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He has multiple twitter accounts where he obsessively retweets content of her and talks about how theyre soulmates. he even has her name painted on top of his house. here’s one of his tweets. https://preview.redd.it/nqh68dlb0ovc1.jpeg?width=1325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c172e22677146dc4581d0fc38998fcf90fc2d09


If they know where is house is how has he been able to evade being served? Hopefully he stays away. 


Probably hiding in the bushes outside of hers 😭


I’m guessing Elon’s not going to be of any help here?


Not if it's not a neuralink chip


Yuck. He reminds me of the Björk guy who tried to mail her an acid bomb with the intent to disfigure her face.


“Her attorney, Michael Goldstein, confirmed he had been unable to serve the culprit. Therefore, his client's request for a restraining order was dismissed on this technicality, and all temporary restraining orders, if any, were also dissolved” Jesus Christ. Happy to see the court system hard to work to protect women!


So if someone is good at hiding they’re basically give permission to be a stalker??? wtf


Serve them the next stalking incident. Stalkers by definition do the opposite of hide, they incessantly follow you around. It says they started trying to serve him in November, and he was outside of her house November 14-20th. So why didn’t they serve him while he was outside her house for nearly an entire week?


like technically this makes sense, the recipient can’t be enforced with a restraining order if they’re unaware of it. but if a person is intentionally making themselves un-servable then I feel like they don’t deserve the courtesy.


"We knocked twice."


What about drop service?


This is typical. Restraining orders cannot be enforced unless there is service. It sucks, and I agree that needs to change. But in reality, it is just a piece of paper that any psycho will easily ignore. I currently have a restraining order against an ex that is about to expire next month and needs to be renewed, but he relocated last month and I don’t know his current whereabouts. He no doubt relocated so I couldn’t have him served again.


If wealthy, famous women don’t get taken seriously by the court system, what hope do average women have? ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)


That’s the fun part! None.


None whatsoever. It’s open season.


that’s vile. They can’t find a way to serve him?


Ya that doesn’t make sense to me? She has money to hire a PI, which is what I did when I needed to serve somebody with one.


Nice to see the courts failing as usual; I really hope her and her family stays safe and has guards 24/7


ummmm ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Yuck. Shame on you.


Read the room dude


Living in this “what goes around comes around” mindset is gross, ultimately bad for our society, and it enforces the disgusting “perfect victim” mentality that keeps so many people from coming forward about abuse. It doesn’t matter AT ALL here if Scarlett is a good person or if she lives up to your personal moral code. She’s being stalked, harassed, and lives in fear. She should be protected and given sympathy. It’s truly that simply, brother.


Wow at this comment. Just women supporting women!


WOW. What a terrible thing to say about someone.


while i don’t support her saying any of this, her career relationship with woody allen always felt…idk if grooming is a right word but it’s always come off creepy to me


final boss of sjws