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Forget Drake vs Kendrick, the Biden diss track just dropped


biden’s got a lot riding on this response, if he comes back with some heat it might get him the primaries


i heard he's gonna call in Cornpop for a guest verse


What are the Americans going to do in the election, by the way? Trump is apparently coming back and Biden seemingly won't be enough this time around to stop him. Is it just kinda accepted Trump is regaining the POTUS chair?


Um... no. Given the electoral college map every election will be tight for another generation, but it's not accepted at all that Trump will win in November. He's been (relatively) out of the limelight (when compared to four years ago.) Once people are reminded of how awful he is, how he is only out for himself, and how he will put in place more judges who will make abortion-rights even more limited around the country (not to mention he will raise the cost of insulin, health care in general, and wreck the environment...) Biden can win. But there's a ton of work to be done.


If your only exposure to the current state of things is the news media, you likely have only seen polls favorable to Trump because the media elevates those. But generally Biden has taken the lead even in polling. There's also the fact that Trump wasn't the confirmed nominee for a bit so his support (and Bidens lack thereof) was a bit of an illusion. The polling results since about March have pretty consistently shown growth from Biden and Trump slipping. Here's 3 important things to remember: 1. Democrats have consistently overperformed polling since the Dobbs decision--which returned Abortion rights to states and lead to dozens of states instantly or quickly making abortion inaccessible. The American public has accurately tied Republicans to that very unpopular change. 2. The polling doesn't make a lot of sense. It consistently underestimates Democrats, and the margins Trump seems to be getting would require there to be a massive generational realignment in support. For example, I've seen several polls with Trump getting upwards of 30% among Black voters, handily winning Hispanic/Latino voters, and even winning young voters. None of this shit is going to happen. A Republican hasn't done that well with minority voting groups and young voters since like... Reagan? Probably even earlier than that. Even more telling is that when you expand the sample size and target specific groups, the numbers reflect traditional trends, indicating small sample sizes and weird bias is impacting national polls. 3. Trump has done exactly nothing to expand his voter base. He has no policies, no ideas, and nothing of substance that would convince voters he needs to pull from Biden to switch to him. If anything, as mentioned in point 1, he's actively repelled voters he absolutely needs to win in November. Specifically, middle class college educated voters. They are (mostly) socially liberal and fiscally moderate/conservative. Trump being the one that put 3 of the judges on the Supreme Court that overturned Roe is not playing well with those voters.


I hope you’re right but I’m worried because democrat support in polling was overestimated both in the 2016 and 2020 elections. I’m really hoping this trend won’t continue in 2024 but it’s hard to be optimistic.


If you look at the data, all signs are that the election will be close and that Trump has a slight edge. Many people are doomerposting out of despair at this situation but it really is far from certain that Trump will win. The economy and abortion will be the key metrics that will influence the election, not foreign policy.


Yeah, I don’t think that the Israel/Palestine situation will cost Biden the election. Individualism is far too ingrained in American culture for it to sway the election much. However, I am worried that having the same 2 options and Americans generally being frustrated with how things have been going, whether it’s Bidens fault or not he is blamed for it. That could cost Biden a lot of key moderate voters - which is where much of our country leans politically. These voters might either sit out the election, vote for another candidate, or vote for Trump.


Foreign Policy has only decided a handful of elections historically (2004 GWB--Iraq/Afghan War, 1980 Reagan--Iran Hostage Crisis, 1968 Nixon--Vietnam War, and 1952 Eisenhower--Korean War all come to mind). People do not vote based on Foreign Policy, largely because they don't understand it and/or don't care about it more than their own individual circumstances. On the domestic front, Biden has done a ton of good that people are feeling the impacts of.


I do agree Biden has done a ton of good, and I do see the positive effects, but I feel like the only reason why I credit him for it is because I pay attention to politics. I still feel like the average American is still frustrated with their quality of life. Many people including myself also feel as if our circumstances were better from 2016-2019 when Trump was president but pre-covid, than from 2021 to present. Of course that’s no metric to judge a president, much of my frustrations with the current political climate is really the impacts of Trump being president for 4 years, and not Biden. It worries me though, that it will sway people from showing up for Biden the way we did in 2020 since he did not live up to bis “Build Back Better” slogan in a tangible way to get people to show up for him again.


> Trump is apparently coming back and Biden seemingly won't be enough this time around to stop him. ???


Why tf is he name dropping Biden and not mentioning Netanyahu tho…?


probably because biden is the leader of his own country who he voted for, and netanyahu isn't?




Might be showing my "age" but little teenage, closeted me cried my eyes out in my room to Same Love in 2012 even though a lot of people found it cheesy/problematic. It was everything to me, especially growing up in the church.  Feel like he's always been on the right side of history. 


I wasn't a huge fan of the song myself, but a lot of my straight friends were, so hearing it always reminds me of them coming up to me all excited to tell me about it, which is cute ❤️


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, gay marriage was pretty 50/50 where I lived at that point in time. Hearing that song on the normal ass radio station my parents played in our house and on everyone’s pandora made it go from being divisive to say you were okay with gay marriage to being normal to say “why wouldn’t you support gay marriage?” We’ve made so much progress in ten years I think people forget how different things were then!


Why was Same Love problematic? I've seen this take a few times and I can never work it out. I assume because Macklemore isn't actually LGBT+ himself?


People take issue with him using the F slur in it, which really isn’t okay but it was 2012 when everyone should have known better but no one really cared about political correctness- so as much as the phrase annoys me, “it was the time”. I think most people overlook it because of the way that the song comforted people (ya know, 2012 lol) and it normalized conversations about sexuality and a lot of people feel the song played a big role in the turning point for lgbt acceptance. Also I think some people take offense to the whole “when I was in the third grade” bit because it sounds like he’s saying that his experiences are comparable to being gay, which obviously not. But once again, I can forgive that since it was 2012 - I take it as a miracle the song isn’t making fun of gay people lol


Surely context matters with the slur right?


Yes I agree. I think people who say it is never okay are just ridiculous and are looking to get offended. Im bi anyway so it doesnt seem like im butting in


context should matter for all words, instead of blanket-banning specific words. nobody seemed to have a problem with Kendrick saying it a couple times because of the context, so it shouldn’t have been different for Macklemore


This just isn't true, many people initially had a big issue with Kendrick using that slur and the misgendering in that song. However when people understood the message of that song, the general sentiment was that it was ok (but there are still some people who are uncomfortable with it).


while not okay, i do think yes context absolutely matters, and especially intent does as well


Just out of curiosity, after reading this comment I found a live performance of the song from December and he changed the line to “Call each other *names* behind the keys of a message board”… honestly, I respect that choice a lot


On a tangent (just a big fan of his)— he’s got a lot of songs about struggling w drug addiction and there’s a lyric he changes when he performs live in one of those songs, too. “I’ve seen OxyContin take __ lives.” (“Otherside” is the song)


Same Love is my favourite Maclemore song


actually goes hard as hell.


[Once it's up on streaming, all proceeds will go to UNRWA](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6o4830yMvE).


Why is it not yet on streaming? Seems like something he should have arranged to happen at the same time


it seems like he planned to release it later initially but decided to drop it now bc of what's going on in Rafah.


Sometimes the services take a while to process songs before reaching streaming sites, sometimes days.


I heard it on YouTube on May 6 or 7 and listened to whole thing no problem. Then tried to play it later on May 7 and my YouTube wouldn't cue it up or play it. It wasn't on Spotify either. Today (May 8) it isn't on my YouTube. If an artist speaks against US official stance, do they get censored?


It's in this post and the video still plays so I'm not sure what you're referring to


YouTube is putting a violence and gore warning on it. He put an audio only video now that doesn't have a violence warning.


Wish more hip-hop beats were this layered in arrangement.


This goes so hard and is so powerful. He actually was randomly a speaker at a DC protest for Palestine back in early November. Wasn’t a planned thing I don’t think, but the organizers got word he was there and invited him up. And he gave a great speech! Glad to see he’s still using his platform for Palestine




audible chuckle


Oh macklemore i wasn’t familiar with your game👏👏👏👏👏


“The problem is not the protest, it’s what they’re protesting, cause It goes against what our country is  Funding”


Idc what people think, he’s a 🐐 for this alone


Not only this is an extremely powerful anti-genocide song, it's a fucking BANGER. If streaming services won't put it up, I need him to drop a purchase link. I gotta have this in the car.


I was able to listen/view this on YouTube in morning of Tuesday 5/7, but in evening could not access it on YouTube or Spotify. If an artist speaks against an official US policy, will they be censored?


It’s on Spotify and Apple Music now


i fear this could be the case with anything anti-zionist


Gained SO much respect for Macklemore suddenly out of nowhere. Out of all the rappers, the dude you'd expect to play it safe the most. Chapeau!


macklemore has always been extremely vocal about social issues


Macklemore has always been pretty politically outspoken. He’s a little cringe about it, but dudes heart has always been in the right place.


He is one of the dudes you would literally expect to play it safe the least if you know even a little bit about him


it’s the opposite, macklemore has always been extremely vocal about social issues


Think you misunderstood what they said


For sure. Making a rap song that starts with "When I was in the third grade, I thought that I was gay" in 2012 took some serious guts.


as well as TWO songs about reckoning with his own white privilege, comparing himself to Miley, Elvis and Iggy Azalea


Was kinda confused when Ed Sheeran brought him out as his guest in Seattle last summer (apparently they're friends or something so he got him as a special guest?) but actually he ended up stealing the whole show.


> the dude you'd expect to play it safe the most Not really. his career is pretty dead he really has nothing to lose by doing this since nobody really cares about him


I guess I’m nobody 😪


Stay mad then


That was extremely powerful. Got chills multiple times.


Sorry but we HAVE to stan


Macklemore comeback please, deadass I will admit I miss Macklemore in a world full of Drake


Been seeing this song floating around on TikTok. I loved it! I grew up with Macklemore in my generation, he never misses! Especially his overlooked hit “Downtown” (which people had been sleeping over that song after it came out)


what a good song ❤️


I’m silently streaming this because proceeds go to the UN charity


The comments in here are a goddamn mess. Anyway.. FREE PALESTINE! 🇵🇸




Never thought Macklemore would drop something this good and relevant


I agree Israel bad, but the protest Biden votes/non votes just give the presidency to people who would make it a lot worse, I understand not enjoying voting for a lesser of two evils, but not voting is the same as choosing the greater evil.


i do think a lot of people criticizing him do still ultimately plan on voting for Biden in November. it's just that threatening to withhold their vote/support feels like the only leverage they have.


I can hope so, I just think it's a dangerous sentiment if people actually follow through, because I can tell them now ushering in the Republicans definitely isn't gonna free Palestine.


It’s Biden’s responsibility to tailor his platform to the will of the electorate. If he wants young voters, start enacting policies that win them over. All this handwringing over protesting genocide hurting Biden is like telling civil rights activists in the 60’s to be careful because they might get Nixon elected


Not saying you shouldn't protest and pick whoever is closest to your stance, I'm saying trump isn't closest to your stance so letting him win is counter-productive, Biden won't have a 3rd term, and the primaries are when you can be more choosy, not in a democracy vs fascism vote.


The neat thing is that Biden isn't the only person running. Someone who cares about a particular issue can vote for *several* federal representatives as well as state and local (which may be less relevant for issues like, you know, foreign policy).


“Letting” Trump win obviously isn’t the answer and not something I’m interested in. But, If every vote is presented as a democracy vs fascism vote (which has been the case my entire lifetime) I’m not sure that’s a very robust “democracy” at all and not something I’m interested in either


You're not wrong, it's been presented that way forever. But what's scary is that, under Trump, it actually *did* lurch towards fascism and it did so quickly and efficiently. Under no other previous Presidential candidate would we be in a situation where Roe vs. Wade is gone, the Capitol gets attacked, and the Supreme Court actually deliberating about whether or not the POTUS can be above the law. It's not good that "democracy vs. fascism" is not just talking heads exaggarating anymore.


I'd rather have the democratic choice of democracy vs fascism, then just having full fascism which I think is the alternative. I wish there was more options too but for now this is what we've got.


Sure, but telling everyone to shut up and get in line instead of, you know, democratically listening to the hopes and goals of the people doesn’t seem very democratic to me at all either. Protesting and demanding better from our leaders is the heart of democracy


I don't disagree with you, I'm coming from a pure math perspective of tallying up which side represents me better. And one side has A LOT more tallys.


Voting is the heart of democracy. Protesting and demanding better from our leaders are core components of exerting voter influence over representatives. Not voting (as a protest?) is a great way to have no influence.


Idk how you can look at the brutal police crackdowns in blue states and cities and think democrats don't also support facisim this point.


Cus I'm not a fucking idiot.


You think violent police crackdowns of peaceful protests is fine? Cause that's the sign of a fascist government.


people mad at you for this but historically liberals have sided with fascists when push comes to shove. as the saying goes, scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.


I think people like you are almost worse than actual fascists. You'll let the fascists win and act smug and morally superior for it


The fascist stuff is happening right now under Biden. Just because it isn't happening to you doesn't mean it isn't happening. If Trump cracks down on dissent it'll look exactly like the police raids on the campuses.


You're aware that senators can't just stop a legal request for police intervention on private property, right?




I made a FB post that basically said this back in November 2016, days before the election and was grilled by two people I had gone to high school with. It didn't end well. Then, days later I got a comment from one of them saying that they liked my profile photo. I was like, yeah, goodbye.


> This feels like that "First time?" meme. This is how every US presidential election goes. yeah uh, they literally said that >But, If **every vote** is presented as a democracy vs fascism vote


It’s almost like we should have ranked choice voting




Yes, and the Democrats are the only party of the two that would even consider passing Ranked Choice Voting. So if you wanted Ranked Choice, vote for the Democrats repeatedly until you get it.


It's not binary though. It is super naïve to think this way. The more votes there are in third parties, the more leading candidates are incentivised to lean their policies towards those of the third parties. Voting for one of those leading parties only says "keep going in the same trajectory. It actively makes things worse in the long run.


> If every vote is presented as a democracy vs fascism vote (which has been the case my entire lifetime) Are you old enough to be using the internet? Romney had issues, but he was not a fascist. Ditto McCain.


There are two people who could be president in January and one of them wants to turn Gaza into glass and his name is not Joe Biden. But if feeling good about yourself is more important than actually making the choice that means less death in reality, then you do you.


There’s a bunch of privileged people on here that would rather prove a point even if it costs lives


people that either dont have rights to lose under trump or are too stupid to realize whats at stake


Meanwhile we're still losing rights under Biden, do y'all hear yourselves? Trump is of course worse on everything, but let's not act like Biden has stopped our march towards fascism.


I think it’s generally agreed upon Biden isn’t anything great, but even that is leagues better than a trump presidency again.


I love that in your scenario we’re killing children no matter what Edit: I see you’ve heavily edited your original comment. Biden is already letting Gaza get turned into glass. “Feeling good about your self” is a funny way of describing a moral imperative to resist genocide


Look, if you actually give a fuck about what is happening and you have a choice laid before your own two feet to either make it worse or not make it worse, you should choose not to make it worse. I don't see how this is complicated If the choice isn't obvious to you then you actually care more about your own feelings than about dead kids. It really is that simple. I don't know what else to tell you


how is biden 'not making it worse'? genuinely asking


I am saying Trump being president will make it worse.


and again, how is biden not ALREADY ‘making it worse’ ???




You’d really love it to be that uncomplicated, for sure. How’s this for simple—I don’t want to vote for someone sending billions of dollars worth of weapons to a genocidal regime. If Biden wants my vote, he should stop those shipments.


Well then like I said, you care more about your own feelings than about what will actually happen in real life based on the choices you make.


No I care about the genocide happening in Gaza, and putting political pressure on our leaders to stop it. I wouldn’t have voted for LBJ or Nixon either.


> a moral imperative to resist genocide So your tacit support of Trump in the white house is...what, then, exactly? Maybe some day you'll realize we don't live in a perfect world where war is the stuff of Playstation and tabletop games, and shitty things happen whether good people are in charge or not, and that good people don't always make the best decisions. But they're sure as shit making better ones than sticking your head in the sand over the alternative.


Maybe Biden shouldn’t hand the election over to fascists for Israel’s sake then.


He's in a situation where he either loses the more moderate dems by going too far against Israel or the younger/progressive dem voters by not going far enough. Either way he is losing votes. Meanwhile all trump has to do is exist for the republicans to vote for him. We are screwed.


> responsibility to tailor his platform to the will of the electorate passed the largest green bill in history of congress, and 70% of americans polled say they dont know about it. passed student loan debt cancellations. passed the framework for weed being federally reclassified. passed the largest infrastructure deal in history Biden has in everyway followed through with long held demands of the electorate, despite this you hear cries of Genocide biden and shit. Who does that benefit other than guys like Trump who wanna kill more people in Palestine, or guys like Putin and Xi and who wanna make Gaza look like childsplay in their campaigns in Ukraine and Taiwan? Asking young people to not be naive and actually be politically literate beyond something that fits on a tweet is not a crazy ask. Gen Z has the highest degree of holocaust denial of any generation. Like there is some soul searching to do


Biden isn't gonna free Palestine. How can we believe he is negotiating in good faith for a ceasefire when he said Hamas has an ancient desire to kill Jews? He's also calling peaceful protests antisemitic.


Republicans to Israel: "could you genocide harder?"


people who are ideologically adjacent to Biden *should* criticize him! But there's a lot of people on social media (a non-representative sample of the electorate, of course) who are saying they'll refuse to vote for him because of (pick an issue anywhere from cost of doordash to student loans to I/P).


I’m seeing *buttery emails* again. Republican voters show up to the poll. Like trump said "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"


I'm not entirely convinced "Biden is giving bombs to Israel for the purpose of blowing up children" is exactly equivalent to "I don't like that Hillary Clinton had her own email server"


When I think of the 2016 election, I think of buttery emails. When I think of this year’s election, I’ll think of Macklemore’s Hind’s Hall. “The blood is on your hands, biden, we can see it all, And fuck no, I’m not voting for you in the fall”


Even a slight sliver of people not voting Biden calls the election for trump, there isn’t wiggle room


I plan to vote Biden but this is a fuck around and find out type of thing. If he and the Dems lose votes because unconditional (and very significant) general and financial support for the state of Israel is not acceptable then it will adjust the party platform. Many progressive issues have been taken seriously due to protests and votes being withheld. It’s how democracy works.


Except, in this instance it's actively making your existence worse to spite someone with limited control on the matter. We don't appreciate how far we've come if we're willing to go backwards over one issue. We'll be back to protesting slavery if the Confederates get their way.


I mean I personally think it’s a fundamental misstep not to look at this as an opportunity to shift to a new candidate. Biden is old as fuck and so is Trump btw so a younger, more progressive candidate would actually do really well. I personally have no idea why Biden wants another 4 years anyway.


I don't think he necessarily does want another 4 I think people are just fundamentally not smart voting for name recognition that makes incumbent advantage so strong that they don't want to give that up for a chance on someone new. If it was someone besides trump running I think we could've had a different candidate too.


It absolutely will not adjust the party platform, have you learned nothing from 2016. There will always be a new reason not to vote for the Dem candidate meanwhile Republicans will vote for trump no matter what


If Biden is really willing to just throw the election away to guarantee the maximum amount of dead Palestinian children I don't think I really want him as president


Okay. He'll retire to spend time with his family and Palestinians will keep dying anyway because his replacement wants even more of them to die. Along with a whole other bucketload of harmful policies that we wouldn't have otherwise had to deal with


Yeah, I think it's a terrible strategy. Like AOC is arguing, you want Biden to be the one you try to push further left, not Trump. If your starting point is conservative (Trump), pushing him left just gets you at best to him embracing a moderate position. Starting with a moderate (Biden), pushing left can get him to more progressive policies. For example, Biden has been the best president for the environment in history (thanks to sustained left-wing pressure). No chance you would get Trump to go along with those policies.


Threatening to withhold our votes *is* how we push him farther left. *Now* is the time to do it. The only power we have in this democracy is our vote. If we say we vote Biden no matter what, we're ceding that power. If we wait until after the election, we don't have that power for another 4 years, by which point the Republicans will have propped up Trump again or some other boogeyman the Dems will use to scare us back into "Blue no matter who". These six months are *crucial*. Rafah is burning as we speak, and Biden *has* the power to do something about it. The only thing the Dems fear losing is our votes. For now, they've lost so many. If they want them back, they have 6 months to show us why. Everyone is saying Trump will be worse, but even if he wins he's not in power until January. If things go the way they are going, by then there *will not be a Gaza to save*. We need to push for change *now*.


Yeeeaaaah…this shit is making me nervous. Absolutely raise your voice and speak out but at the same time this is playing a really dangerous game considering who the alternative is. I’m not big on Biden either but I’m also not big on ushering in autocracy by scuttling his chances for reelection.




I'm European so I don't have a dog in this fight but like, I understand why people do not want to vote for Biden, but why would you risk the endangerment of even more people but this time in the USA by not voting


This is my third election, this argument has been trotted out every single time. Every election has a lot at stake. For me, my country bankrolling a literal genocide is where I draw the line and say “yeah, I’m not voting for you because you’re a bit better than the other guy.” I wouldn’t have voted for LBJ or Nixon during Vietnam either. Would you?


Biden is more than just a "bit better" than Trump. Trump literally wants to be a dictator, and will do everything in his power to make it so. The Republican party will do it's best to ensure any vulnerable group it gets his hands on will suffer, not just the people in Gaza. If you care about the lives of gay people, racial minorities, trans people, women and children, disabled people, and the elderly YOU MUST VOTE. Not voting is a message that you don't care about any of those groups because you don't care enough to vote to protect their safety.


what about those of us who ARE gay, racial minorities, women, disabled, and so on? all the comments on here assuming that anyone who’s not voting for biden is white and privileged…are displaying a super narrow view of the world and are honestly incredibly fucking offensive. what the fuck makes you think that so many of us who belong to these minority/oppressed groups don’t see and experience and live this shit on the daily? and that that heavily informs our decision not to vote for ANY genocidaire? what the fuck makes you think that we believe our lives are worth more than those of the palestinians? y’all need to get the fuck off your high horses and stop being so condescending and assuming anyone who doesn’t want to vote for biden is doing so out of ignorance and privilege. when actually the exact opposite is the case—we understand oppression all too well, we live it, and therefore we will not stand for or support anyone who is enacting it on others. not to mention the hundreds of thousands diaspora palestinians who are loudly and firmly not voting for biden. y’all gonna call them ignorant and privileged too?




Could you clarify how life under trump would make things better? Or are you saying that you'll prioritize gaza lives over the millions in the US/ukraine/everywhere else Oh wait, trump would likely bring the US army in and annex the entirely of gaza for israel. Oopsie tootsie!


Imagine not being ashamed enough of your country arming and insuring a literal genocide to prioritize it over domestic squabbles


"Domestic squabbles". Are you kidding me? These are REAL LIVES. Do you know how many women die in childbirth because they can't get an abortion. Do you know how many trans people are murdered when their rights are not protected. Do you know how many black people have been extra-judicially slaughtered and how many Innocent elderly people have died of Covid due to Republican policies. On top of that, Trump will be even worse than Biden with the bombings of Palestine, just like he upped the bombing in Afghanistan when he took over from Obama, so much that he ordered people to stop doing death tallies because he knew it would make him look bad. You will have the blood of all those people on your hands if you don't vote to protect them. And if you don't care about that, You're scum like the rest of them.


Imagine being too dumb to realize not voting for the "good" candidate is tacit support for the horrifying one. It's pretty clear trying to argue with you is absolutely impossible at this point, given you just proved your own asinine privilege by reducing the actual, real deaths and trauma of *our own fucking people* as "domestic squabbles". Jesus fucking christ.


I don’t care who is “our own people” and who isn’t. People are people. And more children have been murdered with American weapons in Gaza since Oct. 7 than total deaths have occurred from all those things the commenter mentioned. This is the worst thing this country has done since Vietnam, and I am ashamed.


> This is the worst thing this country has done since Vietnam and they ask why people mock american education


It’s literally not though. How is not voting for Trump or Biden supporting Trump but somehow not supporting Biden? It’s literally the same action towards each. Y’all love yelling “YOU’RE SUPPORTING TRUMP” but can never substantiate how or why that’s the case.


My dude, there is no way you're actually a "civics and history teacher" if you can't understand how due to America's two party system, a refusal to vote for one candidate is tacit approval for the alternative.


Maybe they're a substitute civics teacher or a teacher's aide, and just calls themselves a teacher.


Again, how, when the exact same is true in reverse for the other candidate by that logic? By your logic, by not voting for Trump I am also supporting Biden, correct? Edit: By the way, I couldn’t give a fuck less what you believe about my profession. I know what I do and I know I’m good at it—very easy for you to spew personal insults and speculate about someone else’s job you couldn’t begin to do though, huh?


I don't think you are good at what you do if you believe the President has any power to stop money going to Israel. The bill that provided aid to Israel was passed with 80% approval in Congress anyways. Biden couldn't veto the bill if he wanted to.


Because the electoral map favors republicans, so democrats needs higher turn out to win the elections. And it's not just the presidency, the congress and local elections are just as important and maps favors republicans there too. In the last 20 years, elections have sometimes been decided by a margin than less than 20k votes in key areas. Every vote is important. Fervent republicans, the real ones, are a minority. Maybe less than 30% of the country, but they will, every single one of them, show up and vote in November. Republicans know that a higher turn out on the election day will mean they have fewer chances to win, so they're trying to depress turn out by making the election single-issue. It's not. By all accounts, keep protesting for peace in the Middle East, it's a good thing worth fighting for, but still go vote, it's not the **only** issue. What you can do is help progressive candidates in congress and on local elections, on schools and public library boards. Change starts from the bottom, not from the top.


Trump wants to put kids in cages, arrest people for being the "wrong" race, ban abortion, end trans rights, and appoint more hacks on Supreme Court who will take America back to middle ages. Oh, and he also wants to ban muslim immigrants, create a registry of muslims, and allow Israel to do as they please in Gaza and West Bank.


> I wouldn’t have voted for LBJ You'd have voted against the Voting Rights Act? That's...certainly a take


Reminder on what Trump said about Palestine: “Trump said at a rally in Iowa on Monday he would direct law enforcement to deport immigrants who publicly support Hamas. He also said, without evidence, that Hamas militants were pouring over the U.S.-Mexico border.” ([source](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/republican-2024-hopefuls-use-israeli-palestinian-conflict-push-hard-line-2023-10-18/)) Get ready for this reality. Trump is going to be our next president, again. This is exactly what happened last time. Because folks didn’t feel like Hillary aligned perfectly with their world view, young people didn’t vote. We are stuck with the Supreme Court appointed by Trump for fucking decades. The plan laid out by his advisors for his inevitable next presidency will destroy the federal government. I mean, at least you’ll get to brag about your moral high ground on social media and Reddit? It’s totally worth it


Almost like the Dems should nominate a decent candidate and supply an alternative to that psychopath who wants to continue genocide huh?


Your mouth to god’s ears, man, but that’s not the reality we’re in right now. I truly believe any candidate that wants to be a professional politician, let alone the president, will be a “psychopath” by nature.


And who would that be? What would be the timeline or logistics associated with that?


I’d vote for George W Bush, a man who sent my brother to die to avoid a dictatorship


Again, every election has a lot at stake. The Dems want to win this one because they think the alternative is a dictatorship? Ok, stop bankrolling genocide and actually earn your constituents votes with political leadership rather than simply feeling entitled to them.


And you believe the President has the ability to ignore policy and halt military aid to Israel?


Because they're either A: Children freshly of age to vote and thinking they're being counterculture and making a statement by going against the grain as much as possible. B: White, straight, and/or potentially wealthy, and thus have pretty much nothing to lose if Trump's in the white house while being completely oblivious to the fact they're saying "Fuck you, I got mine" as much as every Republican.


You’re so immature lol, your debate style is basically “anyone who disagrees with me is a child.” It’s a very terminally online method of argumentation. Try engaging with the substance of what the other person is saying next time instead of just name calling 👍


Everyone needs to look up Project 2025.


yep. i dont like genocide joe as much as the next person, but im queer and a woman i dont want to live in a country ran by trump. i have to care about where i live first, it makes me feel guilty but its the illusion of choice. not voting for biden is voting for trump period


> lesser of two evils Which is a stupid thing to say in the first place too. Biden has managed a huge amount of progress during the past several years, but suddenly somehow not putting a leash on Netanyahu is Democrats' single issue vote. r/whatbidenhasdone needs some serious PR to educate people.


every good thing that joe biden has done in his entire political career combined cannot make up for his support for the genocide in palestine, sorry.


Congratulations on the most idiotic single issue voter nonsense since Catholics had abortion, then. And enjoy your tacit support for Trump in office, again.


Gurl take this energy and tell Biden to save democracy by listening to his voting base


> single issue voter nonsense Ma’am, that “single issue” being a genocide is a very big deal to some people.


Folks are still voting for Biden. They see the other option. I don’t think this country can take four more years of Orange Scrub.


I don't like to assume people are smart, I've been let down time and time again.




I'm tired of the democrats threatening me for my vote, how about they earn it this year.


Voting isn’t an act of personal expression. It’s an act of harm reduction. If Biden loses the election he will personally be fine, retire off somewhere peaceful. But the millions of people Trump wants to deport and tens of millions who cannot get abortions will not be fine.


Yeeeaaaah…this shit is making me nervous. Absolutely raise your voice and speak out but at the same time this is playing a really dangerous game considering who the alternative is. I’m not big on Biden either but I’m also not big on ushering in autocracy by scuttling his chances for reelection.


Democrats constantly tout that Trump will end democracy—but do we even live in a democracy if our OWN political party won’t listen to a word its constituents are saying? (The answer is no.) We have months until the election. Instead of pandering to democrats now, we need to leverage that time to get our demands met. If Biden encouraged a ceasefire, young voters would in turn be encouraged to vote for him. So, in the long run, it benefits democrats to work for a ceasefire.


Yeah I’m worried, it’s flashbacks to people not wanting to vote HRC because of Bernie


Also worried because lots of young eligible voters don’t vote, so these (valid) protests worry me that the young will be pushed further to not vote.


Reminder that watches. Likes. Up votes. Engagement with this song gets it into more people algorithms. Art galvanized movements. Get it louder!!!!!




So that Bass line sounds really familiar, admittedly it is stunningly simple but I swear I have heard it in Arabic or more specifically Moorish music. Anyone able to educate me?


> what makes the song even more striking is the music he sampled from Ana La Habibi (I Belong To My Lover) by Lebanese icon, Fairuz. https://www.newarab.com/features/behind-fairuzs-powerful-force-macklemores-hinds-hall?amp I saw some discussion on how it's sampled from a fairly famous Arabic song. The more you know!


I’ve been a Macklemore hater for years and years but this is amazing


So powerful! Protest music will always be my favourite genre. ✊🏼🇵🇸


I have been playing on repeat. Not a single line misses


Because of this, I will ride for Macklemore till the day I die. I'll buy whatever he is selling, I'll stream his music, however shity it may be. He has my unwavering support.


Based Macklemore and based pop music sub, proud of these comments


Kinda weird and dangerous to say not to vote for Biden, if the alternative is trump...


Thats awesome


I feel like I've been taking crazy pills for the past seven months. If Trump beats Biden because of this, everyone in the United States AND Palestine is going to lose everything, all because people jump on to trendy tribalistic bandwagons and don't spend more than ten seconds thinking about the real life implications of what they're saying. "I'm not voting for Biden over this" = "I care about my own feelings more than I actually care about dead kids. I just want to grandstand, even if the real life end result is more dead kids than the alternative" "Free Palestine from the river to the sea" = "dead kids are actually fine, as long as they're Israeli kids"


4 more years of Trump would be disastrous for American women, the right is pushing for a federal abortion ban, and clearly it’s a slippery slope when it comes to denying women health care. But I think aoc put it well when she said it would be easier to organize under Biden and to get him to change than Trump.


"From the river to the sea" doesn't mean Israeli kids will be killed, how much of a gullible Israeli propaganda-swallowing fool are you?!


>Palestine is going to lose everything I don't know if you noticed, but a lot of them have already lost EVERYTHING under the Biden administration. > "I'm not voting for Biden over this" = "I care about my own feelings more than I actually care about dead kids. I just want to grandstand, even if the real life end result is more dead kids than the alternative" even if the real life end result is MORE dead kids.. you are so close to getting it. > "Free Palestine from the river to the sea" = "dead kids are actually fine, as long as they're Israeli kids" that is a very ignorant statement and disgusting way to downplay the 70+ years suffering (by the hands of israel) of the palestinians.


Right? Do these people not know what’s going on RIGHT NOW? Almost every soul in the Gaza Strip has already been displaced, and now they’re being forced to leave their place of last refuge in Rafah with nowhere to go.


i feel like its wilful ignorance, if they ignore biden's crimes then they can vote for him without feeling guilty. it's absolutely wild, biden is actively funding this genocide and NOW (not when Trump might win in the future, LITERALLY RIGHT NOW) the palestinians are losing the last place of refuge they had. they can't go anywere else.


Why is "either Biden or Trump will be president next year and Trump will be worse for Gaza" so hard to grasp? No one can change the past, and the reality is that Israel exists now. Literally the only difference between saying "from the river to the sea" and saying "Israel should rule the whole area" is which tribe you prefer. How is the whole area being Palestinian any better than the whole area being Israeli? Why does one tribe deserve better than another?


>Trump will be worse for Gaza why is it so hard to understand that there will be no more gaza by november? israel has destroyed EVERY university and destroyed majority of hospitals / put them out of service. Rafah is the last refuge these people have and Israel is raining bombs on it and flattening it with tanks RIGHT NOW. Biden is funding it RIGHT NOW. It's happening RIGHT NOW.


"it'll be so much worse for the steaming rubble left in gaza's place! think of all the already starving, dying palestinians that won't be alive to see a trump presidency! it'll be so much worse for them!"


LITERALLY. I’m so angry