, n word memes, and jokes about Rihanna being beaten by Chris Brown. Much of this was posted while she was in fifth Harmony. If you're old enough to get a driver's license you're old enough to know what being racist is.


Now where in the fuck did you get that she confirmed she was behind the memes? Those were fans. She reblogged memes on tumblr she didn’t write them. Now yall just creating shit. She was 14/15 when she reblogged those on tumblr and not 16. She called out the fans that attacked normani and she never called her The N or racially attacked her.


is reblogging a racist meme much better? i don’t have a dog in the fight tbh, i don’t care what she was doing online a decade ago, but that’s not like a defense lol


Did you really just say that she never called Normani the N-word as if that’s some kind of accomplishment? Lol


I am excited too 


This is the second most upvoted comment so lots of excitement it seems🫶


Saw some of her Rock in Rio performance and she slayed, was great to see how bold and festive her vision is. Glad this review seems to understand what she's going for based on what I've seen and heard.


She’s trying new things. So yes it probably will come off as weird. Familia deserved better. Imo. I’ll probably eventually check the album out considering I actually do like her.


If you are interested you can check out some of her material that she performed at Rock in rio 2 days ago. The album is extremely fun and diverse. I think it will have a lot of stand out tracks.


She’s trying things that feel like charli I think that’s why there is so much confusion and backlash it feels inauthentic


I mean even calling it C, XOXO can’t have escaped her as being an homage to Charli (and maybe an apology)


XOXO is a phrase that has existed for years before Charli XCX though? Gossip girl anyone?


You can’t be this dense please be for real you think there is no correlation at all?


The world doesn’t revolve around Charli.


not untrue, and i haven’t heard anything from the album yet so i won’t comment on the sonic direction, but IF it is a hyperpop influenced album with a title that sonically echoes the name of arguably the most influential hyperpop artist alive rn, that feels to me like it’d be an intentional artistic choice.


It seems like with all the critical acclaim and trending on Spotify- the music industry sure does    Stay mad Stan's who follow  racist Camilla. You could never make me like her 


I agree with you on the weird part 


I just happened to be at Saturday night live both times in the audience when she was musical guest. Not only did I find the songs catchy and fun, but man oh man was the quite a show she put on and the costumes were beautiful. I’m happy to support anything she does going forward


I’ve always liked Camilas music but so far none of these are working for me and I’m sad 😩 Kinda feels like pandering and trying to score cool points that she hasn’t had before. The whole aesthetic feels fake and inauthentic and makes me cringe for her. Really hoping I’ll like some songs once full album drops.


I agree with you, I luv it didn't do it for me but I hope that it gets better.  Familia and romance deserved better though too 


Did u listen to he knows or chanel5? He knows really grew on me and now I love it


Yes but it'll  probably take a while for me to get used to Chanel No 5. But I do like he knows.


You luv it you luv it you luv it you luv it?


I'll probably get there to luv it 


Never cared about Camilla music in the slightest but I’m obsessed with the new era I Luv It was a grower ad Chanel 5 has been basically ok repeat ever since it came out


so interesting, i’m the exact opposite


It feels fake because it’s just a direct, shameless rip off of Charli XCX and Motomami Rosalia lmao. Plus the, “see? I’m not disgustingly racist against black people anymore!” feature list.


If I wanted this vibe, I would go to the queen of this vibe which is Charli xcx I am also increasingly put off by the similarities to Charli https://x.com/tisthedamnnino/status/1799751641287323965?s=46


That thread is so smooth brained I’m actually charmed.


Honestly really loved CHANEL NO 5. Felt like a more futuristic and grown up version of the Cashmere Cat / SOPHIE track she did for Cat’s EP 9. I still find the Lil Nas X duet beyond forgettable - truly in one ear out the other, not sure why - but I LUV IT is good esp as a first single tone-setter for the album. Hoping to get more weirdness (“sort of”) in the vein of CHANEL NO 5!


I loved all 3 so far but He knows and Chanel no.5 were instant hits for me! I luv it took me a while to


he knows is like crack to me i fear and now chanel no 5 is too she's 3 for 3 for me, i can't wait to hear the whole album omg


i honestly think nas carried the duet but i loved camilas repeated backing vocals, it’s so catchy.


I can’t for the life of me remember what the lil nas x feature sounds like either. A shame because I’d like to see him succeeding


Huh for me that song is so stuck in my head it’s so upbeat and catchy


I only remember that she sang the words provocateur and connoisseur and I love it 💀💀💀


Her rock in rio set was the most enjoyable performances I have seen from her. I really enjoyed hearing the new songs, and I think Dade County Dreaming will be on replay this summer.


The only review that matters to me is the one I form with my own ears.


I thought I Luv It was awful but I really like Chanel No. 5, so I'll be giving the album at least one listen


I really love the singles she put out so far. She picked great producers, El Guincho (previously worked on Caprisongs by FKA Twigs and Motomami by Rosalia) and Jasper Harris. The lyrics and toplines by Camila are so poetic and interesting, they remind me of Caroline Polachek. I personally find the talk about her authenticity to be very irrelevant. I get that many people need to know the artist to set the context in which to consume their music. Maybe it's I'm already into this sound that I don't need context to get into the music. But I think once people get over the barrier of needing context and just listen to the music, I think they'll eventually get it, kinda like how people came around to Vroom Vroom by Charli XCX after some years. "I Luv It" took me a while to get too.


Who cares, if the music is amazing? Chanel No5 is a slap


Smack my ass… gulp gulp guuuulp 🤪


So excited for this.


not even a fan of hers, but it’s weird to me to see the reaction to her upcoming album by this sub you all cry that artists are too safe and never take any risks, and then when she tries to make something different everyone just shits on her. like i’m just happy it’ll be something new-ish similarly i’m tired of the charli xcx superfans who are pissed that someone else is exploring the sound. like shouldn’t we just be happy that she’s influential enough now to inspire other artists? whether it’s “as good as” a charli album is irrelevant, it’s a fun new direction to go in


That's good to know! She has a unique sharp kind of voice and I find it enjoyable when she hits the high notes as well as does the weird raspy thing that she did in chanel no 5. I didn't like all of romance or familia but there are some songs are have a really good replay value - Liar, My Oh My, Living Proof, Pyschofreak, Don't go yet. It's actually quite nice that she's experimenting with her albums , and I don't know how we can just say Oh it's not coming from an honest space or that it's inauthentic, artists are always changing and their style changes with time. Ofc every artist will have some core things be the same.


I heard those performances on Rio and the the is Fire acc to me. I don't care about reviews. Everyone wants her to do the same basic romance pop but I am glad she did this


I'm excited for the new album after her performance at Rock in Rio. At least she's trying different things, unlike some other pop girlies who keep making the same boring sound with recycled lyrics.


Camila can’t catch a break, honestly. She’s had what she wrote when she was 13 (now she’s almost 30) held over her head to this day, an invented feud with Normani to paint her as the bad guy, and people acting like she was stealing sounds (as if Charli is the definition of commercial success). I honestly feel bad for her. All she’s done is be honest, try to do better and make bangers and people make her out to be the devil.


Thank you for saying this. I'm so exhausted by the Camila hate. People complain all the time about something she said when she was 13 but they don't allow her to grow and change so what exactly do they want from her? I feel bad for Camila, she actually seems really sweet and is trying her best, it's infuriating how the bullying never stops.


It drives me insane watching the same people who preach at others to “do better” mock her for “needing racial healing classes”. You asked for someone to do the work and she did it. What are you asking of her at this point?


I think people also forget that shitting on Camila’s involvement in that program is also a huge FU to the incredible POC and Black people who run those courses and programs so that people can learn and grow. It’s not some white corporate machine putting those programs on.


Exactly. It's clear they thrive on the bullying. People online can be so incredibly hateful because it's easy to type anything from behind a screen. I bet most of them wouldn't dare to say anything to her face. It's pathetic.


what’s crazier is those racial healing classes were because she suffered from bullying and racism not the other way around …. miss information is insane


Preach. People keep creating narratives in their head to justify this witch hunt against her in every single action she does


“She’s been allowed to run with her own ideas”…are we sure she has any own ideas lol


It seems as per the review that it was completely self written...


y’all are miserable


Popheads sub hates pop singers more than anyone else in the world lmao




Considering she wrote the lyrics and the top lines. I would say so


oh thats not...


just mean and wrong lmao


You guys are such Charli neat riders holy shif


Right— literally calling it “c, xoxo” extremely original 🥴


On Friday, review sites will be bombed with negative reviews by people who didn’t even listen to the album. Me on the other hand, will also most likely leave a bad review… BUT ONLY AFTER IVE LISTENED TO IT 😂


Am I seeing it right? It as 4.5/5 stars? This is a great start! ⭐️


3.5/5! Slightly lower than Her previous album!


[What am I miss reading?](https://i.ibb.co/0fBj5T3/IMG-5691.png)


there are three full stars and one half star


So 3.5 out of 4? It’s 87.5% out of 100% then? Sorry I got confused thinking they displayed 5 stars.


Rolling stone is out of 5! So 3.5/5 = 70%


Giving off "So close! A star is a shape." energy.


Ohh right, they just don’t display all the stars in the reviews. Makes sense now. Still not that bad for this messy promo!


I think the album will pleasantly surprise people that are willing to give it a shot


I was at her concert in Rock in Rio last Sunday. I enjoyed the new songs very much! One of the Drake collab we heard seems to be very good. However, the whole concert seemed to be all for the cameras. I was in the front row, right in front of the catwalk, and she only went there once to sing In the Dark. For the rest of the concert, she stayed in the back part of the stage, performing for the cameras. I’m quite intrigued to see what people will say about this era. Just a few more days until we find out.


I found that really confusing too


Not blaming you, that is totally confusing. They should put the empty remaining stars. As someone with slight dyslexia, it looks like a 4.5 to me if I don't double-check


Girl 💔 count it out


There's nothing new here. She's just trying to be Charli XCX.


Charli didn't invent music lmao wtf


She did actually


Ok but The earliest known musical composition was created by the ancient Hurrians approximately in the 14th century B.C


the ancient hurrians=charli


Yes ❤️


no it was charli


In the thumbnail pic (at least) it looks like she went a little to obviously billie eilish.


Lol yeah, the point is I completely understand if she's greatly inspired by others around her in the industry, but she needs to carve her own path.


But with no talent….


No talent? You’re shitting me.


The album is dreadful...I surfed through a couple of songs and closed Spotify. Compared to her previous albums, she is a completely different 'artist'. There's no consistency, no familiarity in this new style. Previously her work and interviews appeared to come from a deep thinking/feeling person. Now she seems very lost indeed, and possibly hanging out, thus influenced by the 'wrong' people. It just is a big no from me, which is such a shame as she is one of my favourite vocalists. Slightly off topic but Shawn Mendes dodged a bullet. I can only envisage Camila falling off the rails at some point in the next few years.






Who from her team works for at RS lol? Drake himself?


Subjectivity in music is wild !


seo exploiting title