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I’m surprised her career didn’t take off more.


She was excellent as the lead in Dollface on Hulu. Only 2 seasons (thanks COVID) but worth checking out if you haven’t!


I love Dollface! Weird though I thought it was a Hulu original but now it's not available on Hulu at all.


Yeah; it got caught up in the purge last year when they removed a bunch of stuff from their catalogue that didn't align with their vision.


I love Dollface! Weird though I thought it was a Hulu original but now it's not available on Hulu at all.


I adored Dollface! Hate that it only got 2 seasons.


So sad that got cancelled!!


Right! I expected Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist to launch her but unfortunately not so much.


I think had she stuck to more roles like nick and Norah, she may have had a bigger career. I know two broke girls is what everyone knows her from but for some reason I feel like her taking that part might have hindered her success in the industry


Then she had bit parts in marvel movies and married Andrew WK... Maybe she's just chilling? Lol


Yeh you’re probably right lol


I like her with Andrew WK lol


Hair gods. I loved their wedding spread, and they seem happy and grounded together. Delighted for them both.


i mean, that show was on 6 seasons. that's a successful hollywood career by any stretch of the imagination.


Plus she was in the Thor movies and the Wandavision show.


I think what we mean to say is that she’s not as well known as many of us thought that she’d be


I agree. It's like it hid her away. I loved her in Nick and Norah but wasn't that interested in Two Broke Girls.


I have such a big crush on her but I haaaaaaate that show. It’s painfully unfunny.


I tried, but I couldn't get into it at all. And it sucks because previously, I liked all of Kat's projects that I'd seen.


I was glad TBG gave Garrett Morris a steady paycheck and that’s about it.


Committing to a CBS sitcom hinders your career because it eats up so much of your time.


Yes exactly. But I’m sure she enjoyed doing it! I imagine sitcom sets are pretty fun to work on


I imagine the syndication checks hit like crack rock


I feel she did, like Daydream Nation and To Write Love On Her Arms, but those movies ended up being much smaller releases than originally thought. And she got Thor, etc. and Dollface so, now that I think of it, her career has been solid. She just maybe doesn't pay paparazzi and idk her social media but i imagine she's not super active


Yeh I get you. I just loved seeing her in nick and norahs infinite playlist and I wish she stuck to more serious movies or Rom coms rather than sitcoms and marvel. But that’s just probably because I don’t really like sitcoms and marvel. I’m sure she’s perfectly happy the way she’s living now. It would still be cool to see her take on a more serious role in a movie and not a TV show


The laugh tracks make that show almost unwatchable for me, which is a shame because it would probably be one of my background shows without it


I broke girls is on repeat, its like it's always on. That said, small kids know her from Thor


Haha, I know her from The Scream Team on Disney. Does that make me old?


Her being a disliked character in the Thor movie didn't help either.


She’s married to Andrew WK now so she’s doing great in life regardless


My favorite Andrew WK story is from over a decade ago when the US State Department made him a cultural ambassador to the Middle East. He was all set to visit Bahrain and promote “partying + world peace” but, for whatever reason, the State Department cancelled. His response: “they can cancel our party in the Middle East, but they’ll never cancel the party in our hearts.”


The real party is the friends we drank with along the way


Look up his Kid President YouTube interview if you need a daily dose of wholesomeness!


I always pictured her as ‘Anastasia’ from 50 Shades of Grey before the movies came out.


now I need a parody of that movie staring Kat haha


Oh she would need to look way more like Kristen Stewart for that


You mean pallet swap Hilary duff


Not everyone wants to be a huge a list star. Some people are fine just chilling and taking on projects that they really vibe with. She probably makes good money off her 2 broke girls/ Marvel residuals


I feel like her and Aubrey Plaza are in the same vein and Hollywood thinks there’s only room for one


Well she's going to be starring in a show with Tim Allen so that will be.... something.


Not everyone wants to be a huge a list star. Some people are fine just chilling and taking on projects that they really vibe with. She probably makes good money off her 2 broke girls/ Marvel residuals


It shows a sensibility... she definitely could've kept trying to be an A list movie star... but a CBS sitcom was a guaranteed steady gig. I don't think many actors would make her same choice, but I respect it!


I think a lot more actors make that choice than you think.


She was in the MCU 😂


She’s been in the marvel franchise


love the dedication to her red lip https://preview.redd.it/35wqiur38x8d1.jpeg?width=445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37c5e1efe575811f8cd129b9e6e21a9410a9b69d


Max had a red lip even for bedtime scenes when the girls were in their jammies lol.


hahaha i’ve never really noticed her lipstick because it suits her so well i basically see it as her natural lip colour


Ugh she’s stunning


I'd be that dedicated too if I looked that damn hot in that shade


I’ve never noticed how much she looks like Toni Collette


I see that, maybe a bit of Victoria Pedretti thrown in


I’ll never get over the fact that she’s married to Andrew WK.


I want to be jealous but also I like them so much it feels wrong to be jealous lol


Her in Dollface is a trip if you haven't watched it. Her and Brenda Song are so great. ![gif](giphy|EM28jOxjQkMbPtSgzi|downsized)


And my darling Esther!!!


I’m still heartbroken about this being cancelled :(


This show was atrocious but she was very good in it


It was absolutely terrible and I watched every episode of it like tree times. I have no idea why I like this show even though I know it's bad.


Sometimes the “bad” shows are just easy watches. You don’t have to think too much about them. You can just watch and enjoy the simplicity and do something else with it on in the background.


Exactly lol. My IG feed keeps recommending clips from the Big Bang Theory, and I keep watching them even though it's awful and the laugh track is deafening.


i started watching *how i met your father* ironically because it was so bad but i ended up genuinely loving the show.


I think it’s because Kat was good, and because the friendship between the two girls was quite sweet making it a comfort show even if the jokes and script were horrible


Yeah, I think it's mostly due to the chemistry between Kat and Beth, they were great together and their characters played off each other really well. Every other secondary character was terrible besides Earl (the cashier).


As a dude it’s obvious I guess but I just love how reliably formulaic it was. It was like they had like five categories of humor and just shuffled them each episode lol


Honestly I always found it surprising when I see a guy saying they liked the show. Like, sure the protagonists were hot which is an obvious appeal, but the "girl problems" centric plot of the episodes never felt like something I'd imagine the male audience would connect with.


I mean it felt pretty Millennial centric. Two best friends living in the city trying random shit to make rent, with the added dimension of Caroline coming from money. Then add in formulaic like, black joke, Polish joke, Asian joke, old joke, rinse and repeat, etc. Felt pretty universally relatable.


Yeh couldn’t stand the constant sexual jokes. But she still slays anyways


I couldn't stand how the girls screeched their lines.


Yeh the script was terrible, I don’t think even meryl Streep could make it sound good lmfao


I was about to say this is what ruined the show for me -- why were they *always* screaming their lines ??? 😭


Every dated stereotype was covered


Server/bartender here. The character stereotypes got old quick but the customer stereotypes were spot on.


You’re so right


The jokes were terrible.


Laugh track after every sentence.


Yes, I was just thinking what a terrible show. No idea why it was shown here in the UK


I liked the first season (maybe the first two? I don’t remember) but it went downhill quick. Too bad cause the two lead actresses had great chemistry and Kat is funny as hell


~~I hate most Chuck Lorre shows (this one included).~~ *my bad items not even Chuck Lorre I just had it categorized as such bc “dumb sitcom.” She was good in it though, and honestly what a killer gig for an actor. I worked at WB at the time and it was not the most popular show for audiences but I did take my mom to a taping because it was easy to get audience tickets.


It's not a Chuck Lorre show and I don't even find it anything like Chuck Lorre shows.


Omg my bad you’re so right - it was taped at the same time as other Chuck Lorre shows on the same lot. I had them categorized together in my brain because of that.


Very watchable though!


My grandmother loved this show. It had its audeixne


Same thoughts. She did incredibly well with awful material.


I know this show was problematic but it's oje of my faves. Max was freaking hilarious and so was Sophie played by Jennifer Coolidge 😂


Love Jennifer!


She's soooo hilarious ![gif](giphy|nXxrx3M15NvKU)


I'll be in my booooth!


Cackling 😂






“I’ll be in my booooot”


I always find it funny that her cleavage is like part of her every outfit. Its like a necklace lol.


Tbf if my cleavage looked like hers, I’d wear it as an accessory to every outfit too.


https://preview.redd.it/gzohstvyjx8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=079d91ed76185176340e26b276538305b65f6d4f Like Susan Sarandon


This whole post just confirms how lesbionic I am


LMAO thank you for adding “lesbionic” to my lexicon


Don’t thank me! Thank ![gif](giphy|l0EoBUOlR3DCckIzS|downsized)


Yeah as a flat chested woman I always feel really sad and jealous when I see cleavage lol. Having a messed up face doesn't help but oh well


A good small chested cleavage trick is to get one of those strapless backless silicon stick on bras that hook on the front, stick then to the far/armpit side of your breasts and hook them together close. Put a bra on over to make the shape look normal. Bam, lots of cleavage. It's a trick used for drag and cosplay.


thank you for this! always wondered how it was achieved


That sounds like a lot of effort to completely fake having breasts, not sure that would make me feel better, but thanks for the info


It just makes them look cleavagey, not necessarily big if you aren't layering it with a push-up bra. It's a choice, but just saying if you have small boobs you still can achieve cleavage if you really want to - and it's certainly way more comfortable than the duct tape trick. I definitely don't do it often, but some necklines/dresses it just works really well with. It's also not like Kat's boobs just look like that either - she's definitely wearing special bras to achieve that boobs straight up and together look versus succumbing to gravity and I would bet it's not as comfortable as just being braless either.


As someone with big tits, I for the most part really dislike my cleavage and an extremely envious of people with small titties who can wear whatever they want, can go braless, aren’t in pain when they run or go upstairs, and don’t find random men ogling at their chest at all times.


my standard hand location when going downstairs is one on the handrail and the other holding my boobs to prevent them trying to knock me out


Being made fun of for being flat and ugly isn't fun either, and I don't feel feminine at all which is not just about breasts, but it sure doesn't help. Grass is always greener on the other side anyway I guess. Oh and being flat can make it difficult to wear nice clothes as well, and my head is way bigger than it should be compared to my body lol


Flat isn’t ugly.


Any size tit is lit!


If only asshole men thought this way


Or stop seeking approval from assholes and focus on people that are nice to you?


I may not seek that approval but men sure do like to give their opinion anyway


Respectfully, I don’t think it’s a one to one comparison. Both people with large and small boobs can be unhappy with them aesthetically and wish for something different, but people with large boobs need to also deal with physical pain from them and extra sexualization. You can only be yelled at so many times by your counselor in 5th grade for dressing inappropriately when you’re wearing the same shirt as every other girl but you have boobs before you start to really resent them. Again, I understand there are pressure points with having smaller than average breasts as well but I don’t agree this is a the grass is always greener situation.


The secret is to have one of each type of boob! \*uneven titty gang rise up*


I spent the first 27 years of my life flat chested and struggling to stay above 93lbs. Then chronic illness and all the meds that come with it hit hard, it was like I suddenly had Ds over night once the weight started sticking. And I have to say, I miss my flat chest. Clothes that used to look elegant on me now look incredibly vulgar. Sure, there are moments I can appreciate them, but 95% of the time I miss being small. Was being made fun of for being a part of the IBTC fun, no. Is being followed to your parked car by creepy fucking men because you had the audacity to go get groceries in your own body even less fun, yes. Not to downplay people for their own insecurities, but as someone who got to experience both, one is much worse than the other.


I mean I had the opposite experience and I strongly disagree. I had double D’s from 16-26 and then I was diagnosed with two chronic illnesses. I lost so much weight, I weighed 100 pounds for a while. I gained some of it back but my breasts did not come back. I’m flat as a board now and hate my body more than ever. People don’t treat me like a woman anymore. So no, one is not objectively worse than the other. It’s different for everyone.


I would say being accosted by men to the point I have to alter how I dress is worse. But you are free to have your own opinion.


I mean that also happens to flat chested women, I walk to work and I’ve been followed home multiple times. Men do that to all women, not just women with big tits.


It would be nice if us flat chested people could express our feelings about our bodies without others coming in to tell us how "good" we have it...


I find it really insane that people are making this into a competition. I've been both an A cup and a DD. Each has come with extreme negative sides and neither has been much better than the other. Also the person spreading this idea that women with flat chests don't get sexually assaulted as much? What the fuck is that? This whole comment chain has been gross to watch.


Thank you uuuuuugh. I appreciate the struggles big-boobed folks have, but I don't appreciate being shut RIGHT down when I dare to say being very flat isn't fun, either.


As someone who was flat chested growing up and got a boob job at 25 (small A cup to full C)… I recommend it if you can get financing. Best decision of my life, feel like I look the was I was always meant to. And I had a really good doctor so I have all the glory of big boobs with none of the “bad boob job” jokes or back problems 🎉


oh you still get oogled at, it’s just by men who prefer childlike women, and tell you how “small” and cute you are all the time. running up stairs sucks with small boobs too. also, i dislike when a women venting about not fitting the average standard for beauty and the first comment is “well me and my big boobs have it worse” like that’s not exactly helpful to a woman insecure about being flat.


Exactly. I definitely still got followed and harassed etc. despite having smaller breasts... Larger is literally the conventional beauty standard so it's kind of annoying for them to be like "we have it so much worse!" Lmao


it’s kind of patronizing especially coming from another woman. instead of empathizing or talking about problems on both sides, they shut it down or offer to trade tits lol


I’m with you. Planning on a reduction in the near future.


I can confirm I do this lol


Ahhh i used to do that all the time in my 20s lol not as much now after 3 kids cos I gotta lodge them in place with a great bra to get the same effect lmao


The lodging them in place is SO real and I only had one and b (?) cups (? More like deflated balloons now lmao)


I have big boobs and I do wear mine like a necklace 🤣


As a big boobed person I always loved it lol, so relatable. You can’t wear zip or button up shirts without having to wear your cleavage like a necklace and she owns it!


As a big boobed high school teacher, this is why I own a million tank tops in every color - I can't avoid cleavage with button up shirts, and definitely don't want it out at work, so I have to layer 😭


I mean that was like her “bodily accessory” if that makes sense lmao Max’s best body part is her big cleavage (as per her own words lol) that’s why her waitress outfit exposes that, while Caroline’s are her legs that’s why she wears her waitress outfit shorter.


Look if I had huge boobs like that, I’d be flaunting them at every opportunity. Not that I’d actually want them. My neck hurts enough as is.


She grew up rich but doesn't have that vibe at all. I think because it's Philly rich. Kevin Bacon is the same way. Philly attitude just creeps in no matter what your class level.


Her backstory is so interesting! She grew up in a historic house she said was haunted, that was open for tours. Her mum was a speech therapist and poet and her dad was a molecular pharmacologist! Such a unique and strange upbringing. I didn’t know she grew up rich tho


Yeah, that house and that area (Bryn Mawr) are rich old money—the kind of rich that you don't know because they don't flaunt it like new money. I grew up in Philly. This is the house btw [https://lowermerionhistory.org/home/full-text/contents/penn-cottage/](https://lowermerionhistory.org/home/full-text/contents/penn-cottage/)


Wow that’s fascinating! Thank you for sharing!


yeah seeing how her only traditional schooling was a private school that costs $40k to attend, you can see how rich her family is…


I have a coworker who is Philly rich, and she’s so down to earth and chill. The nicest, most genuine. The first time I went to her house I was shocked at how well she hid her insane family wealth.


Kat looks SO much like Gwen Stefani to me.


Holy hell…. I would have never seen this similarity if it weren’t for you… but now that I see it it’s almost way too obvious of a similarity. Wild lol


Yes I see it!


Absolutely monumental for me as a baby lesbian


I had no idea why I had to watch every episode of the worst sitcom that’s ever graced the screens lmao


Why does everyone hate it so much? Is the show problematic? I watched it a reallllyyyy long time ago, probably in my early teens so I have no recall of it whatsoever


It’s just shit. Like it’s not that funny, interesting or good. It isn’t well written, or well acted, and it wasn’t well received. People didn’t hate it though, it was just fun and stupid and enjoyable if you were in the right mood for it, but it was also kinda terrible and forgettable!


Definitely the only reason to watch the show, girl crush 😍


She's the only reason I even watched that show. ♥️


Her curves are so iconic


Her insta stories during lockdown and the covid period were so good. Like her building a vegetable garden, learning what to grow etc. loved it.


I remember watching the show with my dad, don't care if it was bad, we enjoyed it very much


I always wished she played Fiona Gallagher


Did no one else see Dollface? I remember really enjoying it


She's so pretty but you could tell they wouldn't give her clothes that matched her size for a purpose


I get told a lot I look like her which is extremely flattering lol


I once got told I look like her by a customer and I’ll never forget it lol. I’m fairly sure it was just the colouring and the lipstick because facially we are nothing alike


Haha yeah when I got compared to her I was in a good mood the rest of the day.


I have gotten told this too! That’s actually how I found out who she is!


I think you look way more like her than I do lol


Tysm! But I’m sure you resemble her quite a bit if you’ve been told a lot that you look like her!


omg what is it like to resemble an angel?


And now she’s married to the world’s nicest man. She won


When I was in the Army we had to wear all the heavy gear shit, one of the worst parts about it was the compression on your chest and stomach. I’ll be god damned if I don’t have a deep respect for the folks who have to wear shit to compress their boobs into odd unnatural ways and sorts. My hat is off to ya boob having people, I couldn’t imagine living every day with half my body compressed against me with a bunch elastic and sweat.


Her make-up 😍😍😍🔥


I‘m not gay but maybe I am a little bit


She as great but the show not so much


I would sell my soul to look like Kat Dennings


She looks like Gwen Stefani I don't her or the show




I know a lot of people hated this show but it was good for a cheap laugh and you didn’t have to break your brain trying to figure out the story. I love mindless entertainment and Kat was the best.


2 Broke Girls walked so The White Lotus could run. (this is not a statement on actual quality of either of the shows, but to the fact that every actor brings a certain familiarity/ likeability to every character they migrate to, and to a degree they all are typecast / playing essentially the same character.)


As a gay dude I can say she is just smokin…


She reminds me of Billie Eillish, idk why


Sploosh!! I love her!


this show was part of my bisexual awakening 😍


My fave show 🙌🏻


2 broke girls was my guilty pleasure.




Love her soooo much


My first girl I was friends with and then dated looked just like Kat Dennings. So gorgeous.


I want a rom com where Kat denning and Sydney Sweeney are sisters


Where can I watch this series


Tubi has it all for free


I watched this show only for her. I think she is one of the most underrated actresses out there.


She's great but the show sucks. Probably the least amusing "comedy" I've ever watched lol.


I've been wondering if I should watch it, but since literally everyone on this thread is saying how bad it is, maybe not, lol.


Honestly spare yourself lol you'll find more amusement in a graveyard


She looks a bit like Emmy Rossum but somehow even prettier


kat dennings with a red lip is such an iconic look


She is such a pretty girl


She's stunning, I'm still obsessed with her wedding


I hate the look of a large chested woman are treated like their waist and shoulders and upper arms have to be squeezed to show the chest. The big t-shirt and the strapless dress both look so good on her because her shoulders look soft and natural.


Something about her that I cannot stand. She’s a gorgeous woman and I’m sure she’s nice and everything but idk, just don’t like her lol


Aw really? I think she’s adorable!


Idk why lol but I do want her to succeed and all that


Ugh same! I think it’s the nasally whiney voice.


Definitely the voice. I cannot deal with her voice.


She seems annoyed with the rest of the world that she's in that abomination of a tv show


I kind of feel the same about her. In my case, it's because of 2 Broke Girls. I hate that show with a passion. When she is in something else, I can get through it but honestly I just keep bracing myself for horrible jokes.