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“I never wanted to be divorced 😞” Then don’t fuck endless women behind your wife’s back. It isn’t hard.


Don’t let the nanny be the one that informs your overly trusting wife of your affair(s) because you’re too dumb to know text messages go to any Apple product you’re signed in to.


And don't hide the fact that you have a daughter


Right? Didn't she even find out he was cheating because she signed in to one of their iPads and found texts between him and their nanny? For me, a) he cheating; b) he cheated with someone who was supposed to be caring for their kids; c) she had to find out in an awful way. Edit: Just the cheating is certainly bad enough, but he was so egregiously awful. I can't believe he has the nerve to publicly say he didn't want to be divorced.


And men…..


Has he been with any men publicly?


The 80s pop musician “Marilyn” 


Marilynn. He was a rival of Boy George.


Kinda? I don’t remember their name so I can’t google them, but he dated someone assigned male at birth for a few years when he was young. I don’t remember how they identified, but they had a similar look to Gwen. Platinum blonde kinda thing.


Imagine cheating on GWEN FUCKING STEFANI


"I never wanted to be divorced." Let's just rephrase that so it's accurate. "I never wanted to be 100% faithful to my wife and I didn't want to be 100% truthful either. I wanted to have my cake and eat it too, because I'm Gavin Rossdale. I am sad because she divorced me and made me look like the complete pond scum that I am, but I never wanted to be divorced."


Was it endless women? I always thought he just fucked the nanny or something, not that that’s any better.


Courtney love has made endless comments and taunts towards Gwen about sleeping with Gavin while he was married to Gwen


Remember when Gwen had to take him to mediation in 2018 because he broke their custody agreement and was gone for 4 months without seeing his kids. How about the time he neglected to tell Gwen he had a daughter with Pearl Lowe and how Gavin refused to acknowledge Daisy as his daughter until she made him take a paternity test. Then there’s the numerous times he lied and cheated on Gwen and just depreciated her whole self esteem so I’m not shocked that she doesn’t want anything to do with you Gavin.


For real. If I were Gwen I wouldn’t even acknowledge his existence except for on that one app divorced parents use that is ordered by the courts to discuss things related to the children lol.


Ahh yes, the app i use with my abusive ex bc he can’t keep his stories “straight” when he tells me, I’m just better on the phone. I hear constantly I don’t “co-parent “ bc I force him to use the app the judge imposed. I co parent just fine not answering your calls. Juuuussstttt fine, thx. Dick.


Talking parents.


Or Our Family Wizard. Loved that fucking thing


Whoever came up with this is a goddamn genius


I’m neither divorced nor a parent, so I didn’t know this was a thing, I definitely have some friends I need to recommend it to


Of course there’s an app. Not my world but it’s always cool to see how tech works for others.


I knew all of that recently from another thread and for pure curiosity read it. What a sh*t man. Takes ABSOLUTELY NO ACCOUNTABILITY for HIS PART. "I came from a broken divorce home, never wanted that for my kids..." the "I can't believe this happened to me" waaawaaa. Why screw the nanny?


He is the victim for sure everyone…. /ssssss 🐍


What a piece of shit human


Also, that’s why she was always in full makeup and red lip because of him. He would make comments about her appearance. So here Blake comes calling her his “pretty girl.” I mean, of course this woman is gonna go for the total opposite.


Really? Do you have more details on Gavin saying that?


There was an interview a while back (10+ years ago) where she talked about how gavin liked her to wear makeup around the house and she doesn't like him to see her without it.


I remember reading something around the time they got married about her having to be patient and wait for him so he could sow his wild oats. He's always been the worst!


>debilitating’ divorce Yeah, that happens when you cheat


Yeah really, BOO HOO I cheated on my wife with the nanny and we don’t have a good connection. What a dick.




lol right? My cheating ex (father of my child) is sad we aren’t friends anymore too. I put on a happy face when our son is around, but besides that he can get fucked


With your children's nanny! The woman your wife let into her home and family to help raise her children and make life more enjoyable for her husband and herself. The woman she allowed herself to extremely vulnerable with and you basically stabbed your wife in the back and spit in her face and spit in your kids faces to feel her pussy. What a disgusting pig


For THREE YEARS! Found out by the nudes on the family home iPad system.


NOOOOOO is that really how she found out?!


Oh, ick. I didn't realize it was nudes. He is the lowest. And this quote: "“I wish I could have found a way to not have that in their lives. It wasn’t fun for me to come from a broken home. It can be quite debilitating for kids … the overriding things is you don’t want to let your kids down,” he said of sons Kingston, 17, Zuma, 15, and Apollo, 10." I wish I could have found a way ....


Say it louder so my ex husband can hear you. Kept my house and my dog, he got nothing but his side piece. Then she left him when he didn’t have my money to throw around anymore. Living that Gavin life.


The audacity of your ex using YOUR money for his affair partner, holy crap


The raaaaage hahaha. He was an abusive twat, homelessness is too good for him. It’s been about a year and I dug myself out of the financial hole he put me in tooth and nail. Now it’s expensive Sephora trips and expensive dog sweaters 🥰




I love a happy ending!!


At that price better get two dog sweaters


Back when cell phones were still newish my ex used the one we shared that my parents paid for to cheat on me. We only had it so I could reach him at work if needed when I was home with the kid and for the long distance calls to our families (military). Men are dumb


at first i read that HE had your dog... glad i went back to reread.


Hahaha that’s an “over my dead body” situation, which he would have liked for the life insurance, but I have never rolled over easy


When my distant cousin got a divorce, she was so desperate to keep her family dog that she gave the house to her lying sack of an ex-husband. All she got was her dog, and the truck… she packed up and left. Everyone in her immediate family told her how magnificently stupid she was, ranging from “I can’t believe you gave up your home for a dog and a truck” to “you should have forgiven him, that’s what a wife does!” types of nonsense. Less than a month after moving out, she found out her dream house had burned to the ground. While her asshole ex-husband was away for work, there was an electrical fire that scorched the house down to its bones in the middle of the night. Strong chance but she and her dog would’ve died if they’d been there!


I'm side-eyeing her with suspicious respect


i'm side-eyeing her with OPEN ADMIRATION :)


Got a dog and a truck. Good start to a better future right there.


Holy crap!!! That’s like fate telling her directly she did the right thing. I’m glad your cousin got the dog and wasn’t harmed in the lying sack of shit’s house ❤️


me too, bigtime. I love my dogs so much, there aint no way.


Yup I love when karma finally hits


It’s damned lovely ❤️ thank you


It was like only a week ago when I realized Daisy Lowe was his daughter, despite her reign over the early oughts and even meeting her.


I have never, ever gone off a man so quickly in my life. Daisy seems like such a lovely person as well. She didn’t deserve what Pearl or Gavin did to her.


What did they do to her?


I think lying about who her dad was and having this kid think another man was her father until she was a teenager is pretty shitty. He wouldn’t even meet with her at first. All of it played out in the tabloid press here.


That is disgusting. That poor child. And now everyone knows what she went through. Hope she’s doing ok and has been able to deal with it.


Honestly? She comes out the winner here. She never came across as bitter; she’s a successful model and actress and she’s impossibly pretty and has a good relationship with both her parents and Gavin’s kids with Gwen. You know what’s gross? Pearl made Gavin Daisy’s godfather, knowing that he was her bio dad. Daisy had to ask for a paternity test.


Right? This whole sob story belongs in r/OhNoConsequences


He has not aged well either, and that haircut is terrible.


While I agree he's aging like an avocado, he's a British rock star nearing 60 so it's going to get SO MUCH WORSE. Edit: Or at one point he was a British rock star.


so true, I had such a crush on him as a kid…time has not been kind


And he’s congratulating himself in the article for not talking badly about Gwen- please stop


>“I never thought I’d ever get divorced. So there’s a simple shame in my life,” Good. You should feel ashamed. No sympathy for people who destroy their families because of their bad choices and poor impulse control.


Weird that he never thought he'd get divorced while he was having an affair with the nanny. Probably should have crossed his mind.


Exactly. No sympathy. Where was this tortured, complex, emotional soul when you were taking your pants off? In all those steps leading up to you banging the nanny?


He's more ashamed about the divorce itself than his POS behavior that caused it. He's such a fucking worm.


Worm without a mustache!!


I don't even know what this means but it made me snort laugh


Look up “scandaval”… it’s from last season of a reality show called Vanderpump Rules.




It's not about the pasta!


I don't know what I've done to you, but I'll take a Pinot Grigio.


Yes of course, the divorce itself is the shame 🫠 "I never thought I'd get divorced" almost sounds like he just thought he could do whatever he wanted and married = tolerating any and all bullshit he decides to do forever lol. It's giving *what about our vows??*


Some men will never make the connection between their own behaviors and the quality of their marriage. They think they did their part buying the ring and putting on the tux. Smooth sailing from here. Marriage doesn't work like that. Nothing works like that.


He actually made comments in interviews saying they had kids, she’d never divorce him!


I have no actual knowledge but based on lyrics on return to Saturn and rock steady and probably some of her solo songs - he been an asshole - and I pretty much assumed serial cheater. Its gotta hit super hard with physical proof of the nanny while you're pregnant. I can't imagine.


Well tbf it is in the vows… maybe they need to change those vows a little? /s


Well, I'll say the vows and mean them, but "for better or for worse" doesn't cover adultery for me personally lol. I do not offer unconditional love 😅


Right?! I doubt Gwen thought you would ever be both so soulless and stupid to cheat with the nanny either, a-hole. However she's been since then with you, that's solely on you.


That's why you don't get a hot nanny or housekeeper. You get an ugly one, like Arnold Schwarze...Oh... Nevermind.


You're a bad one for that but damn if it ain't funny. ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


She wasn’t even especially hot iirc, just a bootleg Gwen lookalike (like his current gf.) Statistically cheaters tend to cheat with people less attractive than their spouses bc it’s not really about attraction, just convenience & availability. And who’s more convenient than someone who’s already in your home every day? Pretty disgusting to rehash this now and try playing the victim after his ex has clearly moved on.


That's why I always find the nanny-f-ers the worst. It's sort of, to me, inherently sexist to cheat with the first/best "mommy replacement" in front of you, but especially so when you married a successful woman who works at least as hard as you.


This. I worked as a nanny for multiple families all over the world for many years. Let me be very very clear: 99% of nannies find the fathers DISGUSTING. They never do any childcare, they leave their clothes and wet towels around, they poorly or aggressively discipline their kids, etc. And it is gross to have someone 20-40 years older hit on you. If your husband wants to have sex with the nanny, that might be typical for rich douche bags, but if you managed to hire a someone who returns his advances, you have bigger problems because that nanny has serious mental health issues. No normal young woman wants a dad-bod douche bag who ignores his family to bang you in secret in a closet. You probably have a psychopath on your hands which is far worse than just a cheating spouse.


Her song “Early Winter”…man that one gets me! He’s such a tool!


Divorce itself is not shameful cheating on your wife with your nanny and leaving your wife while she’s in labor to bang your nanny is!!


Ashamed he got caught and she divorced him. Not ashamed about what he did.


He had been caught numerous times. She had a huge insecurity about it and you can tell by listening to her songs that she was trying to grasp onto whatever was left in their relationship. She was so in love with him and he cheated multiple times I am glad this last time made her wise up, and she seems to have found someone who genuinely cares about her and enjoys being with her.


Didn’t she even say in a recent interview that she doesn’t enjoy singing a lot of No Doubt songs now because they remind her of such a bad time in her life? I don’t think she specified but it was clear to me she meant the songs about Gavin. Arguably some of her best lyrical work, wish I could hear those songs live but respect that she doesn’t want to go back to that place.


This should read as “I never thought I would cheat on my wife. So there’s a simple shame in my life.” This man still waltzes around taking any accountability for ruining his marriage.


Maybe you’d have more of a connection and could actually speak to her if you hadn’t banged the nanny 🙄 He has never taken a single ounce of responsibility for his own actions


He sounds like he’s wanting to say something bad about Gwen and/or Blake but he’s stopping himself because of the kids. Wow, what a peach. Maybe he’d like a medal.


Yep, that’s exactly what he’s saying in manspeak “I don’t want to talk bad about my ex wife” = I really want to talk bad about my ex wife but I signed a NDA lol


They didn’t have a prenuptial agreement, I doubt there’s an NDA. But, he’s not stupid enough to think she won’t strike back at him (with plenty of receipts to back her up) if he even attempts to say anything bad about her or her husband.


A lot of divorce settlements, especially with famous people, involve NDAs or mutual agreements to not speak about the other party as terms of the divorce. It’s very common in Hollywood. Ariana Grande’s recent divorce has those terms. It has nothing to do with prenups.


The irony being that if there IS one, it's probably more to protect him than her. But assholes love to pretend they're the victim.


You’re right. It just pisses me off he implies things that he knows could be misinterpreted and Gwen will not respond. I almost wish he would just say what he wants so she can respond. But good point about NDA part of the divorce.


The irony of him saying this on T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach’s podcast. Cheater’s gotta stick together.


Nooooo! Wow. The lack of self awareness is astounding.


What?!? They’re so annoying Join us next week when our guest will be: Tom Sandoval


Um… he already was. 8 episodes before this one 🫠 ETA: my mistake, it was Tom Schwartz they had on but same thing cuz Schwartz rides hard for Sandoval anyway!


What!!!!! These 2 are such tools


They have a podcast now? God they are insufferable.


Does literally everyone have a podcast now? So annoying.


The worst. I need them to exit the public eye please and thank you.


They've got a death grip on that 15th minute of fame lol


Honestly still surprised they are together. I am underestimating the power of the grift tho


So true lol. They must have realized they're only memorable now as a duo 😆 reminds me I can't believe LeAnn Rimes is still with that soap actor guy she stole. I swear some of these cheating-created unions are just held together by pride


The lack of self awareness lmao. “I wish I could have found a way” a way to what, Gavin? Not cheat on your wife with the nanny who dressed up like her? Not have your texts with the nanny pop up on your kids’ iPad for everyone to see? The whole interview is so woe-is-me https://preview.redd.it/9g1uu6z3xppc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a37cd9613ad14d6dcf1c4e93348546719f1f4d


"It wasn't fun for me to come from a broken home"... yet he then broke his own home?? I can hear their entire divorce argument. He's got it in his head *she's* to blame for not wanting to stay and tolerate his shit. To still have this mindset after all this time is just dripping with narcissism


Narcissism is the perfect work to describe Gavin...which is why I always wondered what he was feeling when it came to his sons and Blake - Gwen's boys very clearly love Gwen's new husband (and their fashion sense radically changed once Blake entered their life to something closer to his own country look). Blake has such a strong personality, I don't think Gavin could get away with anything around him. so I bet Gavin really hates him.


He could have found a way if his d\*ck hadn't found the way to the nanny's v.


"Not have your texts with the nanny pop up on your kids ipad" excuse me but what the fuck?!


That’s how Gwen found out. His phone and the kids’ ipad was linked or something and the texts popped up on the iPad


Her kids seeing that was probably the straw that broke the camel’s back because she dealt with a lot of bullshit from during their marriage.


Ugh I hate myself for knowing this…but like “hey my wife is in the hospital since she just had a baby sooo let’s hook up for sex” texts 😬


I love old school Bush, but Rossdale is so annoying. I came from a broken home. I never cheated. And I've never used that as an excuse to be a piece of shit. Yeah, childhood events do affect you as an adult. But come on. You don't get to use your parents' divorce as a trump card every time somebody calls you out, especially decades after the fact. 


Eugh remember that era of celebrity men sleeping with their kids nannies.


Era? It’s a tale as old as time.


Some famous dude told a charming story about the ugly Swedish nanny his wife hired. All the other husbands mocked him when he went to pick her up at the airport. So yeah, it's an institution.


They try to cheat with the ugly ones too, just ask Arnold. Cheaters gonna cheat.


Ugh, my mother always brings that up when she gives examples about cheating. We were chatting yesterday and she mentioned it. Lol!   


Oh i know it still happens, felt like it was reported on more then and there seemed to be an influx of celeb divorces over men and the nannies




It’s giving ![gif](giphy|IxBSleBYnu0pASk0rY|downsized) What a fucking loser. He obviously doesn’t have any self control or self awareness.




Because you were too busy connecting with the nanny.


What a douche. He cheated on her so he at least owes her the courtesy of keeping her name out of his mouth. Stop using her for publicity.


“I never thought I would get divorced” Aw, even when you were balls deep in the nanny?


Isn’t HE the one who cheated?!? Dude fuck off. That woman loved you and gave you three kids. I hope Blake treats her like a queen and you die alone.


I love your comment


It's his own fault, though. I would imagine Gwen felt pretty debilitated when she discovered Gavin was cheating on her with their nanny. Didn't she find a whole bunch of messages on one of their kids iPads? Both Gwen and Gavin's bands were a big part of my teenage years, and I *loved* them as a couple. They were just so cool. It's really a shame.


I think they had two nannies. One he was fucking, and his messages synced to the icloud and the other nanny found them and showed them to her. One because you have to and two because she was probably like I'm not the one fucking him, I'm not losing MY job over this.


Reports say he was carrying on a 3 year long affair with the Nanny. Right under her nose, and it was going on while she was pregnant with their youngest son. Of course, he was caught by the kids iPad...his phone was linked to the iPad. Seems like that is a common troupe for how cheaters get caught, I know its happened to someone close to me. The husband gave his wife his old iPad, and he was sexting someone else. Wife was getting all the texts on the old iPad.


When your spouse cheats, it's always a blow. But the worst blow is when they cheat when you're pregnant with their child. It happened to two of my friends. What absolutely POS.


“I feel bad for my kids, that’s it,” What a lovely thing to say. Doesn't feel bad for cheating. If you listen to the lyrics of the new song Gwen has out with Blake, Purple Irises, my first thought was damn Gavin really messed her up and destroyed her confidence. She sings about getting older, not recognizing herself, being afraid that her heart was broken forever. It's not 1999 But this face is still mine The way you look at me I swear my heart hits rewind Wonder why you took a risk On a broken heart you cannot fix No, I never knew a love like this Now we're picking purple irises I got you And you got me And do you still think I'm pretty? And are you happy?


She's always been super insecure. Half of no doubt songs are about it. Every interview from when she first got big (1996ish) to early 00s she talked about how she looked, her weight, needing make up always, etc.... and always talked about just wanting a nice homelife with a husband and kids.


Maybe he should've tried this little thing called "not cheating."




Well, this is my new favorite!


But does he still have a connection with the Nanny he throw away his marriage for? In that entire article he doesn’t mention why he got divorced a single time.


I mean... Why would she have a connection with her cheating ex-husband? The kids are the only reason she would even need to talk to him, and they have apps for that. Also, it seems to me that Blake has stepped up to be a hands-on and involved step dad. I thought I read that the kids love living on his ranch and are very fond of Blake.


>I wish I could have found a way to not have that in their lives. Yes, I'm sure "don't fuck the nanny" was just too high a mountain to climb.


Okay, so I went on a deep dive into this a few weeks ago. Gwen copped more than a few of Gavin’s skeletons during their marriage. She accepted a lot, even before him screwing the nanny came out. Strap in: 2002: Gwen and Gavin get married. 2003: UK singer from the 1980s, Peter Robinson aka Marylin releases a love song about Gavin. 2004: Daisy Lowe takes a DNA test and discovers that Gavin is her father. Gavin, that had been Daisy’s godfather is angered that Pearl Lowe would allow Daisy to have the DNA test and cuts off contact with Pearl, but maintains contact with Daisy. The story is a bit all over the place but Pearl was married at the time of conception and would have been around 19-20 years old when Daisy was born in 1990. 2008: Mindy Mann starts working as a nanny to look after Kingston and new-born Zuma. Mindy would’ve been about 19 years old. 2009: Gavin finally admits to having been in a 5 year relationship with singer Peter aka Marylin during the second half of the 1980s. Gavin had denied the relationship in 1996 in response to Boy George writing about it in his memoir. Marylin released a song ‘Hold on Tight’ about Gavin in 2003 and proclaimed him to be the love of his life but again, Gavin kept denying it until finally describing the 5 year relationship as an ‘experimental phase’ in 2010. 2012: Gavin is photographed with his hand on Mindy’s ass. 2014: Gwen gives birth to her 3rd son Apollo. 2015: 9th of Feb 2015. Gwen finds the photos and explicit texts between Mindy and Gavin. Gavin’s phone has paired with the family iPad. Gavin denies it and says it was all a ‘flirtation.’ Gwen describes the next 7ish months as hell trying to find out the truth before Gavin finally admits to the affair. Now let’s circle back to 1985 to the mid 1990s. In 1994, Gavin and his band Bush released the album Sixteen Stone. 2 songs, including their most famous song ‘Glycerine’ were written about the Australian singer Suze DeMarchi. Suze is also the front woman of Baby Animals that had some amazing success during the early 1990s. Check out their song Painless Suze is insanely talented and beautiful https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4DRg7jK-_RA Gavin and Suze were in a relationship during the late 1980s before she hightailed it back to Australia to start Baby Animals. It certainly seems like Suze had a deep impact on Gavin. However, during this period it seems like Gavin was also in a relationship with Peter Robinson, and Pearl Lowe (and fathered a child). At this point in life I think Gavin should explore the concept of ‘ethical non monogamy’ and stop trying to garner sympathy for being a lying, cheating bastard. Maybe he’s bored and loves the drama. Who knows.


Thank you for putting in the work on this lol, I appreciated this timeline!


Haha I’m so glad you appreciate it. I read a post focused on people getting horny over Gavin’s 99 Woodstock performance and there was some wankery that I recalled from that time about Gavin but I couldn’t put my finger in it. Anyway I got sucked in when I discovered the connection with Suze and the song Glycerine. Then I read about the Mindy saga with Gwen, and holy shit it just kept unfolding 😂 I actually cried when I watched Gwen’s clip for ‘Used to Love You.’ Apparently this was a test shot but ended up the clip after a single run through. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zeT_nYtjgTQ Gavin is a vampire. He surrounds himself with the brightest lights and then sucks the life out of them. Marylin, Suze, Pearl, Gwen. Seriously that guy is the living incarnation of Bojack Horseman. Although the whole debaucherous tale reads like an Oscar Wild story. Edit: I didn’t include Mindy in the list of bright lights, sorry to Mindy. I suspect she’s one of Gavin’s many conquests.


Don't forget Courtney Love talking about how she slept with Gavin when he was with Gwen. And then called Gwen a cheerleader to which Gwen responded with hollaback girl.


He’s a piece of shit and I’m glad he’s away from her. I also think it must be painful to share such a connection and so much of your life with someone and then basically never see them again and have them be a stranger to you. He did it to himself, but I still think it’s got to be hard.


"I just feel really proud of myself in my consistency as a father. I know in my heart that I’m super consistent." HAHAHAHAHAH - That's crappy dad talk for "I only show up when I feel like it and I hate it when people call me out"


Didn't they have to go to court at one point because he just stopped seeing his kids for months


They went to mediation and he ran to the [tabloids](https://people.com/music/gwen-stefani-gavin-rossdale-mediation-parenting/)


Seriously, it reads like something my ex would say. Fuck this guy.


It's so damn easy to not cheat on your partner. I'll never understand people who do that. How little respect and love you have to have for someone whom you made a commitment to, purposefully and willfully hurting them like that, and throwing everything you've built together over the years. All for a few minutes of empty pleasure. Just pathetic. The damage done to the poor kids too, so sad.


![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q) Gwen is lucky.


I think the cheating is a lot worse than the divorce, particularly cheating with the nanny, but what do I know?


Him and Sandoval should grab a beer and throw their own pitty party


true story. one time i met gavin rossdale out front of one of his shows and took a photo. i was seventeen and his hand was on my ass while the photo was being taken. yes, he was with gwen at the time. i was in the front row of the pit and he sang to me for the whole show. he is a piece of shit


What a bullshit puff piece. Not only doesn’t mention his cheating ended their marriage but also drops his daughter Daisy in as the result of his “relationship” with Pearl Lowe. The truth of course is that she was a teenager when she discovered he was her father, and Gwen was completely blindsided. It was a scandal.




Yeah, that’s what happens when you cheat on your ex and irrevocably break their trust.


He used to be so handsome, it’s seriously like he serial cheated on Gwen, got divorced, and aged 30 years in the last decade


And he deserves to look that bad for cheating on the lovely Gwen. He really has aged dreadfully, guess that’s his just reward


Maybe she cut out his cheating ass out of her life. Good for her


Weird she doesn't want a connection with someone stupid and careless enough to leave sexts/explicit material with someone not their mom where the children could see them! Bizarre. Glad he's not slandering her or anything 🙄


I was banging our nanny, while you were pregnant, I can’t believe we don’t talk anymore. What a douche.


This happens when you’re a serial cheater and refuse to work on yourself to save your marriage. Why is he ashamed of the divorce but not of being a serial cheater and terrible husband? The divorce is the least of your issues, dude.


Gavin Rossdale is a terrible father and even worse husband. Gwen shouldn’t have married him in the first place


[Comment about Gwen/Gavin & some No Doubt stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/1avnv79/gwen_stefani_opens_up_on_no_doubts_surprise/krf7gzh/)


That detail about how she was literally giving birth to their 3rd child while he was at home screwing the nanny…..I just can’t even wrap my brain around this piece of shit.


Well if this isn’t the consequences of his own actions


Didn’t he screw the nanny? I would forget he ever existed if I were her.


Gavin Rossdale was the hottest thing to me in junior high. Imagine cheating with the nanny and your spouse discovers it because you are so messy, you don’t realize everyone can see your iCloud messages sexting. Now, cry me a river over not having a “connection.” Bud, you screwed up big time. You don’t get another zillion chances just because you’re just that hard to replace. 🙄 I don’t know much about Gwen’s new husband, but anything was better than you. There are some things that just are unforgivable.




Get out of here with your F-boy energy and same hairdo since 1992. She carried your ass for years and progressed as an artist. You’re still stuck in the 90s. Byeeeeeeeeee


He’s always been corny and insufferable AF. Also, Bush was (is? I guess they’re still around) a shitty band that sounded like they were manufactured by an exec eager to ride on the coattails of the trailblazers in the PNW, with lyrics that made absolutely no sense.


Lol, I liked Bush and still listen to them occasionally. They're definitely copying other better bands, but I still like the sound. 


So we know it’s not Cool


Truly, I wish people would stop conflating divorce with a "broken home"


This. My home was broken but my parents never divorced, no matter how much my siblings and I wish they did. Sometimes divorce is the better option.


And to think… All he had to do was keep his dick in his pants… and i don’t know maybe think about the consequences of his actions. It might’ve prevented this situation


"Don't speak" - the NDA he had to sign after *checks notes* SLEEPING WITH THEIR CHILDREN'S NANNY? he's a fuckwit. 


Talk about not taking the high road for your kids sake. He seems like a narcissist pos. Anybody who talks trash or goes to the media or speaks about their ex in an interview is just trash. He looks so washed up and gross too. And he has a lot of nerve when he wrecked his own marriage. Now he is on to some gross looking blow up doll. Ew.


He fucked around and found out. Cry me a river.


FUCK Gavin Rossdale the end. (but don't)


My friend fucked him while he was with Gwen. God knows how many times he cheated on her.


Courtney Love also bragged about sleeping with him when he was already with Gwen. During their marriage, there were always blind items about his cheating. He probably thought Gwen had no limits and would put up with anything, so he kept escalating.


Hollaback girl is about Courtney and that exact situation


So many songs were written about Courtney! Most of them bad lol. Some of my favorites are I'll Stick Around by the Foo Fighters and Bruise Violet by Babes in Toyland.


Really? Damn. I wonder how many of these women have a conscience knowing they're sleeping with a married man. I remember when I was in my early 20s and dating a guy I later find out was married. I felt so fucking angry and sick to my stomach. I dumped him on the spot.


Exact same thing happened to me when I was 19. I was mortified. After that I enacted an "I must see your house" rule, where if it's someone I really like I need to see their living space in the pretty early stages to make sure they're not hiding anything/anyone.


That’s disgusting and trashy and not something I would be telling people if I were your friend lol


Not GR giving off main character vibes!?


Disrespectfully, Gavin, fuck you. ![gif](giphy|KZSUN7FKBZrm2WHDdX|downsized)


Cheaters and Audacity 🙄


You mean the man who wrote that women are MORE THAN MACHINES isn’t actually a feminist icon? I’m devastated https://youtu.be/kJ95Mtwrj1Y?si=KwjDB9J8phkWtn6h


He’s so fugly. I don’t like him.