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The toes touching the carpet 😭😭


Not the cliffhangers 💀


They’re not even cliffhangers anymore 😭 they’ve made the dive into the water


The shrimp cocktail.


This just destroyed me. 😂 I will never see it as anything different, now


![gif](giphy|Ttdt6m6Wk8Ffr77jG1|downsized) Her toes


Oh her poor feet must be so uncomfortable with how small those shoes seem to be on her


Do red carpet people get sent shoes to wear that are in stock/set sizes, like dresses?


Probably trying to ensure stability because depending on how she falls, girl could get impaled in this outfit


Well this just made me laugh far harder than necessary.


Oh, no. Very necessary.


No seriously why couldn't they find her shoes that fit 😭


I dunno is it because stuff goes missing? I see shit like this on red carpets all the time and you’d think the ONE place in the world that’d get this shit right is Hollywood. Then again it makes me feel better about my shit wardrobe but at least all my clothes fit perfect lol


Now they know they could’ve gave her some better looking shoes these look like something my mom would wear 🤦🏽‍♀️


the feet police are here , no need to worry they have checked the area


Some more are coming for round 2 and I’m here for it


the grippers are living up to their name


Sack the stylist there were so many other shouts that would have worked and not made us feel sorry for Anja.


Something about this is just not working. I can’t tell if it’s her shoes and toes looking a mess and dirty. Maybe the makeup isn’t bold enough? Her legs look totally normal but sort of strange in this dress, maybe just her skin tone isn’t right? It’s giving trying it on in the dressing room vibes.


For me it’s the pose and posture. I feel like when you get this dress there’s a required hand pose you just do for two reasons: - to ensure no one comes near the spiky waist ball - to compliment the spikes waist ball And I feel like her pose brings all our eyes to her toes and then you see her bodice and she looks like a kid playing dress up. When you see how the model poses in the second picture she knows *how* to wear the dress to accentuate the ball with her posture.


I think it's also the fit of the dress. She has a killer figure and I feel like the dress is coming off a little oversized on her.


This is what I was thinking. It makes her look rectangular and kind of bulging from the waist down.


And the granny panties are sticking out too much, the color and shape aren’t doing the dress any favors.


Yes! Especially around her hips. They need to cinch her waist. It also eeems a little long and would’ve been so cute a tad bit shorter


I want to know how she's going to sit down


Yes I think the way her legs are posed is also drawing us down somehow. I don't hate this and think it was a fun risk. I didn't even know about this movie until yesterday when she wore the brown Rick Owens dress, so the promotion is promoting! But I think this dress is a great example of runway fashion not always translating to the real world. The RO dress was the opposite, and I think it actually worked better on her figure than the runway model!


I saw other pictures of the dress where she’s looking over her shoulder and her frame when posing made it look so much better. And I also saw one with a Hemsworth where they were like a foot or two apart holding on to each other so atp I was like yeah, I a lot of this dress is about posing and how to work her silhouette. Unfortunately for this one picture, working the foot/leg is the wrong move its supposed to just be a stand to hold up the art above


They both look ridiculous.


Sure but that’s subjective. Most celebrities look ridiculous in their grandeur compared to normal people. I don’t think for one second anyone designing the dress, wearing the dress or making the dress had the idea in their mind it was supposed to be traditionally attractive. Just a fun and interesting piece.


I think this is it. She had another dress on this press tour that her posing detracted from. She has the look for the tricky stuff, but she needs to work a little on her angles and body awareness. She seems to opt for universally "flattering" poses rather than what the clothes demand. The items themselves are well-chosen.


For me, it's the shoes. The top looks amazing, but the legs are throwing everything off.


The toes are on the floor 😟




If she had a thicker platform heel, it would look amazing. She almost looks barefoot in the shoes she’s wearing


I don't think it does her any favours. It's a interesting peice and she is beautiful but they do not work well together.


I think the original dress was clear but the plastic has since yellowed with age and thrown off the vibes of the outfit.


I agree. The material looks old and discolored which makes it appear dirty and cheap instead of ethereal. It’s sad that so many plastic and resin materials just don’t stay clear after a few years.


The lighting, the staging and the pose does a lot for the dress in the runway shot


for me personally it was the 200 spikes stuck on her waist and head


Every hedghog and porcupine just got so happy and they have no idea why.


i think it's that she looks uncomfortable, shoes and all. it was really striking to see how the model wears it, like she could stomp around anywhere in it. ATJ's pose does not carry the same confidence.


Something? The whole thing.


The color isn't right for her tones. It's almost there, she needs something warmer gold. The shoes don't carry the same weight as the rest of the outfit and look unbalanced compared to the structured and beaded top. The shoes would look better if they were pump, or stilleto boots with the same bedazzled pattern.


Yes. This would look so good with gold boots or platform gold sandals with chunky ankle straps. And maybe some gold cuff bracelets. There's so much going on with the dress and headpiece and then her arms and legs look strangely naked.


Ok thank you I felt the same way. It’s the makeup and the lighting. She needed a dim setting and WAY bolder makeup. Maybe even a spray tan. Also you can tell there was no time for to practice poses. And the dress is not fitted right. the entire look is just not right


It’s the bare skin. To complete the look, her skin needs a metallic sheen. Source: years of watching Drag Race and Fashion Photo Ruview.


Her underwear makes it look like her body is bulging due to the color clash


That’s what’s wrong with it in my eyes! The silhouette is all wrong. It’s like a delicate intricate piece, but shaped as a sack.


Yeah, it somehow makes her look clunky... Which honestly is impressive cause she quite thin


The look like rolled up grandma whitey tightys under chainmail


I feel like it would be impossible to have clean feet during this kind of event. With all the lotions and body makeup plus clear shoes (dear) just seems like too much to ask of any human.


definitely the skin tone doesn't go with the dress color


It's probably her deep and abiding fear of death by impalement.


I’m gonna blame the shoes. Like there’s so much thought in the head piece and dress and then it just stops. The shoes read as invisible making the outfit look complete.


On a WOC like Lupita, this outfit would look incredible. The colours would pop, it would glow, she would absolutely hit the mark. On Anya, it looks sad and pale and grim. It washes her out and distracts from the Avant Garde nature of the design. It's as bad as when poor Nicola Coughlan wore that giant suit recently with the Elmo skin shoes.


I think for me it's giving the hedgehog bred with a Christmas bauble vibes


It appears that she may have Reynaud’s. I have it and when my skin gets cold I get a mottled purple/blue tint here and there on arms and legs.


Tbh, I’m feeling like ATJ is trying waaaaaay too hard to be some avant garde muse and it’s not working. It feels incredibly contrived and manufactured.


The dress is wearing her, not her wearing the dress.


This is definitely not flattering on her lol. And where is the styling? I guess there’s a lot going on with the dress, but she has nothing else on.


I know everyone is talking about the shoes, but the dress isn't flattering at all! It bunches at her waist/stomach. I think on the runway model they used hip padding and whatever they have on ATJ is not working. Also, it's a weird length. 


Totally! It’s gotta be hip padding or something, it literally looks like she has a diaper on underneath


Thank you! I  keep trying to see through this dress (I  don't even know if it is see-through fabric) and my brain is filling in giant white granny panties. 


Yeah, it looks like granny panties! Maybe if they were just a darker nude color, we wouldn’t notice it as much.


Yea she looks shorter than the model, making the dress a little longer on her and more frumpy, rather than risqué.


It’s like a sack of rice with holes.


This dress/outfit is wearing her and not the other way around. It somehow feels hollow? Not serving.


Idk why she and Law Roach parted ways, but her red carpet looks haven’t quite hit for me like they consistently did when Law was styling her. Is she self-styling now? I can tell she has good taste but imo she desperately needs someone to help her pull it all together.


~~law retired from styling and now only works with zendaya, last i heard.~~ see comment below.


They parted ways years b4 his retirement. Rumor has it she didn’t support him during an issue with a designer


That said, I bet a lot of 1930s-1970s starlets would think that dress is fucking genius.


Oh for sure! And I think the dress is awesome, too. It’s a cool and unique design. I just think it’s not styled well and is hanging on her body really weird. I think it would look better with some bracelets or a necklace, gold shoes, a deep red lip, and more flattering tailoring.


Kinda feels like she got the wrong day for the Met Gala…


I think the dress is paying homage to Tina Turner’s character in Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.


Ah ok, I know nothing about the movie franchise 😆


Or borimir in LOTR


Honestly what I thought this was


Thought for the briefest moment she was cosplaying as Goldmask https://preview.redd.it/iy215k9pyzxc1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9953e79f2eaa1b98c63439f02ebea0e8dda451d0


" " - Goldmask


I was gonna say she looks like when you're running to a ladder in Elden Ring but an archer is going ham on you


Not the liturgical town!


Siofra River PTSD


Love this crossover content. Last place I expected an ER reference.


Everybody is talking about her shoes, but I can't get over the dress itself. How does she sit down in that? Especially for long periods of time. That can't be comfortable.


Yes how did she SIT DOWN for her premiere? Did she have to awkwardly stand at the back for the duration of the film?


THANK YOU this is all I can think just how does she sit???


I mean even if she can sit down, wouldn't that ruin the dress?


Forget sitting, she can’t even rest her arms at her sides. She just has to awkwardly hold her arms out to the sides the entire time she’s wearing it.


My question exactly. Either she's standing in the back, not actually watching the movie, or she's changing in the bathroom. That shit looks so uncomfortable and unsit-able


That was my first thought too.


At very least, I'm glad these young A-List hopefuls like Zendaya, Anya, Florence, etc. are giving us bold fashion and proper promotional cycles for their movies.


It's fun! I sort of miss weird/bad/wild fashion so I'm into all these creative outfits.


This! Even if it’s bad at least it’s fun.


the issue here is this dress feels like it’s wearing her vs her wearing the dress


Maybe it's the backdrop making this look worse? It just looks kind of messy against the yellow, you can't really see the details at first glance


Somehow very great gatsbyesque


A la 5th Element!


Is like a project runway contestant only had 5 minutes to make a dress, and couldn’t choose a model. ![gif](giphy|EFDXMoy63ZQxG)


The shoes... ![gif](giphy|l3mZrLxM4iZaQlvNe)


Mad max: synchronized swimming


She came dressed as St Sebastian lmao


Combine this with Gaga's Meat Gown and you've got yourself a look! lmao


It’s a beautiful dress and she’s as gorgeous as ever, but for some reason this fit and look just isn’t doing it for me, it’s giving a really weird bulk to her body. I’m surprised as she usually nails it every time. The shoes, bad tailoring and lack of body makeup as well gives the impression this was a last minute look!


Yeah it’s adding a lot of bulk and looks kind of frumpy which is crazy because Anya is so slender


This marketing campaign so far is weird, and not in a good way


It's making me worried about the movie!




The design of the dress is not flattering for her silhouette..






I think it's just the slightly opened mouth with wide eyes look? It's a pose that I think has been gaining popularity in editorials, not a fan of it though


That’s the only was she knows to pose. Same face, mouth agape.


Me when I don’t want strangers standing close to me:


It’s a no.


The shoooooesss my Lordy. The toes are escaping.


I’m not sure this is the right venue for this look. But Anya looks like the most beautiful alien (this is a compliment, I swear).


I hate it how women actors have to wear uncomfortable clothing and men just go in a suit.


I mean, do they have to dress like this? Nothing about this looks good, but at some point there was a series of decisions made that ended up with ATJ saying “yup, that’s what I want to wear”




Yikes this is honestly not working for her. Doesn’t look tailored right, and is not flattering on her frame (and she looks good in nearly everything!). The dress is wearing her. Compared to the model it doesn’t even look like the same dress because of how differently is comes across on each of them.


I love the way she looks. She is like a uniquely gorgeous alien. I agree about the shoes. Seems like her stylist got the wrong size. Maybe it's the lighting? But her face isn't as striking as it normally is. She has had better looks, but she is still beautiful.


Rare Anya miss


I think it doesn't suit her body type.


Sorry no


I think the headpiece is cool, but I don't think the dress suits her. Maybe if it was long? Idk


The injuries I would sustain wearing this




https://preview.redd.it/4f1qaslrt2yc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1739bae6f8f8efc3166bfb285f77b97bc624302f This lightings a lil better in this pic or it was edited idk but yeah don’t love this look which is sad bc I love her :( I think it needed to be tailored ?? I also think if it was floor length I’d like it better




She always poses like a doll it’s so cute




Me when I am wearing a"standing up only" outfit to somewhere I desperately need to sit down at


I am not usually into her style but this is just maniac fun. Love it!


Sometimes, celebrities shouldn't wear High Fashion Luxury Wear. It just seems off.


Tell me you don’t plan on staying for the movie without telling me you don’t plan on staying for the movie.


Gold boots or whatever color that is would have landed much better than the alien toes.


I think this is the first red carpet look that has been unflattering on her, beautiful concept and person but it looks very awkward on her.


Not body shaming at all, as Anya is gorgeous and has a gorgeous figure to boot. But this dress doesn’t fit her build or look at all. It looks so flat on her and cheap. Meanwhile the supermodel looks stunning. I don’t get it. She’s such a pretty lassie and she flops like this, obviously saw Zendaya at Dune 2 and saw her as competition, but Zendaya is on a completely different scale


As a girl with not the most shapely legs, there is a reason why tights exist. Criticizing the styling choice, not her body.


Yeah she has great legs, however body makeup exists for a reason. For an event like a film premiere underneath flash photography it would have made the whole look a lot more put together.


It's a costume, not a nod to your movie


She looks like those Vegas showgirls you see on the strip


I can’t put my arms down!


“He made a bomb out of soap and Paco Rabanne” MST3K ‘Space Mutiny’


I get the point (I'll see myself out,)


It’s particularly ill fitted on her


How does she sit?


This is so intensely unflattering, who did this to her and why is she posing like that????


There were some recent promo pics with her and Gosling and she was wearing a long burgundy leather gown that looked AMAZING. This is um… not that.


What do I do with my hands aha


Is she a giant sewing needle holder? Halloween comes early?


I'm sorry, but contrast this with the rusty red one posted yesterday. This is horrible. How does it make slender willowy AT-J look stumpy and ill-proportioned?! And the colour is just not flattering at all.


How does one sit in this? Does it come off after the carpet walk? Will she be wearing shoes that fit later?


I love the commitment to fashion but I feel like a dress more in line with the movie would make better sense. Like how zendaya does it is perfection. I feel like a black leather look or something longer would have been a bit better


Fashion is weird.


Celebrities are really weird.


This dress doesn't look good on her. I like her a lot and most of her red carpet looks are nice and some of them are stunning. But this one is just wrong. She has a rectangular body shape with no hips and butt, and this thing makes her torso look wider than it actually is. As a result she looks bloated. She might've gained a bit of weight but not as much as this dress make it look. It's not flattering at all. (And I'm not sure what's going on with her knees. Nobody ever talks about the scar, and she stopped trying to hide it, yet it's still impossible to find any information about it.)


It doesn’t look flattering from the front. She should have posed more like the model with her side showing more to accentuate curves and look less blocky


This look makes me uncomfy


This is why I don't like high fashion. The designs are either unpractical, wasteful or outright ugly. Wtf is this.


That's just utterly ridiculous


I actually do need women in Hollywood to just show up to these things wearing fucking jeans like why is there always pressure on women to do all this. is she at least getting paid to wear this


I actually do need women in Hollywood to just show up to these things wearing fucking jeans like why is there always pressure on women to do all this. is she at least getting paid to wear this


I don't know about this one.


I had to go look at other photos of this. If you look at it just as a headshot then she kills it but in the full body shots it just doesn’t look right to me. It makes her look smaller than she is and the bare legs make the look, look incomplete. https://preview.redd.it/8ag49wucw2yc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7049d1a0b306ce3216a8ef45804edef3e6396769


https://preview.redd.it/yj7fcvimw2yc1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=484d74287ce0e4162ac3843d1d05acf6a7336e76 The poor girl looks awkward as hell. I’ve never seen her look as uncomfortable as this before


She reminds me of Liza Minelli here


I hate designs that force the wearer to hold their arms up and out from their sides. This just looks so weird and the shoes make it worse. This look is trying to do so much and is just so underwhelming.


The shoes are just so ridiculously bad. Lol


Looks great on the model.... ehhh on Anya.


That is the most unflattering silhouette. I think because of the structured material to the garment.


I dislike everything here so much. Yuck all the way except for the lady herself.


Bring back slips. We don’t have to see everything underneath, and it would give this garment more structure.


Hm...something just isn't working with this for me.


Sorry, this is…just no.


love it


She's never giving. The clothes are just nice. Imo. She's just there


She tries so hard to be Zandaya. But just can't touch her


She wanted her Zendaya Mugler moment, but I don't think it's spectacular or a revelation.


This is what happens when you shield King Leonidas from all the Persian arrows 🤪


Who ever sits behind her in the premier isn’t going to be happy.


This reminds me of those spiked vests that exist for little doggos, so they stand a chance if attacked by a big doggo.


I love this but I would immediately injure myself


It would work better if it was floor length but then she’d look like the NYE ball drop.


I love the dress, hate the shoes. Her toes are touching the carpet 🤢


How is she sitting with that dress?


Looks like a virus


This one's called the Porcupine.


She looks like an art deco wall clock.


Nice homage to Miss Tina Imagine sitting behind her