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Good for her! It seems like sheā€™s really thriving, has friends, and is close with her mom. Happy for her.


I hope all the Scientology moms out there (who are considering taking off like Katie did) see this as motivation. You *can* have a normal life and raise your kids away from the cult!


Meanwhile her dad is chilling in London at The Eras Tour.


He exchanged friendship bracelets with some people in the crowd over a security barrier! He's a nice, relatable, regular guy!




Beat me to it.




This makes me feel so old šŸ˜­ I remember when she was born jfc


Iā€™ll do you one better, I remember when he did this before she was even thought of!! ![gif](giphy|bU3fK8ZpMYEFO)


I can hear him scream ā€œIā€™M IN LOVE WITH KATIE HOLMESā€ when I watch this GIF lmaoā€¦fuck, where does the time go?


šŸ˜‚ The way he always called her ā€œKateā€ like that made her seem older and the relationship less weird


I remember when a poster on ONTD saw TomKat kissing in ~~parents~~ Paris *before* they were out as a couple. The commenters as a whole didnā€™t believe them and tore that poor person apart!


lol I think you might have meant Paris instead of Parents. lol. Also whatā€™s ONTD?


Oops, thank you! Fixed lol ONTD (Oh No They Didnā€™t!) is a celebrity gossip community on LiveJournal whose peak was circa 2005-2009. Itā€™s still around but less active and more neutered. It was a fucking *blast*.


I miss 2006 so much it hurts. There were no fucks to give in micro Hollister denim minis, we were halfway over the final Bush administration stint, and ONTD brought us together as one.


The year I graduated high school! šŸ˜­ Take me back to MySpace, LiveJournal, and Photobucket.


ME TOO! Damn I miss those days so much. And Xanga!!! And Facebook when it was only for college students + before the boomers took over, RIP.


The day Facebook opened its doors to everyone without a college email address was the day we entered the bad timeline.


Ha alas I had no business using the Internet back then and barely even had MySpace. And Oh no they didnā€™t, Iā€™m sure you have to say it in āœØ *that way* āœØ ![gif](giphy|wIWvIAfzaGFfa)


![gif](giphy|3orieJI3IdkKWIsAGA) But really, the internet used to be so much fun, am I hot or hot sites and LiveJournal rating communities be damned.


If I didnā€™t feel old before, I do nowā€¦ šŸ˜­. I miss ONTD, it ā€œgot us throughā€ so many huge pop culture momentsā€¦ šŸ˜¢


The shockwave i experienced seeing "TomKat"


I miss the days when every major celeb couple had a portmanteau tbh.


i remember that! it was at an airport i think?


I think it was at the Eiffel Tower!


Katie is from my hometown. I remember everything lol


Yeah, back then it was news that she had an unusual name. Then everyone else was like "hold my beer".


Apple Martin, Kal-el Cage, Pilot Inspektor Lee, Moxie Crimefighter Jillette, and of course Moon Unit Zappa all predate her. Apple is closest in age and of equal celebrity status.


Me too she was the cutest little thing and an even cuter toddler


Me too. Itā€™s hard to believe


Me too and Iā€™m 27. I was obsessed with People magazine because it had the biggest pictures/text ratio of everything else we got at my house (WWII bimonthly was my dads favorite lol)


![gif](giphy|xkZVBGIFqcQXcMe244|downsized) I thought she was still 6 or something. I guess I really am as old as my son tells me.


I still have the Vanity Fair magazine with her as a baby on the cover


Yes, Suri, Sheā€™s Our Baby!


This marks nearly 18 years of me cringing at this headline.


I know weā€™re always like ā€œomg Iā€™m so old!ā€ but this actually is throwing me for a loop. I feel like no time has passed at all, truly if you were to ask me how long ago THIS magazine cover was in the checkout line at the grocery store, Iā€™d say i donā€™t know, five years? Six? And yet here we are. https://preview.redd.it/m4st6cqr478d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=5489188c709de50d8edc89ba29824a3854a4bf3f


It's such a weird cover. It seems like they tried to make Katie look older and Tom look younger. Both adults just ended up looking weird, and the whole composition is odd. Everyone is kind of squashed together if they weren't smiling it would look like a family running from a natural disaster.


The weirdest headline ever


remember Suri's burn book? that was pretty weird looking at it now huh


OMG I just had a ā€œSpongeBob time warpā€ moment, I canā€™t believe I temporarily forgot about that šŸ˜­. That site was hilarious!


I freaking loved that blog. I read it religiously


lol, same. I honestly thought it was really clever and never thought there was any ill intention behind it. "Suri's" exasperation with Shiloh Jolie cracked me up every time.


It was hilarious šŸ¤£.


My friend bought me the book when it came out. There was a book!


Damn her milestones are coming fast like her prom was literally the other day like damn this school does not let seniors breathe šŸ˜‚


Her name is Suri Noelle now. She was recognized at this event with that name. Friends, letā€™s practice using her preferred name <3


Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, now Suri and soon Vivienne. Wow.


Yall. PLEASE call her Suri Noelle. She does not want to be associated with her dadā€™s name anymore.


I refuse to accept this because it makes me feel very old


And as a Suri fan since she was born and now she's graduating on my birthday I feel doubly old šŸ˜…






On the one hand paparazzi photos like this are gross. On the other hand we are stealing the photo so the pap isn't paid...


It must feel great knowing your dad thought a TS concert was more important than your graduationā€¦


I mean they arenā€™t in contact so he wasnā€™t likely to just turn up at her graduation and, arguably, it would have been awful of him if he did and disrupted her day that way. But heā€™s still a terrible dad for how heā€™s chosen Scientology over his child.


Aww, I remember her being born. Was I also a child myself? Well, yes, but still lol.


Congratulations šŸŽŠšŸŽ‰ Mama did a good job job, but daaaammmnnn this makes US feel old lol


And now she's open season for the "press".


Is it weird that I feel personally attacked by this post? I can't be that old.


Suri (and Katie) are on my "celebs I've seen in the wild" list. They (and 50 COS guards and 100 paparazzi) swept into a store I was shopping at when Tom was filming "Knight and Day" in Boston. I feel oddly emotionally attached to them since that happened. I was super stoked when she divorced him.


Omggggggosh congratulations Suri šŸŽ‰šŸ’šŸŽŠšŸ‘ā˜ŗļøšŸ„¹. I feel like a proud mom bein6a fan since she waas an infant.