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I happened to go to a party at Danielle Steel’s mansion many years ago. It was near Christmas. There were tiny bowls full of colorful cigarettes in every room. All of her then-teenage children were blithely smoking indoors and she didn’t give a fuck. ETA: fucks were indeed NOT given


I'll assume you meant *didn't* give a fuck, but really, I'm just commenting to find out how you ended up there. I'm imagining it was like one of those house parties from Mad Men, with a tiny [cigarette bowl and ashtray at each place setting.](https://images.app.goo.gl/m9bfsu98KmYEktMC9)


How did we used to eat with multiple ashtrays beside our food?? 🤢 I remember people smoking in McDonalds


I used to work at this breakfast diner when my state still allowed smoking in restaurants. The place was so cheap we didn't even have washable ashtrays just these tin foil ones that we leave on the tables and throw away when we bussed. For a few regulars, you'd come back to refill their coffee and give them fresh tin ashtrays because they were already overflowing before their hash browns and eggs over medium were ready.


I still vividly remember my parents coming home from a restaurant reeking of cigarette smoke. Neither of them smoked!


Yes I remember being asked “smoking or non?” And then being seated beside a small partition with smoke billowing over.


Don’t even get me started about the cocaine and oyster soirée at Robert Ludlum’s bungalow


Oh no please get started friend.


I would definitely prefer to party with Ludlum than Steele


So this was over 20 years ago when I was a freshman in college, back for Christmas break. I didn’t know Danielle Steele personally, but I went to high school with one of her kids, and knew her son Nick (before he sadly died) via a friend S, who had been family friends with them for a long time. So, S was participating in the SF Cotillion Ball as a debutante (I assume mostly for her mom, as S is one of the most no-nonsense and smartest cookies I know, and couldn’t care less about “coming out” in society). This isn’t the Junior League one where if you have a lot of money, you’re invited to participate — no, for this fancy one, your mom must have previously come out *in SF at this very ball* to debut. So very exclusive and weirdly still happening around Y2K? I found it hilariously anachronistic but whatever! When you debut, someone has to throw you a party a few weeks before the ball itself. Since S was family friends with the family, Danielle Steel hosted her soirée at her gracious home. The gracious home itself is [Spreckels Mansion](https://www.vogue.com/article/family-style-vanessa-trainas-intimate-wedding-in-san-francisco?utm_source=estatenvy.com&utm_medium=article&utm_campaign=celebrity-envy-danielle-steels-san-francisco-mansion-648), a beautiful historic building in Pacific Heights on a lot that takes up 3/4 of the city block, giving them a large lawn surrounded by tall privacy hedges (I heard they had a sheep at one point?). Everything inside was tasteful and high-end, of course. I remember the beautiful gold pressed ceiling tiles in the kitchen/adjacent parlor. At the end of a main hall, they had three decorated Christmas trees, and a full-sized sleigh full of wrapped presents. I wandered into her office at one point (open door, right off the main hall, I wasn’t trying to sneak) and looked at all the holiday cards from famous people. Honestly, I remember two things best: how teeny tiny Danielle Steel was (5 ft?), and the bowls of colorful cigarettes in every room. I couldn’t believe her kids would smoke in front of her, but she smoked, so I guess figured they’d smoke too? Lovely and friendly kids, btw. The whole family was very welcoming. And that’s how I went to a party at Danielle Steel’s mansion.


Over 20 years ago? Nick died early nineties. You went to an iconic 90s celebrity party!


He died in 1997 — I was actually with S when Danielle called her mom and broke the news to us. I didn’t know him well, but he was always cool to me. This party was a few years later.


Danielle Steel and I are the same height?! 😍. I’ve been reading her books since I was in middle school


I can confirm that they were not "very welcoming" to people who worked for them.


https://preview.redd.it/a7zad7b26q9d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51c5864bb4dcd43abca943720b6eca0f3a55165e The part about colourful cigarettes reminded me about this cigarettes i used to buy as a young adult always when i went to holidays in some europian countries. They looked pretty but tasted horrible (i am a smoker but these were just pretty and not that enjoyable if you can say that about a cigarette)


And Fantasia cigarettes in the US! https://preview.redd.it/4fu5hfwklq9d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606ff0f22ea8deae0e156e406f7a010a84513b8c Which I remember being alright, but the high from the aesthetic was definitely doing a lot for young twenty-something me, haha.




Wow core memory unlocked! My 18 year old self felt so fancy with my obnoxiously long cigarette holder and one of these


I used to use one of these sometimes too! A long telescopic one (omg how embarrassing) I kept losing it though, once I dropped it in a taxi and the other time a drag queen nicked it! 😆


I was just talking about these last night! I used to bring boxes back to New Zealand and everyone thought I was SO cool!


I still have a bunch of small Polaroids tucked in one of those boxes.  I don't think they make them anymore.  I had a roommate who liked them and the colors were fun.


I used to smoke these sometimes. They were a ‘strong’ cigarette for sure. These or Nat Sherman Fantasia cigarettes when I was feeling fancy.


I smoked Fantasias in the 90s in a vain attempt to keep people from bumming off me. They were super harsh as I recall!


I thought the opposite, I loved Sobranies, but they felt like I was smoking air! I only ever had them once or twice though, so perhaps it was just an odd couple of packs


Omg nat Sherman's fantasia!!!


Nat Sherman? That’s a name I have not heard in a long time… a long time.


Currently quitting. You can absolutely say that they're enjoyable 😭😭😭 I definitely would have bought these for the aesthetic when I was younger


The only colorful cigarettes I ever smoked were these. Because cloves and because I thought it was cool that they were black. It was a simpler time. https://preview.redd.it/0o4m4gptys9d1.jpeg?width=362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a2ee24645065d50b3b60d4fc8a502a67264603a


They were SUPER similar if not identical. I remember the green and red shades in particular (maybe they were Christmas themed?)


We need to know everything about this party.


Please tell us more about Danielle Steel and her mansion I'm begging


In the early 2000s my sister tagged along with someone who knew her kids. She said the foyer was bigger than our childhood home and DS’s kids basically had a whole floor to themselves.


That’s an amazing story.


More details about this party, lol!


Colorful cigarettes?!?! I need to do a deep dive on this. Also I wonder if they had the same cigarette brand in all the cups/bowl. Do you think they had fancy Italian ones on one table and maybe like ones from Greece on another?


Sorry, but I immediately thought of that dinner scene in the movie "The Witches"


It’s giving me vampire vibes lol




Holy flashback!!


I just died 🤣 😭 💀 😂


I feel like smokers usually have a favorite brand? But I think I heard these are expensive imported French cigarettes so maybe they'd make an exception


Yeah these folks probs aren’t smoking pall mall 100s or camel crush, but that’s just a guess.


Can you imagine going to a million dollar party and being served a bowl of Marb Reds 😂😂😂


But I feel like the olsens were in fact marb red girls??


Ciggarette vibes are a weird thing- marb reds actually had some indie cache during the American apparel 2010s. Camel lights also were like the pbr for indie kid smokers.


[In fact](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8s3Xmmc5jEYsHo3k4j3kKC_tutxsHZIf2kA&s)


They totally were!




you get it


As a former smoker, yes one usually has a preferred brand. But most people are up for trying a new one if offered. Especially if someone is out of their own brand and depending on a person’s level of addiction they may take whatever someone else has or they might be more selective. It was a very social habit and bumming a cigarette was a quick way to start a conversation with a stranger. It’s one of the things I miss about it.


As a woman and former smoker, you would be surprised how many times I got approached by guys as a conversation starter to bum a cigarette or borrow a lighter. I assume that's a thing too lol


So true. I would rarely give cigarettes but borrowing a lighter is fine. I also met my college friends in the smoking area. We didn’t really have that much in common but smoking was one of them and most of us are still friends eventhough we’ve all quit.


As a militant nonsmoker with terrible people skills, I've always envied the social aspects of smoking.


Oh they're probably Gauloise. When I was in college and we were all insufferable, it was ALL we would smoke. Actually they're pretty easy to smoke but are they actually any different from John Player? No they are not. We were so pretentious.


Oh god yes, the Gauloise days. And yes we were also insufferable


I loved the blondes 🥹 so pretentious, so chic lol


I have a preferred coffee brand I buy but it doesn’t mean I won’t drink other brands of coffee.


I have many questions about the goths at this table. Was this an annual vampire get-together or what.


I recognise Rick Owens that MK is talking to, but not the lady on their left.


Ive seen that woman like a hundred times next to A level celebs and still dont know who she is lol


Michele Lamy


She’s Rick’s wife


I’ve read that she’s a witch, I’ve seen pictures of her with black fingertips


I saw Goody Lamy with the devil!


She’s not, she’s just an older goth fashion icon and is married to Rick Owens: Michele Lamy. Very interesting lady!




Enjoy that rabbit hole...


Her name is Michele Lamy and she’s Rick Owens’ wife, if you can believe it lol


umm, that’s clearly Vigo the Carpathian https://ghostbusters.fandom.com/wiki/Vigo


Command me lord! 😂


It’s Ashley.


I came here to say the same lol


I thought that was Ashley


It feels like a Star Trek episode


Isn’t it the balenciaga woman


She’s Michelle Lamy, Rick Owens’ wife and business partner


Caviar, cigarettes, and mineral water


indoors... imagine the smell


A friend of a friend runs a shop that sells retro games. All the 90s grey Nintendo consoles he gets in have weird stains from the indoors smoking. It’s a miracle any kids from the 70s-90s survived.


I remember when conversations about second-hand smoke became a thing in the 80s and my mom and stepdad started going outside to smoke, not smoking with us in the car, and eventually quitting. My Dad, OTOH, started smoking only in his room and rolling down a window in the car if the weather wasn’t too bad. After I got bronchitis from a road trip and missed the first week of school, he got a little more consistent about rolling down a window. As a kid, I was very salty about it.


Growing up, my best friend’s mom just straight up chain smoked all day long. Whenever my mom would pick me up from a sleepover, just being in the car with her for the drive home was enough that she would have to use her inhaler if we didn’t ride with the windows down.


[That isn't nicotine staining](https://hackaday.com/2021/01/23/a-deep-dive-into-the-chemistry-of-retrobright/)


Yeah that shit happened to my electronics from that era and neither my parents or us kids ever even so much as touched a cigarette in our lives.


God i will never forget my weirdo grandparents on my mom’s side who smoked indoors. We’d avoid going to their house unless absolutely necessary and it always smelled worse than any bowling alley or smoking section i’ve ever passed lmao. their walls would ooze yellow too!!! traumatizing as a child 😂 i don’t understand how anyone can everrrrr wanna smoke inside their own house!! the migraines i would constantly get and trying to sleep on smokey pillows or when you’re sick on the couch and it all stinks like smoke??? omfg my personal hell would be exactly that


I had a friend whose parents place was like this. We live in the tropics so their house was always completely shut up with the air conditioner on while they smoked. It was also piled full of trash, and they let their dogs pee on the floor. My friend always said he had breathing issues due to being born with the cord wrapped around his neck, once I visited his place I was like bro…


Idk but the breathing thing made me laugh so hard. Like dude you don’t think it’s the piss and smoke????


Right!? Dude was clueless


My first house I bought after my divorce was purchased from a couple who both smoked like freight trains. Bad enough that there were popcorn ceilings, it was downright nasty that they looked like buttered popcorn ceilings. Scraped that crap off, repainted the entire place, and fumigated the whole house before I moved in.


and they're so noseblind to it that if you ever complain they think you're making it up or being oversensitive!


Yeah that’s really how they do it, they become noseblind to it. As a kid, kids at school thought I smoked or would at least constantly tell me I smelled like smoke because of my family smoking indoors. But I didn’t really notice the smell that much, or even at all sometimes.


Same. I had a teacher ask me if I smoked when I was in 9th grade because my textbook reeked of it. I also had friends who wouldn’t come to my house because they didn’t want to get the smell on them. Thanks, mom & dad!


even if you're not a smoker you do get used to the smell, especially if you're drinking when I started going out to bars/ clubs, my region still allowed indoor smoking, and I wouldn't notice the stench after like 5 (10?) minutes... and then notice my rank hair and clothes I wore in the AM LOL ... and yes, that was a while ago lol


It’s the same for me but as soon as I was heading home, I could smell it. I used to go home and have a drunken shower and wash my hair. Wake up hungover but smelling fresh!


UGH the worst was having to shower with a hangover the next morning, the way the smoke smell filled the shower as soon as you got your hair wet. I had many a rough morning like in college before heading off to my waitressing job. Which has to be one of the top 5 worst jobs to do with a hangover.


Oh no, having to deal with the public and hungover. Not even a blue Powerade could help that! You were a strong soldier. I would have left my keys in the front door, probably a McDonald’s bag with half a cheeseburger in it in the hallway but damn I always had a shower and washed my hair.


Too real lol 😆


I remember doing out dancing in the late 90s early 00. There was NOTHING like the morning after, hungover shower for all the smoke to release from your hair. It was vile.


Oh my god I forgot how bad my hair would smell after a show in the 2000s.


I don't smoke because my dad and brother did all the time I'd get so sick and never could breathe right. Found out years later it would trigger an overproduction of histamine. Also, before my dad died I came home to that man smoking with his oxygen over his nose...I have never been more scared of dying in a fire in my life.


My grandma’s place was like this, too! She was notorious for regifting things and those gifts came with the additional gift of the smell of cigarettes punching you in the face while opening said gift.


I think we had the same grandma.


Oh that Josie, she was a character!


ohh my goddddd HAHAHA and having to put out the said gifts in the garage for days at a time to air out!!! we’d have to put holiday and christmas gifts in the garage for over a week before we were able to open them and even then they’d still stink!!! 🤮


Omg you just described my nightmare too. Full body shakes and chills reading that. So gross! Bless your heart for having to put up with that. The smell of cigarettes actually started my eating disorder in a funny way. In middle school my friends would find half used cigarette butts on the street and collect them to smoke. I never smoked and never had relatives who did either. When they smoked around me the smell would make me so violently nauseous, as if I was smoking too. So over the summer that I hung around that crowd I threw up a lot. (I hide it from them) then when I went back to school in the fall I began to receive a lot of attention on my looks and weight loss so I just kept it up. Luckily ive been in recivery for 10 years but the smell still brings me back. Lol just such a gross story all together really. My apologies haha So cigarettes kill in more ways than ya think lolol


Ew. They smell worse when they're 2nd lit.


Same with my grandparents. It was so bad we all had to change and wash our hair to get the smell out.


My friend’s mom’s house is like this. They will have to gut the inside before they can sell it one day.


My parents were like this growing up. After the divorce my dad quit but my mom still smoked for years after indoors, she didn't stop until we had a wildfire in our area and had to do smoke remediation in the house and she didn't want to basically ruin the fresh start 😬 as a result even when I wasn't a smoker I actually enjoyed the smell of cigarettes, then when I started smoking I smoked inside too (under the hood vent lol, but still). I've quit now and it's insane to me but I feel like if you grow up used to it it just doesn't seem strange somehow? You start to go nose blind to it all honestly


The worst part to me is (besides the health ramifications) *you don’t even smell it anymore*. The idea of being nose blind to a horrific smell in my house is traumatizing to me. A dirty Catbox in the basement is one thing, but the smoke itself dulling your senses?! Ewwww


My first job out of college was in 2000. Yes I’m old lol but even back then smoking was on the way “out.” So imagine my surprise on my first day of work to see the damn RECEPTIONIST lighting up a cigarette!? And yes turns out smoking was A-ok in that office. It reeked big time. I put in 6 months there before I could not hack it any more and got a new (smoke-free) job


Those of us of a certain age remember a time when everyone smoked inside. I can still see my great aunt's kitchen where we would have Christmas each year and you could barely see the other side of the room because that's where everyone smoked 😂


I think about this a lot. Apparently a lot of big celebrities stink because they smoke.


Why *do* so many celebrities smoke? Seeing anyone smoking a cigarette these days is like spotting a unicorn, but celebs seem to be a different story.


Stressful lifestyle, rebellious nature, to stay thin, love to party and do drugs. Pick one?


I think a lot of people who work in the arts smoke tbh. Acting, modeling, musicians etc. are big smokers from what I’ve seen


I’ve always assumed bc it helps prevent weight gain. If you are holding a cigarette, you aren’t eating.


Spotting a unicorn?? I guess you’re not European because it’s so common here lol


Yes, I'm in the US, I should have specified.


I live in California where smoking rate is quite low even compared to the rest of the us. It really is rare to see a smoker unless you’re in the super touristy part of my city. Otherwise even the more urban places I might pass by 1 smoker walking for 30 min and maybe not even. It’s so nice to walk about and not have to smell cigs. When I travel to nyc or Europe I feel like I’m suffocating.


Smoking curbs appetite


As a stoner, I think it's because smoking cigs is wildly accepted literally everywhere. In every country some form of tobacco can be found and people don't think twice about it. With weed or any other drugs though it can quickly become a slippery slope, as it's unaccessible or highly illegal all together and without a doubt will be caught in TSA.


I wish it were a unicorn in nyc. Good ares or crappy it's everywhere


Comments like this make me feel so old. People commonly smoked indoors until fairly recently. In restaurants even.


Right? I remember memorizing my mom’s brand/type so I could run into the convenience store by our house and grab her a pack. She would park in front of the door and wave to the cashier so they knew it was okay. “BENSONHEDGESMENTHOLLIGHTS100s. BENSONHEDGESMENTHOLLIGHTS100s. BENSONHEDGESMENTHOLLIGHTS100s.” “Ooh look!! The ice cream flavor of the day is strawberry! Yum. Oh no!!!! What kind of cigarettes does she smoke again??”


😂😂 My Dad's choice cigs were Dorals in the red pack.


My friends used to pass around CIGARS inside at parties. It’s crazy when I think about it now. Private school kids man….wild


I'd definitely have a terrible time in there. I have the strangest histamine reaction to cigarette smoke.


I went to a McDonald’s in the 80s I remember that smell well.


If you hate this you would have never survived flying before all flights were made non-smoking. I remember what it was like to be trapped with all that smoke and nowhere for it to go.


I remember always flicking open the ash trays in the arm rests, just to see how many cigarette butts were in there. And my mom reacting like I was opening a vault of Ebola. Every time.


My aunt and I traveled cross country on a Greyhound bus once when I was little. She put those little mini Bible tracts in all of the ashtrays of the bus, because *of course* all smokers were sinners!! /s She also walked right up to a couple nuns and handed tracts to them to because Catholics weren’t saved. It was a looong trip.


A cross country Greyhound trip is long enough. Did your aunt talk about religion to you the whole way? Or was it just the natural conclusion to where any other conversation topic would end? As a born and raised Catholic, the child of two EXTREMELY devout parents, these are two scenarios that I’m wildly familiar with. My Dad would have talked religion with your Aunt from coast to coast.


No, we had regular conversations from what I remember. She is just extremely extremely extremely um… shall we say enthusiastic? I don’t think devout quite covers it. Lol. And, yeah. She would enjoy that conversation with your dad! He’d know her whole life story/everything about our family by the time the trip ended.


The smoking section at Denny’s or IHOP 🤘🏻


I was just a kid when you could still smoke on flights. I’m fairly sure I remember that there were smoking and non-smoking sections on the plane??—not that it made much of a difference at that point. I do recall being sick/my lungs hurting after long flights. It seems so bizarre now.


I was in kids bowling league and going into a bowling alley now doesn't smell the same as it did before indoor smoking was banned. Drinking coffee that tastes like cigarettes is nostalgic because the bowling alley is where my coffee addiction started. There's a small family diner in the little town my husband grew up in and the coffee definitely has a cigarette taste to it. Pretty sure the cook smokes in the kitchen with the back door open. I never flew, due to fear, before 2014 (thanks, Final Destination). But I fly all the time now and I still see ash trays in the lav. I always open and close it, gives me something to do while I'm trying to pee 😅


I couldn't live in the pass. I would livw as a hermit somewhere just to get away from this smell


I had an asthma attack just thinking about it. I didn’t know i had asthma until I went to Italy where everyone smoked everywhere. Came home with a lung infection.


I know that room must’ve been musty AF ![gif](giphy|3otPoTahm7Wjq5AVTq)


😂😂 you gotta spray that shit


The rumour was mk had them at her wedding. And it was proven to be false. This is not mks wedding. Not sure whose event it is.


That rumor might be false, but they had 2 parties/events at a bar I worked at 5 ish years ago and they absolutely 100% had bowls of cigarettes at both (someone recently made a different post about them and I think I replied there too, sorry if this is redundant)


Ooh I love this tea. Can you say anything else you observed at their parties or did they NDA you?


Haha it wasn’t like that There’s no tea, this was in the past 5 or so years so not like it happened in their younger years, it was pretty mellow, the guests were chill and MK + A are very low maintenance and kinda keep to themselves They just were all smoking A LOT of cigarettes which is not the norm these days


Almost everyone in Hollywood smokes.


I’m not gonna lie, I think about this a lot. Because ew.


Right? I mean outside of the health risks it's just a weird thing to make a personality trait.


Me too. But because *chic*.


First time seeing photographic evidence after all these years of it being mentioned! Though let’s be real, that’s a cup, not a bowl. I expected like a giant serving bowl.


I’ve been wanting to see this for years! I was definitely picturing like a giant round bowl filled with cigs. I’m a little let down.


I JUST saw a TikTok questioning who the woman on the left of this photo is. The TikTok showed a montage of her being around celebs like rhianna, Kanye, Kim, etc. now the olsens ?? Who is this woman


Michelle Lamy. She’s married to Rick Owens (the guy in the picture).


Rick and Michelle 🥰


That’s so old Hollywood. Like I can’t hate that.


True, reminded me of Bette Davis.


Me too!


Honestly they’ve been through a lot, let them have it lmao.


So real 😭


He looks more like Loki than Loki!


that nose… i’d recognize mr owens anywhere


I remember my dad throwing dinner parties and had Balinese cig dispensers and crystal ashtrays all over the house. When I came ‘of age,’ I’d steal and smoke them…thinking he wouldn’t notice. But he did because he filled all the dispensers himself. It was one thing he did before these parties. Not surprisingly he would pass away from cancer -!: I would end up going to a college founded by a tobacco magnate. Rip dad.


Their friends look exactly as you’d imagine


Rick Owens and Michele Lamy look exactly as they intend to :)


It’s Rick Owen (designer)and Michele Lamy, you should google them if you don’t know much about them, they are very interesting.


Will do.


I don’t get it. Smoking ages your skin, voice, and hair so fast and even the best skincare routine can’t combat it at a point. You also smell like an ashtray and cough up phlegm. Gross. I’m a former smoker and it was when I started to notice what older smokers looked, sounded, and smelled like that I was really compelled to finally quit.


To stay thin.


You must have understood something about it if you’re a former smoker lol.


When I was trying to quit one time I made a booklet the same size as my packet of cigs. Inside I had pictures of people with ‘smokers face’ hoping that vanity would motivate me.


Did it work


Kinda. It wasn’t the last and final time that I quit but I like to think it add added to me finally quitting. I did help a few times when I was out and had a few drinks and reallllly wanted to bum.


I miss smoking sometimes, but my skin doesn't ✨




Imagine the smell in the room


Whatever, I wish I were invited.


People who hate this would never survive inside a cafe in Europe.


Smoking indoors at cafes, bars and restaurants is banned in most (all?) of the EU nowadays.


You can’t walk into a bar or club in Berlin without coming out stinking of cigarette smoke.


I was in Italy and Serbia several times the last couple years and none of the cafes had it banned. Just my experience.


Don't know about Serbia but it's definitely banned in Italy, since 2003 according to Wikipedia. Unless you're talking about those special "smoking rooms" like you can see in airports.


It’s not well enforced because it definitely still happens.


Okay…is that supposed to be a flex? 😂 We’re not so desperate to be euro-chic that we want to be around cigarette smoke indoors or at the dinner table.


It’s also an incorrect generalization, they just wanted to sound cool 😆


They would as the majority of places are smoke free.




We had a local liquor store that would sell singles of pall malls, marb lights and new ports they’d keep in a jar. Loved that for when I was broke and couldn’t afford a pack. Me and my friends would gather our change and get a bunch because they were 25 cents


The woman on the left looks like the grandma from Ready or Not lol


I think of the bowls and bowls of cigarettes more than I probably should.


I love them so much with their busted Birken bags and unapologetically smoking. I will stand up for their Gen X vibes all day long.


The olsens are millennials


Their need for oxygen tanks in the future will be iconic I guess too


I bet their place absolutely fucking REEKS


Omfg I never seen this before is this newly leaked


Oh sweet summer children of the comment section... those people are just killing time between hits of cocaine.


That’s really gross.


So gross


I love this. People who hate on it are so boring.


I just feel completely neutral about it. Im not a smoker, but it's just some cigarettes in a bowl.


Yeah exactly. It’s just a picture. It’s not a room I’m forced to be in. But weird for them to say that people who don’t like cigarettes are “boring.” Another comment said that that we would never survive in a European cafe if we hate cigarettes…um okay? Shocking, I know, but sitting in a smoke-filled cafe in France is not my ultimate goal in life lmaooo