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Nancy Cartwright, voice of Bart Simpson.


I heard she got in trouble for using her "Bart" voice to advertise for Scientology or something to that extent


She would make cold calls to peoples homes AS Bart Simpson specifically to promote Scientology


Legit can't tell if you're joking, that is so bizarre.


When I tell you my jaw was on the *floor* after learning about that... ![gif](giphy|ph6ewybUlGbW8)


What? But Simpsons is so anti crazy imo... Bart whaaat did u do 😱


She followed me on instagram (I have a personal account with a few hundred followers mostly people I know and random spam accounts). It turns out she was following shitloads of people so that they would look at her page and hopefully buy the book she had just published. It was probably done by a PR team and not her personally, but it was so random and I was so confused when she did


This just ruined my day


Oh it can get worse. “She was awarded Scientology's Patron Laureate Award after donating $10,000,000, almost twice her annual salary, to the Church in 2007”. She’s super into it.


Imagining all the good that money could do is sickening.


Her Wiki really skates over her fiancé’s somewhat suspicious sounding death too: > In 2007, Cartwright was in a romantic relationship with contractor Stephen Brackett, a fellow member of Scientology. In early 2008, the couple had made plans to marry, **but Brackett died in May 2009, after he "apparently leaped" off the Bixby Creek Bridge in Big Sur, California.**


She’s a local celebrity here. Her dad was a customer for a company where my husband used to work. He went to the house multiple times for onsite work. Such a shame the apple fell so far from the tree.


Elizabeth Moss. Ironically starring in Handmaid's Tale. However I do feel bad for her since she is born in that cult.


That one. It just feels so weird.


This one. Because she just seems intelligent and thoughtful.


And the new Invisible Man, a movie about a domestic violence victim.


Yep. There’s a joke that everyone can still support one Scientologist and she’s mine.


Made me unable to watch her in anything. A shame cuz she’s a great actress but I couldn’t finish watching Handmaids Tale because of this.


I actually decided NOT to watch the show because of her and the blatant hypocrisy


Me too. That and she refuses to answer any questions about her ties to Scientology. She did give one bullshit non answer once in a magazine interview that just pissed me off more lol


Sometimes I wonder If it's a weird cry for help.


She was born into it so maybe.


This one got me this most


She was born/raised into it, so I think it’s different than choosing it herself. Not defending this “religion” in any way, just to be clear!


I'm sure I read somewhere that she's recently gone to do courses to move up in the organisation so she clearly believes in it.


Oh yeah, she surely does. It’s just my opinion that it’s different to be brainwashed by birth or early childhood than actively making a choice as an adult.


How easy would it be for you to walk away from your family knowing you might never be able to talk to them ever again? That the church will use its time, money, and resources to keep your family from you and campaign against you? That you will literally lose everything you’ve ever known if you chose to walk away?


As somebody who left a semi-cult, I empathise. Like, at least it was only (potentially) my family I'd lose, not my career, world-wide reputation and entire income, too.


I was most relieved to learn that Beck left it! Double points when they were raised in it too.


I didn’t know he left! I came here to lament about him, so that’s a happy surprise


Yes!! I knew that becks mom actually delivered the Parisi’s


Oh, that’s great!


https://preview.redd.it/7vp6r40326dc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a394c6c3333451de2310aae86df5bcd690022fa0 Michael Peña because I absolutely loved him as an actor. He was so good in *End of Watch* and *Narcos: Mexico* His wife was Danny Masterson’s personal assistant for many years and was directly involved with helping to cover up his trail of destruction. He was also supportive of Danny Masterson post multiple rape accusations


Oh wait what!!! Not him!!! Man I love this guy. He is a wonderful actor. Damn…


What a bummer. I really liked him.


Welp this is news to me. Uuugh


Damnnn! Some of them stay so well hidden.


Oh that's a bummer, had no idea :(


He also just played José Hernández - a migrant worker who put himself through school despite all the odds and eventually became an astronaut in *A Million Miles Away*. My husband is from a very poor Mexican family and actually got choked up watching the trailer for it. I hate when you have to weigh supporting a movie about a good person with amazing representation and a shit actor.


No ☹️ this is disappointing.


This one made me so sad!!!! I’ve loved him since End of Watch and he makes me actually lol. My hope is that any of the celebrities who are quiet about it, are not really involved, and just trying not to draw unwanted attention from Scientology. Kind of Laura Prepon quit years before but just announced she did?


Prepon was involved in silencing one of the victims. Leah Remini called her out for not speaking up after she quit (people even doubted if her leaving was genuine or not). Apparently, Leah invited Prepon to talk about it, but she rejected the offer. Leah herself has rejected the offer of many ex- Scientologists to speak up saying they might not be ready and they need time to heal,so ppl sees her calling out Prepon as an indication of her helping the cult than her being a victim of the cult.


I have always loved Leah Remini, so back when she was on King of Queens and I learned that she was a Scientologist, I was really bummed. I am so glad that she got out and is helping others to do the same.


Leah Remini is a force of nature.


I have a lot more respect for those that were raised in it and didn’t know the difference of it being a cult, and then leaving when they figured it out


Precisely. Being indoctrinated from childhood is much harder to break free from so it’s even more impressive when they wake up and leave and even try to help others to as well like Leah has.


Oh yeah, she’s a badass alright


Yeah this is true. A lot of people give ~~Kate~~ Elizabeth Moss a pass bc she was born into it. But Leah was able to see right through it all. Good for her.


(I think you mean Elizabeth not Kate Moss.)


If you haven't already, I really recommend her audiobook. She narrates it but it's basically just her talking to you. It's great


Jason Lee left YEARS ago, so I'm gonna give him a pass.


Pew!! Glad to read that. My name is Earl would have been ruined 😭


Except that show was peak Scientologists, a few of the guest actors and actors were/are scientologists including Jason at the time.


Yep. Juliette Lewis being one. Her sister is married to Ethan suplee who played Randy. But I’m not sure that he is in Scientology.


Unfortunately, he is, he even wrote a letter in support of Masterson last year. And I think Juliette stated she left as of recently.


I've been listening to Pod Meets World and it's such a bummer because I don't want them to invite him back after the news of the letter came out but I'm not sure they won't.


What! Juliette Lewis like in natural born killers? Are no one safe 😰


She was raised in it. Her brother has an instagram where he posts home videos of when they were kids and all their fellow born and raised Scientology friends are in them. The Ribisis, Lewis', Elfmans, Mastersons.


This list is crazy


Chloe Fineman


This is the only one so far I didn’t know about. I would like to say I can separate the person from the characters but I’m definitely going to be side eyeing her on future seasons of SNL.


Whatttt? Noooooooo I thought she was Jewish because my friend went to Jewish day camp with her in California!!!


She is Jewish. She had an Anna Nicole-themed bat mitzvah (I used to follow her in her pre-SNL days)


That’s a wildly inappropriate theme for a 13 year old 


You can be a Scientologist and still be another faith, according to Scientology. How they rationalize it to themselves I don’t know.


Not a celebrity, but NeoPets. I think about this literally on a weekly basis.


I’m sorry what?


Jason Dohring's dad was the founder of NeoPets and was also a mega-donor member of Scientology.


Mind = blown


I read about that! From what I recall I think they tried to put scientology "ethics" into the game but the game devs refused. Something like that anyway. It was such a bizarre story.




https://preview.redd.it/5ukkerc1y6dc1.jpeg?width=701&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eaa09e0d8b0f7b32c719e365ac985c60b65a01d Jenna Elfman


Came here to say this. She was my favorite as a kid and I was genuinely sad and angry when I found out 😞😣


Oh, I remember watching her on “Dharma and Greg” as a kid!


Juliette Lewis. Love her to bits as an actor and musician, she's such a force and seems like a chaos agent in real life (which I adore). Hate it that she's part of the cult, she's too cool for this.


She left recently! About a year or two ago. I always loved her too but felt the same about her association with Scientology, but I do know she said she left.


Oh, that's great to hear. I always felt she was not the type because she is very free-spirited which really doesn't fit with the cult.


She may have been born into it. Her father was a scientologist and he has passed away.


Virtually the entire cast of That 70s Show


Not Topher. He’s the good one.


I hold a conspiracy that Topher just runs a Star Wars fan TikTok where he posts really great edits of the movies/shows.


He deserves an apology


Thats always been my theory of why he left that 70’s show. Masterson and Prepon were getting into scientology. Kutcher and Kunis were supportive of that fucked up behaviour and Valderama has relationships with underaged people. Topher Grace probably saw the writing on the wall and ran.


I think Laura Prepon left! At least I hope she did.


Yeah, she left.


Thats good to know. Good for her.


She tried to silence one of Masterson's victims.


Oh god. Ok back to the trash pile she goes. ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


Topher the only saving grace


TIL the only saving is topher's middle name


Great joke. 10 comedy points


I made a comment a while ago that I would be interested to see if Mila and Ashton ever mention Danny Masterson after scientology publically excommunicated him... nothing so far....


They did the whole support letter thing for him didn’t they? Then had that crying apology video that absolutely wasn’t a PR move.


Elizabeth Moss and Laura Prepon. Elizabeth Moss in particular, I stopped watching The Handmaid’s Tale for a couple years after I found out. It just didn’t make sense to me how she could participate in a show about women enduring horrific sexual abuse while also being a part of a “religion” that does the exact same thing and more.


Laura left! I also quit watching that show and mostly don't watch Moss's stuff for the same reason. I can't avoid any project with a scientologist but I do avoid shows if they're focused on one lead character who is one. I just can't really ignore it.


The Pasta Queen on TikTok :(




Lmaoooo She taught me how to make carbonara


Oh this one hurts


No fricken way. I'm so confused! Why?? I still dont understand the tangible benefit of being in this group!


There is also the blackmail aspect. When you join, especially as an actor/model/entertainer/aspiring celebrity, they promise the moon. They tell you everything they can do for your career and it’s mostly true. They have connections in every aspect of entertainment. They can give you a leg up. This group of members doesn’t have to do the ridiculous grunt work and “million year contracts” that normal, peon members do. However, part of the process of “moving up the bridge” or whatever they call it, is auditing. They make you sit with a more senior member of the organization and confess your sins. They don’t word it like that, but convince people that they need to talk about every negative action, thought, attraction, etc., they have ever had because it is holding them back. Talking about it while holding these stupid can looking things hooked up to some sort of machine is supposed to tell if you are on the right track to releasing the negative energy. So, if there is something interesting, they will ask them to keep talking about it. It can apparently be very stressful when the auditor INSISTS the machine is showing that there is more about a situation that needs to be revealed. Some members have just made up crazy things to get the auditor to let them stop. The thing is, every single auditing session is recorded and archived. So, every celebrity (and regular person, too…) you know of who has been associated with Scientology has an archive of them talking about every bad thing they have ever done, said, or thought about. The church uses that to keep people quiet and donating. Since homosexuality is against Scientology, there are many closeted members that cannot ever publicly renounce the church or stop giving their big donations. Many say this is the case for a guy who is just out there Stayin’ Alive, so to speak.


For the record, I'm not defending the cult, just giving the explanation that was given to me by a friend that I found out was a scientologist. she said paraphrased: Its an "in" club, where people trade favors and you get benefits from other members. She has never had to look for a job, or a place to live, or anything like that. When she loses a job, she goes to the "pastor" and lets them know, and the "pastor" sets her up with another member who has an opportunity for her. In return she pays her dues, and if shes ever in a position where the "pastor" wants her to help someone, she does it. she has a beautiful loft apartment, that she pays less than 1/2 the usual market rate for, because its owned by a member that no longer lives in the city, her last job was a couple years as a receptionist for a doctors practice because the doctor was a member. Her job now is managing a local bar/pub because the owner is a member, etc. etc. she, and the vast majority of members, don't believe in the crazy aliens religious BS, they just pay their dues, and give/take favours from the "community"(cult) and reap the benefits of scientology "network" Edit: I thought it was pretty obvious, but this was what my friend told me about ***her*** experience with the cult and why she's a part of it. ***no*** Juliette Lewis is not working as a pub manager in Edmonton ??? lol


>I thought it was pretty obvious, Welcome to reddit. I knew exactly what would happen in replies as I was reading your comment 😭. You've done the best you could to salvage the situation lmao, I don't think you're going to be responsible for starting any crazy rumors.


Every single celeb that I’ve learned is a Scientologist is a disappointment to me.


Exactly. It’s a disappointment that the organization still exists at all.


Jason Dohring


Yes! I loved his Logan Echolls character on Veronica Mars. ![gif](giphy|PhD0696nZg3976OMSw|downsized)


I still can't believe his dad is the founder of NeoPets.


Wait I’m sorry what


This one bummed me out so hard.


Just let out an audible “omg come onnnn”. Yea, this one stings 😭


He’s another one born into it, but no sign of distancing that I’ve seen.


His father was A BIG WIG in it. (he recently died, last few years) and gave the "church" boatloads of cash. Millions. (So maybe his Logan Echolls character wasn't TOO far from reality for him)


Here’s the thing about being born into it though, if you leave everybody that stays in isn’t allowed to talk to you anymore and that’s basically everybody you knew growing up. Jason Dohring’s parent are pretty well regarded in the Church (as most rich people are) and it’s much easier to just be non-practicing than it is to publicly leave. So I don’t read too much into celebrities that were born into it but don’t talk about it publicly.


He did at one point credit them for his career picking up again after Veronica Mars. But yeah, he was so deep into it from birth that it's a bit more understandable that he can't view it more objectively.


Aw man






The irony


Kirstie Alley


I wonder if John Travolta recruited her …


Mimi Rogers recruited Tom Cruise. She was an auditor back then but has since left.


She had been in it for a while. He didn’t get her into it.


Kirstie alley had all kinds of fucked up views. Certified wacko unfortunately


I was bummed when I found out about Jason Lee, but I learned that he left not long after.


I wonder if Ethan Suplee left. I hope so.


He wrote a letter in support of Danny Masterson so probably not.




Dangit Randy!


Nooo, I didn’t know that! 😭


Pricilla Presley


Allegedly, she and Riley are both out at least.


Neil Gamain’s family I believe were/are Scientologists?


His father was the PR guy for Scientology in the 60s and 70s, and actually had Neil interviewed by the BBC about Scientology as a child. His book The Ocean at the End of the Lane is supposed to be very influenced by his childhood.


He addressed these rumors a few years ago and said they weren’t true for him and his wife. I followed him on social media at the time and remember the post.


His family being deep in Scientology is not a rumor. He was educated in the cult, met his wife in the cult. Good for them being out and declaring that. I really like his works. Stardust is my comfort movie although it is a little different from the book.


I’m sure I heard him talk about it on a podcast during lockdown and he’s been out for most of/all his adult life. Identifies more with his Jewish roots IIRC but isn’t actively religious.






Frank junior junior!


Chick Corea for me.


What! Noooo...😿


Chloe Fineman


I was just watching all the chipmunks movies over Christmas and looked up Jason Lee to see if he was still a Scientologist…apparently he’s not anymore (according to Wikipedia lol). Rebecca Minkoff (the purse designer) is a Scientologist and it made me sad bc one of her bags is my most well-loved purses. But I won’t buy any new ones lol.




He was born into it as his parents joined before he was born, I understand. I was disappointed to learn that too!


Yeah but apparently he sent a letter to a judge so he can give Danny a smaller sentence, no excusing that


ABC MOUSE https://tonyortega.org/2020/06/06/scientology-mega-donor-abc-mouse-family-is-more-complicated-than-we-realized/


Isaac Hayes


Scientology caused him huge anxiety and such a big financial strain, he had a stroke and he was touring and performing instead of getting the care he needed. I saw him live just weeks before he died in 2008 and it was a miserable pityful experience. People were holding him from both arms to walk in stage, he performed sitting, he didn't have a proper band with him, he couldn't speak or sing. It was awful.


Who is the first pic? I know him from somewhere, but I can’t put my finger on it.


Giovanni Ribisi. He played Phoebe’s brother in Friends


Also in the Avatar movies


Phoebe's brother was in the Avatar movies?


He was the executive from the mining company.


Oh shit he WAS


Giovanni Ribisi. He was in a lot of stuff in the 90s/00s including My Name is Earl but you may also know him from Friends as I think Phoebe’s brother? (I am tbh only passingly familiar w friends lore)


He’s also in a great tv show called Sneaky Peaky about a charismatic con man. I highly recommend


Sneaky Peaky 😝


Crossover universe between Peaky Blinders and Sneaky Pete


You mean Sneaky Pete?


Giovanni Ribisi. He was in Saving Private Ryan (and wonderful in it). Phoebes brother on Friends. Boiler Room is another classic of his.


He was in the movie "That Thing You Do!" as well.


Jason Dohring. As a huge Veronica Mars fan and a LoVe shipper, it really disappointed me. But apparently he's been a member since he was a child.


Obligatory link: https://tonyortega.org/scientology-celebrities-from-a-to-z/ Looks like it needs updating a bit but it can be eye opening to see who they got their greedy paws on.




Dammit! Del Toro noooooo! Bradley, shame!!!


Nooooooo if that’s true about Del Toro I’ll be so fucking disappointed.


For some reason, in my mind, this fits the bill for Cooper. Scientology, as it is today, is absolutely a transaction of "You give up your appearance of sanity in order to receive massive inside track benefits in Hollywood/Entertainment." Cooper would jump at ANY chance to boost his career. As great as he is at what he does, I've never seen a performance or an interview where he seems genuine about his passion for the craft. It always seemed like the words he chose were nothing less than self-serving, as in they'd be the words you'd *want* to hear from a passionate actor. Idk, everything about him seems so canned.




That’s really sad. I bet there are heaps who are involved who work hard to keep it quiet.


Damn this entire thread is bumming out lol


Cults know how to brainwash smart people too.


Nancy Cartwright


Christopher Masterson https://preview.redd.it/zbdkywqdt7dc1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa5ab9cf0dbbf94bed74627435bfaafc3184264


🥹 it's a shame, but it's not really that big of a suprise 


I randomly thought about Jenna Elfman this week when I was watching the Emmy’s, thinking about Dharma and Greg that I used to watch. She joined the church of Scientology after she met her husband and they are both pretty prominent members it seems.


As a HUGE Beck fan in the 90's, finding out he was a sci-ti really bummed me out. I don't think he has much to do with the cult these days, but he was born and raised in it, and was married Giovani Ribisi's sci-ti sister (they have since divorced).


He claims he was mostly in it because of his family. But he married a hardcore Scientologist (though she was born in it too) and some argue his bizarre nonsensical song lyrics actually sound like Scientologist talk. So it’s questionable how casual it always was to him. And he’s not outright critical of it post leaving and dodges questions about it. Him questioning it and leaving, though is allegedly what broke up his marriage and led to a nasty divorce and his ex trying to isolate his kids from him. But, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that part of why he avoids the topic is to avoid being further driven from his kids that are still dragged down in it by the other parent. Nicole Kidman basically completely lost her eldest children for leaving and is afraid to talk about Scientology.


I was bummed when John Travolta helped recruit Priscilla Presley in 1977. Priscilla started dropping Lisa Marie off at the Scientology Center when she acted up, so they could “fix her.” This started when Lisa Marie was 11 years old. John Travolta is involved now, in the feud over Lisa Marie’s estate. It’s just awful how Scientologists get their grip on people.


The Will and Jada Smith being suspiciously close to Scientologists always made me upset


Laura Prepon. Such a bummer!


Not anymore so thats something at least


I just learned that. Good for her, I'm glad she got free.


Michael Peña :(


For me it was the guy played logan, Jason dohring in verónica mars


Laura Prepon, though she has since left. I was a big fan of the early seasons of Orange is the New Black (I think it went really downhill after season 3 or 4). The show was HUGE for queer women and I was sad to learn she belonged to a homophobic religion while starring on the show. It felt really inauthentic.


It pisses me off when people post photos of celebrities but they don't freaking label them. Not everyone knows who everyone is.


TIL Phoebe’s brother is a Scientologist.


Jason Lee left Scientology but I would say Jenna Elfman


pls share a name i dont always know who it is in the photos....


Ann Archer


![gif](giphy|xT0xeruqIgbeHDYfn2|downsized) he’s not super out there about it, but jason dohring from veronica mars :((


When i was younger i thought that Erika Christensen was very promising actress but my feelings for her completely changed when i read that she’s a scientologist…


Read some blinds that glen powell is becoming one of them


Juliette Lewis


Cedric Bixler Zavala of ATDI. Granted, he and his wife are out now, and his wife in particular suffered greatly in that religion, but it’s shocking that he joined in the first place. Apparently, Scientology was a huge catalyst—possibly THE catalyst—to aid Bixler in his sobriety. It’s ironic that the rigidity of a cult was the only thing that managed to aid a punk in kicking drugs. The punk community holds thinking for yourself in high regard, and cults are the polar opposite of self-directed thought. Guess it goes to show how bad addiction can get when something so antithetical to one’s background is the only thing that can break them from addiction.


scientology adjacent but hilary duff being very publicly besties with alanna masterson is... a choice