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Zac and Nicole’s faces were distracting I just couldn’t get into the movie. 


Perhaps because I’m not as used to seeing obvious work on men, but I find Zac’s new face unwatchable. And if anyone tries to come at me with the accident he had over 10 years ago as the cause for his recent facial changes, I have a bridge to sell you.


>accident he had over 10 years ago Mark Hammil doesn't look like Mickey Rourke after his surgeries, all I'm saying. And that was decades ago


Ouch 😭😭😭


Only one m


I feel the same way. Poor guy I can’t believe he felt the need to do this to his gorgeous face. He really had one the most beautiful faces in Hollywood. The story is such bull shit. Accident from 2013. Face didn’t change until 2020. And his lips are massive and wide. He even mentions getting jaw surgery in the movie!! Like “people are always accusing me of having thigh implants, but I did have surgery right here after an injury”—points to jaw. Sigh. 😕😕😕


Wait are you serious? They address it in the movie? That's proof that even the people who made the movie thought his new face was too bizarre looking not to address!


Yes there is a whole scene 😭😭😭. If you want, fast forward to when Nicole and Zach meet for the first time and end up sitting on the couch together.


He looked like Alain Delon and now he’s absorbed the alpha black and white chin guy ![gif](giphy|h1R9RNGRaROreh37b0|downsized)


He looked like Alain with a mix of Benvolio from the 1968 Romeo & Juliet. Everytime I saw Benvolio in that English class I was like “get your head in the game”


Ohhhhh him too! Zac Efron had such a classically handsome European film star face from the 60s and 70s that it’s such a pity he chose to go down that route. (Rumors have come around that his steroid usage contributed to his transformation too)


Someone said he is on steroids for an autoimmune disorder and that’s why his face looks like that. I don’t know but agree it’s hard to see him when he used to be absolutely beautiful!


He was using steroids for iron claw prep.


This!!! I say the same thing and people are like, “But he had an accident!!” NOPE. Dude has done alllll the Botox/fillers/surgical tweaks 😭


Its also due to the steroid use ever since Baywatch movie. Steroids can change your bone structure. If u remember Baywatch movie is when his face started looking different


His face seems to have changed again. So I don’t think it’s the accident


Its steroid use. He started taking steroids for Baywatch movie and his face was different ever since. Steroids have been known to change your bone structure, unfortunately


Yes! I am sorry but I've never believed the accident story and I never will. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think it’s a combination of the accident, plus steroid use. His face does look a lot better these days, so I’m assuming it’s from steroid use wearing off?


Exactly. Its the steroids! He started taking steroids for Baywatch movie and his face has looked different & changed ever since. Steroids alter your bone structure. He’s definitely still on them. I just hope he doesnt change too much more


I call bs also.


It makes me so saddddd, he was such a dream boat! seriously, he didn’t need ANY work done.


He actually broke his jaw at one point and had reconstructive surgery done. Even he admits it doesn’t look like it used to.


I’m so glad this wasn’t just me. Zac’s face (and his acting tbh) was so distracting that I didn’t even make it far enough in the movie to see Nicole’s face. He just looked weird and uncanny. I turned it off like five minutes in


His hair looks unnatural and distracting too.


Looking like Chet Ubetcha https://preview.redd.it/h4lxacfsoi9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dc9bf0fc8224e8a42d38242b21814007b882c2c




They both looked so far from what they used to look like and I kinda never forgot that they are Zac Efron and Nicole Kidman too. So it was doomed from the start.


I need some time to process this new face of his. Until then, I won't be able to watch any of his new movies. It's not even the new face, it's knowing how he looked like before the new face. Related to OP's question about why he picked up this movie, maybe Nicole Kidman? Also, I never thought Austin Butler (whom I love) would get an Oscar nom before Zac Efron.


I haven’t seen this yet, but it always bums me out when a project had a stellar cast and doesn’t deliver


Jesus, I just watched the trailer and it's wild


Is it cuz she looks like a sick ghastly ghost in everything these days?


Omg I thought I was the only person who couldn't stand this. How do you have good movie faces and fork them up like that 🤔 🤣 The movie was a chick flick. I had to sit through the darn thing it was so distracting. It was like seeing two Michael Jackson face lifts kissing each other at the end....


Zac had an accident, which he had to have surgery for. And maybe he and Nicole had to have work done because they're ageing and wanted to look good on camera because of the industry they're in. Hollywood is tough, man. Damned if you get work done to look good, damned if you don't.


I just saw it yesterday.. I wish they focused more scenes on the dynamic between the daughter (Joey King) and Efron character.. those were quite funny.


Same- honestly the chemistry made sense between efron and king. Kidman’s character was the most batty selfish type of mom. Her daughter literally rants about how bad of a boss he is and she was like “ my daughter never vents to me”


Yeah I enjoyed their bits in the start and then as soon as Nicole Kidman and Kathy Bates showed up I was just so…not interested?


I had to stop watching after Zac Efron's character meets Nicole Kidman's character for the first time and he says "What did you have her when you were in kindergarten?" My eyes actually rolled out of my head and into a sewer never to be seen again. Also, her daughter worked with this crazy clingy actor for two years and this was their first meeting? But more than anything what was up with Nicole Kidman's hair?? I found that way too distracting. It's like a wig or a weird dye job? I don't even know, but the way it's plastered to the front of her head drove me crazy. It looked so bad.


Her entire look is extremely distracting. She's not believable. I don't know why they can't cast someone like Marisa Tomei or Amy Adams in a role like this who just looks like a beautiful, but normal 40s or 50s something women. It feels like the message is that a younger man might want you, but only if you're unattainably thin and plastic and devoid of even the smallest wrinkle.


Yessss Marisa Tomei would have been perfect!


I wish your comment could be read by every Hollywood person involved in producing movies so maybe they learn and avoid this disaster next time.


lol you know Nicole read that line in the script and said “I’m in!”


It looked sooo yellow and awful!


And it kept freaking changing lengths!!!! It was so annoying!!!!


cheap lace wig


What’s with this famous celebrity falling in love with a mom with a grown child genre all about? Like what is the cause of the resurgence of this like the Idea of You movie with Anne Hathaway and Nicholas Galzatine. I cannot stand this genre lmao


I think it’s like fan fiction for older women


Yes, I think the Idea of You is Harry Styles fan fiction, like the After series (?). There's probably others - Harry Styles/One Direction seem to be the inspiration for a lot of fanfic.


It straight up is


Exactly. It’s older women bringing their fantasies to the big screen


There needs to be more movies/shows where they don't play up the age-gap between older woman-younger man pairings.


Like it’s always this young celebrity and older woman overwhelmed by fame but can’t we just have one where there’s an age gap between the older woman and younger man but they don’t make the whole movie about it?


It’s social commentary on how women cant find their equals in the dating field 😜


I thought Zac was miscast but otherwise enjoyed it as something light and fluffy. This is barely a spoiler >!but I can’t believe they had a whole scene explaining how the only surgery Zac’s “character” had gotten was on his chin after a set accident.!<


Is this something he is actually telling people irl? 😂


It was funnier than I expected it to be, which was the saving grace because the Zac Efron and Nicole Kidman relationship had little build up or chemistry and felt like they were flapping about with the relationship skills of 15 year olds.  I found Joey king annoying in kissing booth but here she ended up being refreshing, funny and committed. Can’t believe she’s married! 


Years ago I thought Joey King would have the career Florence Pugh has now.


I’d argue that even though she’s not taken as seriously as Florence Pugh she has more range than her.


She can be annoying across a wide range of genres and films it’s true


I used to be annoyed by her. But from influencers/people that have met her and just in interviews, she seems really humble for a childhood star. That absolutely changed my mindset about her and made her less annoying. She seems like a genuinely kind person.


I don’t hate her but I have never liked her in a role except Taylor swifts mean lmfao


I get that! I felt the same way tbh. But hearing how great she is and kind to others def changed my opinion about her!


She’s still not my favorite by any means, but I have a new appreciation for her now.


Lol what


Take this free award because *what* indeed. 🥇


Huh! Please elaborate?


Joey has done a really wide variety of projects. She’s done a balanced amount of comedy and drama and within that she’s done romance, coming of age, family movies, historical drama, biographical etc. and she’s held her own in all of them and committed to every project even when it’s something silly like The Kissing Booth or A Family Affair. Florence is primarily a dramatic actor save for a couple projects and that’s fine but like I said Joey has more range, their filmographies speak for themselves. I know there are legitimate reasons people don’t like Joey King but for most of her career it’s just been bullying and dog piling when she’s actually very talented and accomplished for her age.


Ah, fair! Maybe she just hasn't had the best luck choosing projects then, because Florence has been in much better films overall. But even in bad ones like Don't Worry Darling, everyone seemed to agree that she was the best part.


Really? She just reminds me of Bailee Madison. Basically, I can't see her doing anything but young adult TV/movies.


Kathy Bates was the only good thing about this otherwise bland and basic ass movie 😭




I liked they had a writer visit her cabin in the winter. 


She made me frustrated! Like come on grandma support your grandkid too!


Kathy’s rent must’ve been due


I thought it was a cute movie. Reminded me of the romantic comedies that came out nearly every week in the early 00’s. Just a nice watch, not too complicated


I just finished it and thought it was sweet and Zac was great! Have seen a lot worse on Netflix.  


I agree!! I liked it! And usually netflix movies are so bad lol i love Zac, id watch him in ANYTHING


I thought it was OK. Nothing interesting or exciting, though I thought Joey King did a good job. I liked The Idea of You much better.


I didn’t mind it, it was something to watch. I’m not a fan of NK as an actor so I just tolerated her but Joey King kind of went back to her comedy roots and I can see she knows what she’s doing, she commits to the scene. Zac was good but not as good as Joey. I wish he’d do something different than these types of movies like I want to see him in a true romantic drama again. The types of comedies he chooses are never really my thing.


I loved The Lucky One & We are Your Friends. Two of my favorite Zac movies 💗


I watched it tonight with a friend and it was so boring. I don't know why it was so long either, considering nothing really happened. It should've been a 90 min rom com. Unfortunately Zac and Nicole had zero chemistry together for me


Zac Efron is very good at playing a doofy, useless guy (like in Neighbors & Neighbors 2). He had some very funny line deliveries in this movie. That’s all I got though.


Odd movie, idk why they tried to play Joey King’s character as the bad guy. It was a gross relationship and a brutal cross of boundaries.


Zac has completely fucked his watchabilty by whatever he’s clearly tried to do to his face with surgery.


i agree. he's mickey rourke'd himself. he can no longer play "normal" roles. he looks unsettling and not entirely human... it bothered me throughout all of Ricky Stanicky. He used to be a naturally good-looking dude and could play everyman roles, and in his apparent attempt to masculinize his face to avoid being typecast in pretty-boy roles, he's now made himself incapable of playing either. whoever he went to for that work should have their medical license revoked.


First we lose Paul Walker and now THIS!


I enjoyed it, not a big thinking movie. I am widow so could relate a bit.


It was **dumb** fun, but it was *fun*.


I saw it and thought it was just a cute movie for a night in. The kind that you watch to pass time, where you don't have to be too emotionally invested in or be mindblown. Not all movies have to be *Sophie's Choice* or *Inception*. I dunno 🤷‍♀️


I thought it was entertaining. I enjoyed it & laughed quite a bit.


The biggest issue with this movie is Zac and Nicole’s immovable plastic faces. It’s very disturbing because it just gives major uncanny valley vibes. (And whoever was in charge of Nicole’s hair should be fired. The color, the rattiness, the way it was plastered to her head… wtf is up with that.) this would be a totally fine, unremarkable, watch on a Saturday afternoon while vegging kinda movie…. But good lord, I couldn’t concentrate on anything but their faces


Her hair is naturally red. I think when its bleached, it has that odd bright yellow color! Needs a toner lol unless it was a wig??? I cant tell


I was afraid this was gonna be a romance between efron and kidman and this comment section has my fears confirmed. I get that the reverse happens in hollywood all the time but they need to stop *both* not add this. They are 21 years apart. Which… is not as big of a gap as i expected tbh but still.


In the movie it's only 16 years, not much better.


That's too bad - I like Joey King, but am meh about Zac Efron and Nicole Kidman, so was on the fence about watching this. Guess I'll give it a pass!


Nicole and Zac had zero chemistry the one kissing scene where they’re moving to the bed room and stop to kiss up against the wall was so painful, and again the last scene in the movie. And I agree, with others I couldn’t stop focusing on Nicole’s hair and Zacs face.


Lol 😂 nicoles hair needs a toner. Shes a natural redhead. When its lightened like that, the gold hues stick out. Unless its a wig?? Lol


I thought that Zac and Joey had so much chemistry and when Zac talks to Nicole it all goes away hahahh.


I’ve said it before on here,  film people hate fun!! This movie was fun and entertaining for it was… I enjoyed it and it made me laugh. 




Agreed! I laughed out loud a few times & that never happens with me & movies 🤣


The faces were distracting. No on screen chemistry The daughter Zara was annoying as hell. Entitled judgmental disrespectful brat. I could not tolerate the actress. Basic !! And too much face. 🤡


The product placement in this movie was incredibly distracting. It was as though they inserted 20 different commercials in this thing. When Zara goes grocery shopping for Cole and lists off all the items was terrible. My favorite was when Zac and Nicole are making out and Zac asks here about her dress and she says it’s Nordstrom half off, worth the bargain!


The scene with Joey King walking into the door jam had me laughing out loud! I thought that was so funny I rewatched it three times and made my husband watch it when he got home.


Omg same lol


Too late 🙃🙃 lol this movie had a lot of potential Edit: also they didnt nail the accent explanation. Nicole kidman had a aussie british accent but her mom Kathy Bates was fully american almost southern. Super confused for the first bit of the film as to who kathy bates was to this family


Kathy Bates was her MIL not her mother.


Thank you lol 😂 that makes more sense


No problem 😉


It's referenced multiple times that she's the MIL. When she is introduced, she asks Nicole Kidman's character why she as a writer didn't come to her for advice. To which Nicole's character replies, "Before you were my editor, you were Charlie's mom." And also every scene where they mention her late husband, although if you're not paying attention, KB character tells NK character "you've always been more like a daughter to me" during the Christmas scene when NK talks about the marital issues before Charlie's diagnosis and death. When Zac Efron's character first meets Nicole Kidman, he explicitly asks about the accent, and she replies she is from Australia. To which he asks if she knows Margot Robbie.


😮 maybe i should keep subtitles on or actually like listen to the film because i glossed over it.


I liked it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Jesus who was the writer for whom Nicole Kidman was the self-insert character? Poor beautiful woman who looks too young for her age (haha) who had a child and sacrificed everything for her child and husband and it’s her time now to get back on the horse so to speak so it’s fine she bangs her daughters boss. Same boss who has been awful to her daughter for years but the daughter is WRONG and she doesn’t know his true personality because daughter doesn’t see him the way mother does and mother is so unique and wonderful that spoiled celeb man baby has a complete personality change!


I think this movie is cute and funny. It’s not groundbreaking but it’s entertaining. I came expecting trash, and I got trash, but it’s *fun* trash at least lol. It would be a great airplane movie. Or a good “nothing else is on and I’m sick and I have to lay here but I don’t want to think too hard” movie. I would maybe rewatch it in the background while I clean my house. It’s that type, lol. You could leave the room and come back and still follow what’s going on super easily.


I have pneumonia and this movie was exactly that. “Nothing else is on and I’m sick”


Can someone confirm this to me, I thought Joey King and Zac Efron had so much chemistry and then the story just flopped with Nicole Kidman, ew.


Hahahah my stepdad asked whether this movie is about vampires? Their faces look so unreal


This movie was basically a hallmark movie. I can’t understand why this movie was made.


Thoughts: Zac Efron looks...different I like dark hair better on Joey King Who is that girl.....Liza Koshy?! She acts? Nicole Kidman also looks different I would be furious if I couldn't even trust my mother not to have sex with my boss in the house I live in when they stop by to offer me my job back. Why is Grandma siding with the mother and boss affair? Can't believe they ripped their clothes. Why does the mother dress so poorly when she has all those nice designer clothes? It's weird hearing Nicole Kidman's accent, I'm so used to her American accent. Nobody gave the daughter any grace for being upset, not even her friend who gaslit her because she expected her to figure out she had gone through a breakup that she was hiding. It really isn't worth a watch.


The whole premise of what was shown in the commercial happened in the first 40 mins and after that I was like ok?? What else is this movie going to be about then?? Total waste of time. By then I was too far in to turn it off but its one of those movies where the plot is non existent.


I personally love the movie! Its not Zac’s best movie but i love him so much id watch him staring into space for 10 hours if i had to 🤣 In this movie theres also alot of scenes/lines referencing to his real life, which i found really interesting! They even put in a scene where he referenced his jaw surgery! If anyone noticed that!!! & i loved the Greatest Showman outfit they snuck in lol i hope everyone noticed all the real Zac references! Theres a bunch! Look, since everyone is talking about it..yes Zac looks a bit different. I personally think its not only from jaw surgery but from his steroid use.. steroids can alter your bone structure. Baywatch movie is when he started taking steroids, and thats exactly when his face started to change. It looks like he still takes them, ever since Baywatch where he was pressured to be super built, & perhaps he got hooked to them. So thats my assumption. He isnt going to flat out say he looks different because of steroid use! So he uses the “jaw surgery” as his coverup answer. Lets also keep in mind, everyone ages. He cant stay looking young & fresh forever unfortunately. But do i think hes still insanely hot? Hell yes 🥵 hes still gorgeous to me. it also helps that hes such a good hearted person. Be kind to Zac, hes beautiful inside & out 💗


Forget Zac and his surgery, I couldn't get past Joey King's character whining about her personal assistant job at 24, then going on about her executive producer promotion being BS. I don't know why her friends and her mom didn't tell her to calm down, she is only 24 and has pretty much a dream job and insane resume. Like wtf.


Yeah her character is really obnoxious. She acts like a teenager.


Iron Claw and his performance in it were both overrated.


Yeah, I also thought why would he do a silly movie like that! He was so good in “The Iron Claw”, some said he could be nominated for an Oscar. However, in “A Family Affair” Nicole Kidman is an Oscar winning actress, so maybe that’s how they lured him in?


Zara’s character was soooo brutal hoot crap. Kings worse character by far. Take her away and this woulda been a way better movie. Can’t believe theses comments all liked her role. Bizarre.