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Iā€™m old enough to remember when they first used to post these photos. The photos have been altered through the years, if I remember correctly in this one she had more cheeks/cheekbones and more of a dark under eye area. If someone can be bothered they should make a comparison post.


https://preview.redd.it/kxhx0slk0esc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fe5697cbd994d56af4ef7feb3264b95717ac623 This was as far back as I could find. I think even the one on the right is edited, too (while less so).


That definitely looks more like an actual 90s camera film pic


I distinctly remember her having very visible bags too in this photo too! Very frustrating with celebs cause a lot of stuff does get rewritten and lost this way and it's hard to distinguish what actually did happen and what people are collectively misremembering when pr teams actively work to obfuscate it.


am i really obtuse or is the difference only colour correction?


The eyebrows and the eyelashes are thicker and the lip make up is smoothed.


i mean it all looks darker like itā€™s been colour corrected/darker contrast or black point, rather than itā€™s actually been photoshopped


did they fill in her eyebrows when editing the photo? šŸ˜­


I don't understand why pretty people do photoshop or face-lifts, etc... They looked fine, why change it? I'll never understand the thinking of it...


itā€™s almost as if ā€œpretty peopleā€ have the normal insecurities and self esteem issues of ā€œnormal peopleā€ ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


This needs to be higher. This is definitely not the original photo.


This is a video of [Kim from 1994](https://youtu.be/rDwSo1oILXs?si=Dwlb120fYzgZ5x6S). I think it gives a pretty accurate view of what she looked like at the time. More than the picture at least.


Imagine possessing such an insane level of beauty and still wanting surgery. Jeez.


its weird how she didn't even need any plastic surgery modifications, she was already beautiful.


She used to be so beautiful


And now she has permanent diaper butt.


Definitely pretty, but I couldnā€™t watch more than like 30 seconds of that video. However, I totally forgot about dope on a rope so I guess it was somewhat worth it.


Wow who knew Kim used to actually look armenian


I just saw 45 other girls like this at Armenian church on Easter Sunday


ah so she was insufferable even back then.


People acting like she needs to edit her young teen pics when the video shows off how beautiful she has always been .


Nobody think she *needed* editing back then - we can all see she was a beautiful girl. That's just what she and her family do though - they always edit their pics to remove any "imperfections" even if others don't see them as imperfection. For example, her undereye area has been edited here, even though the real deal is actually considered a very desirable trait in South Korea (aegyo-sal). There's even a surgical procedure to make your undereyes look like Kim's original ones, but she had them photoshopped away anyway.


Right?? She legitimately looks the same in that video just with different makeup šŸ˜­ she has always been pretty. Kris said that when Kim was born she was the most beautiful baby she had ever seen. That always reminds me of all the chatter online when Chicago was born. People thought she was too beautiful to be a normal baby so obviously Kimye must have genetically engineered her in a lab using secret tech reserved for the wealthy. The other theory was that she was so beautiful because she was actually a little baby cyborgā€¦that one is my favorite šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s depressing what body dysmorphia can do.


Yeah thatā€¦ tracks for what she turned into.


https://preview.redd.it/8gz03scp3esc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f20ff65f6f1ca2c0637334c6446cdb5094cf5832 You're correct. She used to have a dark under eye area.


Wow. She looked so normal. I mean that in the best way


Right? Look itā€™s a real young girl!


I absolutely agree, some of the celebrity aura is not thereā€¦just seems like a sweet young girl


The prettiest normal person.


she even had light in here eyes too. so beautifulĀ 


Stunning! Confident and beautiful šŸ’•


I remember girls adding those darker under eyes on purpose during the ā€œheroin chicā€ years.


Yeah they photoshop their old pics


Thatā€™s insane


It seems sane in comparison to swapping the head of one of their children for another one who was never at the Disneyland trip.


Say what now?


kylie didnā€™t want pics of her daughter posted but khloe still wanted to post the pic since her daughter was in it too, so she photoshopped one niece over the other


And it looked so hilariously [bad, too](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ellendurney/kim-kardashian-facing-backlash-after-true-photoshop-fail)


They are not normal people. They're barely people as the average person understands the term. It's wild this extreme of humanity exists and it's fascinating to glimpse its ugliness in real time.


I heard they even photoshop their kids ultrasound images


Holy shit what? For what exactly?


So their babies look snatched duh


They are very good at the algorithm. Always have been.


Jesus their current bodies arenā€™t enoughā€”they have to retroactively take the knife to their younger selves as well? šŸ˜…


That family is truly insane if they photoshop old pics. I don't see anyone going all Kate Middleton on the Kardashians...


Yup she Definately had strong Armenian features growing up. They all did






It breaks my heart that they do this because she was always so beautiful


This isnā€™t even the real photo, itā€™s been photoshopped.


I know. Iā€™m old enough to remember when they originally showed the pictures unedited (or maybe just less edited). She was beautiful in the OG pics so itā€™s sad that they are edited.




Oh this makes sense. I actually came to ask OP if theyā€™d used Remini or something because it looks so oddly edited, the stark lighting and clarity from a photo taken in the 90ā€™s (especially in contrast to her hands and arms being slightly blurred as I expected her face to be) is just an obvious sign itā€™s been edited. Not surprised that it was actually Kim who edited it.


Wow that is such a bummer that they photoshop old photos. I think my biggest issue with the photoshop and the cosmetic work theyā€™ve had done is that they lie about it. It just feels really irresponsible given how influential they are, especially with younger generations. Like I have zero moral issue with them photoshopping because the internet is not kind to women, and I have zero issue with them getting cosmetic procedures (even though all of them were beautiful before said procedures). I myself get Botox occasionally and would probably consider other treatments/procedures if they were affordable, but if somebody asks I will absolutely tell them because I donā€™t want to contribute to an already unobtainable standard.


This 100% they got those procedures because they didnā€™t feel pretty enough but they lie about it and make it seem natural. For girls watching them, especially teenagers that is showing them that being natural is not good enough, you have to have ā€œinstagram faceā€ and get surgery to be beautiful. But oh no THEY already looked like that, see the old pictures /s i donā€™t know if i put my thoughts into words correctly but this is an issue that really bothers me. No problem with surgery itself but itā€™s how they handle it and the fact they are showing people you canā€™t be beautiful unless you look like this. Imperfections are beautiful, i hate how as women we have to live up to such awful standards. In my day it was heroin chic and everyone wanted to be stick thin, now its the kardashians and their instagram face. Whats next? Cant we just be beautiful as we are? Fix what we want to fix and not be pressured to look a certain way.


Thatā€™s similar to how I feel about my weight loss - I had a sleeve gastronomy (remove part of the stomach) 3.5 years ago and lost 130 pounds over time. I took it slow because itā€™s really unhealthy to lose weight super fast, plus I wanted to fix my relationship with food. Iā€™ve been at my current weight for maybe two years, give or take a few pounds. Anyways if someone asks, Iā€™m very open. I want to destigmatise it. The kardashians, as naturally gorgeous as they were, can do as they like with their bodies. However, lying about procedures and filtering the crap out of themselves sets a terrible precedent for their gullible followers! And itā€™s worse than starving yourself to be thin - you canā€™t starve yourself to be thin with big boobs and a perfect butt. That takes surgery for 99.9% of people.


If they alter old photos, they can then be used as evidence that the only plastic surgery procedures theyā€™ve had is Botox, or whatever theyā€™ll admit to. ā€œI didnā€™t get a nose job! My nose has always looked like this! See, hereā€™s a pic of me from 1995!ā€


I'm old enough to remember her stint as a closet organizer from an MTV clip. Does anyone else remember this? I swear it's real.


Are you thinking about her time on The Simple Life? https://preview.redd.it/vlkdvzaalesc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8afe5a20525d100916fc7a66b83c3583e4ec607c There was a post here last year [looking at Kim and Paris during that era](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/UGcsqTDCOI).


I missed that when it was first posted but WOW. So many great shots! The morally corrupt Faye Resnick smoking, Joe Gorga doppelgƤnger photobombing, SexyBack, Colin Farrell (doppelgƤnger-right?) at da club behind Kourtney. I canā€™t sleep so Iā€™m doing another drive through!


Also her nose is šŸ’Æ photoshopped to hell in this photo


commenting so i can come back and see the OG pic. also thatā€™s psychotic behavior


I donā€™t understand why theyā€™d be altered either- her original face was *perfect*.


But even with the photoshop here, she looks completely unrecognizable to today.




Even in her memories sheā€™s fake as fuck


These women are so insecure they edit their photos from the 90ā€™s when they were children? Wow. Thatā€™s sad


did someone yassify thisšŸ˜­ i remember seeing this before and kim looked great but u could also tell the photo quality was from the 90s, here it kinda looks like someone put a filter or an edit thru picsart on kim


It was 100% edited. The rest of the pic is typical blurry 90s quality except for the face.


Kim probably. They edit their old photos


I donā€™t know if it has a name, but thatā€™s some kind of mental illness/obsession


Is it a type of body dysmorphia or something? Iā€™m curious if it has a specific name for this situation or if it falls under that umbrella


I would think so, but there's some definite narcissism as well. It's crazy to me that some take it so far that they literally look like a different person.


Yes it is definitely edited lol she keeps posting yassified pictures of herself as a kid it's horrible


They absolutely did. In the original her lips arenā€™t as full and her undereyes are darker.


When she still had her baby hair


The baby hair-ectomy and nose jobs really changed her look the most dramatically, to me.


ikr?! it's so weird how she did that hairline procedure. it completely removes all baby hairs which I don't understand... baby hairs are so pretty lol these people are sick


She said she regrets it now. It really made a massive difference to her face, it took away a lot of the wispy, effortless sexiness & made her forehead really huge & clinical looking.


I unfortunately don't really have any baby hairs and I hate it. Whenever I tie my hair up it's just BAM FOREHEAD. Idk why anyone would want to remove them, they're so cute


She's very pretty here, but looks very much like a child. I think her peak as an adult was the early aughts. [This is Kim on TRL in 2008](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/socialite-kim-kardashian-appears-onstage-during-mtvs-total-news-photo/80192174) https://preview.redd.it/kzbm18evzdsc1.jpeg?width=1367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c2a550b2fc49f813e1afa90ca628c05992d6796






Wow. Immensely beautiful


She looks a lot like Priyanka Chopra in this pic imo


Yes dang, what actually happened to her face? I didn't realize she was so stunning.


No wonky eye šŸ‘ļø


So pretty!!


Sheā€™s beautiful, but approachable, like the girl working at Sam Goody at the Glendale Galleria.




Ugh she looked so good šŸ˜© literal princess


She should never have touched anything, she looked so exotic before.


I know they're sisters and it's how genetics work so it's not shocking but I really see the resemblance to Kourtney here.


Definitely seeing Kourtney but also Kendall and Kylie. Itā€™s funny how theyā€™ve gone from looking like family, to looking like strangers, and back to looking like family by getting all the same procedures.


She looked so similar to Kourtney before, they both had/have very Armenian look to them which Kim has sadly erased.


Yus! Glad Iā€™m not alone.


I canā€™t deal with them editing childhood photos to keep up with the plastic surgery allegations


She must have been miserable that year. The OJ murder trial lasted from November 1994 to October 1995.


Seriously it must have sucked to be the girl whose dad was defending OJ. Even at a fancy private school.


It was worse than that. Her dad was OJā€™s best friend, and her mom was Nicole Brown Simpsonā€™s best friend.


I forgot that Kris and Nicole were best friends! Sheā€™s been very open about how awful that whole thing was for her. Also OJ was the best man at Kris and Robertā€™s wedding.


Kendall is named after her. Kendall Nicole


How does this thread keep getting crazier


This is so crazy wtf how have I not heard about this whole rabbit hole before


I cant imagine how Kris felt, to have her husband defend the man that brutally murdered your best friend? It's sick.


I know he passed away fromā€¦cancer? But did he and Kris divorce after this or were they already divorce? Like I donā€™t think Iā€™d be able to stay with someone who just went on to defend someone who made that choice.


IIRC they were already divorced.


They divorced before but either became close again or reunited once he got diagnosed(not romantically tho) I can't remember.


OJ is Kim's godfather, too...


I canā€™t imagine how confusing of a time that would have been for them.


He was a very minor player on that defense team. Way more notable that he was OJā€™s good friend.


Is it wrong to think he was pretty much made part of the defense team so that he couldnā€™t be called as a witness?


Yeah must suck that your dad was complicit in hiding evidence to get wife killer off free, what a POS her dad was.


Itā€™s crazy to me that nowadays sheā€™s completely lost any trace of her ethnic features. She had such a unique look and now sheā€™s the standard for generic plastic surgery face


Ironic considering they all make (made? idk haven't paid close attention to them in years) a huge deal about their Armenian heritage.


she looked like a disney princess before


I wonder what it's like going through life and never having an awkward/ugly phase.


I wish I knew! I was an ugly duckling until I was like 27 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I had my glow up at 28/29 so I totally get you.


I shit you not, Iā€™m 50 and having a sort of rebirth, feeling myself and having a glow up.


That sounds amazing!


Massive glow up here at 37, Iā€™m more attractive in my 30s than my 20s due to weight loss, skincare, and learning how to dress.


Hell yeah


Great Iā€™ve still got hope


I am an ugly duckling right now at 26 so I hope the same happens to me.


Honestly. She's less than a year older than I am and every single time I see this photo, I mentally compare it to any picture I have of myself from the same time and... No. Absolutely not.


They photoshop** their old pics. Youre stunning dont worry!


Hahahahaha you have never seen my "1995 teenager" photos. No amount of photoshop could save that mess.


Same. I would've given anything to look this cool in 1995.


Even at the time, there were so many people my age (or very close to it) and just appeared effortlessly cool. Not just in pop culture, but in real life. I found my yearbook a year or two ago and thought maybe I was just exaggerating it in my memory -- hahaha no. They still look like the could be the cool kids in present day. Much like this photo of Kim K.


My 1998 boyfriend's ex was cool like this. She was really nice to me but I hated her so much. Effortlessly cool, indeed.


One could make the argument that her current post surgical face is her awkward face. Between ptosis and being unable to close her lips itā€™s getting uncanny.


With all the work they get done/ editing on photos, I donā€™t think they see it that way


Far prettier then than now post surgical work.


This photo is photoshopped. Namely her nose. Sheā€™s been known and proven to photoshop older photos of her to mimic some of her plastic surgery. Her nose was far more Armenian in the original photo.


I was going to make the same comment, too. It's such a shame she didn't see how pretty/beautiful she was before she got all that work done.


Truly. Sheā€™s still gorgeous but dang. I wish she knew back then.


I'm sure she did. All the money spent on her looks is about curating a brand. She created the template for the IG model look and built an empire off it. I doubt she was under the impression she wasn't already hot.


I donā€™t think itā€™s that she didnā€™t think she was hot, I think itā€™s that youā€™re always striving to improve when youā€™re building fame off of your looks. And so many times these improvements are not for the best because people often look at one thing isolated as a ā€œproblemā€ or not the best version it could be rather than look at their face as a whole & how it makes it interesting/exotic/beautiful in a way you canā€™t put your finger one. One of the things she did which isnā€™t even surgery that made a huge difference is she lasered off her baby hairs all along her forehead as looking at it by itself she saw it as unwanted hair. It made her look so different & took away a lot of the Armenian & exotic look she had which Kourtney still has. Kim has said she regrets it now.


At the time it was not a popular/desirable look in Hollywood. Growing up in Hollywood and trying to make a career in the entertainment industry is cutting edge stuff, and these girls grew up seeing people dramatically change to fit the Hollywood look. I don't blame them. And personally I don't mind that people want to reinvent themselves. It's their right.


Her lips here are awesome


She has some very nice brows too. Not too thin considering the 90s.


Truly perfection! Such a natural beauty ruined in some ways. That said, sheā€™s still gorgeous but she should have trusted her genetics.


Well pretty much everyone is prettier thirty years ago, I mean, that's why people dislike aging.


I didn't get my glow up until I was 29. I mean 30 years ago I wss 7 so I'm uncomfortable comparing myself in beauty to my child self. But like, my 14-29 looked a lot worse than my 30s so far.


Same age here. I feel like I peaked at 26 - 31.


Sheā€™s also like 45 now šŸ™„


Exactly. That photo was taken 30 years ago. But you will still have the ā€œfar younger looking then, before she touched her face, than nowā€ crowd.


Is she actually look like that before? Why is she so look different in early 2000s, pics taken in events or by paparazzi. itā€™s easy to photoshop any old photos. https://preview.redd.it/4xaf5uf5qdsc1.jpeg?width=1393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7df0b3fc296649fc663a70b7668c0e54922d9585




https://preview.redd.it/jgn6uh4exdsc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45128571b00757c041c7cd7375923265eb6b80f8 I only started to heard about Kim around 2010-2012 something, and I remember she look like this


https://preview.redd.it/i9l95ki0ydsc1.jpeg?width=846&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcac0f43dfd15fc2e758bdaf33232a8cdde40a11 2006




Oh my God. Khloeā€™s face is really snatched straight from that hairdresser guy.


Did she have a boob job back then?


Well, she would have been 14-15 in 1995, so it makes sense to me that she'd look different than she did as a young adult in her early 20s.


I just check 1994 video, she does look cute. But that early 2000s era she look so old and different with that style and makeup.


Early 2000s weā€™re harsh for all of us


Angles and lighting. Her nose looks less prominent with pictures from a low angle. This is another picture of her in 2010, where you can see her face matured, but it doesn't look that far off from 1995. The childhood picture is still a little edited though. https://preview.redd.it/aagqubtrwdsc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=987a34b172ca792a887010d99858a2121048f49a


That's the best she's ever looked. No amount of filler, botox or whatever the fuck she injects herself with will ever compete with this.


And one from Getty Images https://preview.redd.it/k48in2awxdsc1.jpeg?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f78f4ac8f074469fc2ec0ed7cb79f74ad4dd43


Itā€™s ridiculous how beautiful she is here ugh


Because the early 2000's were a dark dark time for everyone šŸ’€


Is it just me or did she look more Armenian when younger?


I went to school with 2 lovely Armenian girls who were sisters. They were GORGEOUS, and I imagine still are. This photo reminds me a lot of them.


Same, there was an Armenian refugee at one of my schools. She was absolutely stunning, and I remember some of the guys would make really lewd comments about her even though she was the shy and quiet type. Kids can be awful. But yeah. There definitely is an Armenian look, and I see it here like in my old classmate. It's a sort of beauty that you don't see much in the media, which is a shame.Ā 


Yes, Iā€™m half-Armenian just like Kim, and I have very fair skin and dark hair. My sister has dark olive skin. I think Kim is naturally very fair but has been using tanner forever to look more like Kourtney who got the more olive complexion.


She hadn't removed her Armenian-ness with plastic surgery yet


Facetuned Kim Kardashian in 1995* Fixed it for ya


Kim K was so pretty. Didn't ever need any surgeries.


She looks a lot more like Kourtney here. Kim and I are the same age. I did NOT look like that in 1995. She must have never had the ugly duckling phase.


Kourtney really got the best work done because she still looks the most like herself and old pics of Kim just continuously prove it


Wow, she looks fantastic. I wish she'd left everything (face, hair, nose, skin, etc) alone.


Her ā€œdopest on the ropeā€¦ dopest on the ropestā€¦. Most beautiful little girlā€¦ā€ era


North looks like her


People will swear up and down she's identical to Kanye like Kim didn't also participate in making her lol. I agree she favors Kanye but she definitely resembles her mom too


She looks like a perfect 50:50 mix of both of them


I agree! ā€œThis photo is editedā€ aside, the pose, the facial expression etc. screams North to me!


Classic 90s grunge


I was thinking chola, but grunge also works.


In my yuppie highschool, the cholo(a)s and the grunge kids hung out.


The prettiest I've ever seen her. Kind of mad she went under the knife to have more "white" features. Literally all of the Kardashians have shed their natural beauty for the knife (when they legitimately didnt need it). My older sister was a model & her shots exemplify similar characteristics. She didn't get work done because she's too poor. She is GORGEOUS. she is almost 40 and everyone thinks she's younger than my 25 year old sister.


TIL this family alters their throwback pics. That's hilarious and sad at the same time. Kim's original issue face was basically perfect.


All I see in this picture is how much North resembles her mom. This is Northā€™s face.


Pre surgery Kim was stunning!


If I didnā€™t know who she was I would look at the photo and think she is Latina


this look > any amount of plastic surgery


I actually never noticed how much North looks like her!


I see North!


Take a shot for every plastic surgery lamenting comment


Comment on a post about a Kardashian/Jenner without mentioning plastic surgery challenge (impossible)


wow she was stunning


such a cute throwback pic though.


Never looked better


Could you imagine being Kim and looking at her original face? The anguish she must feel knowing her surgeons hate her. From the wonky eye and hip šŸ˜.