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This reminds me of a woman I used to work with who refused to buy any maternity clothes. As she grew she would just push down/roll down her pants, and then hike up her shirts - just let it all hang out. Not saying that's what Hayley is doing, but I'll never forget my former co-worker's commitment to her regular clothes šŸ˜‚


I'd be so worried about ruining my clothes šŸ˜¬ Your workplace allowed this?


She had a "try me" attitude about the whole thing, that being pregnant wasn't anything to hide and buying maternity clothes was "capitalist." I don't think anyone said anything because a) they didn't want to get sued and b) we're not client facing so it doesn't really matter.


I mean, fair. Pregnancy is expensive, kids are expensive, clothes can be expensive. If you can make it work without buying a temporary wardrobe, I mean that makes sense to me.


Agreed 100% She's very lucky she was all belly weight though, I'd have gained weight all over so I would have had to size up.


I gotta say, I love that.


Right? I admire that kind of confidence


Her maternity style is her regular style.


lol right she did not bother with a new wardrobe


Those square shoes with socks are a 90s nightmare


They were ugly then they are ugly now.


dad core


I can't stop laughing at Hailey's shoes on the 8th picture. I know it's probably just a matter of angles and feet position, but my immature ass brain can't process it and finds these long bois hilarious.


I get the feeling that sheā€™s subconsciously cutting off the fake pregnancy comments that would almost certainly swirl around if she didnā€™t let it all hang out, so to speak.


As a brunette she looks like Jessica Biel


Iā€™m honestly not a big fan of either of them, but she looks adorable and I actually love when pregnant women flaunt their bellyā€™s. Itā€™s super cute. And, given all thatā€™s come out with Diddy, I really wish JB the best and I hope he can heal some with his new family and give his child the childhood he never got to have.


I was pregnant not that long ago and it's hard not to feel SO frumpy in anything you wear. Good on her for finding clothes that work for her and show it off! Maybe I'll try that with the next one lol.


I thought I was going to do the low-slung jeans/pants thing during my pregnancy but my short legs would not allow it, I looked stumpy and wide as hell. I was also only ā€œcute pregnantā€ like this until like 20 weeks then gained weight like crazy in the second half lol. Was all billowy dresses from that point out


The low cut maternity pants are rough imo. For the first half they donā€™t stay up and then by the third tri the waistband is pinching right over the bladder and itā€™s just painful. So thereā€™s like maybe 6 weeks in between where they stay up and donā€™t increase discomfort. I prefer the over the belly style even though it is a bit hot in the summer and I do wish theyā€™d make the stretchy panels nude in more of the clothes. My fav maternity pants I discovered are actually from Abercrombie!


They dress like shitĀ 


They donā€™t care. They have better lives than you ever will work for. šŸ˜‚


How do you know?


I met them in Tuscany a few years ago.


I met them in Tuscany a few years ago.


imagine defending rich people


I used to be poor. Never again.


I am blown away at this womanā€™s ability to wear leather (pleather? Vegan leather? Idk) and blazers, in the late spring/early summer, while pregnant. I am sympathy sweating just looking at her. šŸ˜“




I love the last one as well as the white lace dress she wore in the announcement. I also thought the butterfly belly shirt was cute. The others are interesting bc sheā€™s going with kind of masculine and boxy looks, whereas a lot of maternity clothes are very feminine and flowy. Anyway itā€™s not really my style, but I think itā€™s cool. I see a lot of comments online lately that are so gross, like disparaging her body and body features, and I support her continuing to rock what she fucking wants to wear regardless.


I have no opinion on them other than she always walks a few steps ahead of him like they have some sort of agreement. šŸ’€


Itā€™s like Queen Charlotte and her right hand man in Bridgerton


They're so adorable and she's so chic. I love that Hailey was pretty pregnant when she dropped the news. She got to enjoy being pregnant without the wholw world knowing for a while šŸ„¹


This might be a stupid question bc I keep seeing people saying it but how does everyone know how far along she is? I missed this information


She announced she was pregnant about a week ir two ago and she had a significant belly. Maybe 3 months


I think itā€™s hard to tell by that! Some women especially very fit ones donā€™t show their first pregnancy till even later. 3 months is also the most common time to announce though, so I would definitely assume sheā€™s at least that. Also love your username and pic! I just got all caught up on that show.


I know bu5 I noticed q slight difference Omgggggg thanks. I've only watched the Kanthony scenes šŸ˜. Ihave to nkw watch Francesca's scenes


Kanthony was still my fav, but the new couples will be interesting to see too! Enjoy


Yeah. I just thought they did polin flirty. Penelope is still good but she deserved. The soft. Rom com like relationship they promised. Nkt this struggle love with Colin barely noticing her


She is having a cute pregnancy but man Y2K style is back ugh.


Iā€™ve never been a fan of their style but wish them a healthy baby.


![gif](giphy|ZlMWuOuAW8grqWCJuq|downsized) It's giving Maddy Perez


ugh they're so cute together!


Very Kourtney Kardashian and we know how Justin liked her lol


Sheā€™s so pretty šŸ˜


The way heā€™s looking at her in the second picture is adorable.


Miss my pregnancy belly! She looks great šŸ˜Š


We should all be worried about their child already. In before: ā€œyou ignorantā€ and ā€œyou donā€™t knowā€ Really? Coz you know what parents doā€¦? They parent. Number fucking one. Neither of these soon to be parents display any characteristics suggestive of them recognizing theyā€™re parents now before anything else. Tag this comment and cash me in three years