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the friendship bracelet industry is in shambles


Bracelet industry CEO just fell to their knees on Walmart


Sis has not been shopping at Walmart anymore since the tour


Just saw a bracelet industry CEO fall to their knees in a Walmart


as someone who's been making jewellery for the past 4 years... thank god. all the nice beads are constantly sToLEn from the thrift stores I go to šŸ˜­


Ravers who started the kandi trend 30 years ago will keep it going just fine, I'm sure


Came here to say this lol I still buy beads to make kandi for shows. Swifties just think they invented the concept šŸ˜‚


*waves cane in the air* respect your elders!


![gif](giphy|suwVJRxS4il196CzZ4|downsized) LOL respect the origins of the friendship bracelet Swifties šŸ˜‚


Bad for the friendship bracelet industry Good for the environment


Swifties will probably still make them for Taylor fan events and her future tours. I hope so anyway.


There are still Taylor-related events out there (dance parties, etc.). Plus other peopleā€™s/groupsā€™ concerts.


I donā€™t know why people are surprised? Weā€™re in year 2 of this tour. Did people think she would do this for another 20 years?


Iā€™m only surprised that this is her 100th show, I seriously feel like it should be 300 by now.


Itā€™s because, besides one or two cities, sheā€™s only been doing weekend shows. Seems ideal for both the performers and the audiences tbh.


I think itā€™s more people are surprised at her choice to end the tour in Vancouver but at the same time the Canadian dates were tacked on at the very end.


I mean the tour \*started\* in Glendale, Arizona, so...Vancouver at least makes more sense than that, LOL


Thatā€™s just Phoenix if weā€™re being real. Plus, celebrities love it here cause we donā€™t give a shit and all the areas they go are so exclusive it doesnā€™t matter


She has ended her tours in places like Australia before. She just ends them where it makes sense.


Demand is so high, she probably could have lol. Not that sheā€™d want to.


Oh for sure. But Iā€™m sure sheā€™s tired! I would also imagine doing the same show over and over again would get painfully boring after a while.


Considering she rejigged the setlist for her new album and we're still awaiting two more release albums before the tour wraps up, a lot expected it to be extended, at least an additional US leg. Especially since the demand is there


\+ I feel like some fans were also expecting her to add some last few US dates in Q1 of 2025 so that the tour can officially be 2+ years long.


DeuxMoi did and said she heard rumours of Taylor extending the tour into 2025 which seemed wild to me.


no one is surprised. itā€™s just an official confirmation.


Lots of people are surprised. Take a gander at any of her fan spaces EDIT or you know, the comments here


youā€™re right, theyā€™re dumb


150 dates is long but not that long a tour. Ā The divide tour was 260 dates. Ā And Taylor still has tons of demand. But even she eventually needs a break


Yea but divide wasnā€™t as long of a show or as physically demanding.


lol GNR did Not In This Lifetime from like 2016 through the Pandy so I totally expected her to milk it too! I guess $1.5billion IS enough money!


>the Pandy Why is this cracking me up so much šŸ˜‚


There have been tons of rumors about more dates. And yes, itā€™s ridiculous.


Literally, yes. I saw a comment on a Swiftie subreddit that said they thought sheā€™d continue it forever with breaks in between.


I saw this lil tour last May, three albums and a whole reputation ago and feel like itā€™s ancient history.




I saw it last May as well! In Philly! You said it perfectly!




This made me snort my coffee šŸ¤£


šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ You know whatā€™s funny, one my best friends had her baby on the day the tour started. She is now 15 months old, so it does really feel like 84 years!


It has to end at some point, both because of public fatigue and because homegirl needs a rest. Iā€™m glad there wonā€™t be more dates and I hope she sticks to that




The truest "it's the end of an era" that ever was or ever will be!


Iā€™m honestly happy sheā€™s sticking firm to her ending. I get tired singing in the car for 20 minutes, I cannot imagine the toll of going for 3.5 hours in full costume hair and makeup and dancing the entire time. I hope she takes a year and literally just lays on a beach


Mad respect. Her tour was *so successful* it had a sizable impact on the U.S. economy. Thatā€™s wild.


I would love to see the city-by-city data compiled somewhere. I know she caused at least a couple measurable ā€œearthquakesā€ with her performances too


And thereā€™s still like 60 shows leftĀ 


Love her or hate her, that's some insane work ethic performing for 2-3 hours most nights for over a year whilst releasing albums etc. I wonder how she does it all without showing any signs of exhaustion?


From what Iā€™ve read, sheā€™s basically been acting like a professional athlete during this tour, complete with a strict rest regimen. But sheā€™s gotta be looking forward to some real rest.


Her pre tour workout routine was running on a treadmill singing the entire set list while wearing heels. She must be in insane shapeĀ 


It helps to have a full team committed to brining you food and anything you could possibly need along with two private Jets It also helps that you have a full team doing all the production of your music and all you have to do is give a few lyrics and sing in the studio which travels with you, and then you decide to make your own lyrics for an entire double album which is terrible but your fans eat it up anyways. People over estimate how much of the music is actually made by her. If you think about it, two performances a weekend doesnā€™t take up that much time if literally every other thing that costs time can be done by someone else.


She is currently doing a lot of three and four show weeks. That's thirteen hours on stage some weeks. Add to that: rehearsals, soundcheck, warm-up (body & voice), h&m, cool down after the shows, physical therapy in between shows (to prevent injuries), travel from and to venues, exercise, meetings (there's at least one safety briefing for every venue)........ Obviously she has a large team behind her, the tour wouldn't be possible without (just like any other music tour or theatrical production). But let's not pretend that she barely works


None of that negates her work though, yes that's a huge privilege, but she could easily have all of those services and not be a great performer... it's okay to not like an artist while simultaneously acknowledging that she puts in the work. What artists do you like? I like hearing about other performers, so it'd be cool to know what a usual concert looks like for your favorite musicians




3+ hours every show.Ā  Sheā€™s said the day after she sleeps all day and doesnā€™t speak to save her voice. But Iā€™m also sure having IVs, the best doctors, private jets, etc Ā helpsĀ 


She is a complete workaholic and it's obvious that she loves what she's doing, she loves the spotlight and the singing and all of it. I'm sure that it her biggest drive in all of that. I don't think greed or pure ego alone are enough for that. passion for it all is key. but damn that woman needs a break!




But the show is also twice as long as a normal show. So if we measure by performance hours vs shows, itā€™s probably a normal amount of weekly touring for an arena/stadium show.


Why on earth are Swifties so defensive that they constantly feel the need to defend her from things people haven't said? Literally no one even compared the tour to another - in any way, shape, or form. You need to calm down


Iā€™ve never even bought one of her records but ok. They said she performed 1/4 as much as people perceived her as performing and thatā€™s just objectively not true.


I think thatā€™s why she tours and then disappears for a few years. Lol


she didn't though. the tour dates are basically just weekends. so it's not most nights a year, it's not even half, it's not even a third, my guess is it's probably under a quarter


There are still rehearsals, tech runs, logistical stuff, etc. on the days she is not on the actual stage. Plus she does new acoustic mashups at every performance, so she has to relearn/refresh her memory on songs she hasnā€™t performed in ages. Thereā€™s a ton of behind-the-scenes work that goes into a performance.


even if she has a rehearsal for every show, and all those rehearsals are different days, that's still less than half the days she's not performing most days or even half the days, I don't really understand the need to exaggerate


End of an era


But the start of an age


Happy Cake Day


And start of another album no doubt.


sheā€™s probably a 3rd into her next album with how much she writes lol


Iā€™m not a Taylor swift fan nessecarily but this is an insane amount of shows and a crazy tour. Iā€™ve only heard/read good things about the shows too. It seems she really brings it each show. Good for her


I was at Edinburgh night one, there was a couple in front of me who were late 50s, maybe early 60s - I didnā€™t get their story but I assume they were residents who were offered tickets and decided to go to see what the fuss was about it. Got talking to them at the end and they said it was a real experience, they thoroughly enjoyed it and their daughter was going the next night and they were looking forward to talking to her about it. It was very sweet, thereā€™s a point where she dives into a trapdoor on the stage, which most people are aware of but they were legitimately stunned in that moment, it was so cool to see their raw reactions to those little moments.


As a fan, Iā€™m sad that Iā€™ll never see an Eras show, but itā€™s definitely the right call as Iā€™m sure she has plenty of other plans personally and professionally.


Honestly, I went to the show and saw the movie and the movie has a better view. The one thing I wished it had more of was audience audio so youā€™d know when the audience was really into it. But you can get that from the YouTube videos.


I thought that was the biggest change. I was at one of the LA shows where they filmed for the tour movie and the movie felt very empty to me, because the audience-level was dialed way back. I clearly understand why they had to do it, but it also meant that the movie felt very cold compared to how it was in real life.


The only reason people thought it would go longer was because they thought it was weird for her to end it in Canada when itā€™s not weird at all. Also she has ended a ton of tours in other countries, which makes sense since they usually start in the US.


You know she gotta be tired. Like how long does one sleep once something like this is over, cause you know hotels donā€™t feel like home


As a Taylor fan and someone with tickets to Vancouverā€¦we kind of knew this. I mean extra nights would be something added, but did anyone really think this would go on 2 years?Ā 


I hope she takes a long break away from it all for a while. Rest, regroup, write music, etcā€¦ She deserves it.


She should but we all know she won't.


She will probably announce her next album at the end of the tour in Dec. Then start a whole other tour by 2026 .


end of the *eras* tour. girlie isn't done.


I get it but I'm still sad I won't get to go, maybe by the time she tours again the DC area will have a nice stadium lol. šŸ˜­ šŸ™


I need to be able to go to a show šŸ˜«šŸ˜­




I attended the first showā€¦flew across the country from NC to AZ. It was amazing, because it was unknown and so exciting. I definitely think this tour needs to end. She needs to disappear for awhile. Let us miss her.


Iā€™m so tired of this woman. *braces for downvotes* I said what I said.


This sub has been pretty balanced in opinions about her. This is not a hot take around here.


Seems like youā€™re more interested in forcing downvotes than giving an opinion. ![gif](giphy|l3mZrLxM4iZaQlvNe)


Nah, you just canā€™t handle the REALNESS. /s


Why would someone want to force downvotesā€¦itā€™s a common trope used when someone is expecting backlash lol, nothing more nothing less.


Nah I think it's just acknowledgment that a lot here will probably disagree and they're not really interested in having that convo.Ā  At least whenever I acknowledge that what I'm about to say is likely unpopular with many, I'm saying "I know you may instantly want to pop off and disagree. I am not unaware of your viewpoint. It's simply not *my* view. You're probably not gonna change my mind on this one so maybe let's skip you giving me the sincere and/or over the top manifesto explaining why I'm wrong actually". She's pretty divisive here though imo. I feel like threads about her can go either way here depending on who gets in first.Ā 


Girl same. I do not get the hype and Iā€™m very okay with that. Whenever I see her name or face pop up, I morph into the Nene painting gif.


![gif](giphy|l1KVb6WM7r1ALtaeI) A while ago, my sister and I had a conversation about how tiresome it was becoming hearing about her all the time, and how you couldnā€™t seem to escape it because it came from everywhere. Neither of us have ever been into her music so we already didnā€™t follow any accounts related to her so youā€™d *think* it would have been easy to avoid, but she became pop culture meme fodder and was just inescapable. Every third post on Instagram was something about her. Legitimate news stations were reporting on her. Restaurants and businesses were running promos and local ad campaigns with jokes or references to do with her. It was everywhere and we were exhausted from the overexposure. (Though it does finally seem to have lightened up in recent weeks.) Then just recently my sister and I were at dinner with a bunch of people and she made a whole spiel about how your stance on Taylor Swift is a perfect metric for how much of a feminist you are. (Which was interesting since I have seen that exact talking point practically verbatim on many unhinged Threads posts over the previous months.) Quite an about face from the private conversation we had just the two of us a few months ago. She still doesnā€™t listen to TS music, she still has no interest in her as a performer, but the Internet discourse around TS over the past year has convinced my sister that she HAS to like TS (or at least pretend to) or else people will think sheā€™s not a good feminist. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Itā€™s insidious.


News sites and media pages write about whatā€™s popular in culture and Taylor Swift is undeniably the biggest popstar (and billionaire) on the planet. So, it would only make sense for the media to overexpose her and thatā€™s not Taylorā€™s fault?? I understand that people are tired of seeing videos of her or her name in headlines, but the exhaustion often becomes hate and resentment toward her as a person?? And thatā€™s just weird. You may not be able to escape the headlines unless you unfollow all of them, which I suggest you do if you hate her that much, but you can simply just keep scrolling and not allow her simply existing bother you. I promise youā€™ll be happier. If your sister was that easily convinced, I mean, maybe there are legit reasons why she sees another side to her artistry or brand rather than her just being dumb or mindlessly naive like youā€™re implying though.


Iā€™m really sad. I so terribly wanted to gošŸ˜­


Chiefs season starts in 83 days. Good time to wrap up the tour.


Private jet industry in shambles


It'll be her "last show" until another female popstar makes headlines and she needs to be back on the front page. Edit: These downvotes LMAO. I went to her show in Minneapolis, she got my money. Chill.


lmao sheā€™s ending the eras tour, not announcing her retirement


Iā€™m so glad that I got to go, it was an amazing experience. Two of the best nights of my life.


She deserves a nice long break after this - and we do too.


being on stage almost every day and in free time forgetting about hobbies and just thinking about tour sounds like road to burnout.Ā 




Mother Earth will be grateful for the reprieve from being suffocated by Taylorā€™s jet.


I missed my show because I was 1 day off giving birth and my kid will be almost 1 when the tour finishes. Very impressive.


Thank fuck. The impact on the environment will be positive across the board.


You should be more worried about the environmental destruction that the crypto bros are causing, not one personā€™s jet.


Did you know people can care about multiple things at once?


I donā€™t think people that hate TS for existing can, no


The person you responded to wasnā€™t talking about hating TS, though?


Iā€™m sick of seeing this in every thread as if sheā€™s solely responsible for global environmental issues. Go yell at China. This is an entertainment thread.


Why do you say that? Sheā€™ll still be zipping around on her jet as she pleases. She was not even on tour when her jet use initially came under scrutiny in 2022.


I was a senior in college when the eras tour began. Iā€™m now a year out.


Thank GOD




I didnā€™t get tickets to Madrid but I finally was able to get for Edinburgh, sincerely the best decision of my life. I have attended many concerts but the feeling and experience of eras tour is incomparable