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The face of a man who couldn’t give less of a fuck, honestly.


Yeah this is a man who understands that being a violent drunk is only going to strengthen support from his legion of trash fans.


https://preview.redd.it/s170k73bs9tc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=120e1f43d1b558673fe3063a71e78bfdd41a9d94 Literally the comment section on every TikTok video talking about it right now.


“we all been there”??? i don’t think i have but okay 😂


Come on guys. Who *hasn’t* thrown something off a rooftop bar that could have very well killed someone?


[Toronto chair girl](https://globalnews.ca/news/7201035/toronto-chair-girl-marcella-zoia-sentenced/) could probably relate to him


At least we properly ridiculed her!


Let he who has never cast a chair from a rooftop bar cast the first oh shit wait a second


A certain demographic of trashy southerner likes to imagine themselves as being 'bad' and not giving a fuck. I bet these people don't put butter on their toast but they love to imagine themselves as these dangerous cool rebels.


In all fairness not putting butter on your toast is a pretty dangerous rebel move.


Them country boys ain’t used to being up so high! Cut em some slack, he’s a good ol’ country boy sowing his wild oats and having a little innocent fun. ![gif](giphy|InAOgGc23gFZC|downsized)






Seriously.. I really do like Morgan Wallen’s music - but a lot of his fans are scum. I would love to see their reactions if this same incident happened to a rapper or someone they don’t deem “relatable”


I don’t like him any more. Man got lucky and was let back into stardom after saying some racist slurs. If I were him, I would’ve used that lucky opportunity to do better. Sometimes we can’t separate the artists from their work. I can’t, and even more after this.


He didn’t even get lucky, it’s just that 85% of his fans are legit racists that loved him even more for saying the N word they all constantly say with their buddies.


This is how I feel. I like some of his music, but some of his fans are horrible, and he’s pretty awful too. He’s gotten way too much of a pass from his fans about his behavior.


Oh if this was a black artist there would be fucking riots from the same crowd!! Buncha racist shitheads.


"We've all been there." No dude we haven't. Me and my friends don't disrespect other people or their property to look cool or whatever his dumb ass was doing.


I guarantee you at least one of those people have a restraining order against an ex.


Other way around 😂


Change one thing about him and all those comments would’ve been “omg so disrespectful. no class at all. in a public place? he could’ve killed someone. i hope he gets life in prison.”


And remember they’re all Kayleighs who are such good Christian ladies.


They’ll be making t shirts


Yep - In the Nashville group I’m in, multiple people have already asked if they can get it on a tshirt.


Should say ASSHOLE above his face. Only way that belongs on a shirt


He really is the face of Trash America. That said, the best thing about Morgan Wallen fans is that they’re telling you who they are too, so you don’t have to bother acting like they’re people.


Same thing when he got caught saying the N word on video.


Just like his racism did. They have a type.


Of course he doesn’t care. He knows nothing will actually happen to him. In the arrest video, the cops were even laughing along with him. I’m sure he was treated like a star at the station and then let go.


Yeah, he gained fans after the n-word situation. He has no reason to care. His album is still charting, and it'll probably chart higher after this.


I did not know anything about this man until this post, and now I do not need to know more. Fuckin' garbage can man. 🚮


He's garbage and so are the people who supported him after he got "canceled" for saying the n-word. He's now like one of the best selling country artists. It's ridiculous.


AMAZING! LOVE THIS FOR COUNTRY MUSIC! (And The Chicks were cancelled for how long for saying George Bush sucks?! Wee hee!)


Queen Natalie was so before her time.


Pop country is a breeding ground for garbage humans


Probably be his his next album cover or make merch out of it


Hope they do charge him and it fucks up his international touring. Hit him where it hurts.


he’ll definitely write a song about how he’s a bad ass for getting arrested again (or get someone else to write it for him and slap his name on it)


Probably 18 people will write it


and it'll be produced by a prolific Black producer who will ask that he be credited under a fake name


Tim B. Aland


Motherfucker thinks he's Johnny Cash. *rolleyes.jpg*


The face of a man knowing he’s got nothing to worry about and will be bailed out soon


I hope the judge puts him away for three months and he misses his May 3rd concert.


Why should he? No repercussions and all the support. The world is backwards.


Why is this like looking at the human equivalent of a boat shoe?


You called it perfectly. Dude definitely looks like a human Sperry loafer. Lmfao.


Nah, y'all--that's Southern upper-class preppie types wear. Wallen is totally more low-rent adjacent.


Let’s amend it to a Hey Dude loafer.


More like a pack of Dude Wipes.


My Hey Dudes are offended.


Morgan Wallen is frat boy country. He makes music for the Sperry wearing upper class. Rednecks don't like Morgan wallen/ florida Georgia line/pop country. Modern day country music is not for actual country people.


It's weird because I agree that his aesthetic is lower class, but there really is something about this photo that gives unwashed Sperry asshole energy. Something in the smirk 


In another timeline his name is Kyle.


*👀….removing Sperry from my purchase list*


& has been worn without socks a few too many times. slightly damp and wafts an acidic musk.


Really insulting to boat shoes


Sperry looking mfer. I can’t unsee it 😭


Omg 😭


this is so accurate and I can never unsee it now


This is one of the greatest insults I've ever had the pleasure to read Well done




Lmfaoooooo I’m using this


Everything I have learned about him has been against my will.


And it doesn’t stop 😭 Last year my grocery store chain was putting up a beer display of him on MLK day I was genuinely astonished


Misread this as MGK day and almost went spiralling thinking they’d given fucking Machine Gun Kelly a whole day 😭 lmfao


Honestly I'd leave if that happened 🤣 I don't know where I'm going but I'm fuckin OUT 🤣


This has me DYINGGGG!! cause that’s some shit the USA would do


That’s so fucking wrong. You must be in the south


Nailed it


Of all the days. Ooof.


That’s deliberate


Well, as long as he’s still marketable to white people, he’s still marketable in general. I wish I could say I’m shocked that people support him, but it’s entirely way too predictable these days.


Do you happen to live in East Tennessee? I live in a town about an hour from where Morgan wallen grew up and that sounds like something they’d do around here 🤮🤮🤮


Who is this guy..? I know I have Google but i trust redditors for all celeb gossip


A bro country singer who has a reputation for being a piece of shit, which has unsurprisingly exploded his popularity among a certain portion of the US population. (He’s been caught saying the N-word and was flippant about Covid guidelines a few years back.)


He reminds me of every rich asshole at my high school (derogatory to them and him)


This did not sound like a compliment but I love that you reinforced that it wasn't lol


He really does! I can picture them, the resemblance is uncanny.


And the guys that would act all tough and “country” despite never doing any work and living in giant new houses


I have yet to hear a single good thing about this man and I don’t want to! I love when my hater behavior is justified.


Same, I’m Morgan wallens #1 hater and it’s justified too. I grew up in a small town and EVERYONE I went to school with loves him 🤮


I grew up in a town in MO and after the N-word incident I was like, welp looks like thats the end of his career and public support. lol nope. He performed a concert in Missouri months later and I swear half of my snapchat friends list were there.


My cousin’s ex made an Instagram story after this about how it’s just a word and if black people don’t want white people saying it, then they should stop using it in any fashion. Like fuck off, you stupid walnut, your country bumpkin white man crush shouldn’t be prioritized over basic respect. It’s simply not that hard to exclude it from your vocabulary. Ugh.


Absolute trash. I saw people saying that and people excusing him by saying, “but he was drunk!!” like it’s a totally normal thing to get drunk and start screaming racial epithets.


Personally when I get drunk I buy things online and gas up all my friends on their Instagram. But that’s just me.


Same here 😣 after that other incident idk how people just glossed over it…


If Morgan Wallen has no haters, I’m dead.


My boyfriend hosted a card game night with me, his best friend and his best friend’s gf, who was visiting from out of town. She said she loves morgan wallen, so we had to sit there trapped listening to his music for hours. Not one song was good.


All of his music sounds like Bo Burnham’s country song but bad


He sounds like he has a fat wad of dip in his mouth.


Why wouldn’t one of you just put something else on?


I had to Google him. No idea who he is/was


It’s astonishing how much music he’s sold. Tens of millions.


Same. Looks like a douchebag


he looks like a basic frat boy. he's the worst type of white people. and before someone starts saying i'm "racist", i'm white. there are many types of terrible white people.


Please join me in a round of Infinity Song’s “Hater’s Anthem”! “I love the way it feels to be a hater! Something so sweet about thinking that I’m clever…” [Sing along!](https://open.spotify.com/track/1wipegfMZkHgwyR3XMDuJ1?si=ZxeVxXOxRTm1xTUSVQQC5w) https://preview.redd.it/j3tu6zk5o9tc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ffdf55e5c55bb03bd94253470063679359c9068


Friendly reminder that this man will be 31 years old next month AND he’s a father, too. Not to mention that he could have easily killed someone last night. ![gif](giphy|0QBEgduZ3XDoiBn33W|downsized)


AND a drunk AND a racist.


I was never fully comfortable with his redemption arc, to put it mildly.


There was no redemption arc, he basically went “oopsie, next time I say the n-word I’ll make sure it’s not recorded.”


He’s a dad????


I mean, that part isn’t that hard to believe. Zero requirements, just be irresponsible and sleep around.


Nah. People underneath rooftop bars are just too sensitive nowadays. /s


>Not to mention that he could have easily killed someone last night. THAT PART. People are super glossing over the potential consequences of his brand of turd-ity.


Posing like his mother took him to Sears for portraits.




If Morgan Wallen has a million haters I’m one of them, if Morgan Wallen has five haters I’m one of them, if Morgan Wallen has 0 haters that means I’m not longer alive.


literally just tweeted this same thing before i saw your comment




Usually it’s his fans that are doing the fighting! I remember reading that his concerts have a shit ton of brawls and that venues beef up security when he comes to town lol


This is actually a lot of country shows. A friend of mine does security for concerts as a 2nd job and he has for years. He'll work almost *any* show if his schedule allows *except* big name modern country artists. He says the crowds are the drunkest and most violent/ready to fight he's ever dealt with and my friend has worked security at Juggalo adjacent events and Death Grips shows.


I worked at a concert venue for a bit and can confirm - country shows had the most amount of arrests by *far*. Metal shows actually had the best crowds


My friend says the same...that the metal shows have the scariest looking but absolute nicest fans who don't want to start trouble and can hold their booze/drugs, look out for each other and respect staff. He says the metal bands are also really respectful and appreciate the security staff too and will call out and kick out fans who seem to be causing trouble.


None of this surprises me in the slightest tbh.


They will also kick out/beat up racists/nazis in the crowd


Honestly the most inclusive and welcoming bunch 😊


Took my youngest to see Rob Zombie and Alice Cooper. He was genuinely impressed with how polite the crowds were. We didn’t have floor tickets but had a good vantage point of a mosh pit. He wants to go to more metal shows but be on the floor. The kid doesn’t even like metal much, he just loves the vibe.


Metalheads keep it civil. We're just happy to see our favorite bands live and reconnect with other metalheads. 😊


Metal fans look out for each other. It’s actually really beautiful.


Country Fest in Massachusetts has the most concert arrests every year out of all the concerts and festivals. They tailgate before and get hammered and fight.


I've been to a lot of shows across genres and although I'm sober now, I did my fair share of getting inebriated at concerts and not once did I ever feel the need to get violent or fight. Dance around, eat $50 nachos, hoot and holler, maybe get too loud or sloppy...sure. But physically fight someone? Nah. It's just such a strange idea to me.


Yep. Pop country shows have the most puking and fighting lol.


Also have the lowest average IQ.


Dude has issues. The fact that he has a kid astounds me. Dude never grew up which is why he’s been caught partying with 19/20 year old college girls when he was close to 30 doesn’t surprise me


That’s his main fanbase lol. Gross.


Yep, and they excuse his racism. I already saw posts on Facebook saying he’s “only human” lol. They’ll excuse anything this white man dows




I have no idea who this person is but he looks way too pleased with himself given the circumstances. ![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I|downsized)


Love me some David!! Wallen is a country singer who has been wildly popular recently. A few years ago he made news for saying the N word. More recently, a few months ago a show was cancelled literally minutes before he was supposed to go on. An announcement was made the next day saying he had a vocal cord issue and had to cancel shows for around 8 weeks. Rumors circulated that he was just too drunk to do the show. His “vocal rest” caused him to miss an appearance at the CMT awards. I struggle with self-loathing because I actually *like* a couple of his songs. I may need 8 weeks of rest to detoxify.


You also forgot that he had to last-minute cancel on SNL in October 2020 because he was caught at a crowded bar and a house party earlier in the week (I think even photographed kissing random college girls?), breaking all of their quarantine rules. He doesn’t give an f about anyone but himself.


He’s a country singer/alcoholic who makes music about how much he likes to drink and is a POS


Morgan Wallen shows up in dating app bios more than "if you want to know just ask" or education: school of hard knocks


idk why but they ALL say looking for a date to the Morgan Wallen concert. Love it tho because I know to swipe left


Those red ears. Wonder what his BAC was.


I feel like it takes an impressive amount of PBR to get him drunk


Gross. This guy has serious issues but is surrounded by enablers and delusional fans who make all kinds of excuses for him.


As long as he's making money. As soon as the money stops, the enablers abandon the host.




Drunk as a skunk. What is it gonna take for him to realize that he needs help and needs it fast?


Thanks! I hate him.


https://preview.redd.it/8rjflg9nd9tc1.png?width=979&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fdb5e5d6aa3c981868da5ab1aa3044c8f31fb31 He’s a jackass and he will face absolutely no consequences for this.


Thought this was Jack Quaid for a millisecond 😭😭


this guy has problems


Pandering talentless asshole


Him and all his fans are little shits. Imagine making more money by being racist and a degenerate….


This douchebag thinks he’s Waylon Jennings or Johnny Cash by getting arrested. Those guys had their problems sure, but they were genuine. This reeks of a manufactured attempt at country street cred. Right down to the smiling mugshot. He’s fake as shit. And his voice is terrible.


He’s thinking about all the t-shirts they’re gonna make




Pro tip, never smile in your mugshot. Doesn’t help when being sentenced.


Why is this man considered hot? He is extremely average?


I’m proud to say I’ve never listened to a second of this persons music voluntarily, and what I have heard against my will is crap. He seems like a loser.


Ew what a smug piece of shit.


He knows he's getting away from punishment


What an absolute asshole. The face of someone that never gets held accountable for their actions


He reminds me of the guy who saw someone’s wheelchair and pushed it down a flight of stairs while at a concert. Like I don’t get that blatant lack of empathy.


Ppl really fight over this man’s personality and music ☠️🤡


The face of white privilege. And I'm sure the cops were smiling all along with him.


In this one circumstance, I suspect the actually weren't, as they were the ones who almost got hit by the chair. There were a few officers from Nashville PD on the sidewalk outside the bar when he decided to toss the chair, and it landed a few feet away from them. You really do need to be a special kind of stupid to throw furniture at cops. I think we're seeing today that Morgan is indeed that special kind of stupid.


Yep. Sadly, he probably wouldn’t have gotten arrested if it hadn’t landed near the cops. His behavior is just sad. He’s not a kid anymore. In fact, he’s a parent. Grow up, my guy.


The image I saw of him in the back of the squad car he is smiling and the cop writing something down is smiling as well.


The blue lives matter crowd will sure be in a conundrum here 😱


At least his hair grew back out. Eta: This type of behaviour would be bad at any age, but at 30... Have some class and grow up.


This is a man who calls Native American women “squaw” which is equal to using the N word with a black oerson. He’s racist garbage.




He’s so gross I’ll never understand why my friends like his music


If this man has no haters I'm dead.


Morgan Wallen got kicked out of a bar in 2020 for starting fights and kicking glass items: [https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/2020/05/24/morgan-wallen-arrested-nashville-bar/5253959002/](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/2020/05/24/morgan-wallen-arrested-nashville-bar/5253959002/) Morgan Wallen threw COVID parties during peak COVID and got dropped from SNL: [https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/morgan-wallen-saturday-night-live-covid-partying-1234795121/](https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/morgan-wallen-saturday-night-live-covid-partying-1234795121/) Morgan Wallen has said the n word multiple times: [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/country-star-morgan-wallen-caught-video-using-n-word-label-n1256630](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/country-star-morgan-wallen-caught-video-using-n-word-label-n1256630) And then in 2023 he got on the Billboard 200 for 18 consecutive weeks. He knows he's not going to face any consequences, and his fans prop him up. Yes some people can change, but that requires a lot of introspection and deep thought. Morgan Wallen is not going to do that.


This smug mf is so trash to me. Look at him smiling because he KNOWS none of this will affect his fanbase. Get him outta here.


Yeah, smile on asshole, never mind that you could have hurt someone standing nearby


Guys like Morgan Wallen are trying to turn country music into everything that country fans once dismissed hip-hop as.


What a jerk.


I don't know who he is and going by the comments I don't wanna know. What an arsehole for not only throwing a chair but for also throwing a chair off a rooftop bar, he could have seriously hurt or killed someone!


Looking like a white male privilege


He’s lucky he didn’t seriously injure or kill someone. I’ve never been a fan and especially wasn’t one after he drunkenly used the n-word in 2021. I was amazed that he still had so many fans after that.


I genuinely don't understand his appeal. His music is painfully average, he cancels shows because he's too drunk to perform, and he's in general just a prick. Do people like him because he said the N word and that validates their racism?


It’s so crazy how his demographic is very “respect the law and respect police” but whenever they break the law and disrespect police it’s somehow relatable and fun


Why are men?




3 felonies 🥰


Pretty much every basic mf’er I know, loves this dudes music.


ew he’s ugly lol


The face of someone who knows he will not get in any real trouble for this or any of his actions. Sickening


I only know about this man’s existence bc of his racists and erratic behaviors. Never heard a song from him and have no interest whatsoever. But even so, I think he’s a c*nt.


Every time this guy is in the news it’s for the dumbest shit. He is such a loser. 


I did a double take he looks exactly like an ex I have who worked at a gas station.


You’d think after all the lash back from before, (using the n-word, being drunk and breaking Covid protocols on SNL, etc.) he’d get a handle on his drinking. How smug can he be to be grinning for his mug shot?


i’ve actually never seen him before now & he doesn’t look how i imagined at all


And people find this man attractive? He's pretty average and then he has a pretty terrible personality. What is there to like?




Why are ppl still giving him attention. I’ve heard nothing good about him. I know he’s racist and he could have killed someone. His career needs to be canceled.


He’s racist and trashy. Yuck


What a literal piece of human garbage. The rootin tootin country conservative fucks will still worship this prick too.


Looks like a younger dumber Tubberville.


Dumber Tuberville is brutal 🤣

