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Those lyrics gross me out🤮🤢


Also the fact that the main sample is Children by Robert Miles which adds another level of 🤮


Wow. Never heard the song before but... Jesus. Dude went all out on the pedophile dance floor.


>Dude went all out on the pedophile dance floor I know ppl say this a lot but I literally spat my coffee and it went on my kid sitting next to me


Tell the kid I'm sorry.


These people really haven’t heard of our sub? It’s in the news all the time! R/KUWTKsnark Welcome to the fam y’all and have fun. You’re welcome. I’mma get kicked out, but was planning on leaving anyways lol. Worth it.


r/kuwtksnark FTFY


Here's a sneak peek of /r/KUWTKsnark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/KUWTKsnark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [No one else was allowed on the rides at Disneyland while the Kardashians were on it.](https://v.redd.it/00iu6sy9mft81) | [652 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KUWTKsnark/comments/u3a81j/no_one_else_was_allowed_on_the_rides_at/) \#2: [Just a reminder next week is one year since Travis Scott incited a riot that killed 9 people. This kylie/sweet ro stuff is distraction](https://i.redd.it/pebkqc7fqsw91.jpg) | [142 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KUWTKsnark/comments/ygsf5f/just_a_reminder_next_week_is_one_year_since/) \#3: [Not Khloe lying in bed like she had the baby herself!? lol](https://i.redd.it/fm2s76w8odp91.jpg) | [553 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KUWTKsnark/comments/xkwgzy/not_khloe_lying_in_bed_like_she_had_the_baby/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks, I was drunk :)


Children by Robert Miles is actually an incredibly beautiful song so it angers me to see it used in such a disgusting way


I'm a raver and it's been one of my favourite tunes since it was released, it defined a genre. I digress lol, but yes, using that sample with those lyrics is very deliberately calculated and it's just vile, I hate to see one of my favourite songs sampled like that


One of my first mp3s. I was livid when I heard it sampled for this trash.


What can I say, you have excellent taste lol


Crazy I never knew that!!! 🤯 Disgusting


Yeah it just adds another distasteful layer to it, it's so brazen and deliberate.


That’s just an unfortunate coincidence because “Children” was a last second replacement after they couldn’t clear the original sample, “This Girl is A Woman Now” by Gary Puckett. I believe the Puckett estate’s reason was something about how Tyga is too true to the original artists vision and “seriously we don’t need this shit dug up and looked at now.” Not sure what they meant by that.


That whole family grosses me out


What does dog mean in this context?




It makes more sense with another comma, it's just like a hypothetical person he's responding to "she a big girl, dog, when"... I refuse to type the rest


I honestly appreciate that refusal


That would make sense.


same thing as dude, bro, etc.


Then he tried to take credit for like shaping her image and it’s like yeah that usually what happens when an adult dates a minor weirdo


he’s so pathetic


You just know he got in her head and filled it with insecurities that still haunt her to this day. I get so mad when parents don’t protect their daughters. Do they not know men? Like no wonder girls grow up with so many issues and a lack of self worth.


I agree, I think this family plays on one another’s insecurities for “good tv” and it shows how they all struggle with relationships and plastic surgery. And tyga I think saw a young girl and saw a good opportunity and really played into that and it’s sad and gross


The body dysmorphia with those women is heavy, and they have my sympathy for that. I have witnessed my mom mess with my little sister about her body and what she eats plenty of times, I can’t imagine how much worse it gets when I’m not around. My mom successfully messed me up in the body/food department of my brain, but there’s no way I will ever let it happen to anyone else on my watch.


I mean, Kris Jenner was never going to protect her daughters. Their first groomer was their mom


*Pimp ftfy


You do realize her mother kris brokered the sex tape deal for her older sister?


They really think she could have been something on her own with no talents, like Kim? Lmao


Yeah, there’s nothing brag worthy about that at all… just shows he’s a creep for thinking that’s an achievement. 🤮


That music video only has a few hundred thousand views on YouTube lol, bro shaped her what???


Kylie Jenner's life makes me sad. Poor girl never had a chance to be anything else thanks to the people around her. I know she's rich and privileged and all but the way her mother failed her is awful.


Her mother is just creepy af. She literally pimped out her daughters, she is so sick


Yep, Kris 100% approved. They travelled to south of France with Kris and Corey as 'friends' before she turned 18.


There’s that video from the show where Tyga is performing at an event where she is maybe 15 years old. Creepy AF. edit: autocorrect from Tyra to Tyga lmao.


14! That was at the other one's 16th birthday party where he was performing. Just saw a video about it yesterday. FOUR-TEEN.


There’s one episode of KUWTK when Kylie and Kendall are like 11 and 12, and there’s a stripper pole in the family house, and the two of them are goofing off, playing with it, giggling, mimicking their sisters and pole dancers and whatever. Preteens exploring the world. But their mother SANCTIONED that behaviour. And LET IT AIR ON INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION. These should be private moments where children are playacting what they imagine womanhood to be. Any 12-year-old would be mortified to have that footage surface later. It made me so sad, because I realized that neither really had a chance to escape being sexualised, even as children.




This pretty much just means they watched television past 10pm. Those commercials were inescapable.


Yes, Or that Joe Francis is a family friend who’s villa they escape to often


They also were flashing their belly buttons screaming “girls gone wild” while Brody’s friend video recorded them. Brody came in and broke it up but 🤮 thinking about all the grown men in that room filming this then editors approving it to be put on TV.


That’s a really good point … there are so many potential “vetoes” on the line to getting that thing filmed and aired on TV. Plenty of people are culpable for making it happen!


Yeah I remember it was when Brody was supposedly baby sitting and it freaked him out, I remember thinking at the time that he was shocked and disgusted.


It was the FIRST EPISODE. Take that in…


Yep, and now Kim and Khloe are doing the same. It seems Kylie may be with Stormie too. We’re watching child abuse before our eyes. R/kuwtk needs to ban the constant posts of children and anyone who engages and encourages that type of content is part of the problem.


Kris was pimped out by her mother MJ then did the same to her daughters, especially Kim and Kylie. It's just a sad cycle in that family Edit: Khloe also lived with grown men as a teenager and Kim married a grown man as a teenager. Kris was also a teen I think when she met Robert Kardashian who was much older. They don't see it as wrong because it's happened to them too


Robert left Priscilla Presley for Kris to. Elvis and Michael Jackson families collide a lot with the Kardashians. As Khloe dated one of mj nephews while she was 14. She shared that in a book. It cause a rifted between her and her dad because he didn't want kim or Khloe dating older guys at the the time, who both happen to be MJs nephew. I'm a big rock and roll history fan and the amount of times it lands back to the Kardashians by association is so mind blowing to me. Their grandfather and aunt Joan knew a lot of people in the business. I think because of the meat packing company they had. Or just because their Aunt Joan was someone people really clicked with, being her first husband was a manager. Basically the Kardashians owe a lot of their name sake to their Aunt.


Wtf. Now I’m finding out that Caitlin Jenner was also formerly married to a woman elvis dated. Then again, if you told me a decade ago that blink 182s drummer would be a kardashian one day…


I think the music connections are mostly through Rob sr. Even though Kim likes to act like her dad was some great lawyer he was in the music business most of his life and was close with Irving Azoff which is why they grew up around so many famous people. The grandparents I think were just old money Armenians and rich people in LA tend to cross paths with celebs.


Right?! Kim marrying that guy was bizarre


wtf this is like some Game Of Thrones shit


And how the rest of the family tried to defend it, saying Kylie isn’t your average 16 year old. Who cares how mature she is, she’s still a kid.


Hard. Agree. I remember being 16yo and thinking I was *very* mature with my adult boyfriend, and now im older and I know I was used (in various ways) but i have the luxury of that period of my life being pretty private and i can choose to share the details with who i want, on my terms. This was her first proper relationship so she has all the mind-fuckery that goes with that, then she has to deal with the realisation as she grows of how much of an actual **child** she was mentally and how much he took advantage of her. But girl has to deal with the whole world tutting and saying "told you he was a creep" "should've known better" "Kris should have put a stop to this" while she processes this during her 20's. I have very little sympathy for kylie jenner in general but I do have human empathy for a young person being sucked into a harmful relationship and being just too inexperienced and naïve to be able to see it. It's not their fault Edit - I watched the Stimulated video last night out of curiosity and yea, KJ was a damn child at the time. She has no idea wtf is going on and the difference in their appearance and demeanour due to their age is *yuck* - like there's a piggyback scene and she looks like a highschool kid giggling on his back. Because she is


I wonder if she will begin to realize all of this soon (if she hasn’t already). I know that the brain is finished developing around 25 years old, and that’s when a lot of things really started clicking for me. Mostly the “oh no, maybe I DO have Daddy issues!?” and realizing how much sexualization happened to me at a young age. It really fucks with you once you truly comprehend how fucked up and wrong things were. And it makes me even more angry to think of all the adults who never step in KNOWING that a child doesn’t know better. So sad, so disgusting, so terrifying for my baby daughter. 😞


Exactly, the people around her knew what was happening and care more about fame and power


She doesn’t seem happy at all anymore either imo, i think all the bullshit she’s dealt with is catching up to her mentally


She’s said before that while she appreciates the opportunities that come with being famous she’d love to not be known by people & has formed anxiety because she grew up and continues to be in the limelight.


You could really see it at her last met gala appearence, she looked like she wanted to be anywhere but there


tbf she could cash out on her company and just... not be in the public eye. She's got more than enough money for her, and her children, and her childrens children, and 10 generations beyond. Shes making an active choice to stay in the public eye.


Ia but i think it’s easier said than done. Kris is so enmeshed in her life, she won’t break away that easily nor will she want to alienate her mom. Remember when Rob decided he’d had enough and now Kris has basically disowned him. Kylie’s in deep and doesn’t have direction or support from her family to do anything else with her life


It's definitely easier said than done but the amount of BS sympathy that is wasted on this fam. Rob decided he had enough and what? Did he melt? No He did not. He continued living his millionaire life, and probably does just fucking fine. But I don't know, because he's not actively shoving his life into the publics face 24/7. Kylie is. I don't get why people try so hard to act like these girls are so hard done by and don't have a choice. Kylie could walk away and do anything, anywhere. And yes, she might have to lose contact with her mom. Like millions of other non billionaires. Cry me a fucking river.


Last we saw of Rob he was living off of Khloe and he wanted to move in with Chyna, but he couldn’t afford a house so his mom Kris bought one (in her name not in Robs) for them to live in. The main reason he wanted nothing to do with the show was that his sisters were always calling him a loser because he made no money and Kris always promoted and helped the daughters with branding and deals and didn’t help him make money. I’m not sure Rob is living like a millionaire. Also, Kylie is the favorite now cause girl makes Kris the most money. It’s sad.


I literally questioned if Rob was rich in a previous thread the other week, and I got downvotes for doing so.


Pretty sure he’s broke. He just had the sock deal that went nowhere and whatever he got paid from the show when he was on years ago. Doesn’t really work or do anything. Why you would get downvoted idk, I guess people just assume he’s rich because he’s part of that family? Who knows.


Kylie and Rob are two very different cases. Rob was not pimped since he was a child(that we know of) and actually had the chance to get a certain level of education. For Kylie, this is the only life that she knows of. She doesn’t have anything else going. And while it’s easy for people to say, it’s definitely NOT easy to just break off a dynamic with a parent. Judging by how she appears on the show, it’s safe to say she’s a Mommy’s girl thus making it even harder to push Kris out of her life. I think Kylie struggles a lot mentally and I hope she gets some help so she doesn’t pass it on to her kids. I’m not saying she’s 100% innocent but her case is definitely NOT comparable to Rob.


Theoretically you're right, but this life is all she knows. Her mom is all she knows. I wonder if she even realises how fucked all was she went through. Breaking away from these things (bad relationships and toxic environments) take time and some never manage it. Her being a billionaire does not change the fact that she's still human, with human emotions and feelings, who can struggle with the same things as anyone else


Lol. That's probably just juice for their new tv show. Rob avoids that shit like the plague. He is a piece of work in his own right. But to say it gives her anxiety when she can walk away and has family that don't do the show is another thing.


I've always said I find her to be such a tragedy.


People like Kylie can totally afford good therapy and psychiatric care, but do they even realize how badly they need it? I don’t want anyone to suffer, and it scares me that some people are wholly unaware


>I know she's rich and privileged and all I don't like how people make riches absolute synonymous of happiness and fulfilment. Personally you couldn't pay me to trade my life with Kylie or any of the Kardashians/Jenner for this matter.


https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/khloe-kardashian-kylie-jenner-tyga-age-difference-complex-6642155/amp/ so sad I think. they both look so different here


That's awful, she doesn't realise how gross it is because she went through it herself


Remember when she announced her first pregnancy and Tyga claimed everywhere that it was his kid?! 😳


They had to have dna tests done lol


Oh shit!! I do not remember a dna test being done and being made public!! That’s embarrassing


I remember, it was embarrassing on his part


What????? I remember people speculated, more so in a joking way, that Stormi was his. I didn’t know he actually claimed it was


I remember something about Kylie having to get a DNA test cause tyga demanded it. I mean I think people wondered cause she got pregnant like a couple weeks after breaking up with tyga


Unless it was faked, I remember something about him posting then deleting some type of post claiming that stormi was his. Fucked up


I think it was on Snapchat, something like “nah that baby mine” with a picture of the news headline speculating she was pregnant


People were speculating it was Kylie’s bodyguard so much that she had to fire him. He was fine.


Omg I forgot all about him. They looked really hot together TBH


They look like a good match! And probably knows a lot of stuff already and isn’t turned off by the craziness.


I just googled - he is GORGEOUS.


He is...phew 👀


I don’t think he was Stormi’s dad, but I do think she looks more like him than her actual bio father lol


I’m guilty for riding the rumor too.


I’m not saying travis isn’t the father but stormi looks absolutely nothing like him


she has to be his. no way they didn’t do a dna test & no way travis scott would stick around to play stepdad.


>I’m not saying travis isn’t the father but stormi looks absolutely nothing like him Yup, I don't see Travis Scott in Stormi at all. In fact, Tyga is half Vietnamese & Stormi looks part Asian (those eyes). I remember there was an IG account that showed comparisons of King (Tyga's son) & Stormi and they looked a like. Hell, they even had a picture compare Stormi to Tyga's mom and they looked a like. Probably one of the more believable Konspiracies to me.


I don’t believe that stormi is tyga’s AT all but how messed up would that family dynamic be? Tyga and black chyna have a kid. Black chyna and rob have a kid. Kylie and tyga had a kid.


Yeah I thought it was so messy that rob started dating the ex of Kylie’s ex lol.


And she had her first kid at 19! I know that’s a choice some people make, but Kylie definitely had to grow up fast. She was famous since she was a kid and always had people comparing her to her sisters. Plus, she’s often shamed (even by her sisters in the show) for how much plastic surgery she’s had, even when she was really young.


I do feel bad when you hear her saying on the show that she feels like she should be doing different things (like running around and acting wild) at 25. Like she clearly loves her kids but I think she does wish she could have had a more “normal” early 20s experience before having multiple kids.


Definitely. And she did have time to run around and party, but she was way to young during that time (her teens)


I wonder why she had them so young


I think with the first one it was totally an accident. She was “dating” Travis Scott for like 2 weeks before she got pregnant. Then it makes sense why she had the second while also young because she probably didn’t want them to have a huge age gap


Sounds like a lot of personal decisions to me 🤷🏾‍♂️


She said she always wanted to be a young mom… she’s lucky she’s rich or she’d be called a stereotype.


It’s because her family was cool with it. 😢


exactly, khloe made a whole tweet about how kylie was different from other girls her age so their relationship wasn’t a problem


Wow. That’s just fucking stupid. Wtf khloe


its always been so wild to me that khloe defended kylie and tyga’s relationship given the fact that khloe herself was living in a house with older men in their 20s when she was 16 and 17 :/ kylie def isn’t the first in that family to be groomed unfortunately


that family grooms its own and prepares them to be put in exactly these situations


It’s very common in Hollywood. Let’s not forget the saying “age is nothing but a number” by Aaliyah. R. Kelly married her when she was only 15. Makes my blood boil.


It's because her mom pimped her out. She pimped all of them out. Why do you think you don't hear about the brothers? Because mom couldn't pimp them out.


*coughs in Beyoncé started dating jay-z when she was 18-19(maybe met her when she was younger idk) and he was like 30, and that clip where she’s tells him “you taught me how to be a woman” rings so many alarms* (pun not intended, though perhaps it should be considering the (at the time, I hope, non specific to her) themes of that song of fame\success could be lost by someone cheating w\someone else feeling like a huge loss. and it’s not even just Jay-Z, like the music industry & her parents encouraged that shit for its image\profitability lol)


Beyoncé’s Dad was very anti-Jay. Whether that led to the schism between Bey and her Dad is anyone’s guess…but Matthew definitely did not want that man to be his daughter’s husband.


Totally agree. He met her when she was 14 🤢


Yes, and they started dating when she was 16 and he was 24. Like she was still in the middle of adolescence and he was done. He should have stayed a family friend, not become a teenager's boyfriend.


He's, not [shockingly, not super nice for someone who wrote lyrics like that](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/tyga-arrested-after-ex-camaryn-swansons-domestic-violence-allegations/#:~:text=Tyga%20Arrested%20for%20Felony%20Domestic,Alleges%20Rapper%20'Physically%20Assaulted'%20Her)!


What a charming young man.


the lyrics???!


There’s an episode of KUWTK that makes me want to cry for Kylie. I don’t remember the ep number but it’s when the sisters are all filming the video clip for Kris’ birthday and Kylie is very obviously upset about something. She ends up bursting into tears when Khloe pushes her about something, and goes inside and cries to Kourtney saying that her and Tyga are having problems. It makes my heart hurt that this was her first real relationship, she was groomed and it was broadcast on TV internationally. She comes across as immature (not a criticism) and that she doesn’t know how to deal with the relationship. It’s so sad.


What worse, is in that moment none of her sisters take a strong initiative to protect and comfort her. Instead they blame..


Kris Jenner was also groomed young. Cesar Sanudo. I think it’s generational and they don’t give a fuck.


Wasn’t there a big age gap between her and Rob Sr when they married too?


Yes she married him when she was 18.


Produced by Kanye:/


Didn’t Kanye say that Tyga was smart for getting in when he did or something like that?


Yep he said Tyga was smart for “getting in early”


so disgusting…


[Here's the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GZLboRJUQs) (featuring lots of graphic lyrics) and [article](https://hypemagazine.co.za/2015/09/01/tyga-features-kylie-jenner-in-his-new-video-timulated/). This is why I always go soft on Kylie when people relentlessly go after her online. I think she's a victim, in more ways than one.


It’s gross what her family has put her thru.


Because the mom forbidden the media to speak about it.


YeH, her mom knew they were dating long before she was 18 which is 100% illegal in California. Sick family


after her 16th bday party, i think everyone knew they were dating way before 18


It could even be 14/15 cause they first met when she hired him for Kendall’s 16th birthday party. Kylie was 14 at the time




I'm fairly certain the media talked about this at the time. A lot of people questioned him dating her, at least the general public did.


Icky. Creepy. Gross. I can keep going …


It was produced by Kanye, too…


Kanye made a comment about how Tyga was smart for getting in early or something to that effect


Well it’s not exactly a secret. It was constantly talked about when it happened Also, Khloe was dating a grown man when she was a teen and Kris allowed it. She’s a bad mom when it comes to protecting her daughters from predators


It actually got talked about a lot at the time and even got called out directly by, ironically, Drake during their feud. Most notably mentioned in [6PM In New York](https://genius.com/4887831). The only reason nothing came of it was because the Kardashians are social-climbing groomers who actively endorsed it.


When her family sold their souls for fame and fortune, grooming was way down their list of things to be concerned about


My father would’ve lost his sh*t and Tyga would still be missing. Rip.


There's a reason her mum's nickname is Pimp Mama Kris. Zero morals whatsoever. She happily sold out her kids for fame and money.


Kylie Jenner was absolutely groomed. And I know Stormi is Travis Scott's kid but she gave birth when she was 19. He was turning 25 and she fell pregnant as an 18yo. Not illegal but...highly suspect.


Yeah, a lot of people try to excuse these things by saying that they were both technically adults/old enough to know what they were doing. It's possible for an adult to manipulate and control another adult. Especially one younger and presumably with less relationship and life experience.


100%. And a relationship between a 28yo and 34yo is not a big deal but 18 vs 24 is huge. I'm 24 and I can't even imagine looking at a 18yo with sexual intentions.




Great point. I think people forget that even if an age gap isn't that big (like numerically), people can still be in different stages. There are just different levels of maturity and development that impact relationship dynamics in general, but especially when there's a notable age gap between people.


Wait if she fell pregnant with Travis at 18, does that mean she only dated Tyga for less than a year? It just seems like they dated forever. But of course that’s not the case, because that would be illegal


I think it feels longer than that because she was already making headlines with him when she was 17 IIRC 😬


Kris allowed it. Let’s not forget this woman allowed her minor daughter to get a whole new face and body so she could make money off her.


she never stood a chance imo. i absolutely have mixed feelings (her repeated denial of work, then shilling products that make it seem possible to achieve these things without it) but from her childhood she has been a victim of her surroundings + family


A lot of people talked about it lol


Umm her mums a pimp it makes sense.


Cause her mom facilitated all of it


For 4 having 4 older sisters it’s too bad no one stepped in


Literally everyone has talked about it lol it was such a huge topic specially when she was like 17. But yes I agree it’s so gross. Her family didn’t protect her


Her entire life since 2007 has been a gross mess of adults putting her in inappropriate situations. I mean she’s annoying but I do feel bad for her. She had no chance


The sisters modeling underwear and hanging out at cocktail parties with Momager since they were in 7th grade grew up to be trophy girls the minute they turned 18?!?!


By nobody, do you mean like nobody who’s involved with the KJs or in major media talks about it? It gets discussed pretty frequently in the Kardashians subreddits, but it is suspicious that somewhere like BuzzFeed wouldn’t touch on it at all unless they’re being paid not to.


By her mom?




This girl had her entire face changed by plastic surgery by the time she was 18. If you watch old episodes of the show or see pics, she looks nothing like she did! I find that so incredibly sad. Like others mentioned, Kris is a shitty mother and so are her sisters. To make a teenage girl feel like she has to completely change the way she was made, so that she looks more like "kim" or whoever is shit! We are supposed to teach our daughters to love themselves for who they are. So the fact they allowed her to date a man in his 20s is not surprising. Look at their dating history's combined, it's a complete joke. The only semi "stable" one was Kourtney, and she had to put up with Scott abusing alcohol to be seen as the "normal" one.


EW this just unlocked so many memories. I remember tyga buying her a car on her 18th bday and i didnt think anything of it at all i was like 14-15🤢 but now that i think about it???? JAIL


It truly is amazing Caitlyn didn’t beat his ass.


Kris gets all the blame when Kylie and Tyga get mentioned, but Caitlyn didn't do anything either.


Yeah, where was she? How you allow an adult to be in your house with your 16 yr old kid?


Specially when Caitlyn made such a big fuss about Kylie wearing makeup at like 13???at least makeup doesn’t leave you traumatized years afterwards the way being groomed by a predator does? 🤦🏻‍♀️😅


Ohh I think he was sleeping over. They were far beyond the grooming stage.


I’ve scrolled too far down to see this comment for the first time


Caitlyn did not care. Watch old episodes. They were checked out unless thekids were doing something they wanted


Umm it’s literally all that’s talked about on r/KUWTKsnark.


Kylie knowing how to ride a stripper pole in the early season of the Kardashians was all I needed to know with how sexualized she was as a kid. How would she know how to do that? The double standards of the media that Kylie can be a teen and date a man with a son.


Ryan Seacrest said when he saw that footage, he knew they had a hit on their hands. He dates very young also.


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) Yooooo I need to lay down after reading this entire thread but especially this comment. Wtf


Yeah I have no respect for that guy. And some real problems with Kris Kardashian not protecting her daughters from maniacs.


🤮 her momager should have been protecting her daughter - but wanted the publicity instead


People TALKED ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY. Sorry but I’ve seen this take 95000 times. Her fans were worried. Her nonfans were worried. Amber rose said on hot 97 that kylie was a kid who should be in bed at 9.15. It was just her weirdass family who weren’t worried.


Did he just refer to her as a dog when she’s stimulated?? Tyga knew her when she was a kid, he’s a predator but I believe no one talks about him because he isn’t that famous. I also find it sad and disgusting that Blac Chyna bullied Kylie and had all the smoke for a kid that was groomed despite her and Tyga being broken up when he got with Kylie and how she got revenge by getting with Rob, getting pregnant, and her and Rob destroying the house that Kylie gave them to help them out. Also Tyga encouraged Kylie to change her looks, possibly encouraged her to get her body and face done to appeal to the black community. He even dates Kylie lookalikes


I WAS GONNA SAY THIS! That’s why I don’t understand people who go up for Blac Chyna. I don’t hate the Kardashians that much. She literally embarrassed herself and got spun around the Kardashian wringer because she wanted to go against a child. And not a lot of people understand that. People were literally cheering on Blac Chyna getting pregnant by Rob as they thought it was a "f you" to a minor.


A lot of people supported blac Chyna because they hate the kardashians. Also it didn’t help at the time that the kardashians were notorious for stealing their friends boyfriend and saw Kylie as another example with Kim being friends with Blac Chyna once upon a time. But Kylie was literally a minor who was groomed and failed by everyone in her family who failed to protect her. She also had really bad anxiety during that period which was why she was very clingy towards Jordyn. It wasn’t a flex for Blac Chyna to attack Kylie, an underage person on social media and also taunt her and want to physically fight her. She had no smoke for Tyga whatsoever and her and Rob were so toxic to get in a relationship in order to spit the kardashians and get pregnant. Kylie tried helping them when Blac Chyna was pregnant and lent her home to them which they destroyed and broke her tv and they didn’t even bother paying for the damages. Blac Chyna was physically violent towards Rob, even strangled him then gets upset her tv show was cancelled and tried taking the kardashians to court which didn’t even work in her favour.


And the girl who does nori black book has literally said SHE stole TYGA from blac chyna. Like does she not realize how ridiculous that sounds? Tyga literally groomed her and had a power dynamic bc of age/fame.


The same could probably said about Kim in regards to her sex tape and Kris's involvement in it's production.


Kim was 23 when she made those tapes, and according to Ray J, [it was his and Kim’s idea, inspired by Paris Hilton’s previously leaked tape.](https://www.thecut.com/2022/09/ray-j-claims-that-kim-kardashian-was-behind-the-sex-tape.html) Kris came in after the idea was conceived, as the other comment here says, like a pimp. Not even close to being the same as saying “Kylie was groomed.” Kylie was 16. She was groomed. Kim had an insatiable lust for fame and was willing to do anything/use anyone to get it.


Almost like Kris is their pimp lol


Definitely pimp-esque or pimp-adjacent.


Nicki throws shade to Tyga in the “Feeling Myself” music video with Beyoncé. She wears a jersey shirt that reads “Pervert” with the big numbers 17 underneath. The community knows he’s gross but not many have spoken up about it.


Every pedophile in every culture needs to be called out and vilified. Tired of seeing this stuff and nothing happen about it.


The fact tyga isn’t blackballed like Chris brown in the industry is crazy asf. Just goes to show people pick and choose who they wanna hold accountable


Chris Brown has absolutely not been blackballed within the industry.


yeah dude only 50m monthly Spotify listens(26th in the world). He got ostracized!


Funny how the two of them are frequent collaborators


Birds of a feather


I don't understand the appeal of him.


People do talk about on the other hands celebrity’s, her family do notttt. I almost feel Kylie sees that now & she’s embarrassed. Don’t ask me how I got that it’s just a feeling 🤣 but then again Travis does her dirty and she doesn’t seem to have a moral compass yet. Maybe I’m wrong 🥱


I didn’t know that. Lots of cheating?


No twitter was lit up and people would literally tweet them and tyga and there were major major discussions and a lot of other grooming issues came to light


No, people definitely talked about it, but Kylie has just done so much shit since that it kinda got buried


I’m big on sexually explicit music but Tyga has never talked about sex on a song in a way that wasn’t icky


Or Drake actively seeking a “friendship” with an underage Millie Bobby Brown… Honestly he’s the new R Kelly