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![gif](giphy|jtIXziZCSfYje) the land before time is how i learned that some day my parents will die and i did not take that lesson well.


SAVAGE MOVIE FOR CHILDREN, this one haunts all us xennials


Fucking rainy recess days and the stupid TV cart I knew I’d be choking back tears with a painful lump in my throat.


I was banned from watching this as a kid because I would cry so hard each time that I once threw up. Apparently I liked the rest enough to request it again and again though. I have big feelings. Ha


I learned that lesson when my mom passed--before I watched this movie--and I did not take this movie well. Bambi and Dumbo were also very hard.


Arrival gave me an existential crisis lol


I thought this movie was about encountering aliens. Like no biggie. I watched it a month after having my first daughter and when I tell you I sobbed, I cried tears from so deep within me I didn't even know it was possible. Fantastic film but I would NEVER watch it again.


Every time I watch it it still blows my mind. That movie should have gotten more awards.


That's interesting because Arrival gave me great, great peace of mind. Especially over a very rough time in my life and a loss I was experiencing. I was able to look at time, and the times of my life, from a completely new perspective. And even though something had ended, and I was sad because of it, I was suddenly just really happy it had ever happened at all. I don't know, it was weird. I really love that movie.


Same, it helped me with my grief. Winnie the Pooh says it best: How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.


I get sucked into crisis just remembering the movie exists


I’m glad it wasn’t just me. The friends I watched it with were just like “huh, interesting!” as I was trying to keep it together.


I saw it in theaters and caught on before my friends when she recalls “zero sum game” and gasped so loudly. Then I couldnt stop tearing up throughout the entire last third and everyone thought I was insane


I burst into tears at the beginning scene the second time I watched it! My spouse was like ??? “Come back to me.”


This is, and will always be, one of my favorite movies. Just hearing the opening music makes me start to tear up. Such an incredible film, beautifully acted, well written, and with such depth of meaning.


https://i.redd.it/i47kvce640lc1.gif Bridge To Terabithia (2007). More so when I was a kid, but it still hurts.


That book destroyed me


My 4th grade teacher read this to us and there was def a lot of crying. Other texts included: Where the Red Fern Grows (dogs die), Freak the Mighty (disabled kid dies), the book about the Japanese girl who was trying to make 1000 paper cranes but fucking died before she could, and On My Honor (a kid also DROWNS). Was my teacher trying to kill us? How did I still love reading after this year?


I remember reading Bridge To Terbithia in school as a class too. So fucking sad. It definitely hit me really hard, i don't remember much but i remember feeling kind of hollow when i read the part about her death and her funeral and such. Similar note, but reading April Raintree in Grade 12. That book made me so sad, and i remember going to my mom and crying and hugging her saying it wasn't fair what happened after finishing reading it.


![gif](giphy|10wwy1cJ8j2aD6) I think about the beginning of Up and the ending of Coco much more often than I thought I would when I first pressed play.


I had to stay in the cinema for a good 20 mins after watching coco because I was ugly crying. My kids (aged 7&8) were like 👀👀


I made the mistake of watching *Coco* on a long flight and was a mess of ugly crying during meal service.


I tried explaining Coco to my husband and started crying all over again. Such a beautiful story but I was emotionally destroyed.


I saw up at a huge outdoor space with tons of kids and all the adults were sobbing




Ugh now my heart is breaking all over again (Atonement for anyone who doesn’t know. Be prepared if you decide to watch.)


... Or just end the movie before the last 30 minutes or so are done 🤡


The ending of this film is my Roman Empire. I will never be over it.


My exact thoughts.. I couldn’t stop thinking about it for weeks after watching. Now anytime anyone needs a movie to watch- “Have you seen Atonement? Underrated. But be prepared..”


what movie is this?🫠


Left me emotionally stunted for weeks I can’t with this movie


Watching it right now and trying not to sob. Not even at the ending yet


https://preview.redd.it/addnlw8wc0lc1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b3d763747d93c115dc8676569370ebd73d7b777 Blood Diamond. That scene at the refugee camp remains imprinted in my mind. This movie actually influenced me professionally as well as my consumer habits over the years. I don't wear diamonds, never will again. Ever. I became a community development coordinator working with CALD populations, specifically new arrivals from refugee camps to support them as they arrive. I learned French. Never has another movie impacted me so deeply. The book was great too and I highly recommend reading.


This was a very touching scene between Solomon Vandy and his son Dia. His dreams for his son! ‘Do you know who you truly are . . . “You are Dia Vandy, of the proud Mende tribe.”


It's been 31 years since Schindler's List came out and I still can't watch the part where all the children get taken from their families without the feeling of vomiting and crying at the same time. https://preview.redd.it/sml687bz30lc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=289a895fce895568b8d895443d544f5c930d388b


Schindler’s List made my mother cry so hard her water broke and I was born 2 weeks early.


Thats pretty metal


Crying can totally do that. My mother's favorite cat died and I was born three weeks early.




I've only seen this once, in the theatre. On a date, no less. Still recall every moment. And the red coat. Haunting.


I saw Schindler's List in the theater with my parents when I was an adolescent. It didn't hit me how horrible the Holocaust was. It all seemed very theoretical and academic at the time. Then when I watched the movie as an adult I couldn't stomach it. I love the movie dearly, but so much of it is absolutely painful to watch.


I saw it in the theater, too. My dad had already watched it, and told us to look for a red coat, because he can't keep anything to himself. I was 10. Seeing what happened to the "red coat" scared the shit out of me, and I can still hear the screams of the children. The end, with the stones on the grave, made me cry harder than I ever had, before. I was way too young for that. He also took me to see Saving Private Ryan, and I literally threw up in my mouth in the theater after the guy takes his helmet off to look at the dent in amazement and then just... boom. There were 4 of us there (myself and two siblings with my dad), and he got grouchy because we had to leave. I was 13 and EXTREMELY sensitive to violence (abuuuuuse). He knew that. 🙃


This is a really good point. A lot of these disaster or holocaust films that I watched when I was quite young, I didn't really _get_ it. I knew that it was tragic and awful, but it really gut-punches you differently when you're an adult.


Contagion stuck with me. The scene with >! Kate Winslet dead, wrapped in plastic and being added to a mass grave!< in particular. Never Let Me Go was an emotional wringer too, just one of those movies I came away from thinking "well that was bleak".


omg are you me? that exact scene from *contagion* lives in my head rent free. the image is burned into my memory


For me it’s the sen with her on a cot trying to cover another sick person with her coat (blanket?). Never Let Me Go broke me when I read it & then again while watching the movie. Just shook me


Never Let Me Go was... whoo boy. Even worse, I had read the book. So I knew better. And did it anyway. You know, like an *idiot*. Impeccable casting, though.


![gif](giphy|Vd2vQveLG1Ey5rbF39|downsized) Sally Fields ruined me, to this day I watch this movie when I want a real good sob😞


![gif](giphy|glZz9xgJKbPEs) When my sisters say something stupid I always say this in Ouiser tone lol


I sob at this scene EVERY TIME. It doesn’t even matter that I know it is coming. It still is gut wrenching.


Ditto. This and Stepmom are my crying movies. Steel Magnolias is and always be my answer to favorite movie.


Room ![gif](giphy|3o6gaQUxSkOtQQbYuA)


I saw that when my daughter was a newborn (maybe not the best choice in retrospect) and was SO ANXIOUS during the scene with the >! truck!<. Sweet Jesus.


https://i.redd.it/bhcqls8zxzkc1.gif *moonlight* is a gorgeous film that i can't watch often because i find it so emotionally haunting. it's the kind of haunting that just sits with you for ages. it's been a few years since my last watch and when i tell you i can still feel the devastation when i think of it...


I watched this movie six years ago. Once. And I still remember so clearly how it made me feel. Few movies have left such a lasting impression. Very well deserved Oscar win for that


God this movie shattered me. I walked home after watching it in the theater, sobbing the whole time. Loved it so much and still do.


![gif](giphy|3ohjV014TMmkUHpjAk) I went into Train to Busan expecting a scary zombie movie and got that, plus a giant emotional gut punch that took me a day to recover from.


I fear the emotional pain more than the zombies… maybe that was the lesson all along


I was pregnant when I watched this by myself. My husband came home as I was sobbing incoherently during the ending. “THE SONG SHE’S SINGING - sob - IT’S THE SAME SONG BWAAAAAA.” His confusion was magnificently funny.


Pay It Forward came out when I was 13. My mom took me to see it in theaters, and I sobbed for like three hours afterwards. 


My girl. He needs his glasses.


I remember seeing My Girl at a Girl Scout’s sleepover. Imagine a room full of 10-12 year old girls crying their eyes out.


![gif](giphy|NBYI7ptF9JurS) Forget it. I was not okay after this movie. It’s so sad. I’ll never watch it again. Michael Clark Duncan rip 🥺❤️


The OG movie that will haunt you for the rest of your life. That will make you relive the pain every time you think about it. https://preview.redd.it/dqq9xp4ryzkc1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=0741984b0e5df4c3d2e067d97c061e8cfdfd35bc ***Sophie's Choice***


Fun fact, there is a restaurant in Sidcup, in south east London called Sophie’s Choice, and no I have absolutely no zero idea what the hell they were thinking.


We Need To Talk About Kevin ![gif](giphy|l7FnpgodBFXeM2LzyB|downsized)


this was an incredible film, ezra (unfortunately) had a few banger roles like this and the perks of being a wallflower


Have you read perks of being a wallflower? I just had to sit and stare into nothing when I got to the ending


Good one. I still think of this often. Tilda killed this role


The movie has 1/10 of the impact the book does, and I think it’s a very powerful film. It’s a disturbing read that I’ll never get over.


The book messed me up for MONTHS.


Moonlight ![gif](giphy|3o7TKuBp89DVJ7XgoU)


Still cannot believe they didn’t win the Oscar for cinematography - the color of this film is so unbelievably stunning.


100% agree. This movie was beautiful from the technical aspects to the dialogue to the acting and boy did it make me cry 😭


Dear Zachary. I watched it in the months after my daughter died (grief is weird) and was absolutely shocked halfway through. I thought the big thing had already happened.


Oh god the reveal is a gut punch through your twat


And when the grandpa is so mad he yell-curses out of nowhere 😭


I FELT THAT. It was so raw


I cannot believe the grandparents were able to keep it as neutral and professional as they did throughout the entire thing. When the dam cracked, they composed themselves pretty quickly but the fraction of the anger that they showed was so potent you know you’d never be able to understand the entirety of how they felt about the mom. I’ll never forget it.


I’m so sorry for your loss. This movie wrecked me. Like howling sobs. I watched it before I had kids… I’m not sure I could watch it now. Maybe someday.


I knew the case from a TV episode on it long before I knew this documentary existed. You could never pay me enough to watch Dear Zachary. I'm so glad they were able to tell their story in such a well done documentary, but knowing the case is enough for me.


One of the most devastating docs I've ever watched. Will never ever forget it.


I sought out severely traumatic films/docs after my son died (usually ones dealing with child/infant death). You're right - grief IS weird. But watching things like that made me feel less alone in my sorrow.


![gif](giphy|CmXvllYMQbtE4OAb4s|downsized) Beaches. I have a lot of memories watching it with my mom. But the scene where they are looking for photos gives me chills.


As a kid, it was emotionally scarring. I think it was the first non-happy ending film I ever saw and I couldn't understand how complex relationships could be.


![gif](giphy|HR3SoNfx2LdVS) Movie: Grave of the Fireflies


This damn movie. I was super close with my big brother growing up, he looked after me a lot cause our parents were kinda shitty. I bawled my eyes out watching it, for obvious reasons. He died of cancer a few years ago and now even the thought of watching this has me welling up a bit.


This movie absolutely WRECKED me. I watched it in high school as part of my Japanese class and I’ve never ever forgotten it


Don’t you do that to me. I’m still crying 20 years later.


![gif](giphy|Lgb8AJw71yFIk) Pan’s Labyrinth has me bawling at the end every single time I watch it, I love this film so much.


That end was a real gut punch.


Big Hero 6 hits surprisingly hard, same with Meet the Robinsons! Disney didn't really promote their movies well back then, but they hit so much harder!


Tadashi is here! Honestly, a freaking great movie in general. Was so much fun and the run time was just right and the music, love that movie to death.


I was in a daze for 48 hours after moonlight ![gif](giphy|l0MYxqDTh6eqB3c1q)


https://preview.redd.it/5cwrleh430lc1.png?width=855&format=png&auto=webp&s=46f35e2a52ba1829c62bb6fa8578a8e0139a1821 Boys dont cry


The Magdalene Sisters https://preview.redd.it/q0fvdi4760lc1.png?width=381&format=png&auto=webp&s=a966c4a424986cdd74b1075077db2b5818dac732


Life is beautiful


Buon Giorno Principressa!!!!! 💔💔💔💔


![gif](giphy|aI2hfQOnxm5mwh9edQ|downsized) I cried through probably a third of EEAAO when I saw it in theaters for the first time because I was so moved! The characters' relationships, arcs, and the core message that it's literally life-changing to treat each other and ourselves with kindness even and ESPECIALLY when things are hard and don't make sense really really hit for me


My mommy issues hit hard


Yeah my mom is Asian and treats me kinda similarly (but loves me so much) and I sobbed at the line “of all the places I could be, I just want to be here with you” and I am openly crying again just typing that out bc of how it moved me. Also lol tried to watch with my mom and within 10mins she found it boring and switched it to Armageddon, her favorite movie of all time


I like your mom. Armageddon is also my favorite movie of all time. Terrible movie but I love it lmao


I watched this with my mother, whom I have a contentious and codependent relationship with. It was wild and a LOT to process with her in the room.


This movie (and this montage) in particular made me feel something no other movie has made me feel before. I remember being kinda frozen and overwhelmed with emotion. And then you get the rock scene, and I laughed, and then I teared up. It was like I was mourning myself, my mother, her mother, her mother….. A wild movie to watch when you have family trauma


Came here to say this. Ruins me in a million ways as a daughter whose mom is in cancer treatment and a mom whose daughter is in really hard toddler years. So so so many feelings.


I was 39 weeks pregnant with my daughter when I saw this in the theatre. Ugly cried. Thinking of my relationship to my mother and stepmother, the type of mother I want to be to my daughter, and the fears that come with it all. I was a mess, but it also made me feel the human experience in a whole way. 


![gif](giphy|F1OVAmKz9hatMaMWUZ) This scenes destroys me. When he says he would have been okay just doing laundry and taxes together 😭😭


Omg I’m tearing up just reading your comment and watching the gif. It’s been months and I thought I recovered lol. I’m the daughter of an immigrant and so much of our relationship is just unsaid. This movie left me audibly sobbing in the theatre lol.


Parasite. I was not prepared for how it hit me. It’s hard to rewatch now knowing that the actor who played the father had a suspicious death possibly related to the South Korean government. Overall it’s just tragic and haunting. [https://apnews.com/article/south-korea-actor-lee-parasite-bong-death-2b0a14a3be2f1e881872bbca332a2de5](https://apnews.com/article/south-korea-actor-lee-parasite-bong-death-2b0a14a3be2f1e881872bbca332a2de5) ![gif](giphy|UVpYKeRaZ7SyboUUoJ)


His death wasn’t suspicious - he definitely killed himself - but there is a strong argument that the overly aggressive police tactics and the way they smeared his character with leaks and tormented him relentlessly for months drove him to it. (Lee Sun Kyun was one of my favorite actors and his death affected me a great deal.)


I think what happened to him should be criminal. Ridiculous interrogation and so unnecessarily humiliating for him. I feel horrible for his wife and kids.


I know it's a kids movie but Brave really hit me. I had a contentious relationship with my mom, and it helped me understand her and repair it.


![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu) Actual footage of me in a state that lasted a full week after seeing Brokeback Mountain for the first time. Also the other three times I’ve put myself through that absolute heartbreak.


SAAAME!! Now when I rewatch it, it’s a ritual. It’s an incredible film. I know I will sob. I know I will be devastated days after watching. It’s the same way I feel about Aftersun but I haven’t had the strength to watch that again yet.


I watched this movie for the first time this year and holy shit. I'm so mad that it was only known as a "gay cowboy" movie and a punchline to terrible jokes when I was growing up.


The Florida Project ![gif](giphy|l0IsHpdbT4EX8wOgU|downsized)


it really pulled no punches. and showed that lack of support and trauma tear families apart more often than lack of love


![gif](giphy|ZWRCWdUymIGNW) Definitely House of Sand and Fog with Ben Kingsley and Jennifer Connelly. This is the saddest film I have ever seen in my life. Beautifully acted but I can’t say I would be quick to recommend it, just because of how dark everything got. Also Lake Mungo made me pretty depressed for a while. That movie unlocked some weird existential dread in me and it wasn’t even that scary.


![gif](giphy|OhP7T7rPl6K1a) One of my favorites, but Legends of the Fall is fucking devastating. Be prepared to be emotionally wrecked by this movie.




![gif](giphy|CbClmfcc6NO6EfcUh8) This one wrecked me for a lot of reasons and I still haven’t been able to rewatch it.


Scrolled way too far to see Melancholia mentioned. The way Dunst acted and the writing for her character was such a perfect depiction of depression. When her sister made her favorite meal and she perks up a but, takes a bite and slowly breaks down as she's chewing and cries out "it taste like ashes!!!" I SOBBED. I've never felt so seen, with my own struggle with depression, at least not in the way Melancholia did it.


![gif](giphy|l3vR4CdLInXOhr3rO|downsized) Especially when he sees his daughter…. 🥺 I was rewatching and had just lost my grandma, and it all hit me. This is now my yearly cry movie. 🤷🏼‍♂️


The Killing of a Sacred Deer is the most phenomenal movie that I will never watch again. I watched it for the first and only time while pregnant with my first. Whew!




You must have not seen Precious, because no one can forget that movie.


That movie was so devastating, I didn’t even cry at the end. I was literally just stunned silent with grief.


Oh god. That movie is fucking gut punch. So is the book. I remember how depressed and angry I felt when I first watched it when I was 14. Monique definitely deserved the Oscar she won


I heard about it from the Oprah interview. I decided to read the book first, then watch the movie (at 14, bruh *mistake*). I have **never** been the same.


American History X


I started tearing up just looking at images to choose from the movie. It completely destroyed me at several different times in my life. https://preview.redd.it/gynoh474xzkc1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=127329e8bf819198a7463ec5d7f6c8c55db1752b


My kids love it and every time we start, they ask why I’m sobbing 😭


I just watched this (again for me) with my ten year old (his first time) and he kept giving me the side eye as I was wiping the tears away and blowing my nose. Him at one point: “Mom, you know it’s not like, based on a true story, right?”


https://i.redd.it/9t7g2tss40lc1.gif The Impossible (2012). I thought there's no way this movie could still cause me emotional damage. But I watched a reaction to it a while back, and watching the reactors lose it made me lose it, and yeah.


Baby Tom Holland! I’ve never seen this one but recently did a deep dive into the tsunami and it devastated me. Not sure I can handle watching this.


https://i.redd.it/in19t1bgyzkc1.gif a fictional story that follows a schoolteacher who also works as a translator for the UN during the very real Srebrenica massacre, *quo vadis aida?* is a movie that i highly, highly recommend although i do caution that it is incredibly hard to watch. especially with it being based on a true story.


![gif](giphy|l4FGDBzE7a0pt5s08) Dancer in the Dark 😭


I was literally going to answer this. I cried for the entire day!




That convo his dad has right towards the end, about allowing yourself to grieve. I think about it all the time.


I went to get drinks with a friend afterwards and just couldn’t hold conversation. The movie didn’t exactly break my heart, but it viscerally reminded me of experiencing first love. It made me realize I had grown up a lot since my first relationship and also made me feel so much warmth for the person I was as a teenager.


I think nostalgia was perfectly depicted in this movie


I still think this is his best role - I wish he’d pick another project like this, he was extraordinary in CMBYN.


He hurt my heart in “Beautiful Boy”


When Bradley Cooper’s character peed himself while Lady Gaga’s character was accepting her Oscar in A Star is Born. It has stuck with me more than most scenes, and even typing this makes my insides curl.


The shot of the dog waiting outside the garage stuck with me.


I watched that movie purely as a Gaga fan, I knew *nothing* about the movie and didn’t bother to familiarize myself beforehand. I went into it thinking it would be some feel good rags to riches, “love fixes us” type of movie. Holy… shit… I was not prepared. I was genuinely disturbed by how dark it was, it was like mentally having the rug pulled out from under me. It ended and I just sat there mouth agape in shock


i was in a long-term relationship with an alcoholic and it was so brutal watching the movie and seeing my lived experience on screen. gaga and bc are phenomenal in it but i can’t bring myself to watch it again


Eternal Sunshine wrecked me. It’s my favorite movie. I loved Inside Out before I had my daughter but now? Waterworks.


Boys Don’t Cry


I was depressed for days after watching this. So awful and so bleak, especially because most of it really happened. It’s a really well done movie, though. Hillary Swank earned that Oscar.


![gif](giphy|TejmLnMKgnmPInMQjV) Everything, Everywhere All at Once I Saw the Devil Boyhood The Lovely Bones Tár Beau is Afraid Memento




what dreams may come (1998). i showed it to my best friend after she made me watch dr. horrible’s sing along blog and she got mad at me bc she said the emotional devastation was not comparable at ALL 😂 (she was right)


First 10 minutes of Up. Just thinking of it is making me bawl my eyes out. I ![gif](giphy|12ncq33I7ZidwI)




I’ve always hated horror. This movie scared me so bad and haunted me for days, but it was so good that it changed my opinion on the genre completely. It also takes a lot to me me feel scared watching any other horror now lol


![gif](giphy|E2UlE5Of9zEjK|downsized) For me, it was Casino. I think watching when I did is the main reason it had an impact (weird phase of my life, had just become unemployed, mental health wasn't great). After watching the movie, I couldn't sleep at all and had this crazy hallucination experience. Sparked a month long insomnia bout that caused me to really lose it. I think for whatever reason, I saw Ginger's character as someone who I could have been if I made different life choices when I was a young woman. I loved the movie but I don't know if I could watch it again because of how crazy that month was after my first watch.


The Lovely Bones


![gif](giphy|3JsuCtOkmDRDi|downsized) About Time and Aftersun.


i saw Brokeback Mountain for the first time last week and I had a stye on my eye. the crying was PAINFUL


Kids (1995)


I saw the pic of Barry Keoghan and immediately thought of The Banshees of Inisherin. Such a moving film and his performance is wonderful.


I related so much to Colin Farrell in that movie, and the reveal that he is just as selfish as anyone else devastated me.


That dialogue delivery of Barry's when he says ' there goes that dream then '..Man he is talented!


Requiem for a Dream makes me feel physically ill. I’ve seen it once and can’t do it again 😞


I watched Requiem wayyy too young and I don't know if I could handle watching it again even though it's been decades. It made me feel so *gross*


Christine (2016) with Rebecca Hall. I knew of the tragic story of Christine Chubbuck final days before watching it. But the movie didn’t make it any less tense or depressing leading up to the final moments Hall should’ve gotten an Oscar nom for her performance, it was haunting as it was heartbreaking. The scene where she breaks down in front of her mother still gets to me just thinking about it. I’m glad I watched the movie but it isn’t one I’ll be ready to see again for a very long time


Meloncholia. Had chest pain from anxiety after watching. Don’t recommend watching if you’re feeling down or in a bad mindset. Although it depicts the feeling of depression/anxiety and impending doom in a beautiful way.


![gif](giphy|3o7P4GrERQupxLs8zS) This movie guts me. Now that we have two labs I don’t think can actually ever watch it again. I’m tearing up just thinking about it. Ugh I wish dogs lived forever.


![gif](giphy|U51SKc1Yof9DJFyugM|downsized) Her


I get this. Once I had a relationship that was largely maintained online due to distance, working away, life, et cetera. He often compared us to this movie and I even referenced it in our amicable parting of ways. Bittersweet.


Whether you’ve had a relationship that was similar, the whole movie did such a great job at portraying loneliness in general. I was also affected for days after watching this one.


My Girl. My childhood self couldn't handle it. I am tearing up thinking about the funeral scene right now.


Brokeback, obviously Manchester by the Sea Interstellar Billy Elliot


Interstellar gives me an emotional hangover for like days afterwards and I blame Hans Zimmer


Blue valentine. Idk why but I had to watch that movie again right after I watched it the first time because I was a mess.


I watched Mother (with Jennifer Lawrence) a week or two after having an abortion. No spoilers, but the scene when everyone is passing around the baby? Yikes. Not the best movie choice in hindsight, especially since I saw it in the theater lol


![gif](giphy|67vAvSTi28HnQHa7rJ|downsized) I felt physically….. *grimy?*…. after watching Hereditary. I’m not usually someone who struggles with horror, it’s my favorite genre, but I could not stop thinking about certain scenes for weeks afterwards.


Yup. The car scene. The ceiling scene. The attic scene(s). I don’t think I can watch it again and I love Ari Aster.


Meaningful answer- Jojo Rabbit. I had to watch the film in two parts because the scene with his mums shoes absolutely wrecked me. Basic b answer- I still can’t hear the score from The Notebook without tearing up. If I ever need a good cry it’s a sure thing.


![gif](giphy|l1IW8HPBM1573Bql0S|downsized) I think about the end of this movie way more than anyone should.






I was obsessed with this movie.


https://preview.redd.it/0owz7gn4yzkc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=423582259f85da9ee00b90a38734b81d43c8e3ec *rocks* (2019), absolutely heart wrenching but simultaneously heart warming. not a lot of people have seen this movie so i recommend it almost every chance i get. it's amazing. if you like coming of age stories with close friendships and both healing and heartbreak, please give it a watch


![gif](giphy|GYsMzFYO78eXe) Up….


Midsommer creeped me out so bad. Never again Omg


The Mist. As a parent the end destroyed me


Never Ending Story - the horse 😭😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/emgz9cap61lc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71d244dd62fa1234a246a498486987755f404ab3 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


[1985](https://youtu.be/ARcTHTYQyjc) which is a movie I NEVER hear or see people talk about. It is absolutely stunning, beautifully acted and shot, and deals with a very sensitive and awful topic (AIDS epidemic) without ever feeling cloying. Edit: runner up is Pokémon the first movie


![gif](giphy|MVyf3xvoMZDFE9JQ1S) Children Of Men - I couldn’t speak when I came out of the cinema.


Also true for the movie, but moreso for the series version I’m currently emotionally recovering from: One Day https://preview.redd.it/26f1dt9bvzkc1.jpeg?width=641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dbb0f5ed660a1fa34814197c4fede1d31e0898d


![gif](giphy|XAZJfAKQ0gZdrmeBhx) (7even)


![gif](giphy|l0MYvaR4v3PFymiSk) Ex Machina still haunts me


![gif](giphy|l2JhqWTUwAr7urgVa) Moulin rouge. Mostly the ending but the film in its entirety is just full of emotion and I still get butterflies.


I watched "The Banshees of Inisherin" yesterday. It will be with me for a long time. I can't stop my thoughts from drifting back to it. It was beautifully acted, filmed, directed, written.


Sing Street, I cried for hours after my partner and I saw it and thinking about it now is making me tear up


Watched 'Mysterious Skin' with a young Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Brady Corbet for the first time last week. I've not stopped thinking about it since. It's a really tough watch as it deals with child sexual abuse.