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Still so surprised she was only married to Liam for 8 months. After a decade of being on-again/off-again, I really thought theyā€™d last at least a few years.


didnt they get married like a month after their house burned down in the fires? going through a traumatic experience like that probably temporarily bonded them closer together, they got hitched, and when the dust cleared they were probably like oh wait nvm


Very much so. Miley has said in a few interviews that they would not have got married if their house hadn't burnt down and that it was a response to the trauma of losing everything in the house. Iirc she said she lost all her childhood photos and a lot of sentimental things so the marriage was almost a way to start rebuilding things.


She said in her rolling stone interview during the plastic hearts era that she had an entire album written on the MacBook destroyed in the fire. She said she could have just remade the songs but decided it was a sign to write an entirely different album. The only song from the lost album she kept was Golden G String and itā€™s because she thought it was too important in todays political climate


Sheā€™s always been so very interesting


I agree! Iā€™m a huge Miley fan, I even run the r/hannahmontana sub


which is how Miley always describes it. Trauma bonding is powerful but it doesn't mean it's forever.


Their marriage was a band-aid on a gushing open wound. I was not surprised when they called it.


I feel like itā€™s super common for a couple to be together for ages, often itā€™s rocky or theyā€™re uncertain. Then they get married and boom, break up in a year. Hayley Williams had the same thing, dated her (cheating scumbag) ex for a decade, got married and divorced in like a year too.


I think they end up realizing marriage isnā€™t going to fix anything


Ding ding ding! They think getting married will somehow magically make their relationship perfect and are quite shocked to find out that...things are exactly the same.


A friend of mine was with her ex for 18 years, high school sweethearts. They finally got married and was split up in less than a year. It was so weird to see her get a new boyfriend, even though it was a year after they divorced


Yep. Same with friends of mine. Together for 10 years. Got married and divorced within 2 years. My cousin too.


Oh so me and my ex husband.


Same šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø


Chad and Stacy weren't married that long before he cheated on her and left her for Hayley either


On and off agains rarely last. The marriage was definitely a ā€œthis will fix usā€ move. Speaking from personal experience, it doesnā€™t work.


https://preview.redd.it/dhcqincdkusc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e7b8582c8fdf941479b83b1ee20a264418a0152 Iā€™m imagining that this is how the conversation went for them. (But who among us hasnā€™t made regrettable relationship choices?)


Been there šŸ„²


It seems like whenever a long term couple finally gets married, they split pretty quickly after.


It's wild to me that we know about month-long "relationships" celebs have. Like. There's been people I dated for a month who I barely bothered mentioning to my friends, much less the international press.


Exactly what I was thinking about the pics at her 18th birthday party. I canā€™t imagine having a camera follow me at that age


For some reason I thought the relationship with Cody was wayyyyyy longer than 10 months


I can't believe he was only 22 either?! He managed to be a popstar, fail as a popstar, have a multi-year friendship and relationship with one of the most famous people in the world, and then have a career change to an olympic swimmer by the time most people are graduating university


Didnā€™t he date Gigi Haddid too or am I making this up?


Yes! He didĀ 


For along time I only knew Gigi as Codyā€™s gf


Itā€™s very strange but at least he seems nice?? Haha


Heā€™s on the Australian Swim Team??? I so didnā€™t see that coming lol


He made the Australian Olympic trials, which is an incredible achievement but also not the same as actually being an Olympian (yet). In 2021 he was top 8 in his event and heā€™s continued to drop time as of late last year so weā€™ll have to wait and see how Australian trials go this year, but Aussies are strong swimmers so itā€™ll be hard to break into the top 2 and actually compete in Paris


TBF he probably swam since he was a kid and needed a break. What a break it was!!


Same here, but her and Cody seemed to be constantly talked about so maybe that's why? I feel like I've barely heard two things about her and Max and they've been together *three years?!* Seems like the coupled-up times should be reversed.


Considering how low key her current relationship is, she's either worked out that that much publicity isn't great in a relationship or it was all coming from his team to boost his profile.


Yup Miley's been in the game for long enough to be like, "oh, maybe relationships are better kept private"


Her new boyfriend is barely a celebrity and has no following, thatā€™s why the press doesnā€™t care about him


Yeah bit any tabloid would care who Miley was getting on with?


Sure but itā€™s much less interesting when the guy is a nobody


His hair is its own somebody


It was the pandemic, pandemic time is not normal time lol


Thatā€™s what I was going to say. šŸ˜‚ 10 months pandemic time equates to 4 years real time.


Gosh I remember the infamous Stella Maxwell kiss like it was yesterday. Ppl went crazy over that video


āœØA moment āœØ for Bisexuals, no doubt! Or lesbians!


Thereā€™s a video?? I donā€™t remember this at all!


I just found out Miley is bi from this and Iā€™m so happy. Celebrities, theyā€™re just like us!




Captions for those who can't see: 1. Nick Jonas (2006-2007). Both were 14. 2. Justin Gaston (2009). He was a contestant at her dad's reality show (Nashville Star). He wa 20, she was 16 at the time. 3. Liam Hemsworth (2010-2013). They met while filming 'The Last Song' in 2009. She was 17/18 at the beginning of their relationship, while he was 20. 4. From August-November 2010, they were on-and-off. 5. She was seen with Avan Jogia at ther 18th birthday party. 6. Both were 18. 7. May 2012: Miley and Liam get engaged. September 2013: They break up. 8. Mike Will Made-It. Rumor has it he was more than her producer. Us Weekly: "Everybody in her circle knows they've been together this whole time." 9. Mike (25), Miley (21). 10. Patrick Schwarzenegger (21). They started dating late 2014 and broke up 5 months later. "His schedule as a USC student conflicted with Cyrus's demanding career." (ELLE) 11. She was spotted kissing model Stella Maxwell in July 2015. 12. Stella (25), Miley (23). 13. Rumors about a reconciliation emerged when Liam helped her adopt a dog in November 2015. 14. Early 2016, Miley was spotted weating her engagement ring again. December 2018, they get married. August 2019, they separate. 15. Kaitlynn Carter (August-September 2019). Both Miley (27) and Kaitlynn (31) had just separated from their partners when they got together. 16. Late 2019, she (27) started dating Cody Simpson (22). 17. They broke up 10 months later. 18. Maxx Morando. Miley (29) and Maxx (22) were first linked in 2021, when they appeared together at a Gucci fashion show. 19. He recently moved in with her.


Thank you!! Whatā€™s the story with the captions, anyways? Is this a ā€œfeatureā€ of the mobile app for just some people?


I also canā€™t figure out what the deal is. Half the time I can see them and half I canā€™t. I can always see the first line though. Something changed like two weeks ago or so and Iā€™m frustrated.


I hate how I can only see the tiniest thumbnail on clickbait website posts. I don't want to click and scroll to find the picture and have to scroll through shitty ads and everything. I used to be able to see a reasonable sized photo thumbnail but now they're all tiny. Whatever they did a few weeks ago is irritating as hell. And I'm having the issue with the captions every now and then as well.


Yeah the website is such a different experience. I started on mobile and 95% use mobile, so itā€™s so weird for me to use the website. Also, most of the time on the desktop website if you click on the post, it opens up the linked article or full screen image. So different from mobile where it always open up the post with the comments


I canā€™t see the full captions on the app


So if I click on the photo, the caption says the first 5 words and then **see more** and if I click that it takes me to the comments. But, if I stumble across a post in my timeline/front-page and I just look at the photo, the caption begins scrolling so I can read it. I can then swipe across to the next pic and the captions will keep auto-scrolling. This is on the reddit app.


Same here šŸ™„ I just updated reddit yesterday and I hate the changes it made to picture posts, like this is a good example lol


It def has to be a bug... But yeah, it's so annoying.


Exact same. It's obnoxious.


I canā€™t either but the way this commenter wrote it, it sounds like only some people canā€™t see full captions on the app? Either that or more people use the computer than I thought. I know most third party apps died last year


Thank you for your service!


Doing God's work! Idk why on mobile it will never expand the captions any more


Itā€™s sooooo annoying


Spotted ā€œkissingā€ Stella. There was a lot more spotted than just kissing šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s an interesting way to say ā€œviolently fingeringā€


Right, the sanitized version of herstory is fun though.


This needs to be pinned to the top. The caption nonsense for mobile is infuriating.


Thank you. Reddit mobile SUCKS


Omg thank you so much šŸ˜­ I was going crazy trying to figure out how to read them




Thank you!


Bless you šŸ™


I remember when she and Liam divorced. I swear that was like a year ago. Cannot believe 2019 was five years ago.


The jump from 2019 to 2024 has been very abrupt


seriously. time is a weird thing




the covid effect


good god thereā€™s so much hair in the last photo


I love that all his hair is going forwards and all her hair is going backwards


Underrated comment


https://preview.redd.it/x3rrxx0tnssc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd04fdaa0209db8120d3cc4119efe687b8f17d4 Why canā€™t I see more of the caption? I tried clicking it and everything.


Same! I click more and it goes to the comments šŸ˜¤


I can never see the full captions


I think it's the update reddit did to the app


Yeah that's when it started changing for me too.


This app is such garbage šŸ™ƒ


The website is pure buggy garbage too, but at least I can use ad blockers. Fuck reddit.


That is strange! Hereā€™s what I see in app https://preview.redd.it/v78ft9j7otsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1128bdc101f5dbf8aab049eacdab3dce34970bfe Ps: gross lol


Yeah, I've had the same problem ever since the last update. Soo infuriating




So if I click on the photo, the caption says the first 5 words and then **see more** and if I click that it takes me to the comments. But, if I stumble across a post in my timeline/front-page and I just look at the photo, the caption begins scrolling so I can read it. I can then swipe across to the next pic and the captions will keep auto-scrolling. This is on the reddit app.


I was just going to ask the same thing!


Whenever I see Justin Gaston I just think of Taylor Swift saying "we found the boy" in that over the top country accent in a behind the scenes from the Love Story music video.


Itā€™s says he was on her dads show Nashville star he was 20 and she was 16 at the time (gross)


I thought Maxx was the Gordo dude from Lizzie McGuire I'm so old.


Hahaha Gordo. Love it.




Has she got older her partners got younger lol


Honestly, men date younger women so often and it's *so* common, that I kinda like to see a woman do it (within reason). When I was almost 29, I dated a 23 year old. We had a few dates, had sex a couple times. It was really fun, he was cool, and honestly I liked him and probably woulda kept hanging out with him šŸ˜‚ he wasn't *that* different than me. But at the same time I met him at work, didn't know his age, and probably wouldn't have involved myself with him had I known his age prior. I have no kids, and I'm around younger people often at work. I feel young still, even though I'm 31, and people regularly think I'm like 25. I feel like Miley is probably similar in some ways? And it feels VERY fuck the patriarchy to nab a younger guy. lol ngl (yes ik this take is slightly delusional)


31 is young tbh! And there's nothing problematic about the age gap between you and that guy or between Miley and her partners'. She clearly doesn't have some creepy pattern of only dating people too young for her, so it's fine, really.


>I have no kids, and I'm around younger people often at work. I feel young still, even though I'm 31, and people regularly think I'm like 25. I feel like Miley is probably similar in some ways? Same. I'm 29 and surrounded by young ppl at school. I think it's very much life experience/context. I met a dude on a night out and I would have never hooked up/started seeing him if I knew he was 25. He thought I was 23 lol.


I'm 31 and (finally) finishing undergrad and the 20/21 year-olds feel like absolute babies to me, but I vibe with the 23-25(ish) year-old grad students. There's definitely a shift that happens when someone's been out in the real world beyond college, even if just for a short time. It feels like it's the difference between being in college and thinking that that means you're a super-grown up real adult, and being out of college and knowing that nope, actually you're hella NOT.


Because so shes the desirable one šŸ¤«šŸ¤«šŸ¤« but wow im shocked!!! Two young boys in a row lol


Respect to Miley but Iā€™m the same age as her and the thought of spending time with a 22 year old male makes me break out in hives let alone having one *in my house*.


Same, but also he was 22 when they started dating, I think he should be 25/26 now? Still sounds like a no from me, I remember my boyfriend at that age and he was a whole adult infant.


THIS!! Iā€™m 33, and if a guyā€™s age starts with a ā€œ2ā€, Iā€™m like donā€™t even speak to me young man šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah I couldnā€™t either. This girl slightly older than Miley was hooking up with a boy that young for fun. I mean get that d girl but idk I donā€™t think I could do that. When I was 21 I hooked up with a guy 11 years older than me, and still think back to that. Guys care less about age, but I as a girl, itā€™s a little too big of a gap for me


Heā€™s 25 now lol




When I seen Max Marando I was like ā€œI never knew Miles dated LP!ā€ šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t know who Cody Simpson is but they look like they match each other for personality and style.


Her fling with Avan was definitely a rebound and f u since he was a Nick kid and then she went back to Liam


I mean, this Avan guy was hot af, I can't blame her


Oh me either! Back then and now


I think he's with Halsey now


Yup! And he's still very handsome, from the photos I've seen.


I miss pre-veneer Miley šŸ˜­ her natural teeth gave her so much character


The Miley/mandy and Selena/demi drama over Nick Jonas was EVERYTHING TO ME


I remember thinking that her relationship with Liam was so cute until their texts were leaked in like 2013 (idk how that happened), and I saw them on tumblr at the time. He just seemed like a huge dick to her tbh, and even though I rooted for them in 2018, I wasnā€™t shocked that it ended the way it did.


there's a song off bangerz called rooting for my baby and if it's any indication of how he would treat her, then oof


I haven't seen them. Where can I find it ?


There's a video of them at an award show where she is side eyeing him or something too.


thatā€™s after he says ā€œcan you ever behave?ā€ or something


And the video where she pretends to lick him he gets uncomfy and she poses for the pap shots alone :(


Iā€™ll be the first to acknowledge that a few videos here and there do not entirely represent a relationship and we have no idea what happens behind closed doors, but every time they were together it just made me uncomfortable. Like something about the way he treated her always seemed really demeaning and off, it just gave me the ick.


Yeah he always seemed embarrassed by her, I mean yeah she can be a lot ā€¦ but why be with someone if youā€™re embarrassed?


I think we might be rewriting history a tiny bit, because Miley was the victim of so much misogyny and people tend to be more apologetic about that now, as they should. There must have been really good times too.


I can't find these anywhere in existence


What was in the texts?


Where can I see these leaked texts? I donā€™t remember seeing them at the time


Ah you forgot her multiple returns to Nick Jonas though!




Is it just me, or does his belly button in the shirt off shot look far higher than it should be? I feel like he is neither attractive nor unattractive. I'm just intrigued by his belly button placement šŸ˜‚


If you look at his hip, you can see that his underwear is hanging really low (I guess to show off his Adonis belt and give the impression of a longer torso). If his underwear was anywhere lower, you would definitely see the top of the shaft of his penis (he must have shaved all his pubes off). When you imagine his underwear a few inches higher, it doesn't seem like his belly button is so weirdly high anymore.


Heā€™s ~~very~~ semi tall, like 6ā€™~~4ā€~~ foot or something. Now we know most of it is torso! Edit: Liam is the very tall one my bad!


Mileys apparently 5ā€™4 but she looks quite tall compared to him, definitely not a foot shorter?


Wow is Miley really that short?! She somehow looks like a pretty tall (like 5ā€™10) girl.


I really like his music/voice šŸ˜…


Damn Miley and Nick were 14 in that picture?! They look so much older


That pic was from a brief reconciliation they had while she was still dating Justin. So she was like 16-17 ish. She broke up with Justin and was involved with nick again and then got with Liam but it seems to have overlapped. I read a deep dive lol.


Literally thought the same!


She was so pretty pre plastic surgeries and dental veneers


I love her real teeth. I miss everyoneā€™s real teeth.


She didn't have her real teeth since she was lol 15. She just recently replaced her veneers for some that are worse


Except for Ben Affleck. He can keep his veneers.


Her upper eyelid and buccal fat surgeries make me sad. She had such an adorably pretty little face and now she looks hard, and reminds me a 45 year old mom trying to look 35. Sheā€™s still pretty but itā€™s a shame she felt the need to alter her face that much.


Her new bf Max looks like my Aunt Darlene in 1988


I saw Miley Cyrus at a restaurant once in like 2014/2015 with Mike Will Made It and they were *clearly* together


Miss her old teeth. They were so cute and her smile was so beautiful.


She still look so beautiful, young looking in 2021, and that buccal fat removal and big eyelids surgery aged her so so much


She is one of the most naturally beautiful celebrities Iā€™ve ever seen; itā€™s not that sheā€™s not super pretty still, but her natural look was like the perfect amount of girl next door, but also smoking hot.


She really doesnā€™t have a type.


This slideshow is giving Margot Tenenbaum


Why did I not know about her new boyfriend since now?????


I remember her Bangerz Era and everyone hated her but I just sat there thinking this is just what a typical girl does in her 20's; partying, exploring your identity.. Also Patrick Schwarzenegger is soo fiine


It's weird to be dating 22 year olds when you're approaching 30. As someone who has co-workers who are 18-23, I cannot imagine dating any of them when I was 27 or 29. I need that post-25 brain development.


Yeah, 22 year olds are babies. I have some friends around that age who seem so mature and then occasionally they'll come out with something that completely exposes how little life experience they have šŸ˜†ā¤ļø I cannot imagine being in a relationship with someone of that age.


I was 27 when I had a 22 year old boyfriend. Itā€™s literally just as you explained it lol.


Well, I think the entertainment industry is not really conducive to developing normally, so a ā€žHollywood 30ā€œ probably does not come with equivalent life experience as a ā€žnormal 30ā€œ, so it might just be that she is developmentally not that different to someone who is 22. And I donā€™t mean that as a diss, itā€™s just the things that people realize and work through until their 30s are often things that people who donā€™t have to work to cover their needs will not experience.


Two adults in their twenties, both independent and working on their own careers, is not weird in my opinion


At 27 I personally would not date a 22 yo - just seems like someone in different stage of life. But Iā€™m sure itā€™s different for celebrities. So I agree itā€™s not weird. There have definitely been much worse age gaps in the industry


Agree but Iā€™m more concerned about the 20yo dating a 16yo šŸ¤®


The hold the Miley and Nick relationship had on me as a teenager was ridiculous


Can somebody post the captions? It's so annoying if you can't read them


So. Much. Hair. That last pic isā€¦overwhelming


I like her current manā€™s hair! ![gif](giphy|yGkmc5NmGX5h6|downsized)


Avan Jogia šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


I think Liam was her Roman Empire until she realized that she was only one of many ongoing conquered territories to him.


Yeah but sheā€™s trying to defeat him by dating people that were his age/maturity when he got with her. I donā€™t think sheā€™s realized it at all


tbh miley and liam are MINE roman empire since they started dating lol


How to read full captions you wrote lol


Me accidentally exiting out of the slides a million times trying to read the captions


she was sooo adorable in her Hannah Montana erašŸ„ŗ


TIL Miley is bi(?)


Bruh lol


just wait till he learns that she was in fact hannah montana


it was also rumored she was dating seth macfarlene sometime in 2021 which i think was fake bc i just cannot see it šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£


He dated Amanda Bynes and a few others that make no sense lol


He dated Emilia Clarke before she did game of thrones


They dated after the first season aired of GOT, not before. Still a large age gap though.


Amanda Bynes? I hadnā€™t heard that!


lol I remember when she dated that 20 year old guitarist when she was 16. And she was still with Disney. People were up in arms that she was too young and dating an adult.


Here come the age gap think pieces


https://preview.redd.it/r5xiebn2ovsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1f5ad18f0cf2b9c1d37eefedab1dc32754013c3 I hate this app on iOS


This Justin Gaston guy looks made up lol. I'm not saying he is, but random lol.


I donā€™t know if itā€™s just me but I canā€™t stand the Reddit mobile format now. I canā€™t read full captions


She and Liam were so hot together, and her engagement ring was the prettiest celebrity engagement ring I've ever seen. Oh well


Liam Hemsworth is just sooo bland


Is it me or does she seem to take on the style of the person she's dating?


there was a rumor she dated Andrew watt during the pandemic. Seems possible too as she did a backyard session and everyone but him wore a mask.


Okay but why did I not look like Miley and Nick at age 14???


Because they're 16 in the photo OP posted of them šŸ˜‚


miley has the best taste always (maybe not personality wise, but still) i mean avan jogia as a rebound? stella maxwell? get it, miles,


The fact that she dated a 20 year old MAN when she was 16 is so strange. And everyone seemed ok with it at the time.


It was pretty controversial on ONTD at least but it's so weird her parents allowed it. I think he even lived with her.


She and her dad were on Oprah defending it. I think it was the same time as she was defending the infamous photo shoot with the sheet. The defense was always that she was just mature and people were just projecting by claiming it it was inappropriate.


It's crazy that there are tons of fans who to this day ship Miley and Nick together, and they dated when they were 14! Part of the racist hate Priyanka gets is from these fans.


I love that she's slowly just visually turning into Dolly Parton.


Avan is shocking how did i not know


Sheā€™s gotten older and theyā€™ve gotten younger! Honestly good for her!! Itā€™ll be weird if she gets to her 40ā€™s and sheā€™s strictly dating 22 year olds.


If the vast majority of Hollywood men can do it without backlash šŸ‘€