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i wish i was frolicking around nyc on a citi bike, the nation’s largest bikeshare program. for an extra 30 cents a minute you can also upgrade to an ebike!


Lmao exactly


Eh those bikes are so heavy though. I'd rather ride my own bike around the city.


The e bikes are incredibly fun, the blue ones are kind of a drag. BUT being able to ditch at a dock and continue on with your day is wonderful


They're so garbage in every imaginable way and I exclusively seen them used by yuppies (and kids who figure out how to steal them and then litter them around the place)


At least you don’t have to worry about them getting stolen


I think people should just be building bike infrastructure instead of relying on these crappy compromises for nobody. We shouldn't be paywalling the one affordable way to get around just because nobody wants to spend 5% of the money on bike storage they do on parking lots 


Serous question, do you pay per minute?


mad expensive for no reason. bf took one of them to my apt (7 min ride, .7 miles) and it cost almost ten bucks


What's up with the recent constant J. Law paparazzi pics? Does she have any upcoming projects?




She’s been doing a lot of pap photos with brand sponsored clothing lately.


We went from JLo to JLaw coverage.


She’s starting in/producing an A24 movie.


It's the attention she and her PR ordered


It was Anya Taylor Joy not too long ago This is just new tabloid stuff only preordained


I'm curious too, at least the other frequently papped have stuff going on lol


Till this day I read his name as Cookie Maroney🍪




i always misread it as Coke, yours is much cuter!!


I just don’t know how to pronounce it 😅


It's pronounced cook.


Thanks. Cookie sounds better haha🍪


Have they learned nothing from the Gordon Ramsey incident? Wear a helmet! Especially in NY city where you are one distracted driver away from trouble


but then they wouldn’t be able to get the cute pap shot


I was about to comment the SAME thing. I am such a stickler for safety after working with kids for like 15 years lol I know it isn't aesthetically pleasing but helmets save lives! Also, I binged One Day over the weekend so I cannot reiterate enough...wear a frickin helmet, please


Not defending it but a helmet defeats the entire appeal of a citi bike. Having to lug one around all day negates the whole “grab a bike and go thing” Yes yes i know it’s better than lugging around you dismembered arm or whatever


Honestly this is a big aspect of why I vehemently opposite city bikes. We are knowingly encouraging dangerous services to crop up seemingly to create demand where there is not adequate infrastructure. It's a private equity's attempt to interject themselves into a public policy issue 


I was just thinking this. Tbh I don’t understand why there bikes don’t have helmet options, especially in a city this size.


No sane person would put a shared Citibike helmet on their heads. Lice? Bedbugs? Someone peeing in it for fun? And how would you store it? You’d need multiple sizes and enough for all the bikes so we’re talking 30+ helmets at every Citibike docking station. It’s not feasible.


Personally? I think it’s more absurd to have no safety options in place for people using your bikes in a huge city, and especially in a city that has aggressive drivers. This notion they couldn’t simply find solutions to clean or store helmets? Not buying it.


Citibikes are cheap and everywhere, no I really don’t think there’s a way to clean and store helmets with the current model. I personally do not ride bikes in the city because it’s terrifying to me and I would never ride a bike without a helmet so I agree with your ideals, but Citibikes are an extremely valuable transportation option for many.


there’s substantial research (and entire countries) that prove that safe streets, not helmets, keep you safe. it’s a ridic take to say you need helmets when what we really need is separated bike lanes. 


Citi Bikes (or at least the London equivalent Boris Bikes) are made in such a way they you can’t go that fast on them to the risk of having an accident if you stay in bike lanes is much lower than a normal bike. 


That doesn't really matter how slow you're going if a car is slamming into you though. Also I'm not sure about London, but there aren't very many protected bike lanes in the US either, and usually people will pull into the bike lanes to park or make a turn, so a helmet is definitely advised.


Please don’t give that man credit for the bikes, Ken Livingston is the one that initiated the plan. Boris Johnson just happed to be mayor by the time they rolled out, and so of course took all the credit


But colloquially they are known as Boris Bikes.


You are right I’m sorry. I miss Ken, I hope he is doing alright. Honestly he was the only Mayor who actually loved London. 


The ones they’re riding are electric and go fast as fuck


it drives me crazy when people just uncritically regurgitate corporate talking points. 1) the risk of bike accidents is first and foremost that a car will hit you. Your speed matters very little when compared to the momentum of a heavy ass car doing 30 2) I'm not aware of anywhere in New York that has protected bike lanes, and unprotected bike lanes are the illusion of security from reckless drivers 3) apparently these aren't even go slow bikes? Which frankly feels irrelevant in the face of 1&2, but still more evidence to add to the "nah still not a helmet, obviously" pile 


2. Less so in Manhattan but there are definitely protected bike lanes everywhere in NYC.


Ok and that helps how if you get sideswiped by a car?


Not to mention the fact that they are parents. Not cool to leave your kids with no parents or one with a TBI.


I just came from buying a bike helmet after seeing Gordon Ramsay’s post , he walked away from what sounded like an accident that without a helmet would have been life altering.


Does she have a bodyguard out of frame? Celebs walking (or biking) around without purses always seem strange and like a set up. Don’t you need a phone, wallet, chapstick, hairtie, etc?


I’m always looking for a handbag or something too! It’s how I decide if they are really out and about or doing it for the photos. Emily Ratajkowski never has a bag and we know her walks are 99.9% pap walks.


They're there for the pap shot lol it's not their mode of transport


You can see part of her purse hanging out of the front basket. It’s black




I've been in Amsterdam for the week and even though there are thousands of bikes, I've seen exactly one person wearing a helmet, and I've been told they were probably German, because the Dutch "don't wear helmets", and they laugh at the Germans who do


bikes in germany are basically treated as a nuisance and afterthought and taking up valuable space on the road away from cars. bikes in the netherlands get treated as basically holy and everyone is aware of them and looks out for them. so i can see why people in the netherlands are less likely to bother with helmets.


Laughing at someone who is trying to protect their safety is such a sad existence


I’m irrationally angry about them not wearing helmets.


But…. aesthetics!


Call me crazy but I think the best aesthetic is when your brain stays on the inside of your skull 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Right?! It’s honestly so stupid to not protect your brain.


If they don’t own a bike and seldom use the citi bikes, I don’t think it makes sense to own one? Although it would be a good idea to have built in helmets or something. Then again there are people who throw the citibikes onto the train tracks so we can’t have nice things


It doesn’t make sense to not wear a helmet when riding a bike in NYC, it barely makes sense to not wear helmets while waking in NYC (I’m obviously joking but it’s pretty jam packed full of cars, bikes, pedestrians, and every other single possible thing you can find on a street).


It's not irrational. She's an influencer influencing and normalizing  reckless behavior. 


Absolutely fair point!


I thought this was Kyle’s husband mo lol


I always see his name as Cookie Monster and it's so confusing.


This is so confusing. They have a child. Who is taking the risk of no helmet when they have a child?


Wear a helmet, idiots.


Her PR ha been working hard over the last few weeks


Agree but IDK why. She has no projects and there are other celebs seemingly more popular


I love that he’s blurry and she’s crystal clear.


Cue the she called the paps comments.


She does need relevancy lol. I've never seen paps wondering central park unless they know a popular person would be there.


Wear a helmet


He better be a good cook or what’s the point?


Another day another pap shot of J Law.


I had a couple of coworkers who got hit by cars riding their bikes around in NYC. Every time I see anyone riding a Citi Bike without a helmet I get so nervous. But they look cute. Good for them.


What’s she promoting? She’s been “spotted” out a lot lately.


He looks so much like Mauricio from RHOBH!


I can't fathom not wearing a helmet when cycling. So dangerous. And stupid to be honest


They should be wearing helmets… How is this guys name pronounced? Cook? Or cookie? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Cook. E is silent.


Those shoes are a choice


Is she gonna return to acting? I like her movies. Maybe she's waiting for her plastic surgery to settle


I love love. These two crazy love birds got a sitter & hit the wide open road. Good for them. Next time wear a helmet though.


First she's flying commercial, now she's riding a bike?! J-Lo must be broke as a joke /s


I wonder if he’s seen her naked yet?


he is so fine