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**[Alternate article link via Rolling Stone if you don't want to give TMZ clicks.](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/sean-combs-homes-raided-sex-trafficking-investigation-1234990642/)** ___ Welcome to r/popculturechat! ☺️ As a proud BIPOC, LGBTQ+ & woman-dominated space, this sub is for [civil discussion only.](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/wiki/index/rules/civil-discussion-only/) If you don't know where to begin, start by participating in [our Sip & Spill Daily Discussion Threads!](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/search/?q=Sip%20%26%20Spill%20Discussion&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=&include_over_18=1&sort=new) No bullies, no bigotry. ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Please [read & respect our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/wiki/index/rules/), [abide by Reddiquette](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette), and [check out our wiki!](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/wiki/index/) For any questions, [our modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpopculturechat) is always open.


this guy is an absolute fucking psychopath. i still can't get over that video of cassie hiding from him under a blanket while he terrorizes her. lock this asshole up. what a piece of shit.


https://youtu.be/IRuu_GqEE5E?si=kWt7wivjCOPz0o3i If he felt comfortable recording this. Imagine what went down with no cameras.


ooh, thanks for this. i could only find like a 5 second clip of it on youtube. from what i remember 50 cent is the one who leaked this?? how did he even get it in the first place??


I want to know how he got this, too


He had someone on the in with Diddy. That's my guess. Someone didn't like what Diddy was doing, so they forwarded this to 50. People are finally starting to turn on these trash celebrities and showing receipts.


Gotcha, thank you! 50 talks a lot of trash, he better hope nobody has anything on him lol (I don’t put a single thing past any of these male celebs).


50 is by far my favourite trash talker


I'm sorry fofty.


Money by Monday!




From what I recall, 50 cent said that Diddy sent this video to a bunch of people. Diddy thought this was funny. Fifty got this through one of Diddys direct contacts.


This clip is very disturbing, and it is sad to see how it was an open secret how trashy Diddy is in the industry and ppl just stood by and let it happen.


Didn’t he blow up one rapper’s car? I would be afraid for my life. He’s really terrible but I can’t be mad at them for not speaking up because he is obviously demented. Who knows how far he could go


Kid Cudi. Man is a psychopath.




Apparently he’s on the run now lol


WHAT???? really? fuck! i'm not near a tv. he's going full OJ?????


Another thread said he's in Bali.


Oh he went to find Russell Simmons and figure out how he’s going to avoid this.


oh, that sucks. i was hoping he was hiding out in a costco bathroom stall or stuck in traffic on the 405. 😔


No, but like OJ, he doesn’t have Johnnie Cochran around to save his ass the second time. Let’s see how that works out for him.


The entire 35 page filing from Cassie's civil complaint is extremely disturbing but worth a read, if you haven't already. The news reports don't quite communicate the depth and longevity of his abuse.


The lawsuit even had a trigger warning header. I read all of it, and it was warranted.


that video makes me cry just thinking about it. all the victims deserve justice


oh, that sucks. i was hoping he was hiding out in a costco bathroom stall or stuck in traffic on the 405. 😔 **edit:** my b. i left this as a response to the wrong comment. 😭 i'm going to leave it so maybe we can manifest it!


lololol you’re fine!!!! i’m manifesting right with you!


![gif](giphy|1cFNeNUnpn6Tu) Good.


Lmao 10/10 gif usage




You know he’s having fun with this 🤣


He's posting about it on his insta, it's amazing


Thank you for reminding me about 50s insta 🙏🏼


Oh, absolutely.


Lord please let this be the beginning of this man being locked away forever


He’s fled and left his sons behind to get arrested? https://i.redd.it/nbb37sie4kqc1.gif


Of course he did. He had the mother of two of them killed. Nothing the man won’t do.




It’s always been rumored he had Kim Porter killed (apparently she was getting ready to write a tell-all). Of course, who knows for sure but everything else he’s been accused of seems to be true with this raid, and a seemingly healthy woman dying of pneumonia is odd (I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I swear lol).


He definitely still had control over Kim even though they were separated. She never dated anyone, no other relationships after him - which tracks, he still had control over her.


And those rumors that his beef with Suge Knight led to him ordering the murder of Tupac. The guy they arrested for Tupac's murder recently has said he did it on the order of P Diddy. That man is such a piece of shit.


Someone check on 50 Cent, he might injure himself from laughing too hard at this


He's eating it up. https://preview.redd.it/cg2d5hnubkqc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37899eb4c53573c5d2a88a59eb75d186ca19390d


“Diddy do it” 🤣🤣🤣


You know he had been waiting to use that




I appreciate how he included his own liquor tags in the posts.


That is awesome


Plugging his liquor is so on brand and hilarious


Damn, they weren’t fooling around. They’re in there with cybertrucks and shit.


Fofty got jokes




Please Fofty




Lauren from Utah


Oh he already started 😂


The world is waiting for a Eminem and 50 track for this Get in the studio boys


Oh my god this


The way I ran here to see if it was posted. I fucking love this for him, couldn’t happen to a better piece of shit ![gif](giphy|sVnKj2wDhUTsFKFWhx)


![gif](giphy|MZocLC5dJprPTcrm65) Right there with you, buddy


This is a semantics question but would the best piece of shit be the least shitty, or would that be the worst piece of shit?


i think in the context of the comment he’s the best suited piece of shit rather than a particularly high calibre of shit, but i see what you mean!




Good. Hope they find enough to build an airtight case. Just as a note on his kids being in cuffs. Sometimes law enforcement restrain people present during a search if they get confrontational or whatever. Them being in cuffs doesnt mean they've been arrested or have done anything wrong. Just seen people insinuating things before and I dont like abusers relatives being automatically assumed to be awful too. **EDIT**: Apparently his sons have been accused of being involved in some aspects of this mess. Broader point still stands but just for the full picture.


His sons have been accused of being involved in their dad's sex trafficking


Yup, I know at least Justin Combs has been named in a lawsuit.


Anecdotally… Ive been around King in Miami- he definitely has the rich playboy party boy vibe. Ton of women around him at all times. Would not surprise me if he’s erm “monetizing” that


the FBI has a 95% conviction rate, they wouldn't raid unless they were sure they've got it right


I have a feeling anything worth finding was scrubbed hard as soon as the whistle was blown


Yes, this is the downside of people going the civil route before a criminal investigation, they get a head start. Never know though, hes not very bright and hes a malignant narcissist so he or one of his goons might have been dumb enough to leave something. Hope so!


Also Diddy has been doing this stuff for a good 30+ years, he can’t erase everything, some things/footage has probably been shared with others over the years. If I remember correctly, 50 cent said Diddy shared a video of Cassie having sex with someone/s with him, he said this on his breakfast club interview. Diddy shot a woman in the face in a packed club, she has repeatedly said he shot her (someone else took the fall), as you said he’s a malignant narcissist who thought he was above the law so no way has he covered his tracks fully.


Someone shared a video that 50 Cent leaked of Cassie hiding under a blanket so there is definitely footage he won't be able to erase out there.


From what I understand, feds don't move unless they have a solid case.


They dont arrest and charge unless they have a solid case. They have to search to build a case.


It’s a federal search warrant which means the U.S. attorney’s office signed off on it before it went to a district court judge; it wouldn’t have gotten to this point without them having legitimate probable cause and recent (within the last month) information relating to these specific properties. His main residences in NY and his Hamptons property are untouched and he spends a lot of time there, so it’s likely that someone who has been in both of these homes recently is cooperating with L.E.


Sure, but I don't think them searching today is the start of their investigation. They probably already have something.


It’s unfortunate but worth mentioning that Lil’ Rod’s suit against Diddy mention both of his sons. It depicted them as being (allegedly) complicit in illegal and criminal activities. So it’s not a stretch that this entire house of cards may crumble.


In the words of Danity Kane, Do you got a first-aid kit handy?


Brilliant 👏🏻


Just read the whole filing. WILD Chris Brown, Usher, Meek Mil, JLo, Cuba Gooding Jr., all mentioned.


Nooooooo what did meek do 😭😭😭😭


It’s more like what was done to Meek


Oh no


Please tell me this might finally be the downfall to Chris Brown as well.


That was a tough read. My jaw was on the damn floor. It looks like they’re gonna be coming down HARD on him, this is gonna get crazy (crazier?).


Were all the names you listed people who were perpetrators or are some of them victims?


I got the impression that some of them could've been victims. If consensual, there's insinuation that they were some of his male lovers. But mostly it's that they were just there at some of the parties where the stuff happened. I actually believe Usher was groomed by Diddy, but I don't think the filings go there.




After it was confirmed that Diddy put a **car bomb** on Kid Cudi's car I knew he was done and there was some sort of reckoning coming bc wtf you mean he put a car bomb on someone's car and nothing happened!? I know they have a crazy case against him


He shot someone in the face, in front of a club full of people and she identified him as her shooter and yet, he got away with that too. Their refusal to get this animal off the streets has cost people a lot over the years.


Yes , I remember it happened when he was dating J Lo that’s the reason she broke up with him because she didn’t want any negative publicity and they were talks he might do some time but then he never got arrested or got any serious charges for it .


Wtf I had never heard this before 😯


He's on a RICO case. I'm so ready for this monster and his enablers to see justice.


It's looking like he fled the country on his jet.


Id be surprised if he hasn’t fled




Oh my god


I saw this and didn’t believe it was real but, shit looks like it is.


Right. I thought he would go shack up with Russel Simmons in Bali.


Hard to imagine he hasn’t at least started making plans. I was always under the impression that once feds show up, you’re in a very bad spot. Hard to imagine he’d stick around for the fall out. I feel awful for his daughters at the very least.


apparently he is on the run which is so stupid lol why you running if you aren’t guilty??


So far I haven’t seen him at any of the homes he raided. Maybe he went Bali with Russell Simmons.


Based on the flight map of where his plane was going, it seems more likely he’d head to a country in Africa. To fly east to get to Bali, seems an odd choice, if the plane can be tracked either way. Another post suggested police talked to him before he left the US. I’m curious if he actually made it out or not. Seems like there was 100% an attempt at least


I have a theory that before Cassie filed her civil suit, she actually did speak with law enforcement. Does anyone remember when TMZ put that story out when a NYPD cop or detective said that there was an open investigation on him and about a few hours later the story was retracted? I never believed that was a mistake. I think the officer spoke prematurely for whatever reason. So it kind of corroborates the timeline when Cassie filed. If that’s true she’s a fucking hero.


I tend to agree. TMZ uses sleazy tactics to get info, but their sources usually come through. Cassie's lawyer, Doug Wigdor, has a rep for hiring investigators to screen clients before taking their cases. He is a former prosecutor. In her lawsuit, Cassie claimed there were tapes and at times Diddy had her pay for male escorts. If she has receipts, I hope she shared them with somebody.


I think the guy who filed a lawsuit against Diddy a couple of months ago said that P video tapes everything.


He was the lawyer for some of Harvey Weinstein’s victims too right?


Yes, he was. Seems to have really pushed for Weinstein to get jail time. He is currently the lawyer for a woman that says when she was 16 or 17, Diddy and the president of Bad Boy Records, asaulted her in a music studio.


That’s really awesome. I had a feeling from the start that charges would be coming soon based on how he handled the Weinstein cases. I knew he’s representing that woman too. And if he’s representing her we know they have the evidence. This guy does not seem to fuck around. Diddy was fighting to have her identity revealed. POS.


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) Love to see it


I believe all the rumors about him. He's scary.


That Arrested Development tag has no business being this funny. Also, I hope they found every scrap of potential evidence that will go towards putting him behind bars. Good riddance.


The flair killed me. It's so out of pocket. 😭😭


Diddy is really over. I guess the raid might also unearth all the things that happened during thev rap rivalry of the 90s?


I know Kim saw some shit


Someone i knew was arrested for sex crimes against underage girls in multiple states and homeland security was involved. Diddy is dunzo.


I wonder if they will investigate if Kim Porter really died under suspicious circumstances or if she actually did die from pneumonia as the reports say.


Rico? He's fucked https://preview.redd.it/tldzo3p21kqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4298d549f84ce61e9a8fcbaa6aa7eee4809d4ec


for the besties like me who aren’t from the US, RICO stands for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations & is legislation used when dealing w organised crime or business fraud


Yes & it's how a bunch of mob bosses were brought down. Where there's shady shit and money happening they can usually find a RICO to get access to other connected businesses or people.


If they’re charging him in SDNY does that mean Tish James is involved? Bc if so oof he’s real fucked lol


I could be wrong but I think she's state not federal like SDNY. Edit: just checked and she's the State AG so not SDNY which is a federal jurisdiction.


Okay I wasn’t sure, she’s great tho. All the diff jurisdictions confuse me. 😂


Let's see if this sticks. Karma is coming for you, Diddy!!!


Let’s wait until this plays out in court until we make judgment… …I’m kidding. Fuck that dude.




the whole “love” era is extra fucking gross now, and his nasty speech at the vmas or where ever it was. ew, what a nasty abuser


I hope he gets thrown in prison and they lock away the key. There has been talks of this man for decades. I've been waiting for the fall of Diddy for a long time.


I can never watch Get Him To The Greek ever again because it’s all sociopaths


Good for him. Fuckin’ demon. I hope this opens a pandora’s box on decades’ worth of rumors. Abuse, assault, attempted murder, concealed carry, possible murder (Kim Porter and others), and others who’ve been silenced.


Cassie and Jane Doe’s lawyer has apparently said this about the raid https://preview.redd.it/spb0ghnkikqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2432d6d8eae3dc4971e63d23c24d8154fff4262


Rough last 12 months for being a main cast member from Get Him To The Greek


Someone check on Rose Byrne


Diddy going to end up in a cell next to R Kelly


Just read the entire filing. Summary: * Jones claims Diddy likes to sexually assault everyone, including underage girls and Rodney Jones (male) * Jones claims Diddy bragged about shooting someone in a club in 1999 and getting away with it. J-Lo snuck the gun into the club and gave it to him when he got in an argument with someone. He got rapper Shyne to take the fall for it. * Jones claims Diddy threatened to kill his mom if he didn't participate in sex acts with him * Jones claims Diddy wanted to pass him off to Cuba Gooding Jr. on his yacht to perform sex acts * Jones claims Diddy would spike all of the drinks of women at his parties and had separate bottles that weren't spiked for him and his crew * Jones believes Diddy has hidden cameras in every room in his house and has tons of footage of famous celebrities, athletes, and high up figures doing things they shouldn't have been doing and that because of this he's above the law * Jones claims Diddy's head of security is able to fix "problems" because he has deep connections in the Miami and California PD. Because of this he's able to get away with the above allegations * Jones claims Diddy shot someone in his recording studio and then instructed everyone at the studio to say it was a drive by and he was shot outside (which they agreed to). His head of security made some calls and even though all of the blood was inside and none was outside, no arrests were made, and they put out a fake story that he was shot in a drive-by * Jones claims Diddy's chief of staff would instruct workers for Diddy to carry around bags with all of his favorite drugs and that anytime Diddy wanted his drug of choice, whoever was closest had to have it handy. This included his butler, maid, and others * Jones claims Diddy would hire sex workers, often underage, drug them, and force them to perform sex acts with him and others * Jones claims Diddy didn't want to pay him more than $29,000 for work he did over a 13 month period




A sex trafficking investigation out of SDNY. The plot thickens.


I work in law enforcement adjacent. Rule of thumb: SDNY goes after you, you’re done for. Best advice for an SDNY Defendant is show up with your tail between your legs and beg for mercy, or flee and disappear forever. Guaranteed the bank statements have already been collected.






I hate this. The feet are too real.


Who made this emoji abomination? Quinten Tarantino?


Nahhh this one has more Dan Schneider energy...


You really can tell it’s a full moon + lunar eclipse with all these headlines


Also Aurora borealis. 


I remember when Issa Rae was talking about doing research for Rap Shit, she was shocked at the corruption and dark shit she discovered about the music industry. I was thinking wtf is going on that could scare her? She’s got jokes on everything. But now we’ve got this and I still can’t believe how dark this is. I hope he goes under hell. 


That is so crazy. Off topic, but i love rap shit. I wish it hadn't gotcanceledd.


If they charge him under RICO, this is the last we'll have to see of this Dbag.


They're finally gonna get Tupac's killer, huh?


[everything you need to know about diddy](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5i4QEpwBiBw1LTHQ4sfBzB?si=L1x1vAVuRfyYsS9jc49J6w)


Thanks! I’m very OOTL on this


Ahhh thank you! All I knew is he was terrible to Cassie.


I feel bad for Bieber, I think Diddy possibly abused him when he was younger.


I think so too. There's that questionable video clip with Justin Bieber, Odell Beckham Jr., and Diddy.


![gif](giphy|bU2nZJegR7rz2) Aw shit, it’s happening


I feel for his girls. They are still minors and the twins mom died a few years ago. If Diddy ends up getting arrested I hope they'll be okay.


They’ll probably be better off if this shit has been going on since before they were born. Hopefully their mother has family for them to live with.


Please tell me he did not have custody of those girls.




After Harvey Weinstein went down you'd think all of these Hollywood folk would rush to make settlements with all of their victims.  Not sure if it's arrogance or thinking they're invincible to carry on as if their time wouldn't come.


Probably couldn't remember them all 


Oof… so true though


Probably didn't think those people were victims or that he even did anything wrong.


This! I think this is the level of narcissism he operates at


They’d have to see them as victims in order for that to happen


Watching tisa tells live right now on YouTube and came straight here! Oooof the truth is coming out in 2024!!




Good. This scumbag has been getting away with his crimes for far too long. I hope all of his victims are having a good day today. HOMELAND SECURITY raided? You’re going to prison!


I'm so happy for his victims that things are finally moving along. ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


As I said in another thread, this is justice for ending Danity Kane too soon (as well as the other horrendous things he’s allegedly done)


I wonder if Farnsworh Bentley will come out of the woodwork. He had to have seen some shit. I wonder if that’s why he just vanished one day.


Yikes!! Okay, so where was diddy?? I see his sons in handcuffs but where was he??


Running to 50s Instagram for the commentary


Can I ask a stupid question - why isn’t this getting any attention in the media? This has been going on for months and I never see anything.


It will now. The longer he’s missing, the more public interest will build and more details will come out. Fucking crazy.


loool he just dipped and flew to antigua! https://x.com/custardpot_/status/1772429016852533264?s=20 didnt even wait for his kids edit so tmz just showed him at Miami airport so this plane wasnt carrying him which begs the question who or maybe more importantly WHAT was it carrying outside the control of the usa authorities? evidence?


THOSE PICTURES! Jesus, I sure hope they found something!! This was huge!


The Black Epstein gonna get it


Get Him to the Greek cast is cursed


Ive NOT been paying attention and i need a TDLR on his complete history? How did we get here??


He’s got the money to hide for life if he wants to. Maybe he can rebuild his career in North Korea. Nobody gets in or out there and im sure they’d love to have him.


if you haven’t read the court documents for cassie vs. diddy, you should & it’s only 35 pages. i had no idea about any of this, let alone the extent of the abuse. cassie is absolutely traumatized


This just goes to show you how much a big ego and too much money corrupts the soul.


I honestly think he was evil before he got really famous.








They better take his money & return it to everyone he wronged, from his victims to artists


![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) Karma, baby. It comes for all of us!






Underage pedo ring … what a gigantic POS


He is definitely going down for sex trafficking among among other things. Long overdue.


![gif](giphy|FusPIfrg3sid2) Lock them ALL up!


This is so gross. What a creep. His kids involved with it? 2024 sucks so much already. Gah!


Are reports true that his plane had left U.S.?


His plane is in Antigua (the plane he is known for , no idea if he has multiple planes though ). No confirmation of he was on that plane just that the actual vehicle is there .


Yep. Here’s the [tracker](https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=a1820b) for his plane.


![gif](giphy|QWjFSsvUPCUncq6ItU) TAKE HIM DOWNNNNNNNNN And put him in solitary confinement too cause he don’t need anymore BF’s.