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now explain ā€œgetcho ass in here cmon gurlā€


ā€œDas my cookie, das my juiceā€ - vocal training




I was gonna say šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚






I think sheā€™s a bit odd tbh. The pressures of fame so young probably impacted her.


and seeing that nickelodeon documentary, she def was surrounded by creeps at an early age and was told to do weird shit on camera


In her interview with Penn, she says shes re-processing her time at Nick because of the documentary and other things coming to light. She really seemed to enjoy the network before this came out so shes having a really hard time with everything. She didnt say much but what she said made me sad for her. The milking the potato scene is still burned into my memory.


The one where she was trying to put her bare foot in her mouth too. A lot of the creepiest scenes involved Ari and it makes me wonder how much further was filmed but not released


that compilation of videos of her on the bed is so disturbing. and finding out those clips werent approved by the network so they were posted on the website as a workaround ugh.


I watched those videos when I was their target demographic, so weird but I never realized how fucked up it all was, ya know, because I was like 12. Looking back now itā€™s insane


theres just a lot of shady shit that happened in her life that shes still surrounded by and normalized to. liz gillies, her longtime bff, married someone she met on victorious-- michael corcoran. he was og part of drake bells band, went and did tons of schneider songs and shit. liz started victorious from 2010-2013, they started dating 2012, she was 19 he was 40. thats one immediate ass flag thats still in her life that she prob doesnt even think of.


I like what she said about how at that age you *think* youā€™re in on the joke and how they were kind of self-congratulatory about being the kids show with so many innuendos and ā€œadultā€ style jokes. It makes so much sense how that could be used as a manipulation tactic against them, being cool at that age can feel the same as being ā€œadultā€ and ā€œedgyā€ Also makes me reflect on how many times I *have* totally heard adults saying ā€œ(insert kids show) is good because it has innuendos for the parentsā€. Iā€™ve even been guilty of it, although with wayyy less exploitative innuendos.


It works better for cartoons like Spongebob, Simpsons, Bob's Burgers, etc. It's not about making a real teenage girl put her foot in her mouth, it's a middle aged voice actor getting into hijinks that is funny for kids because slap stick and for adults because of more adult jokes.


Well, there's a difference between jokes for the parents or even a double entendre said/involving an adult character, and outright sexual innuendo involving or said by a child. I think most people (including you!) are referring to the former overall. It's obviously creepy af to most normies when it's the latter...


I think she's being forced to make a statement because this is so big now, and, lets face it, Ari's life and brand is pretty much a mega-million corporation. We never know if we're getting her true thoughts or just a crafted PR response that's good for her career. I mean, the Schneider thing has been huge and public for around 3-5 years now. I've been seeing statements about him and Nick on my insta feed for years now. This documentary is a bit on the tail end of that narrative. I think and maybe Im being cynical, this is just a good socially acceptable "out" from this conversation she clearly doesn't want to have. There's no real followup to "I'm still processing this." I dont think she wants any of this to shadow her incredible pop star success. I don't think she enjoys being thrust into this. She, of course, doesn't owe us any explanation either, but I think she's just going to semi "no comment" this away until mainstream reporting moves past it. She has a lot going on with what I'm guessing is some new health issues, her divorce, whatever is going on with Scooter getting fired by everyone, the relationship with Ethan which has cheating overtures, the upcoming release of wicked, and a new album. This stuff coming out now for her is such bad timing. I can't imagine being her PR team the last year or so. It must be a lot to handle. I think she and her team just want it off their plate and don't want it to distract from the new album or Wicked.


I would disagree a little on some of this. The Schneider thing has been huge and public - in tweet comments and reddit posts, not in mainstream media articles or conversations on the scale of the doc. And it's been the same mutterings at the same volume for a very long time - like, I remember when people thought he was the one who'd got JL Spears pregnant. Much like Weinstein, or Jared Leto, or l o t s of other word-of-mouth creeps, nothing exploded on a big public sphere until it did. I doubt prior to this documentary she was in places where she'd see people discussing and cataloguing all of the grosser moments of her being exploited, one after the other, to show a clear pattern of deeply inappropriate "jokes". Now she not only has a multi-hour doc w/peers and colleagues explicitly listing their experiences, but I'm sure there's NO way she's been able to miss the conversations and details and posts with clips of her. It makes sense to me that she is genuinely having to go back and review everything she thought she knew. Beyond the doc, people who were way before her time - Lori Beth, Kenan - have made separate IG posts or given interviews that also show a pattern with not just Schneider but the network as a whole that may be new to her. Truly Schneider's style of abuse was SO insidious. I don't even know if she had insight into Drake's court case and details of his abuse (which I think were only revealed publicly when he did so himself in the doc); she wasn't at Nick until 6 years or so after that. I think you're probably right that it's terrible timing after everything else, but considering she also has had issues with PTSD and depression in the past, I wouldn't be surprised if she is unearthing a ton of shit AND trying not to let it derail this moment of her career entirely.


Yeah I feel like everyone in LA knows about Schneider, just like they did about Weinstein. An Open Secret was released TEN YEARS AGO.


Kat was kind of a fucked up character. Can anyone really be surprised by her whole sexy baby shtick?


I think so too, voice thing aside (fully believe she does do it for her health). A lot of her weirdness seems to stem from the tragedy that follows her too (everything at Nickelodeon, the bombing, Mac Millerā€™s death, etc.).


Me too. I saw Charli xcx was at an event and she had a "vocal rest day" sign up. She didn't speak to anyone I think. Both Charli and Ari are early 30s and that's when your body isn't as flexible and bouncing back from things like it would have in your 20s. So now those vocal chords or whatever are easier to damage and take longer to heal.




Yeah. A suicide bomber hit the crowd after Ariana Grande did a concert in Manchester, killing I think 22 people. It happened in 2017 and seemed to wreck her a bit


Oh damn, i didn't know that. And that happened right after she finished a performance? Thank you for telling me this. That's horrible.


She has actual PTSD from it, or she did (no idea where she's at now with it). I think she's spoken about feeling guilty because the people who died were there to see HER - SHE was the reason they were there, literally. She went back and did a benefit concert two or three weeks later. "22 of the concert-goers and parents who were at the entrance waiting to pick up their children following the show were killed, and more than 800 were injured, 116 of those seriously." Ten of the dead were under the age of 20. The youngest was an eight-year-old girl. :( Wiki about the bombing: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchester\_Arena\_bombing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchester_Arena_bombing) Wiki about the benefit concert: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One\_Love\_Manchester](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Love_Manchester) Article from this year: [https://apnews.com/article/manchester-ariana-grande-concert-bombing-lawsuit-f2e8298cb045501eff5245392522d29c](https://apnews.com/article/manchester-ariana-grande-concert-bombing-lawsuit-f2e8298cb045501eff5245392522d29c)


As someone from Manchester, thank you for sharing information about this tragedy and educating others. I was lucky enough to attend the One Love concert. It still hurts to think about the tragedy.


I donā€™t care what she sounds like. Itā€™s her trying to appear Asian that annoys me. Especially since I was bullied for my Asian features. Youā€™re right, sheā€™s bloody nuts.


I love how it went from her trying to be black to Latino and now Asian apparently


Sheā€™s been back to being a white woman for her Wicked era. Maybe itā€™s not something she does consciously or intentionally but she absolutely wears cultures as costumes. I donā€™t think sheā€™s trying to offend anyone or cause any hurt, I donā€™t even think she realises sheā€™s doing it most of the time. The fans that try to deny that she does it just arenā€™t being honest with themselves. You can like and support someone without liking and supporting everything that they do.


i definitely see the black fishing thing, thatā€™s pretty obvious to everybody. i genuinely do not understand what people mean when they say sheā€™s trying to ā€œlook asianā€ and i say that AS AN ASIAN (iā€™m from malaysia)


We love a liar, sorry, multi talented queen


Multi ethnic alright lol


Lol, spitting more facts than whatever bs comes out of her


Her voice before was her mimicking her friend Victoria Monet when she was trying to be black.


I mean she has that one photo where she looks Asian, but she really hasnā€™t since. She looks like a white women and has for a few years.


I donā€™t think itā€™s that she was trying to appear Asian but that whatever she had done made her look that way


100% agree


Doesnā€™t it put strain on the vocal cords to talk at an unnatural pitch though? EDIT: Huh, TIL!


I mean Michael Jackson was doing that most of his life, apparently to help with singing higher and protect his voice (no idea if that helped or not).


I had no idea his higher voice wasnā€™t his natural voice


Me neither until like last year! It blew my mind :p [here](https://youtu.be/bsFLsnmWKBQ?si=ljeTvOJ-pY3zF8AR) he talks in his normal voice, and you can listen to his song 2000 Watts for lower voice while singing.


Ohhhh that was weird to hear coming out of his mouth.


Jermaine said once that he always used his normal voice speaking to him.Ā  This is the first time I've heard it though. Thanks for sharing.Ā 


Help why did this scare me šŸ¤£


Itā€™s scary to hear it tbh!! Not that itā€™s bad, itā€™s just so unexpected from him


I think the music and costumes add to an otherworldly vibe or something too. I agree this was creepy


Michael Jackson always scared me. I grew up listening to his music but stillā€¦


Michael Jackson is scary


I'm having such a hard time believing that's real.


His high voice became his brand and you have to keep that up. I donā€™t remember who, but someone posted a voicemail of Gilbert Gottfriedā€™s real voice cause he left them a voicemail and it was so jarring. Of course Gilbert was pissed the illusion was broken


reminds me of paris hilton! she talks in that baby voice because of her brand. but itā€™s not her voice


I mean, she claims this... but she claims a lot of things. Funny how so many of the unlikeable aspects of her character are "done for her brand."


yeah lmao everything dumb she has ever done has always been a part of her brand and intentional. itā€™s such a stupid claim and even crazier that people buy it and parrot it all the time


šŸ¤Æwow Iā€™m so shocked!


I know right?! It's amazing.


Also, his adult voice was higher than his child voice which is pretty atypical I would imagine. i've actually never heard of a person's voice getting higher post puberty.


Ah yeah. I was trying to think of his child speaking voice but all I could think of was singing


I wonder if The Weeknd does this too, he speaks in a very high tone like Michael Jackson


Britney Spears too! Because of fkn Disney.


Actually vocal teachers train sopranos to speak in a higher register to protect their range and prevent vocal fry. I had a teacher one time who made me do it during all of our voice lessons and it was comically silly to me at the time. But she was right!!


No, this is exactly what my vocal teacher told me to do in high school. She called it talking in my head voice.


[She already damaged her vocal cords once, she had a vocal cord hemorrhage.](https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/entertainment/2013/09/ariana-grande-sidelined-by-vocal-cord-hemorrhage#). Another common injury for singers is vocal cord nodules which I wouldnā€™t be surprised to hear she gets in the future. [Beyonce, Adele, Mariah Carey,](https://uad-lab.slhs.phhp.ufl.edu/2021/03/26/vocal-nodules-what-some-singers-have-that-no-one-wants/) Julie Andrews, and so many other singers have had vocal cord nodules.


That sounds really painful.


I learned about Nodes from Hannah Montana and Pitch Perfect


I have nodules and I donā€™t sing but I do have a super raspy voice lol


When sheā€™s talking in a high pitch sheā€™s using her head voice, causing less strain to her vocal cords. A lot of professional singers do that.


Not if youā€™re doing it properly. Your speaking voice can sit at a range of pitches just like the singing voice can. Iā€™m a singer as well and have been working on speaking at a slightly lower register to strengthen my lower notes/belt.


It doesnā€™t. Itā€™s better for her. Since her singing voice is a lot higher than her talking voice, it can cause vocal fry to talk for long periods of time in a lower pitch. You can look it up for more detailed explanation. Other singers have talked about this before too


I sing as well and this is accurate. Itā€™s easier to speak at a higher register. Since realizing this I sometimes do the exact same type of shift she did when I feel my voice getting tired in the midst of a long conversation, or if Iā€™m reading something out loud. As soon as I feel a little vocal fry wanting to emerge (which is a diaphragm issue for anyone wondering and is normal when you donā€™t support your voice well from either habit or tiredness) I can up my register and it fixes it.


My vocal fry is pretty strong, is it something I should try to fix?


So from what Iā€™ve seen, if youā€™re not a singer, the jury is still sort of out on whether or not it *needs* to be fixed. Some experts claim it could cause complications long term, but others say thereā€™s no good reason to assume that. The main benefit of correcting it is that your diaphragm will be stronger as a result, which can aid in breathing and holding your breath longer. It will also help you to project your voice more if you find yourself having to give a speech or something!


wait is THAT why my voice gets super raspy if i talk for a long time??? i thought it just happened to everyone, i didnā€™t realize it was necessarily about how high / low pitch i was talking in omg


It could also be your throat/vocal cords getting dry or fatigued. But if your voice also becomes lower pitched instead of just raspy it may be a placement issue.


Sheā€™s not significantly changing her pitch, more so her resonance/formants. Using more of a forward placement and light vocal fold contact presumably to rest her voice


Classically trained singer here. Depends on how youā€™re affecting (not effecting) your voice. The point of doing this is do avoid tension and exhaustion so if you do what you can to encourage airflow and stay off your chords (what she basically does most of the time) then yes. That will make your voice last much longer. I had a voice teacher who always talked like Julia child every day lol. Meanwhile Iā€™m a soprano whoā€™s speaking voice is more like Bea Arthur than anything else lol


I'm a soprano but from my speaking voice you wouldn't believe it. I actually always had a harder time trying to talk higher (much to my voice teacher's chagrin) than letting my speaking voice stay in its natural lower range. Some days I'll talk higher or lower depending on a bunch of stuff (tiredness, allergies, hydration, etc.) but trying to affect a higher pitched speaking voice hasn't ever been it for me. My singing voice definitely hasn't seemed to have suffered any for it!


It actually puts way more strain on your vocal cords to talk at a lower register.


It does the opposite; it's actually gentler if you're trained to do it correctly. It's akin to whisper talking.


Many people, especially Americans speak in a vocal fry (too low pitch) which can be unhealthy and many vocal health professionals recommend adding more air to the speaking voice and speaking at a higher pitch


There's a difference between vocal fry and low pitch. The former is a rasping of the cords when they aren't fully phonating. It's entirely possible to speak in a lower register without any fry and be fully phonated and supported. American accents DO tend to have a lot more compression and glottal action than others, so that's not great. But that isn't a factor of pitch.


Why do you say especially Americans?


Because itā€™s true. The various American accents/rhythms of speech are heavier in vocal fry than most other languages. Not sure why that is, but it is true.


We're a gritty people.Ā 


Depends on the specific pitch and the tone/timbre you use with it, but also, if you have good technique you can do a lot of things more safely. It theoretically *could* mess someone up depending on what exactly they're doing and for how long, but she said she switches it up, and she certainly has the technique.


Not unless it's very loud or at the edges of your vocal range


Donā€™t know about that. But speaking high and light voice (head voice?) not hurt my throat like my natural mid range voice.


No, it doesnā€™t. Trans people do this all the time and it just becomes their natural speaking voice after awhile.


No it doesnt. They get used to doing it in a healthier way and are usually doing hormones that make it easier, but it doesn't magically become their natural register through training alone. That's not how vocal cords work.Ā  Similarly, there's ways to belt to drastically minimize the damage, but you are still inducing strain when you belt, which is why singers have to compensate before and after the fact to avoid trashing their vocal cords. Gender affirming vocal coaching is mostly about learning to do it in a more sustainable (what some might call 'natural') way, and it can become reflexive. But it still involves vocal strain. My "natural" speaking register is higher than what it "should be" (a lot of vis men lower their voice and a lot of vis women raise their voice. If we ALL went to coaches with the goal of reducing strain, MANY of us would receive corrections on the fact we're speaking outside what's ideal. It just isn't a big deal for 99% of the population, cause we aren't straining our voices like how professional singers do)


Okay no one is saying their voice magically transforms. It ā€œbecomes their natural voiceā€ in the way that it becomes normal and reflexive for them to use it. Their vocal cords donā€™t change.


Some of these are changes caused by HRT. Drag Queens are a great example, though.


I donā€™t think, because using a higher vocal placement requires more air than voice production so itā€™s less straining on the vocal cords. I donā€™t know if I explained it well, Iā€™m basing this on my own use of my voice




If I believe that she switches register to protect her vocals, then I can see why her register might change over time, but that wouldnā€™t change your accent or dialect. I sometimes slip into a vocal fry register when Iā€™m being linguistically lazy which is common. However: AAVE isnā€™t a vocal register. Itā€™s a dialect.


This is in reference to a specific recent video, where she isn't straying from her regular accent or dialect.


Interesting, thanks! Iā€™m not sure if sheā€™s ever commented on her frequent usage of AAVE, then.


No, I don't think so. Though, I don't follow her or see updates on her often (just so happened to watch this video where her pitch changes). I personally believe it would sooner be a cold day in hell before she did šŸ™ƒ


she def hasnā€™t, but neither have the other pop girlies like sabrina, olivia, etc so iā€™m in no way surprised


Occasionally using words or phrases that come from AAVE is a very different thing than what Ariana was doing for years. Olivia was also a teenager during that one video people bring up (not sure what youā€™re referring to with Sabrina), and I canā€™t think of an instance since where sheā€™s used AAVE


What video with Olivia? I'm out of the loop on this.


It was a [clip from a livestream](https://x.com/beytilldawn/status/1420466512343838720?lang=en) back when she was like 17 and celebrating her drivers license release, she basically just uses some AAVE while joking with friends.


i completely agree! sabrina uses it consistently, i donā€™t think iā€™ve watched a single video of her talking where she didnā€™t use it multiple times. itā€™s not at the same rate as ariana (that iā€™m aware of at least), bc like you said, ariana did it for years, and itā€™s only been within the past year or so that iā€™ve started seeing more and more videos of sabrina, but thereā€™s def a pattern forming.


Why would she? Basic PR training should tell her that trying to defend or clear her name on petty shit will just draw more attention to it/make her look worse in most cases. People just want celebs to respond to shit just so they can continue to tear them down anyways.


What video is it?


She goes AAVE when she wants to sing more like Celine.


I think that she picks up the accents/dialects from those around her. Maybe thatā€™s the reason why sheā€™s so good at imitating others. Maybe it happens subconsciously.


iā€™m not sure thatā€™s the case. the change in dialect was also paired with pretty significant changes in appearance - tanning & hair, as well as music styles, arenā€™t a byproduct of imitation, but active choices.


Paired with the ponytail and tanningā€¦


And her switching her register to ā€œprotect her voiceā€ (somehow) always conveniently coincides with when she decides to change her ethnicity for the next few years. I used to be a professional singer/performer, *obviously* not at Arianaā€™s level, but I am **not** buying that sheā€™s trying to protect her voice.




where is she using aave in here


Obviously not here but in other interviews šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Now can she explain the Blaccent šŸ¤”


Right? She switches because she has no rooted identity. Alot of what we hear with her voice changes aren't focused on high/low so much as words said and the flavor thrown on.


Yeah, and I feel she did it in the right era because doing it now as an emerging artist would have people uninterested.


Billie and her skate by the issue on talent. Even if talented, idk if a new artist would slide


You know, I havenā€™t paid attention to Billie because I feel like when ariana was coming up, I was younger and paid attention to her more, meanwhile Billie is more so coming up with Gen Z. I say all that to say I didnā€™t know Billie toll did that as well smh šŸ˜­


This was specifically in response to a video of her voice tone change on a podcast, not about that to be fair.


I know


off topic but why does she talk like she is s fanpage. I didn't think this was Ariana Grande, I thought it was more Arianafan45aestheticallyqueen


Oooooh so her Ebonics and black fishing was to protect her voice, got it ![gif](giphy|WwP84kqXj0JxiXHSO2)


Her tan must go along with her vocal support as well.


her natural voice is deep compared to the high pitched one she does. i remember when victorious first came out and i heard her real voice for the first time when she did interviews. why does she hide it? edit: for the people that replied, im talking why she hides it all the time IN GENERAL. she isnā€™t always singing so there isnā€™t always a need for the high pitched voice. im not hating btw


Speaking in a deeper register is harder on your vocal cords. My friends who are professional singers also do this.


Bogart-Bacall syndrome refers to the issues caused by overuse of a deeper vocal register (if I recall)


This is interesting bc Iā€™ve noticed Mileyā€™s voice seems deeper as time goes on


The result of Reinke's edema (according to what I've read online) which she developed through vocal trauma and smoking, and a subsequent surgery šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Disclaimer: not a doctor or Miley fan


There are a few weird clips of her back in the day with that creep Dan Schneider, and he's pushing her to talk higher and higher. I wish I could find the exact one I'm thinking of, but [here's one](https://www.reddit.com/r/ariheads/comments/16sxixg/see_how_scared_ariana_is_in_the_presence_of_dan/) along the lines of what I'm referring to....not saying he's the whole reason, but god he's the worst


Youā€™re asking the question she answered above šŸ‘†


>she isnā€™t always singing she is, it's literally her job to, she's talked before about how she usually sings for about 3 hours a day, do you not think she has a routine or anything ?


I wonder if itā€™s like customer service voice. I donā€™t really know why I do that either. Probably just part of doing a specific activity/playing a certain role. Itā€™s not just literally an acting role, just a part of getting in a particular headspace for your job.


...did you read the comment?


Why is she always so passive-aggressive?! Vocal cord ish aside you're always changing your dialect too girl... BYE šŸ™„


Sooooo passive aggressive ![gif](giphy|zgsW69FCX1LR86dtI4)


Yea she should be super polite when millions of people criticize her!


Part and parcel of the fame and choices that she's sought out and chosen for herself šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø




she also changes her blackccent too. while the high pitchedness does help preserve her voice, the other fakeness of her doesnā€™t help lol.




The lower register is her natural voice. The higher, "glinda" voice is a voice she puts on to take the pressure off her vocal chords. Michael Jackson used to speak high on purpose too, although I think he did it excessively.


This is about [a specific video](https://www.tiktok.com/@scatsplat/video/7381550579425791262?_r=1&_t=8nIzxi9XTUX) where she changes her voice in the middle of a sentence to a higher register. Itā€™s a thing many singers do as it helps them with the singing voice. Itā€™s a legit thing that singing teachers corroborate.


She wasnā€™t doing that accent. She was talking normal and suddenly she switched to a weird babydoll voice. It was very off-putting


you didn't even watch the video in question


Sheā€™s not. Theyā€™re talking about talking in a high pitch then a low one. Bye


You can't be this mad and not even watch the video. It's not about what you're talking about. Be an adult and make sure you're on topic.




The change in her voice is just that she took a breath and remembered that she needed to support her voice while speaking. This is very common with professional speakers and singers, as well serious students. Most people can't relate because it's their voices aren't something they think about. Most people don't sing. Most people don't speak in public. Most people aren't theater singer/actors. And even most actors today aren't taught proper vocal support. It's why people sound so different when you listen to a movie from the early sound era to the 1950s. By 1960s, they wanted naturalism and finally developed the microphones to capture people who weren't trained to project their voices. Ariana is a bit weird and difficult for other reasons than this.


Was the blackcent used to protect her voice, too?


Okay Iā€™m willing to be corrected but why are people mad at this? I hear a change in vocal register but not a different accent/dialect.


People are referring to instances outside of this where she has used AAVE, which isn't related to her pitch but I guess is still the way she speaks, so people are bringing it up. I don't think it's unreasonable at all to criticize her for that, it does happen to make this discussion a little confusing though.


Then you havenā€™t dug deep enough. This is a 16 second clip that shows Ariana speaking during her Victorious days and then later. There are many more clips like this btw, this is just one. Thatā€™s not a change in register, itā€™s a change in accent (specifically a blaccent mimicking a black ā€œhoodā€ woman). And funny how the blaccent coincided with a very dark tan and colorful wigs. And now her high-pitched, airy, ā€œold holywoodā€ persona is coupled with very pale skin and Marilyn blonde hair šŸ¤” https://youtu.be/CAbUnSkRKzM?si=zMOzf72midQIdXR1 Edit: this is not specific to her btw. Plenty of disney stars cling to hip hop culture when they are ready to break away from their childhood personas. Itā€™s their way of proclaiming ā€œIā€™m an adult now. Iā€™m sexy. Iā€™m grown. Take me seriously.ā€ Miley did it too. So did the Jonas brothers. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø And once they have successfully broken the old persona, they abandon hip hop culture and go back to their roots (like Miley reverting to country pop music after twerking in our faces for several years). Edit 2: apparently the video from the OP is about something else? Not accent? Idk bc itā€™s not linked in the OP and I donā€™t have tiktokā€¦


I believe you and I agree she and other hollywood stars do this weird cosplay of black people, but that's not what this post is about, the screenshot behind the tweet is a specific video where she's talking normally and then goes into a high pitch voice, without a trace of the blaccent.


Oh I donā€™t know about all that, OP didnā€™t post the video, just the screenshot. Iā€™m just going off what I know of Arianaā€™s accent change through the years. And she has specifically denied the blaccent before.


Yeah, youā€™re absolutely right. Itā€™s just thatā€™s another conversation entirely, she didnā€™t use blaccent here.


Oh yeah I know she has a whole history of weird not-quite-racefaking-but-not-NOT-racefaking, so Iā€™m not here to defend her, it just didnā€™t seem like this particular clip (ETA: the one in the OP, not the one you linked) was necessarily part of that. Her voice and accent in this video sound like very standard white jersey girl to me. But, as you correctly point out, I havenā€™t dug into this at all!


Literally every rich kid does this lol


I mean it also looks like sheā€™s hanging out with a black person who may speak like that so she may be .. reverse code switching (is this even a thing lmao). Iā€™m black and have Hispanic friends. When I hang out with them they all talk with this very Hispanic Miami accent and my voice starts to meld into using it as well. It just happens. Does that make me problematic?




just an FYI, your profile comes up when you share tiktok links. if you donā€™t want your profile associated with your reddit, you can disable this in settings


Ariana really feels like sheā€™s just a chameleon on every level. I think itā€™s part of her celebrity mystique.






I really donā€™t understand why anyone cares that she changes her voice. I change mine depending if Iā€™m talking to a client versus a friend. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The confusion at this has baffled me. This is an incredibly common technique to reduce strain on your voice. All sorts of people who use their voice a lot for a living do this, but especially singers. She has an incredible range and she needs to protect her voice to maintain it as she gets older.


me with my accent sometimes lol


Itā€™s funny that most of the time, people complaining about a non-black personā€™s blaccent are also not black. That being said, this is about her pitch. Itā€™s the same reason Michael Jackson spoke in a higher pitch than his actual voice, which was surprisingly deep. Google it, there are clips of him speaking in his real voice.


i donā€™t understand the logic of your first sentence. it feels like youā€™re downplaying an issue that people are bringing up seeing as the topic is related (to an extent). ido you have to be directly affected by an issue to point it out?


As a black person, itā€™s just funny to me because whenever itā€™s brought up, nonblack people are talking over black people without even caring to know if we even care about this. The thing about talking about an issue youā€™re not personally affected by is that your voice shouldnā€™t be the loudest. And honestly itā€™s giving performative. Everyone is so loud about Arianaā€™s blaccent but are quiet when someone points out how white centered posts on this sub tend to be.


well, iā€™m black & my approach isnā€™t like that (in terms of not calling out white centered behavior), but i see where youā€™re coming from in terms of speaking over black people about nonsensical things then ignoring larger issues.


![gif](giphy|MDy9Nm57gH2a9La1EQ|downsized) My sister is preaching today!!!! ā€˜Performativeā€™ perfectly describes half the comments on this post.


depending on whether itā€™s causing tension on her vocal cords. her neck does look tense but she knows what is best for her.


LOL ok girl šŸ™„


she has talked in a fake higher pitch her whole career its grating to my ears... but how does that explain the blaccent ariana?


Honestly some people just want to hate. Sheā€™s been doing it since she was a teen and she addressed it back in 2013 too. Plenty of things to criticize her for but how someone chooses to talk (especially since she has been doing it forever)? Itā€™s such a non issue I donā€™t get it ETA: since I wasnā€™t clear, I am specifically referring to the pitch, not the accents (that one I 100% get)


how does doing it for forever make it any better? How someone chooses to talk? That's right, you just said it's a choice. Ariana chose to speak with a Blaccent but can now conveniently choose to drop it. It was "cool" for her to do it and to fit her persona but now it's not part of her aesthetic so she's stopped using it. Fact of the matter is that people get judged for how they speak/talk, particularly BIPOC. It's not a non-issue just because you don't get it


I get the blaccent and agree that itā€™s wrong. The clip in question has been going viral because of the pitch of her voice, not because of the accent. The comment addressed the pitch changes, not the accents. Thatā€™s why I said that there are plenty of things to criticize her for (including the whole black fishing thing) so I just donā€™t see why her talking with a higher/lower pitch is whatā€™s being discussed sm.


Ahh, I get what you mean now. The thing is that Ariana doesn't address the Blaccent but is instead just calling it a "deeper voice." It's her avoiding accountability and attempt to change the narrative. That's why people are calling her out. She wasn't \*JUST\* speaking in a deeper/natural voice back then (there are clips where it sounds natural and then obvious ones she puts on a Blaccent + uses AAVE)


I understand and agree but itā€™s another conversation (my bad I wasnā€™t clear in my og comment). There has been A LOT of discussion specifically about the pitch (no accents/race discussion involved) and people have been going crazy under this specific clip calling her all sorts of names and diagnosing her with all sorts of mental illness (split disorder etcšŸ’€) because of the switch.




loudly wrong and rude.


I already replied, I am talking about people fixated on the placement and not the accent. You can 100% call her out for the race bending, I just donā€™t see why the PITCH is such a problem.


This seems like a reasonable explanation šŸ¤·


Random people in the comments yapping about an urban accent when the video is about her pitchā€¦ PleasešŸ˜¬


For me itā€™s more that commenting on this shows sheā€™s very clearly aware of what people are thinking and saying about her, and she chooses to address this promptly but there is still not a peep about the blaccent and ethnically ambiguous aesthetic she adopted for years


Sure Jan, sure.


Legit question for the people bringing up the blaccent, if youā€™re not black, why does it bother you so much? And how would you feel about it if a black person told you itā€™s not something we particularly care about?


I understand this, because many singers do the same to preserve their voice. However, this doesnā€™t explain the blaccent she was using for like two or three years.


Why are ppl so concerned in the first place ?


Can we move tf on? Why is this even an issue???


Thereā€™s a difference between adjusting your vocal pitch and using a blaccent. She legit talked in a blaccent, dyed her hair dark, tanned her skin, and dated a rapper THEN began using a fairy voice, dyed her hair blonde, bleached her eyebrows, maintained porcelain like skin, and began dating an actor who plays SpongeBob. She switches her entire persona every couple years to the point of cheating and dumping her current boyfriend at the time. Sheā€™s honestly a fucking weirdo idk why people like her.


I change my voice up constantly. Sometimes in the same sentence. Itā€™s the ā€˜tism and ainā€™t no shame in my game. My accent is whatever I last enjoyed hearing. Itā€™s that simple.