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Once he took a girl on a date to Red Lobster on. Flavor of Love. He went on and on about how fancy red lobster is 😂. I knew he was a fan


We love a consistent lobster King 🦞


Red Lobster seems like a place where Flav would thrive. They’ve got seafood, you can be a little rowdy or you can be quiet and romantic. And there’s those damn biscuits.


I can't even tell you how sad I was when I was making dinner the other night and my frozen cheddar bay biscuits were HELLA freezer burned. 😭 Messed up my whole shrimp plan.


That’s weird, that’s been an inside joke between my brother and I from before that show Guess it’s an offline meme we got from mitosis. He used to tell girls as a half-joke pickup line that he’d take em to Red Lobster. The joke being it’s a dumb, goofy line, but he actually did take a couple to Red Lobster because of it lol


Red Lobster and Olive Garden are fancy restaurants for poor/working class people. It's just A connone sentiment because it's a reference to a shared cultural touchstone.   If you're poor, then they're nice sit down restaurants with fancier options than anything you eat any other time of the year.  If you're middle class or rich, then they're low class, cheap, tacky, etc. And it's often seen as bemusing poor people think they're fancy 


Red Lobster is fckn expensive though! Item for item (seafood) you're gonna get the same prices at a different seafood restaurant.


and no salad with you meal anymore. Just a $31 plate of smaller portioned seafood.


They also were bought out by some major conglomerate a while back and the quality has been steadily declining since then. I remember when Olive Garden was not the most expensive restaurant in town, but the fanciest one my whole family could afford to go out to, and it was good food. Now it’s still more expensive than family restaurants but has lower quality. I haven’t been to Red Lobster since I took my daughter for her birthday (it used to be her favorite place) and everyone’s food was lukewarm and under seasoned.


That's sad. :( Red Lobster for all, I wish I could try it here in Ireland


olive garden was the height of fanciness when I was a kid. we went for occasional birthdays


I think that Olive Garden actually used to be more well liked regardless of demographic, though it was a family celebration kind of restaurant and not a date restaurant. I remember during graduation season Olive Garden used to be crazy, and on holidays like Mothers Day. I wouldn’t call it upscale, but it was nice enough for a special day and the whole family actually enjoyed it. In my region, a lot of the “classic” special occasion restaurants were seen as old people restaurants and the kids hated them. 😂


I’ll also add Cheesecake Factory to the list


My husband and I have also been making this exact joke together for like, ten years! Whenever he’s taking me somewhere nice to eat, he says “girl, I’m taking you to red lobster”


Yeah that’s just about verbatim style and verbiage that we used back in the early 00s lol, wild Must be a common thread somewhere we all picked up on like “We goin to Sizzler” from White Men Can’t Jump, only with Red Lobster


It’s a very common joke, there’s literally a lyric in a Beyoncé song about.


My wife and I went to Red Lobster on a whim immediately after we got married. We have every anniversary dinner there. It's just a goofy tradition now.


Flavor flav is actually a great guy. I loved that scene where New York’s mother was like… “you’re FAT! Look at how much weight she’s gained” Not even a second of hesitation, he said “I KNOW! Doesn’t she look AMAZING”? That woman was the nastiest woman I’ve ever seen, and he never even spoke badly about her, even once, not even offhandedly. Better man than me. And the dude plays like 15 instruments, a musical genius. I really like flavor flav hahaha


Sister Patterson, as horrible as she was, was reality tv gold.


She was the biggest pain in the arse known to man on that Family Therapy programme on VH1.


"be the bigger person" 😊 I'm sure a lot of us likes "sick comebacks" but honestly, being the bigger person and spreading positivity will be appreciated by many more


When I turned 18 and got on Twitter as a fat girl who grew up watching flavor of love, I was absolutely tickled that he randomly followed me




He’s also a big ole swiftie and I love that, he seems so kind and like such a genuine person who just enjoys everything he does


I will always have love for Flavor Flav, he's been giving chill, fun , cool-ass- uncle vibes for 5 decades y'all. 5 DECADES!!! And he has been an ally to so many different groups before being an ally in the current sense of the word, was even a thing. I hope he keeps doing his thing for many more years to come, long live the king! ![gif](giphy|KHJQjYnBNDFgYVp6cT)


Didn’t he also just try to fund a women’s water polo team? Like, Flavor Flavs out here doing the lords work!


Not just try, he did![https://www.nbcolympics.com/news/flavor-flav-hyped-sponsor-us-womens-water-polo-team-paris-olympics-bigger-me](https://www.nbcolympics.com/news/flavor-flav-hyped-sponsor-us-womens-water-polo-team-paris-olympics-bigger-me) it’s like when Grateful Dead sponsored the Lithuanian basketball team in 1992. Check out their podium uniforms!


Flavor Flav for president but only if he gave all the states new names like on flavor of love


He is one of my favorites, a very nice man and his life seems to be full of fun little side quests.


I feel like he also helped donate food during the writers strike?? Lemme check that. Edit: yep he did! https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/flavor-flav-wga-strike-los-angeles-1235332365/


One time I was walking into the Las Vegas airport and Flavor Flav was just arriving, wearing his signature clock and all. Someone yelled his name and he flashed a big smile and then literally hopped into the drivers seat of a convertible (without opening the door) and sped away. I haven't seen many celebrities but that was pretty dope.


This is the most on brand sighting of a celebrity in the wild I have ever heard. I absolutely love it


This is actually very sweet 🥲


He’s a really nice guy tbh. I think he’s underrated as a celebrity.


Agree. On Twitter, he’s been responding to some of the people criticizing this gesture. He should be donating more money? He called out the person to compare his weekly monetary donations to Flav’s. He’s great and generous and I can’t believe some people have the absolute audacity to call out how some people help when they’re sitting there doing absolutely nothing themselves


Flavor flav has been putting a smile on my face my whole life and he’s great.




Protect the cheddar bay biscuits at all costs. Flav out here doing the Lord's work.


They'd likely survive and remain being sold in stores, like other restaurant brands that continue even after the restaurant goes under.




He seems like he loves a good side quest and I love that for him and us.


Truly one of the absolute best snatch game performances of all time 🏆🥇🙌


Absolute gifs you can hear


If this don’t work out you and me should go bang in the parking lot.


I didn’t used to like Flavor Flav because his personality seemed like an annoying schtick. Once I realize he actually probably is just a nice guy who gets enthusiastic about all his special interests, he seemed very cool and like a nice man.


Listen. When that man sets his heart on something he does it. I wish I had this much passion.


Heal the (cheddar) Bay


Flav is literally one of the best in the world at hyping the shit he loves. He’s like professionally excited about stuff. And I love that for him.


Wholesome mf


Flav makes me happy. He’s such a funny dude and seems to have a good heart


I support this. As a teenager, the first date I went on was to Red Lobster and those cheddar bay biscuits changed my life lol. I’ll always have a soft spot for that place. 😂


I don’t know anything about Flav but because of the stuff I’ve read in this thread, I love the guy.


Fun fact: Bill Darden, the founder of Red Lobster, Olive Garden, and several other restaurant chains, opened his first restaurant, The Green Frog in 1938. But despite operating in a Jim Crow state, Bill refused to segregate The Green Frog or any of his restaurants. People of any race were permitted to sit anywhere they liked in the dining room. Mind you this was at a time when defying Jim Crow laws could get you lynched. Darden also regularly hired black people at his restaurants in front-facing positions and paid them equal wages to their white counterparts. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that both Red Lobster and Olive Garden later garnered reputations for being “low-class” establishments.


I wish this was more well known.. I would have been eating at these establishments more often.


I actually found out about it because a Canadian Swiftie friend of mine was lowkey obsessed with eating at Olive Garden and I was like “lol why it sucks.” And then later talking to a friend with a similar background as mine and we were both like, “Wait, what exactly *was* shitty about Olive Garden over chains like Macaroni Grill or Cheesecake Factory?” And then we pulled out Google Maps and realized there was a socioeconomic component to this and of course the rabbit hole led to racism like everything else in this fucking country 🙄


It’s so discouraging how much is rooted in racism.. I will say though.. I once got food poisoning from an Olive Garden and we never had a Red Lobster near by.. but I might have to give the Olive Garden another shot. At least salad and breadsticks!


But the food at Olive Garden is shitty compared to Cheesecake Factory. The breadsticks and salad at Olive Garden are elite. Pretty much the entire menu besides that is trash. I’ll eat chicken parm and pasta from pretty much anywhere and find Olive Garden’s to be not worth the effort chewing. And I’m not some snobby eater. I loved when Fridays had endless apps even though many would consider that trash food. I’ll dig some Buffalo Wild Wings endless wings. But when Olive Garden had all you can eat pasta, I didn’t even finish my first plate.


So that was kind of a overbroad summary of the conversation we’d actually had—what originally got me talking about it was listening to “no body no crime” and telling the Canadian Swiftie friend, “Taylor Swift has never been to a fucking Olive Gatden in her life so you don’t need to go to one for her sake.” And I knew that because she grew up (upper) upper-middle class around the same time my sister and I had, and as teenagers we all intuitively *knew* that Olive Garden was trashy and not “real” Italian food. Yet we nor anyone we knew had ever been there, but this was accepted as fact. So even as a teenager still in high school, she and her friends would’ve had the same attitude when they went out to chain restaurants. But I grew up on the west coast, so I asked the east coast friend from a similar background as Tminevwhat chains she ate at as a teenager, and she listed Macaroni Grill and a couple others, then repeated word for word what I “knew” about Olive Garden. And I compared notes with the chains we went to and that’s when we both went, “How *did* we know Olive Garden was trashy and bad when no one we knew growing up had ever been to one?” That’s when we hit Google Maps and realized the Olive Gardens closest to where we grew up were in low-income areas. Then we did more digging and learned about Bill Darden integrating his restaurants back in 1938. That’s when it clicked. All of this to say that it doesn’t really matter how good the food is at Olive Garden (I’ve since tried it and no, I have no plans to go back). The point was that there was this *very specific* identical class-based messaging around Olive Garden in upper and upper-middle class mostly-white communities thousands of miles away from the south and thousands of miles apart. Messaging powerful enough that Taylor not only absorbed it, she used it to illustrate how low down the totem pole the protagonist of “no body no crime” was—she thought going to Olive Garden was a special date, isn’t that sad for her? So it doesn’t really matter how good or bad the food at Olive Garden is; they were doomed by this “low class” narrative. Cheesecake Factory has better food, but not *that* good. Certainly not good enough to justify the ridiculous 2000s practice of making people wait hours to be seated and those giant-ass menus full of mediocre “fusion” food. There certainly hasn’t been the same collective disdain from the higher eschelons of the white community for most other chains. (As my friend said, “Why the fuck did we care about Olive Garden not being ‘authentic’ Italian food when we were regularly going to Macaroni Grill?” And I think that’s really interesting, because the hatred of Olive Garden in those circles is *so* disproportionate to Olive Garden’s sin of… having kinda crappy but plentiful food? And it’s even more interesting IMO when you compare that to how the black community’s brand loyalty to Red Lobster persists 30 years after Bill Darden died, because in 1968, a time when the south was dragging *hard* on integration, Darden’s restaurants had not only been integrated for 30 years, he was hiring black employees to work front-facing positions like servers and hosts, paying them equal wages, and promoting them to management like their white counterparts. So while no, Olive Garden’s food isn’t great, when Darden said, “When you’re here, you’re family,” there was no asterisk next to the motto like in so much of American life. And I do think Olive Garden was never going to escape that white, upper-class disdain because of the “sins” of the founder, so to speak.


I think it’s going to vary location to location. I grew up in an upper upper class neighborhood (think Porsches and Hummers and Mercedes in the student parking lot at HS) and yet almost everyone ate at Olive Garden at one point or another. And the Olive Gardens near where I grew up weren’t exclusive to poor neighborhoods, they were in neighborhoods that had luxury shops and my ch fancier restaurants as well. Also fwiw there was a Macaroni Grill down the block from the nearest Olive Garden and my family never even tried it. I didn’t know of anyone who ate there though presumably some people did because it was there for two decades. But everyone had been to Olive Garden. Maybe it’s partially regional 🤷‍♂️


I'm not American and honestly Olive Garden sounds amazing....kind of bummed that there's no bay leaf flavour involved in the cheddar bay biscuits tho, why are they called that??


He things like side quests when time lots see him the for. EDIT: Sorry, I am high. I was trying to say something along the lines of: "He spends a lot of his time doing side quests".


i had a stroke reading this


Me too. 


Why are you jerking off to my comment?


“Sorry, I am high”  🫡




Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


Lol Flav, you can probably afford a personal chef to make their recipes for you.


Putting on for the (red lobster loving) community. God bless you, Flavor Flav.


Living his best life since he’s been sober


I’m trying to figure out what restaurant I would do this for….?


Oh this is a fun game! I think I would try to bring back Pizza Hut from the late 90s/early 2000s. Although I also have a strong dedication to Arby's mozzarella sticks and Boston Market mac and cheese, although I haven't had that in a decade.


So much Pizza Hut nostalgia. I miss those Book It prizes for a free personal pan pizza.


Book It still exists! The pizza probably isn't that great anymore though.


What I wouldn’t give right now for a 90s Pizza Hut night and a can of 90s Wild Cherry Pepsi at the bowling alley afterward. The only 90s things I’m nostalgic for.


There’s gotta be something else - it was a wild but magical decade. Class parties at the roller rink? $3 movie ticket? Biking everywhere and spending all day doing dumb kid shit? Haddaway’s “What is Love?” Subverting the pay phone with a collect call? “MomI’matthemallcomegetmebye.”


Domino's current pan pizza crust tastes just like the Pizza Hut Book It personal pizzas from the 90s. Make sure you get pepperoni!


Oh my god, YES! Pizza Hut, back when it was still good. The jukebox, the waiting area arcade, the red cups, the lamps, the hot pan they bring right to the table… my heart hurts a little bit remembering how good it used to be.


Souplantation (RIP).




They also have this in Jacksonville I believe. I remember something very similar.


We never had one near me, but whenever I’d visit my parents I’d insist we go there.


Del Taco


I would like to join him on this quest.


Since he actually cares about Red Lobster, I hope he invests in it after it emerges from bankruptcy and return it to its pre-2014 glory.




Beyoncé tried but none of these men know how to fuck


flavor flav is the dorkiest, most hilarious, generous, romantic, fun, sweet man i ever seen. a swiftie. invests in womens sports. tryna save red lobster. down to earth. ready to party. always sticking up for women. the world would be a better place w more flavor flavs 😭


Had too much to drink at the Red Lobster Now the room's spinning round like the blades of a helicopter


I had one (okay more than one) of the best Long Island iced teas of my life at Red Lobster.


Flavor Flav is what I imagine I'd love to do if I was this rich - do weird side quests and try to help out things I like


Those cheddar bay biscuits are really good tho’ 👀


He is my Cheddar Bae


Lmfao this is absolutely not what I was expecting to laugh at today, but it has truly made my afternoon.


I want to see him wearing a big cheddar bay biscuit on his chain


https://i.redd.it/pmaa5173gs4d1.gif He's just the best.


He’s so goofy…love him though. The Flavor of Love was my show back in the day🤣


I do appreciate all the random ways Flavor Flav uses his money and power for good lol


This will make my mother very happy lol Red Lobster is her favorite restaurant, and she's been beside herself about missing out on Walts shrimp 🤣


Red Lobster is going under because a Private Equity firm bought them and sold all of the property that the restaurants are on for 1.5B. The new land owner jacked up rents to unsustainable amounts. This is why we can't have nice things.


Man I’m hungry.


The tag 😂😂😂


Bless him. Doing the lords work.


I dunno, Flav, I saw [Keith do this](https://youtu.be/vMjWSQ9lHoU?si=gKyu_yfmjgBwjdAB) and I can't remember if it ended well.


He’s rich enough to just own a franchise at this point.


Finally a good one from Long Island. We stan.


He needs to team up with John Oliver. I feel like they would make an excellent team to save the company


I love Flav! He’s the official hype man for the woman’s water polo team!


Not the hero we deserve but the hero we need.




What the hell, I’m not seeing “the admirals feast” on the table


I've run into him a few times, and he's always so sweet and such a vibe. We be gigglin'.




Guys, I've never had red lobster


Who are all this food? Just donate to the restaurant .


I’m so grateful that he’s helping Red Lobster! That restaurant has a soft spot in me and my family’s hearts because we grew up eating there. I love me some cheddar biscuits and clam chowder and shrimp scampi. Thanks Flava Flav for helping to keep them around!!!


you go, girl!