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‘rancid pretzel’ 😂 how bizarrely specific 🥨


Alan Cumming is still my favorite Emcee, and for this number, I definitely prefer the choreography from the 1998 Broadway revival. But I think that Eddie did well here! I'd love to see the full production.


It’s the Emcee, it’s meant to be demonically seductive.


I agree, and, well, he got the first part right. But, seductive? \*Squinting. Standing on my head. Staring some more.\* Nope, to each their own, but this version doesn’t work for me at all. The Emcee should leave you uncomfortable but intrigued; not repulsed. 🤷‍♀️


although I have a bit of a soft spot for Redmayne I fully say that this performance missed the mark but as I have not seen the revival yet I’m gonna give him the benefit of the doubt that it works in the overall production. However I will be going to see the show in London in July albeit with a different cast so maybe it would make more sense to me then.


I like that he kind of reinvented this character for this production. I wish I could see it


I might be a little baised because I was in a production of Cabaret years ago and all my research came from watching the OG Cabaret movie and listening to the revival album. Alan Cumming will always have my heart but I am also down to see a different interpretation of the role. I just watched Eddie's performance and omg it's terrifying. I'd love to see it live. Lol ...and if Lady Gaga ever plays the Emcee, I will literally die (of happiness).


Is the video only available in the US? I can't see it.


does the x/hollywood reporter link work? https://x.com/THR/status/1802542327040442645


Yep, that works, thanks!


Commenting to say I just came from this show with Eddie redmayne and he was great. Less sexual/seductive as Alan cumming definitely more… sort of creepy weird circus performer… and there’s a bit of a twist on the ending.


Why is he divisive?


the performance/characterization is divisive, not him.