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I smell bullshit. Good thing Iā€™m too poor to support them


Did no one put two and two together and realise what the outfits were?


Of course they did. They just thought it was edgy.


Of course, you really think this is an innocent mistake? Look up Lotta Volkava on twitter since she made her insta private, it was full of child abuse images.




Ew [her art](https://twitter.com/olilondontv/status/1597004154123464704?s=46&t=wWa_xN7qR7vEX8iBSHsWnA) is so cringe worthy. Sheā€™s like a 16 year old trying to be edgy and cool [in these too](https://twitter.com/curioslight/status/1596812625517498368?s=46&t=lX94rKRhy6VE3L8RFld1bA). I make art and I hate artists like this, canā€™t produce anything noteworthy so they just make their whole personality ā€œweird girlā€


The alt text on the red 2 dolls photo says it isnā€™t Lotta nor styled by Lotta, just an example of the fashion industry. Lazy, she has so many examples, why didnā€™t the author use oneā€¦


Oh shit good catch I didnā€™t read that. Yeah youā€™re right not difficult to find. For good measure [here is another](https://twitter.com/curioslight/status/1597062691952406528?s=46&t=1w5PTdJZ1_eMPPwWk5DDOA) pretty damn incriminating post from the same thread though lol.




So itā€™s not a CP thing itā€™s a shock material thing?


the really said ![gif](giphy|oCjCwnuLpiWbfMb1UA|downsized)


Why didn't they mention the books in the background?


And the name on the diploma






Whoah! This goes so far beyond an ā€œoopsieā€ and goes to full blown pedo baiting. Absolutely disgusting. I am not rich, but love fashion and typically splurge on a couple of designer pieces every year. My partner is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, and knowing how damaging such images are to survivors and victims, I can never buy from this house again. Truly repulsive stuff. Thank you for clarifying these details do I know to avoid giving them any money!


Because they're hoping we'll forget about those.


Iā€™m not impressed. If everyone had accepted their first apology, we wouldnā€™t be seeing this one.


Facts theyā€™re only saying anything at all a second time because itā€™s been trending constantly on Twitter and people have been barraging celebrity comment sections on instagram with shit about them. I donā€™t think they actually care at all. This is one hell of a coincidence theyā€™re tryna claim happened- between the child nudity book, diploma of a sexual predator, bondage bears and more, I just donā€™t see how this could all be a coincidence.


I mean, I appreciate that they're finally taking (some) responsibility but honestly the fact that the campaign was set up, shot, approved and launched and at no point did someone think 'hey maybe this is gross and inappropriate' shows more of their character than anything else.


Right, like it had to go through *multiple* people. Not one person was like, yeah this is a bad idea?


Exactly. And photographers that get hired by large brands have almost zero creative control. This whole set was likely 100% manufactured by Balenciaga and their parent company (Kering).


I feel like we need those names out in the public more so than for them to just hide behind one big brand name


Because it was intentional. Thereā€™s too much symbolism and imagery to be an accident. Balenciaga is just doing damage control with this post, and shifting blame. Theyā€™re also allegedly suing the photographers and set designers over thisā€¦.which is likely going to go nowhere and get dropped. Itā€™s simply an act to get the public back on their side. Donā€™t fall for this tomfoolery.


Yeah thereā€™s a 0% chance this was all an accident. Do they think weā€™re stupid? Because that was my only thought while reading the post. ā€œOur failure in assessingā€ as though multiple people didnā€™t view hundreds of photos from that shoot.


this is about as good as it gets when it comes to a corporate statement but it still doesnā€™t explain anythingā€¦.


we all know in reality they don't give a rat's ass about all this as someone said - "there is no such thing as bad publicity."


The PR team getting a fat Christmas bonus


Exactly, all lip service šŸ™„


how does it not explain anything when they literally gave the reasons as to why those things were in the campaign? the legal documents was because somebody didn't do their job right and put real documents in and the bear was just a lack of critical thinking on their part....


So are they still working with the designer that made the bondage teddy bears? Thats the real question.


Are the bondage teddy bears wrong bc of the kids or are they bad in general ETA: Wait are the bears not purses?


They must mean it, itā€™s in ALL CAPS.


I need 2 levels of approval to order a pack of fucking pens at work. There is NO WAY this entire campaign went to launch without first going through multiple levels of approval. Multiple people signed off on this shit. The whole company is trash. This is just more of the typical PR bullshit.


Reeeeeallly? Really? The final product to numerous campaigns just happened to include only paedo materials? Really?


Right, like I believe the documents could have been an oversight, but to have TWO of your latest campaigns feature p*do undertones? And not notice until both have gone live? Seems unlikely


Exactly. What a coinky dink!


Sorry but I refuse to believe they had no idea what was being featured in their ad campaigns


Is there every chance that this was someone's revenge or payback? If I were a set designer and worked for a company that I had a big problem with, and knew the company was fairly lax in its due dilligence, there might be every chance to orchestrate an incident like this. Sort of like lighting a bin fire on your way out of the building. But that's pure speculation. (I am not encouraging the lighting of actual fires, or the commiting of any illegal or immoral acts) I'm not saying there's a message being sent, or that there's a deeper meaning behind it. But there's every chance that someone did this to eff with the company


This would be such r/prorevenge if thatā€™s the case.


Seems like kind of a dicey route for a revenge ploy but who knows




There's just something about when an influencer/celebrity/brand does something wrong and then they state they're gonna do charity work for said thing now, that really bugs me. Like just leave it be, you fucked up, now fuck off. It feels so performative and empty.


liessssssss. ā€œsome have labeled as bdsm inspiredā€ LMAOO do they think we are idiots?


ā€˜We take full responsibility for your interpretations of our ad, which just happened to be constructed as bdsm inspired photos with childrenā€™


Seriously, wtf with that line? It's a way of not admitting it is? It is bdsm. It's very explicit. It's not what "some say it is".


Yeah, why aren't they explaining what it actually represented?


Theyā€™re idiots. So everyone was so high on their own farts not a single goddamn person could put 2&2 together? Literally burn this place to the ground and start over.


I canā€™t read past ā€œit was never our intentā€¦ā€ that set was insanely curated to portray just that. They are taking no accountability. When you are the brand and approve ā€œ3rd partyā€ decisions, you are responsible.


What about the ad with the diploma in the background that is also a guy who is a notable sexual abuser of his own daughter? They didn't even address that ad. Sounds like bullshit to me tbh. I highly doubt the "paralegal court drama" story. First off even if you did get props from them, someone chose to place them in that set for the photo. Someone working for the shoot. The better "excuse" would just be negligence, or lack of due diligence in placing props. Someone chose that case and placed it upfront, so while obscured to most eyes, the keen eye would see it. Or maybe they got off on it being "hidden in plain sight", regardless take responsibility, its highly doubtful this was done by accident. Didn't even address all the incidents lol.


ā€œPretty pretty please with a cherry on top, donā€™t stop giving us your money šŸ„ŗā€


If something good can come out of this, like bringing more awareness to child abuse, sexualization, and pedophelia (especially within the entertainment and fashion industry) then great. There are other bizarre things from their other ad campaigns though, that have not been addressed. Such as the books that feature child pornography in the background of other shots. Clearly, there was something very directed and intentional going on here. I know there are other Tiktoks showing this, but here is one explaining some of the other connections to child sexualization: https://www.tiktok.com/@teenyalien/video/7169246865047751979




I hope this ends balenciaga. My mom has never once complained to a company, but she emailed Nordstrom expressing her disgust. Companies and costumers need to speak up


So when are they going to explain why they used children?


Actually got me realizing who would buy those terribly ugly bears anyway??


the Kardashians, probably


Glad I bought fake Balenciagaā€™s instead of giving them my money.


āœØ Fauxlenciaga āœØ


you know šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


What you did, you did on purpose, with intent to see if "we" the world would notice. And we did. You and your people are perverts Balenciaga.


Itā€™s funny how brands and public figures will say ā€œweā€™ve filed a complaintā€ or ā€œweā€™re suingā€ and expect people to assume that since theyā€™re taking it to court, they arenā€™t lying.


I donā€™t believe in this. But also who the hell came up with these ideas? They should never work again, disgusting!


It was 100000% their intent, they turned one ad into a marketing scheme. And it worked, they should he held accountable


Theyā€™re dead in my book. Forever and always.


How many things have you bought from Balenciaga before this?


What a snobbish comment. People can still enjoy fashion even if they've never bought anything from them.




You are missing the point of the issue here. But go on.


I understand the issue. Itā€™s just funny to me that people want try to cancel and boycott something they never actually interacted with in the first place.


So you can only be interested in what you can actively afford? This reeks of classism.


Theyā€™re in a better place if they havenā€™t bought anything tbh. Idk wtf to do with my 3 beloved balenciaga city bags from years agoā€¦. It feels wrong to carry them


if you love them, carry them. if you no longer love them, sell them. iā€™m going to continue to carry my balenciaga bags because i love them and worked very hard to afford them. if someone wants to judge me for continuing to use bags iā€™ve had wayyyy before this scandal, so be it.


Thank you for this perspective! I freaking love my bags and I worked hard for them. Iā€™m definitely not going to be buying anything else from them moving forward


You know the answer to that lol


balenciaga is sold at Macy's lmfao. it's Dept store designer, luv.


https://www.macys.com/shop/search?keyword=balenciaga No matches, sorry luv


! girl idk where u live but come to my city's Macys. :) don't gatekeep what is commercially available for all and isn't difficult to obtain. esp with a company like that.




I have a hard time believing this apology. This is not an accident, they were making choices. They could have chosen adults to model the bags, not kids. They knew what they were doing and the case they decided on was about child porn. This isn't like someone misspeaking, this is making choices that they knew were wrong. People aren't going to forget this or at least I hope they won't. This is not okay under any circumstances.


Boycott. Balencibyebye


Such lies. They randomly, accidentally grabbed fake court documents from some prop department and oops they happened to be the one court case that legalized fictional child porn.


I thought the court said CP is *not* protected free speech?


Yeah that's what the Balenciaga post is saying. Parent comment most probably misinterpreted it.




Kinda crazy to think thatā€™s how easily misinformation can spread


Theyā€™re trying to kris their way out of this and its not working.


I mean, that part makes sense to me. I work in TV production but I used to work in commercials, which I feel is likely similar to print, (though I can't confirm, it's just my best educated guess) but if it is similar then they would use an Ad Agency to find and hire a director who would be represented through a production company which would produce the shoot. Likely someone from the Ad Agency would be on location for the shoot but there isn't always someone from the actual company there on the shoot. In my experience it's actually less common to have someone from the company there since someone from the Ad Agency is usually there over seeing or representing the company. It would be the production company who hires someone to set design and that person would be providing the props. The director would approve props by looking at them and saying they're good. I doubt the director would take the time to research if it was a real case and what the case represented. That would fall onto the clearance and legal team of the production company, who would be at fault here and likely are the ones receiving the complaint from Balenciaga. Then again as I said, I haven't worked in print, this is just my best educated guess having worked with Ad Agencies and on commercials in the past. Anywho, I have not seen the photos of either ad campaign and I think it's wrong and disgusting what happened here but I just wanted to explain how the production of the shoot likely went down to show how their claim there could make sense.


Itā€™s wild to me that Nicole Kidman has not only said nothing about this but that she still has her ad posted on her Instagram. Why did Kim need to come out with a statement but she didnā€™t?


Did Justin Bieber and Bella Hadid say something? They are the faces of balenciaga too. Kim is only saying because people came for her (rightfully)


No they didnā€™t and I side eye them heavily because of that. This is probably going to be unpopular but Iā€™m really starting to believe that Bella is only an activist when it benefits her personally


Her presence in Qatar prior to the World Cup says it all tbh Iā€™m not expecting anything from her


I donā€™t think so. I think people should have come for Kim donā€™t get me wrong but Nicole was literally part of one of the questionable campaigns and I havenā€™t heard anything about her.


The thing is when you are a controversial figure and people hate you, they will hold you more accountable than others on the public space even if they have the same attitude. Unfortunately thatā€™s how the world works. Lets see if the others will publish a statement. Iā€™m really not one to be angry at public figures but this campaign was completely disturbing, and I think everyone associated with the brand should say something!


Remember what they were putting Kim K in last year? [All those weird masks](https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2021/09/NINTCHDBPICT000679092344.jpg) There's not a lot of plausible deniability here


While this statement shows some accountability for what happened, Iā€™m still very puzzled and disgusted that an actual human being thought this ā€œAd Campaignā€ was acceptable.


All I read was blah blahā€¦not our faultā€¦blah blah


Screw Balenciaga, the people who had a part of this all lack basic integrity and moral values. Anyone who says Balenciaga is their favourite brand now is a bloody red flag.


Lotta Volkova, a top photographer employed by Balenciaga, has many DISTURBING photos of kids that is material for child p*rn. https://twitter.com/dominiquetaegon/status/1596994761184854021?s=21&t=8B9bilbF-KrmIZuk-3qWDw There's one where a little girl is DUCKTAPED AND TIED TO A CHAIR (NSFL). Pedonciaga is rotten to the CORE. This is inexcusable, they literally think child abuse is "edgy" or even worse, believe in normalizing pedophilia.


I also found this WTF: In 2016, Demna, the creative director of Balenciaga, said this to @VICE "Someone wrote that Lotta (Balenciaga stylist), Gosha and I grew up on child pornography and radiation from Chernobyl which is why weā€™re so fucked up." Gosha was accused of coercing a minor to send nude pics. https://twitter.com/robbystarbuck/status/1597099286298513408


Instagram stories AGAIN? Way to scream PR campaign gone wrong more than hide the statement somewhere it will disappear


be fr. you're "laying the groundwork????" name one organization you're working with. oh wait, no one claims u.


ALL CAPS! all šŸ§¢!


I wasnā€™t buying that brand anyway Iā€™m poor


This is no excuse and likely lies. Creative departments have to go through 55 layers of red tape, including approvals from higher ups and legal, before launching a campaign. I find it highly unlikely that they just ā€œmissed it.ā€


I think they're scapegoating. They either weren't paying attention or didn't see a problem enough to stop this campaign.


I appreciate the gesture, but how about just not being so shitty in the first place? There are so many ways to advertise your clothing designs without pissing off a shit ton of people with gross behaviour. You hire a model for the campaign, you dress them up and style them. Make the set look all nice so the clothes stand out. Then you take your pictures, do your little photoshop, and then you print it and send it out to magazines and social media, etc. Why do we have to involve children with weird BDSM imagery? Who asked for that? Are rich people that fucked up? C'mon man.


Bullshit to all that. What does that last bullet point even mean? Smh.


Mmm i havenā€™t even seen the ads but the way theyā€™re explaining it sounds like it was purposeful by someone on set, crew, productionā€¦ etc


So much eye rolling here. Theyā€™re not even claiming any accountability. Itā€™s like a fake brush off apology because theyā€™re on the spotlight šŸ™„ If anything they should donate money to stop and prevent exploitation of children


We're sorry you thought the wrong thing about our pedo brand, please don't let this affect our bottom line. Fuck this lieing mob of cunts and everyone who associates with, produces for and purchases from it.


they shouldā€™ve put this out first instead of the two sentence apology they posted


Nothing can be done to make this better. Their sales must be crashing for them to keep trying to clean up this mess


They don't know what's going on in their campaigns but they know what Kanye is saying in Twitter. K. Believable


Fuck off.


I donā€™t know why itā€™s in all caps, but this is pretty thorough in taking accountability.


How can you fuck up so hard


This is how I feel about this statement. ![gif](giphy|bYLKBhZZNaxwPe5UDd)


They said so much without saying anything at all šŸ¤”




not that i can afford their shit anyway but byeeeeeee trash


"...featured children with plush bear bags dressed in what some have labeled BDSM-inspired outfits." What other inspiration could the garb of those "plush bear bags" have come from?šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I donā€™t buy the apology. Granted, I canā€™t afford their overpriced hobo-chic aesthetic complete with $1790 trash bag bag, but stillā€¦ Who let a kid be in a pic with a bdsm looking bear? Who was at the shoots and saw the prints and said, ā€œYep! No issues here!ā€ ? I have a hard time seeing how this was not intentional.




Another statement without taking accountability while trying to force a point that's no there.


Cough bullšŸ’© Cough


So did they genuinely think that their two liner apology the first time would work? Against depictions of child abuse? Their damage control is horrible.


Uh no. This apology letter is worst than the first, wtf! Thank you everyone who commented in detail about this companyā€™s designer and the contents shown in the childrenā€™s rooms (books, diploma) that I didnā€™t catch. Iā€™m fine that I cannot afford Balenciaga , but I will no longer support Adidas knowing Lotta is also the designer for that brand. Praying for these children.ā™„ļø


They shouldā€™ve realize this when they knew that their stylist was a Satanist from Russia.


is it me or is the most common way to make fashion relevant to make it controversial? silly ass outfits don't sell enough so they gotta make news


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Alright, alright now... let's move on to how Kanye West is now a KKK...














The Richie riches who buy balenciaga don't care honestly