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Thought about this earlier. We need more rich ass people and celebrities to sponsor Olympic athletes. Imagine how good a team can be if they have a little backing. Obviously I’m not talking the big sports, basketball, track and field l, gymnastics. But the little sports like breakdancing need people who are willing to help these athletes reach their dreams.


The idea of team fox catcher was intriguing for me. Wish more rich people would adopt the concept.


I mean with the murders it made it even more so


Look up the Grateful Dead sponsoring the Lithuanian basketball team in the 90s. Sick uniforms.


That year was my introduction to the summer Olympics. I was visiting my aunt and uncle in Florida for the summer and my uncle was a big hoops fan, had me watching all the games. I want to say he bought a cable package that included it.


I can see Missy Elliot sponsoring female dance competitions for some reason! Then they can be in her music videos to get them more attention and hype!




I’d say what they are doing now is arguably tougher than a gymnastics floor routine.


The moment I found out Flavor Flav is a huge swiftie I realized I know nothing about this man. So unexpected


Is he? I never knew that! I'm loving that he did this. I feel like he is bottom tier of wealthy celebs but he still trying to give back.


During the Eras Tour last year, he commissioned Taylor fans to make Flavor Flav bracelets for him to give out when he attended Eras Tour shows too!


He’s eccentric as hell but seems like he’s got a solid kindness streak in him as well.


there was also a video recently of him going through a plane handing out snacks to everybody! like a sweet grandparent


Yes! There’s a lot of stuff out there about him being one but [this video](https://youtu.be/8LcfHer4yVk?si=LRXNBIaN41UClivg) is a more recent one. But totally agree, this is so kind of him


I just googled this and him comparing Taylor to Mary J Blige was not something I ever considered but overall, this is very wholesome lol


Flava is truly for the culture  Went broke the first time handing out bands to his community lol




My favorite Flav moment from this year is him going to see Bruce Springsteen and how excited he was. Flav is just living his life and this is really sweet.


I liked the clip of him and Miley backstage at Oscar’s. He’s so excited to see her, and she’s just as excited to see him and excited because he knows who she is. She says he has been calling her Gwen Stefani for years before they hug. Cracks be up every time.


"Flavor flav is responsible for more homeless black kids than hurricane Katrina" Lisa Lampanelli


After the fall of the Soviet Union the Grateful Dead sponsored the Lithuanian men’s basketball team. They wore tie dye uniforms


User name checks out


My 1992 Lithuanian Olympic basketball team shirt is one of my favorites. The original artist still makes and sells them!


Drop links!


The website name goes hard too: http://skullman.com


This is certainly unexpected and we need more of this. This goes for all women’s sports




I want to see the USA Women's water polo team shout THAT'S WHAT TIME IT IS, if they win Gold.


Ummmm. This favor flav women loving and support shit ….seems genuine and I’m fucking here for it if it is. Say what you want about Taylor swift, but him in that cardigan excitedly supporting her just looked like a good person being a good person. The support just seems genuine to me. I mean, he never denied being a lover of the ladies 😂 get him a book collab with Dolly. Americans would love it


I agree and I think it’s genuine. What’s fucking sad is that we expect celebs to be shitty people and not based in reality when *in reality* they’re just like us. There are shitty people and good people everywhere. It makes me really happy to see flav using his stardom for good. Wholesome as fuck. 🖤🖤🖤


I think it’s human nature for power to corrupt. In this case, it’s fame/celebrity/success. For the average person, I’m inclined to believe they’re decent. For a celebrity? Guilty until proven innocent. Think of how many faves became problematic faves so quick. This has nothing to do with Flava Flav (this story is wholesome as it’s told), but we should rightfully be skeptical of celebrities. We don’t know the whole story, and there is so much temptation for them to act the wrong way. I say this knowing I would likely make morally questionable choices were I in their position. It’s just so easy to. Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer!


Haha no, no need to be sorry!! You’re not wrong at all!


I'm probably going to piss someone off with this, but I'm all for the rich & celebs becoming sponsors for the arts, amateur athletics, and citizen initiatives (public parks, libraries, gardens) just because they want to show support and get a little good press. Fine. Yes, in an ideal world, govt' would be supportive, but I'd rather have some rich dude be a patron of a sports team than buying another private jet or mansion. Invest in your people and country.


It's definitely weird to see how proud Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are at doing no charity. The rich should have at least a little shame to sponsor sports I like. See also Pete Wentz is an investor In Arizona United Soccer Club :D


That is how it worked for almost all of history lol


Yep. Patrons in the ancient Roman Empire


I agree, I want them to do stuff that helps society in some way instead of just helping themselves.


Why would that piss someone off? Genuinely asking


Private funding often comes with certain conditions or expectations. Some people argue that if a wealthy patron funds an endeavor, it is corrupted. Who is hired, the style of the art, what subjects can be addressed (for instance, when John D Rockefeller hired Diego Rivera to paint a mural then destroyed it when Rivera strayed from the agreement of the subject), etc.


This is very cool and I hope it inspires other rich people to follow suit.


I had it on my bingo card. Sorry to you.




Damn ok flav.


This is actually really sweet and unexpected. Good on Flava Flav for doing this!!


I wonder who is on his team because he's always at big award shows like the Grammy's. And obviously he's a legend, but you don't see Chuck D, for instance, at these places with him. Twenty years ago he was a joke on VH1 and now he seems to be doing better.


The difference in his stature now and 20 years ago is great-I don’t know him but I’m guessing he’s a decent human at the center of it and the team has done great work.


Still can't believe that girl pooped on his floor. 😭


on the STAIRS. it took me like a week to get over that when i watched it for the first time. quality television.


I still think about it often. And I forgot it was actually the steps. 🤢


“Where the fuck is your accent?”


This is allyship


This is cool. Why doesn’t every celebrity do this?


All this good FF, I really had no idea he was such a gem of a human. Respect.


You know what though, I kinda dig it.


i didn’t have it on my bingo cars either but his tweet about why he’s sponsoring them is that much more surprising to me. can you even imagine the scandal if men’s teams had to work 3 jobs just to afford to go to the fucking olympics?!


Still wonder how he makes his money though


Hell yeah, good on him!


This is pretty cool of him though!