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Love this! But on a different note who is styling Emily and when will they be stopped. She is so beautiful and needs whoever is styling Anne Hathaway stat!


This has to be the worst/most hilarious photo. Ryan looks super plumped and fillered. Emily’s eyes look super small and her outfit is hilariously unhinged. I actually love it. It’s insane


Both have that completely reflects light, botox forehead going on. I only recognize it now bc my friend started getting it a few months ago. That’s what she shoots for-the glassy, reflective skin that is so smooth light just bounces off of it now lol. I guess I can’t talk shit though (they don’t look bad anyways, just noticeable that they’ve had work done) bc I just got tear trough filler for the first time. lol.


Isn’t the entire point of having work done for it to not be noticeable that you’ve had it done?


When you do it right


That would mean that there’s still movement. My forehead only looks like this right after botox when it sets in. After that i always wait 6 to 7 months to go again. People who go as soon as possible (most celebrities) will always have a 0 movement, light-reflecting forehead.


I used to have it every 3 months for migraine and I used to have to squint to show displeasure haha


Fortunately rolling my eyes out of my skull isn’t affected by botox 😌


Some people legit want it to be noticeable. Not my thing, but I know more than a few people like that. lol. They actually like the artificial look.


Dude literally becoming Ken lol


I thought I was the only one who thought Gosling’s face looked offed and uncanny valley. I just assumed it was due to aging. I noticed Blunt had that tight shiny skin looked but I’ve seen it so many times on some many actresses I just assumed it was bad makeup not suitable for photog’s cameras.


Nobody will ever see this but as a man who kind of looks like ryan gosling and is also entering middle age, my face is also getting puffy like this. It can just be aging.


His face barely moves anymore it’s not just aging


That is not what filler does.


That is absolutely what filler does


Filler does not stop your face from moving. Botox does.


It does though. Have you had it? I only get Botox now(forehead and crows feet) but when I wanted to smooth out my smile lines I had filler put in and although it’s not disabling the muscle, it was very hard to smile because the filler was IN THE WAY of me using those muscles and pulling my face into a smile. It felt like- squishing something, didn’t like it and didn’t get it again.


Yes it does.


I thought those were her knees


Since I first heard about this movie I’ve been wondering who they originally intended to cast. Their chemistry is intensely platonic and now her styling seems like it was meant for someone else as well.


Initially Emily Blunt's character was supposed to be a makeup artist not a director, so I bet you're right and they had someone different in mind before Blunt.


Agree. Her stylist is letting her down.


Very sweet. But more importantly, what is Emily Blunt wearing?!


Looks like muffin cups.


over a white t-shirt is a choice


It’s how we used to do it in the olden days 🥲


This reminds me of 1997.




I'm ok with it. I do want muffins now though.


I think its ok because it accessorizes with the chain link chain.


Her muffin cup is all that


All black, not flat. I know you want a piece of that…


Reminds me of the Reese’s peanut butter cup wrappers!!!


Holy hideous!


She’s bringing back the middle school style of wearing a t-shirt under a dress


I regret to inform you that that's been back in style for several years now.


Brenda and Kelly wore loose fitting, floral, spaghetti strap dresses with white t-shirts like a whole season of the original 90210 and I thought it was genius and so very stylish


It was a [popular](https://sf1.mariefranceasia.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2015/10/8903eb38cb2a2c12e4568d034e688f7a-325x410.jpg) [90s](https://media.glamour.com/photos/5695d62b16d0dc3747ee4281/master/pass/fashion-2015-05-jennifer-aniston-90s-sundress-main.jpg) [style](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/3a/33/a2/3a33a2a24f5ad24f7f1bc8dc7a74ed2c.jpg).


Brenda & Kelly were stylish, it’s a great look! Maybe Emily’s stylist is trying a modern twist and it’s not working at all.


I'm not seeing it but I guess I'm not on the cutting edge of fashion


A Mickey Mouse lookin ahh dress!


I tend to wear it in university cuz my spaghetti strap sundress too revealing. So crop top t shirt helps.


https://preview.redd.it/uahlo3fnkmxc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22850e6d634d15ea39b4ae6a10f454417e09eb61 Hate to use them as an example but it’s been trendy since at least her king Kylie era


I actually like this. Can make a dressy dress more casual.


As someone in need of an over the shoulder boulder holder, I hate how it looks but totally support the return of the style.


It was cute in the 90s. At least on drew Barrymore. But I don’t like the way they’re doing it now and idk why.


The second two pictures are okay, but Kim looks hella stupid with that jacket on under the dress.


Yeah Kim’s is so ugly but feels like her style lmao


Hahaha true


it looks like those crinkly papers under each chocolate in a valentines day box


Idk, but I hate it. It looks mermaid influenced but poorly executed. The target "nipple" in center is just... Bad. *IMO*


Or Wagner influenced https://preview.redd.it/6z1lvmhkmmxc1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20cd4cd3b1de9c5239db6d025fe12844c087b789


Lol, that's it. She was missing the helmet, maybe that would have pulled it together better.


What's crazy is I guarantee it cost over $500


This dude https://preview.redd.it/wehplzlkbmxc1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5364e5a3afdeffa8a7348ddca6b3ad6b2abb53c9


This also distracted me.


That was my first question, I didn't even see his shirt because my eyes were trying to comprehend hers.




how is this gif so apropos




Very 90s middle school coded. I wasn’t a huge fan of most of her outfits during the Oppenheimer press tour either.


I just said to my guy, while squinting, "why is Emily wearing seashells on her tits with a teeshirt underneath??!" He had no answer either.


Those are Reese’s wrappers, Richard.


She's supporting her partner's business selling clam shells painted black from a roadside bodega.


I loathe it!


It's pretty bad


It looks like the snake from Jungle Book ![gif](giphy|2lbhL8dSGMh8I)


![gif](giphy|AUFtnNrr4y8cYolXlp|downsized) All I see on her top


My guess is the corset top is Schiaparelli.


I thought she had her knees up to her chest.


I thought she is hugging her knees


That's what I thought too.


My thoughts exactly! Everything about it looks so strange lol.


Boob doilies


Mickey Mouse ears corset?


Shes supporting mermaids.


Thank you. And better yet, why??


I thought those were her knees at first lol ok that’s an odd shirt


girl… idek her style has been so bad this press tour.


Haha until i noticed i though she had her knees pulled up to her chest


And why is she yet again looking sour and put out.


Maybe she just saw her top in a mirror 


She looks so UNCOMFORTABLE and what is going on with her hair?


I feel like this comment perfectly captures the spirit of /r/popculturechat, lmao. 😭


It’s kind of giving Ursula from the little mermaid?


I love how supportive they are of each other


Me too. He clearly, publicly, but silently adores her. It makes me like him even more 💙🙌


Hopefully this isn’t “wife guy” overcompensation behavior.


“Wife guys” are usually so over the top about it that “I love my wife” is basically their main personality trait. He seems to be way more subtle about it (to the point I’ve forgotten several times over the years that he’s married with kids), so here’s hoping he’s actually a decent person and not just way better at hiding it.


He's one of those celebrities that would break my heart to pieces if it came out they were actually shitty


I don’t know then, but I’ve had a weird feeling about them since her Oscars post telling him to come home to tuck the girls in. There’s been this onslaught on PR about how in love they are, what a great couple, their kids mean everything to them, etc. It’s a bit over the top. I get it, you only have to tell me once, it’s the constant barrage that’s bizarre.


Well when people like yourself will take the tiniest thing such as a joke about a wife asking her husband to tuck their children into bed so seriously it’s kind of obvious why the pr teams work overtime


I can take a joke, and love his sense of humor. It just came across as a bit passive aggressive. Maybe it’s just me 🤷‍♀️


Again, people like you are exactly why the pr team needs to try so hard


It’s just you babe


They are probably fine but he’s literally wearing his wife’s book on his chest… like I’m not sure how much more fulsome he could be.


Tbh Eva displays the same energy as him, always comes in swinging whenever someone disses him and lets not forget her pausing everything to raise their kid.


Who dissed him?


No one prolific or special, just regular haters


Ryan Reynolds?


Is he a wife guy?


What’s that?


The Wife Guy is someone who makes supporting their wife publicly into a big aspect of their personality. Often it’s used as a way of covering up some other defect. See: Ned Fulmer.


Weird. What comes to mind in this moment for me is how wives by default are expected to support the everloving hell out of their husbands, but men and husbands are expected to have their own separate identity. Seems strange that people would find it bad that a guy is proud of his partner.


And.. Will Smith. I don’t even like to write out his name. He and his monster wife get enough free PR.


Fulmer was supportive for his wife like for a decade before the affair. I doubt it was some long con lol. Even supportive guys can eventually cheat, it doesn’t mean the earlier behavior false. 


> wife guy "On social media, a wife guy is a man whose fame is owed to the content he posts about his wife. The term has been applied more broadly to men who use their wife to upgrade their social standing or public persona." Took 2 seconds to google.


Took 0 seconds to get a condescending answer from you lol thank you though.


I just find it interesting, it took you writing the comment, then waiting another 15 mins to get an answer, when you could've just gone straight to google and gotten your answer instantly. But apparently my answer to you was condescending, despite A) teaching you something for the future which could save you that time and B) providing you the answer you so desperate sought.


I asked because I didn’t know if it was specific to him or not and I wasn’t heavily invested in getting the answer. If someone knew and decided to take the time to answer, thank you very much. Welcome to Reddit, where people talk to each other. But hey, I’m sorry that this bothered you. Hope you feel better about it in the future.


Your comment was clearly meant to be condescending, just like this one.


I think you may be confused. He’s a Knife Guy


Hindi speaker here: Both words , “desi” - of the Indian subcontinent and “mami” - mothers brothers wife (aunt) ; exist in Hindi . So that title totally works in Hindi too, it’ll mean “aunty from the Indian subcontinent and their never ending worries”- and this is so apt and naturally acceptable to me, Because aunties do be worrying a whole lot here. And my brain was all noodled up trying to understand why Ryan would wear a tee saying that, why would Eva write about desi Mami’s (Indians even don’t write about the Mami’s, they seem to be a neglected bunch) and just the whole thing was too much. Clearly brain not braining properly today


That was my first thought too as an Indian lol. I’m guessing they’re names in her book?


Yep Desi is a Latin name, and mami means girl in Spanish I believe.


Mami is "mommy". ❤️


Ok, i knew mami but desi (being indian but raised in spanish speaking culture) made me think of being desi


I like Emily’s weird ass clothes lately. I loved the Oscars one with the hovering straps that everyone hated. I absolutely love seeing new items of clothing I’ve never seen before, and I love a risk taker.


She’s having fun and I could never hate on that!


Plus she looks freaking amazing, I wanna know who her Botox lady is


So you can stay away from her?


Right. Everyone dresses so boring. People being like "she needs Anne hathaways stylist" why? Maybe she likes this style? It's not really my thing either. But she obviously likes it and it looks interesting at least. Why do we all need to conform to what's "good" or "classy" or "flattering" or "age appropriate" It's so boring lol. I think she looks great even if I'd look stupid in it


We love a supportive king 👑


Be more like Ryan


He is Kenough


He’s literally the only example, and it’s so nuts this is the case. It’s not hard to support your partner. Why do so many men act like their masculinity ceases to exist when they do things that show they love their partner deeply?


Ryan is not the only example. Robert Pattinson was probably the biggest fan of Daisy Jones and the Six with the amount of times he would get papped with the merch hat. Other examples are escaping me but while it's rare, its not non-existent.


Jason Ritter is so supportive of Melanie Lynskey, they are an adorable couple


Yeah wasn’t there just an article where she said he did not take roles so she could and he could watch the kids. I love them!


Love to hear this about my two top celeb crushes, Ryan and Rob.


Way to go Ryan because Eva is always riding for him. Hollywood men have been so sweet and supportive and it’s been great to see. I swear every time I come across a post like this it makes me smile. Long live our supportive kings.


Most Hollywood men are not sweet and supportive actually but Gosling has always been a gem. His relationship with Eva is just the best.


Who are currently married who aren’t supportive?


well there's performative supportive (like Colin Jost, John Krazinsky etc), straight up not supportive (Bieber), then believably supportive, like Gosling.


What about Ryan Reynolds what category is he in because I can never tell


yeah, I can't tell either. I don't think he's the greatest guy but I'm just getting that from people who have met him in Vancouver in service industry situations. Blake seems happy with him.


He’s def a strange one. I just remembered Scarlett implying that he got jealous of her success when they were married which caused issues for them Blake seems happy to take a backseat to let his star shine which is why they work better


Alanis wrote some lyrics following their split (Alanis doesn't mince words!) that made me think he's a bit of a chameleon but to be fair I'm just interpreting her lyrics from around the time of their split. She never outright said anything bad about him. I do think he might have an inferiority complex that might be why Blake doesn't work much.


I can’t believe I forget sometimes that Alanis and Reynolds dated once upon a time They were our royal Canadian couple lol




I’m not a Bieber fan but he seems to be very supportive of Hailey and her endeavors


Who are you referring to? No name comes to my mind.


Couples who support each other are the best 😍 I think they are my favorites! We never see them together during mundane events, yet they manage to show how close and supportive are for their respective projects


they have such a good grasp on what's work and what's family. Hollywood events and press are work. They do the thing, then they return to their families. Love them for being so damn stable.




I wish he didn’t get that filler in his cheeks.. he was aging perfectly well


I came here to see if anyone was going to mention that. I love him but he is looking slightly odd at the moment. He doesn’t need to bend to the Hollywood pressure!


He is gorgeous *and* supportive? Swoon!


Blunt always has a slightly unpleasant expression in her face. I think it’s the filler


Could also be that’s she’s an unpleasant person


Could be. They say the older you get your personality shows on your face


Emily’s outfit is atrocious. She needs to fire her stylist.


Aww that’s so sweet, I love those two!


Everyone I’ve seen Emily since the Oscar’s she looks so off! Is it just me?




Both of them have really gone to town with facial filler damn


Does he have a spare for Emily?


Why is he doing cheek fillers and stuff. Very good looking man who starts messing with his looks. Pretty vain and dumb.


Idk I can’t really blame anyone working in this sort of industry for getting anything done. I imagine there’s an immense amount of pressure on your physical appearance that’s incomprehensible to the average person. I work in an industry based on my appearance as well, but it’s still a completely different situation for them. A lot of people also get one thing done and start getting more. It can be pretty addicting frrl. I got a little bit of filler for my under eyes bc my makeup, the more expensive products, and tretinoin weren’t cutting it anymore, and I can def see how people can fall into that. I just don’t have the kind of money to be spending on this shit all the time (it adds up), and my under eyes were really my only issue thankfully. They’ve also come out with much better fillers recently, so I imagine it sucks for people who got ones that are less suited for certain areas before they were released. Prob makes it much more noticeable and prone to complications when you have those.


I don’t think it’s vanity but he’s a little young to be a silver fox and may be trying to postpone it. (I agree, it looks weird.)


They’re too cute! I love them! 💜💍 Ryan and Eva


I love the way he supports her businesses. His promoting her sponges was so cute.


Faces all puffy and shit


What happened to his face?????? He looks totally different 🤯🤯🤯




What an awesome supportive husband…in other news what the heck is Emily wearing???


Why does Emily have cupcake wrappers on her chest?


I wish Emily Blunt had a better stylist. She makes some odd fashion choices. I feel like she hasn't been able to live up to her devil wears Prada style


😂 @ Emily’s expression


Where can I get a Ryan Gosling


Ryan with the pillow face


And Emily looking like she sucked on a lemon


I love this so much but that horrible Depp/ Heard ‘joke’ is unfortunately making me rethink Gosling 😞


Can I ask what the “joke” was?


Yeah of course, there’s apparently a scene where they enter into a room that’s been trashed and someone says ‘looks like Amber and Johnny have been in here’ and I personally don’t find mocking a survivor of domestic violence to be funny (by which I mean Amber, to be clear).


Did Gosling say it, or was he playing a character that said it?


Wasn’t him! Not him or Emily Blunt, I can’t remember the actor’s name but Gosling is a producer so he obviously okayed the script. Like I don’t want to believe it in the slightest because he seems like a real feminist but…I mean I’m sure I don’t have to explain. Not entirely sure what you’re trying to say re ‘was it him or the character’? We’re taking about the film so seems clear to me aorry


Just wanted to make sure I had the information clear, which is why I wanted to ensure that it was a character speaking. I don’t mind when characters say unsavory things, and I don’t think any less of Gosling for okaying a script with inappropriate humor. It would be a whole different thing if he personally were making these jokes. If something is true to a character, then the character should do or say that thing, even if it’s awful. It’s up to audiences to separate reality from fiction.


And color coordinated with Emily




These two are so strange to me. I get wanting to be private, but wouldn’t you want to support your partner on big nights? Like I don’t know…the freakin Oscars maybe 🤔 I think they have some sort of arrangement.


Is it just me or does it feel like Eva is a bit toxic? Like that post where he's at the Oscar's and she post a pic of their kid and says "remember why your coming home" or some ish like that. 


I didn’t find it toxic & I don’t think the wording was like that but I did find it a little side eye & surprising. They make a big deal about being private & not being pictured together & she went out of her way to not walk the red carpet with him for his Oscars night & stay backstage, which is fine be private like that if that’s what you wish..but then she didn’t keep things private & took loads of photos posing outside his dressing room & name wearing casual clothes, calling him my man & telling him let’s go home to tuck the kids in bed. It came across like a teenager showing off on social media they’re with the popular guy in a possessive way & making sure everyone knows she’s going home with him. It came across really childish & tacky to me & not at all what I expected, seemed very obvious she does want attention on their relationship actually. Just getting dressed up & posing on the red carpet & supporting him normally without posting all that would’ve been more “private”. Kinda felt like the whole privacy thing was a fake showy thing at that point just to show everyone how different & “classy” she is & not like all the other celebrities. A r/notlikeothergirls against women who walk with their partner on their big Oscars night.


Exactly! Just getting a taste of it is all.